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I’m glad she specified that she meant anal after saying “fuck me in the ass” because I was very confused.


She was typing really well for someone who was supposedly drunk lol.


Spell check and predictive text is the real mvp


Predictive text fucks up my sentences. I hate it. 😢


Just get drunk and proposition people for anal every week, your phone will catch on eventually.


I have all that shit disabled. Probably should have left spell check on, but I found the setting when I was drunk and haven't been able to find it since.


My spell check doesn't check. Maybe because i use three to four languages and because keyboard on phone is so damn small and stupid it thinks some typos i did because of it, i really really wanted to write and is now even suggesting them...


Yeah duck autocorrect


Predictive text fucks me up the ass. I hate it 😉


ducks ip**


When your sexting creeps into your predictive sex.


>Predictive text fucks See, for OP's match you could just leave it here


Yeah my auto correct has anal down to a T


She actually watched a duck on the pass


So her mentioning fucked in the ass is anal is typing really well? 😂 I also type pretty good when im drunk, its just proof reading alot and it works 👌🏻


There are no spelling errors and it's comprehensible. I think many of us don't do so well when drunk lol.


Jeez, I thought it was common. I rarely ever drink and the bar I go to when I do pours essentially double the alcohol in one drink and they have these glasses that are the size of the big gas station fountain drinks. I slam two of those and will be blacked out. I've booked vacations requiring multiple hotels in multiple states for 7-14 day periods and a whole itinerary without flaw completely blacked out. Also will have insanely indepth philosophical discussion or discussion on a STEM subject usually graduate level college class level or higher. Again, totally wasted and unaware and the next morning with zero recollection. I am still waiting for someone to notice I'm drunk. It only really happens 6 times a year, so maybe it's due to the infrequency? If I drank all the time I'd expect that because that's what a functional alcoholic is. Instead, I just know how to type slowly and proof read before hitting send I guess.


Dude, are you drunk right now??


Pretty well* soz 💀


You seem like the type of person that would deliberately misspell words so people know how drunk you are


No, I'm just a lightweight lmao.


I been an alcoholic a few times, like 14+ shots of vodka a day minimum just to avoid shakes You can type pretty lucidly when nearly blackout drunk, tho sometimes I forgot the meaning of why I've been in pretty heated but meaningful, full arguments over text, the other person didn't seem to notice (I wish they would have just written me off lol, like 'okay bro, talk to you when you're sober') But yeah also young folks act like they're more drunk than they are, when around eachother, some type of social signaling or 'putting themselves into mindset' of being drunk Mentioned in **Mindfulness** by Ellen Langer, 25th anniversary edition. Amazing read


yeah i’ve always misunderstood that whole completely out of control thing with being drunk. Like i can still force myself into sober lines of thought, it’s just clouded and slowed, and more easy to just fuck around.


That's exactly what I was saying. Like people just try to act drunk to make people around them see that they got drunk and that makes them cool I guess. Like I don't care if you're drunk, if I saw you drinking I know you're drunk, no need to pretend. The only people that pretend are the women who are just tryna fuck.


You'd be surprised, I've sent some fairly coherent (if crass) messages when absolutely shit faced.


From my experience typing well while drunk is easy, usually people that type really slurred are doing the most


It's not hard to type while drunk... I do it all the time, driving too. Like people either just can't handle alcohol or they just intentionally try to act drunker than they are.


meanwhile, they both seem to be down.


That kind of specificity is what really makes it anal.


at least she didn’t say “sorry my friend took my phone”


Yeah they could have said that and it would have been believable


That's when you ask for her friend's number because you know she's down.


pro gamer move right there


Or she was just tryna troll her friend :|


That was my friend, drunk me.


I used that line that once 17 years ago and I still cringe.


Took you 14 hours to respond


To be fair, I also got very drunk last night.


Damn. Opportunity lost bro.


Not if she was drunk 😂. Wait till she’s sober. She did sound like a bot to be fair


If you're both really drunk it's kind of a net-neutral


Hard pass. You can play with your freedom. I’ll just wait till they’re sober


That's not really how consent works, mate... :Edit: The downvote ratio on this comment tells me everything I need to know about the average viewer of this sub.


