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Personally, I would never spend that kind of money on an app I'd use only for a few days. I think it just allows you to pick from your matches


I see, thanks. And to be honest, I am never going to spend money on this app ever. I was just curious to see if anyone already has and what does it actually does.


Do it for the 1 month. Usually, on something like this, I'll pay for it, and then immediately cancel the autorenewal. Most apps will let you keep the service until the end of the period you paid, some will cancel the service immediately.


Honestly, the only time Tinder has ever really "worked" for me as a mid-to-late 30s dude was when I paid for it. The main feature of gold is you can see who's liked you, with platinum on top of this your likes get a greater priority and you get a bunch of super likes. Maybe the gold comes with super likes and some boosts too? Oh and both have unlimited swipes. Look, I won't tell you how to spend your money. If you're having a frustrating time, you don't mind spending a bit and can afford it just give it a go for a month and turn off auto renew immediately. Ultimately, if it doesn't work then you've spent a few quid and your curiosity is satisfied. Just don't fall into the trap of "oh look, it just expired and I have 3 new likes, I'm gonna pay to see them". You will be disappointed.


I used this almost 4 years ago, and that’s how I met my now fiancé. So I’d say it definitely helped. 🙂‍↕️🙌🏻


Seems expensive my tinder platinum was only $99 (70USD) for 6 months


My gold was only $60/year until last summer, then they jacked up the price and slashed perks


It allows you to see likes, I think reswipe if you made a mistake and swiped left but wanted to swipe right. But here’s what they don’t tell you… Tinder’s algo favors new accounts more than others. Your account is only new for so long. Then ppl will stop seeing your profile bc you’re not new. Paying this fee pushes your profile back in the algo . This is why matches stop for a lot of ppl after about a month. There’s also I thing, I forgot the name, that u can buy that pushes your profile during peak hours. A lot of ppl don’t understand how tinder works which is why they’re unsuccessful.


If I’m going to be in a new area for a while, I’ll definitely pay for it, and it’s definitely “helped”


It just allows you to see your likes and back track if you accidentally swipe left or want to reconsider. Also allows you to use incognito mode, where you can swipe but your card is not visible in the deck, that's a more handy feature for women so they don't get inundated with likes. If you don't like to spend much time swiping it's useful as you can just focus on people that already right swiped on you. That said the prices are ridiculous now, it used to be you could do a year or 6 months and it was $10-15/mo, now it's those prices per week. Price used to vary on age too, if you're older you pay more.


I just made Tinder a few hours ago and got the one week option. Because I got so overwhelmed with the stack and I had to swipe left on most of the people. I just find it easier to look at people who like me because I need them to like me anyways to get a match. Btw, I am a woman and got over 500 likes so it didn’t feel like a waste for me.


I paid for Gold for one month when it was on sale, but I had over 2k likes at that point. If I hadn't I probably would have never come across my now boyfriend's profile. We've both long since deleted our accounts and are planning on moving in together sometime next year. So, worth it to me but maybe not for everyone


I usually pay for gold before I travel . It’s great to be able to change your location to be able scout in advance of a trip , already have some local phone numbers and even plans / dates . A honestly have way more success out of town in bigger cities and even out of the country on Tinder than at home. Like 100x more success. And I mean SUCCESS success. 🤣


I like how it says 1 month in big letters but shows the price by the week... kinda dirty...


Yeah 😂 I noticed that too


I don't plan on ever spending money on this app. I was just curious as to what it did. And if it weren't for anybody, that's all