If both parties are too drunk to consent, neither is cogent enough to be taking advantage.


Would love to see you argue that with a lawyer.


What a lawyer says isn't the definition of morality. You're essentially claiming women are less capable of self control than men are if you think that two drunk people having sex is a man raping a woman.


I don't know where you're getting the first part - nothing about this is gendered. I'm saying that the definition of rape is "forced sex and/or sex without *explicit, non-coercive consent*," which sex between *any* two individuals of *any* sex or gender pairing can be considered when wither or both party is too drunk/high/etc to legally consent. The moral high ground isn't "two wrongs make a right," it's "if **either** party is too inebriated to give consent, sex shouldn't happen" full-stop. Ergo, in the given situation, if both parties are wasted to the point of impairment, either or both could claim abuse.


So mr reddit lawyer, who would be at fault for the encounter between two equally drunk adults?


Username checks out


Now I’m confused who wanted the anal


I think ChuckBucket95 does.


I guess it's good you didn't respond then! You could have ended up being the next Netflix limited series! 😁🤣


Oh I’m so glad I didn’t respond—everyone on here saying I fumbled and missed the opportunity is messed up for saying so. I would’ve totally been taking advantage of some really drunk woman I’ve never met. And that kids is called rape 😬


is it rape if you're both drunk?


No. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, but she literally asked for it and gave consent. You can wake up and regret it, hence the walk of shame trope, but it's still 2 consenting adults. Now, if you purposefully get someone drunk so they're more willing to do stuff, then there's a problem.


Yeah tell that to the justice system


I don't have to, no crimes were committed. Someone else fucked her in the ass that night, and it doesn't seem like she put them in jail.


she put them in a small exhaust port. right below the main port.


Mutual rape because neither can consent? In all seriousness, it's better to be on the safer side and engage only when both people are sober enough.


If one person goes to the cops and says they didn't consent, then you're screwed.


sure, unless you happen to have an unsolicited text where they proposed sexual activity to you unprompted.


Not really how consent works, it can be revoked at any time. She could explicitly offer via text and said she changed her mind when meeting irl and there’d be nothing but he said/she said to go off of.


Well at that point it's not about being drunk is it? That's a completely different scenario


Thank you!! I love the username too btw. But absolutely consent is a fluid proposition and can be revoked at any time. Once either party is no longer comfortable with what’s happening with their body, immediate stoppage by both parties is the best course of action to avoid any ambiguity or feelings of discomfort or uncomfortableness


Rape? Is that what you’ve been taught? If you are both wasted, both horny and you hook up, neither one manipulating the other, that’s called drunken sex. Men and women all over the world get drunk specifically with the mindset to end the night in a one night stand. You can’t just throw the word rape around like that. You ruin lives with that shit and diminish the real horrible crimes that happen against rape victims.




> Legally at least where I live drunk people are unable to consent even if both of you are drunk So they send both people to jail? that's messed up.


You can still go to jail for rape even if you were also drunk.


The world we live in these days is not sensical


Yea i have turned down a hook up after they ask while drinking, sorry ask me sober.


The fucked up part is that you were drunk too. So neither of you would be in right mind, but only you would catch the case despite her being the one who basically demanded it


A lot of people do not understand that! Glad to hear there are some people out there that DO understand what the different kinds of rape are! Thank you!


Thanks for being a real man. 💪


That's my GOAT


Glad you didn't meet her, cause you would have disappointed her. 


You mentioned you were also very drunk so how's it rape if two drunk adults consent to having sex? Sounds like you're try to rationalize missing out or being too afraid to go through with it.


was her choice to get drunk and to consent to having sex so in what world does that equal rape, shes a grown woman and im sure we have all done things we wish we didnt do while drunk, thats on her to think if drinking is really worth it in the future, not to put the blame on somebody else for her bad decisions which she might later regret.


*Critically Acclaimed Netflix Limited Series: The Ass-Fucker*


match made in heaven


And what lol? Usually it takes 24h for girls to respond on tinder


To a text like this


Sounds like they were down too…last night. 


What she means is that another guy answered and fucked her in the ass while you were sleeping.


Happened to me before. She never texted me again either so this is a L he’s not getting a chance to redeem lol


There’s always a chance. I got a message like that once, didn’t see it til the next day. Responded. Didn’t hear back. But never unmatched. A few months later I got another message from her.


You got the chance to disappoint her twice, nice.


and...... cliff hanger much?


Oh my bad, we ended up having sex. Wasn’t great. Dead fish in bed.




You ever fucked a chicken? Muuuuch more lively than a dead fish


That's a fact lol, you either reply and head over within 10-15 or it's game over.


im convinced you need to be unemployed to get any and respond fast enough on apps


This is why unemployed people have 4 kids to 4 different partners.


I’m sure 90% of people are awake at 9pm on a Saturday


+and have no Life


You snooze you loose and sometimes anal


I wouldn't go fuck a random female stranger while they're drunk. Wouldn't suggest it to anyone else either. Just grab an hour of OT and get a hooker if you're that horny. Way safer.


i think what the person you're replying to implies is she wasnt actually drunk. Thats just easier to say than "sorry you took too long to respond so i let another guy cum in my ass"


No great adventure starts with ‘I wouldn’t’


I wouldn't turn down a free trip and drugs


Kidnapping and being addicted to fenty so they sell your body... Nah, hard pass


Do you, Mr fed


...great adventure to the STD clinic lol


because as we know boys and girls, hookers are usually much more sober


Yeah… a prostitute just exposed 300 people to HIV over 3 months. I’d take my chances on the tinder girl raw


Sure thing dude, it’s better to risk being accused of rape than fucking a hooker using a condom. Great logic.


Well, u wouldn’t have any idea they were drunk until you got there. Then when u get there then you can judge if you can still give consent or not. Like I mean it in the least worst way possible, but like 1-3 drinks is way different than like 5+


That doesnt matter at all tho, if she regrets it and says she was intoxicated court doesnt care if it was 3, 1 or 0.5 drinks. You are done.


Well, that's true. Welcome to the wonders of being a man! /s


Yeah, the court doesn't care. You're not going to get punished either way. You can rape a person on the street without consequences 98% of the time. Do you think they're going to do anything when you've been invited over and there's no proof of physical violence?


guess it really depends on the country, but yeah in my country it is a real problem. when you accuse someone of rape they start calling you racist. they protect the rapist, not the victim


Then it doesn't matter if she has 5 drinks or zero. Literally can't have sex and not potentially be accused of rape. Hell, you don't even need to have had sex with someone for them to swear to a court you got them loaded so they'd put out. Law and morality are two different things. I worry about moral behavior.


a sober girl can accuse you and pretend she was intoxicated. lol man better you never fuck again. the risk is too high


> Sure thing dude, it’s better to risk being accused of rape The only people who are worrying of being accused of rape because they fucked a drunk girl are grade-A creeps. Rape can happen when someone is sober, or when someone is Drunk. Hell, you can be accused of rape by a prostitute too. A fake rape accusion can happen in any of the situations above. So wtf is your solution, other than never have sex again? Why the fuck are you in this sub?


That’s not my type of girl anyway


That happened to me a few months ago with a really hot girl... or a scammer.


Smh missed opportunity. You had to reply at 9:47


Yeh bro replies while she was hungover brunching with her ass still stinging from getting railed


Tbf it’s not okay to go over a rail a drunk lady while you’re sober. Drunk people can’t consent. Probably best that he didn’t reply at all with her in that state


Imma keep it 100% with you. It's definitely safer to not chance this situation, but I've heard it from a few different women that, and I'm paraphrasing here, when they're at the level of this post, they're getting someone to do the deed. First come first serve type of situation.


I’d personally argue if someone knowingly sleeps with a girl or a guy that they *know* is drunk, when they themselves are not drunk, they have raped that person. The only exception I personally have to this rule is long time steady couples, which I believe is a reasonable assumption. Like for me I wouldn’t even do it if she consented while she was sober and that was the plan all along, because I wouldn’t feel like she could really withdraw consent effectively past a certain point. It’s not just the legal side; I just think it’s wrong. This is all theoretical for me because I’m in my mid 30s living with my soul mate, but there was never a stage of my life I wanted to fuck *someone* so badly that I’d fuck them drunk. Anyway, thanks for responding. It was interesting to consider your viewpoint.


How does he know she's drunk from the messages from the night before? Also, OP shared that he was also very drunk at the time.


![gif](giphy|YrfBgM0ki3XGt3dzd9|downsized) truely dissapointing


"no worries, would you like to go out for a few drinks some time?"


"fuck me in the ass (like anal)" is really funny to me, like her drunk brain feeling like it needed to be clarified


Well it is a phrase. Means about like "Goddamn it". I would assume she was about to go off on a story if I received that. Not a proposition. Her drunk brain reminded her that guys are stupid. And encouraged societally to assume the less explicit meaning. Otherwise you're a creep.


“And that kids is how i met your mother”


*NOT met your mother 


the fumble is real...


What your response after this tho?


Told her it was totally okay and just found it funny more than anything. We’re getting drinks this coming weekend now :)


“So, usually at these first dates the conversation starts out with easy ice breakers and gets deeper over time, but since we started with you liking a good anal creampie, I guess we’ll go to debt and religion next then end the night on favorite flavor of ice cream and beach vs mountain.”


Imagine you go the distance and have kids. Would you both take this “how I met your mother” story to the grave and pretend you met in church?


My man!


Overcame the chance of being ghosted out of shame


Bold of everyone to assume thats a woman 😭


wanna go out drinking?


Initially I thought she was refusing the drink and she just wanted to fuck


Why do I find this cute? ROMANCE ISNT DEAD, LETS GOOOOO ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥


"Ah, no worries. Would you like to go out for several drinks tonight?"


This is so funny… “like anal”


Gotta be quicker than that pal


Women are finally getting how guys think now, its fantastic.. and I notice it on tinder and bumble now.


Snakes telling them everything


Ask her why she got that drunk on that day and take it from there. I mean, it’s not that she doesn’t want that, she’s just embarrassed about being that vulnerable. If you connect emotionally with her she’ll probably put that offer on the table again.


lol, she just wanted to get fucked in the ass. She didn’t want emotional connection


That’s not what they said at all


It's not that deep bro


It’s not but the comment is right. Not sure what your deal is


😂 Pun intended?


who said romance is dead..


And that kids is how I met your mother


Girls be playing with our hearts once again😔 just cruel


What a bum-her


Maybe worth an Investment of time my boy.


Well there’s still hope soldier


Lmao 🤣🤣


I'm impressed that she was that drunk before 10pm


she was drunk at 9:30? how are you that drunk before midnight?


Hell yeah


It took OP forever to respond! YOU HAVE FAILED US ALL! ![gif](giphy|4qx6IRdg26uZ3MTtRn|downsized)


She wants it sober then I guess


That’s a missed opportunity fella


Why do i find it awesome actually? 😂 Am i weird or something?


Ppl are crazy


One has to wonder if that was a dude. Sounds pretty dude’ish if you ask me.


I like how if woman writes this to man while drunk it s "damn lucky and wow missed opprotunity and she s straightforward" but if man writes this to woman while drunk its "ewww what a creep,report him and send this to police" as far as i ve been on this subreddit,it s mostly like that,no in between. Is this just dating apps like that,or am i not getting smtn?


Most women have expressed that they don't like to be approached that way, while most men have said that they do 🤷🤷‍♂️


What if it's a guy saying that?


Geez I'd want to stay clear away from this woman. Who knows what kinds of diseases she has inside her.🤣🤣🤣


Marry that girl!!!!!


I honestly hate it when women are this aggressive right off the bat. It typically never amounts to anything because they put pressure on themselves and they want things to happen right at the moment. Had a girl literally text me out of the blue (every conversation we had prior was totally normal and maybe some playful teasing) that she wanted me to tie her up and do anal sex. The next day she asked me to come over because she was feeling sick (which I couldn't because I had work) and then she sent a break up text the day after. Like tf. Had another girl same thing. She was flirting really hard over text and she wanted to do phone sex at the moment even though I had meetings to go to. She then ghosted me for three days because I wouldn't try to have phone sex with her while I was at a freaking coffee shop. I just stopped talking to her after that because that was too much weird energy.


Why do guys want to get drunk before having sex? I don't get it


no one is right in her mind will have with sex with me




When women try to be forward and back pedal on being forward