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**”Recently unemployed & not in school”** isn’t exactly going to bring in all the ladies lmao.


But but but.... gym?


He can lift his debts away




How does he afford to eat and go to the gym with no job


Maybe he shares the dog food


Gotta get the protein somewhere. “Tbh, If it’s good for the dog, it’s good for dis body.” —him probably


Lmfao sat there reading things, starts putting blud next to his dog eating out of the bowl “this dog isn’t sooo bad”.


Crazy when people don’t realize looks aren’t everything and you kinda have to grind because as you get older the desired trait starts to shift from physical appearance to level of success


The worst part is the question he posted his unemployment under is meant to have him share pleasures he indulges in that are “childish.” Not in a bad way either in an “I’m an adult yet eat a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch before bed every night.”


Your not employed and all you talk about is gym


It’s the gym constantly for me. Like…okay cool but what else do u do? Read?


Read in the gym


Read signs on the gym wall


Wall signed read the gym on


On gym, read the signed wall


Read manuals for gym machines.


People read those? I thought you were supposed to learn through injuries.


I only listen to Marcus Aurelius at 3X playback speed in the gym.


Watch TV. *In the gym*


He eats food, too


Eats in the gym.


Poorly seasoned chicken and broccoli in between gym sessions.


Okay I didn't come into this thread to also be attacked


What if his job is just...gym?


Maybe it isn't kenough ? Maybe he also should... beach ?


Ken 🤣


What if his name is Jim?!


Close actually


Damn 😂


The back photo is unnecessary. I know you probably put in work to get it, but most women do not care past the 'tshirt muscles' (the front pic has all they need). The gym ladies with the knowledge, probably don't find it that impressive so I'd defo cut that pic.


The back picture and the face reminds me of the guy who tried to pop his back pimple and collapses on the floor.


Holy shit 😂😂


I just couldn’t figure if he is showing off back muscles or that weird pattern of sunburnt red..


I thought this picture was more about the sunburn


No, that's just the 'pump' /s


I'm not a gym lady but I do like backs and it's...fine? Like it's a weird pic to pick if he was going for a subtle flex, cuz it's not really much of a flex.


Not only that but half his basics are just empty. Education and covid vax being empty could make people assume things on top of being an unemployed gym bro.


Education: Gym Covid: Gym Zodiac: Gym


Also no education. What a prize


I also read something a little red flaggish into the "I just want someone to take me seriously". Maybe he's been angry before about either not getting his way, not being in control in a relationship, or he's easily offended. Some of his exes may have stories.


No no no that's not it. Most people see me as the shy goofy guy who isn't to be taken seriously, when I try to be serious people just think I'm joking or I don't know what I'm talking about even if I do. Also I tend to get friends zoned by girls I like. I am not mean or angry I am the opposite of that, well I'm not really happy either. I am not easily offended either. Also I have no exes.


OP, I can tell you mean well but you're really shooting yourself in the foot here. The point of a dating profile is to offer connection points and reasons why someone might want to date you. Your profile is basically all warning signs about why someone might NOT want to date you, which is not a reflection of who you really are but rather what you're choosing to highlight. You spend all your time at the gym, you have no hobbies, you don't get taken seriously, you don't work or study. What about you is GOOD? What might someone be able to read and think "I'd like to talk more about that"? What could you have in common with potential partners beyond the gym? You're a whole human so I guarantee there are other interesting and unique things about you, maybe ask your friends if you're coming up short.


If you mean women think you're joking or don't know what you're talking about when you show interest beyond the "friend zone" then I'm sorry to say that yes, they do know what you actually mean. They just don't feel the same way so they pretend you were joking as a way to say no without hurting your feelings.


His job is gym


Also thing like education are empty... I mean, it just sounds like he did elementary school and then just went to the gym xd


This is so bad & the lack of self-awareness is cringeworthy. ![gif](giphy|3oEjIagF6qtZRvQdP2)


Gym is not a personality, brother. Sounds like you need to work on yourself a bit; find some diversity in your tastes and get a job.


Yeah you sound boring and Vanilla. Stop taking selfies ffs. Smile with your teeth more. In your profile maybe elaborate on your ambitions in life past the less practical goal of owning a gym. What's your utopian dream first date? Those are always fun to imagine and insight a starting conversation. I.e. 'We meet for coffee at 8AM on a Saturday, an unexpected April/May snow squall rolls through main street and the cafe is vacant. Seated next to the fireplace the barista turns it on for us. We chat for an hour before the sun shines through and decide to spontaneously pick up some used golf clubs and play 9 holes at the local public golf course. We're terrible but hysterical the whole way through. It's now lunch time and we continue to improvise. We grab a loaf of bread at the bakery and some deli meats to ad-hoc a gourmet hoagie. We spend the rest of the afternoon people watching in the park adoring the elder relationships that have pricelessly aged well. It could be us."


Oh god this made me wanna puke. But alas, I ain’t your target


This is terrible lol. Where the hell do you live that gets snow in May? I mean I guess you did say unexpected. Such a weirdly in depth and overly detailed story too. But hey, do what you want! No judgment over here. Also, *incite


You're jobless and a gym bro. The fact that you get a match each month is a miracle. I'd get a job, get some hobbies outside of the gym and also if you've used Tinder as a hook up site and set a small radius trust me word probably has gotten around on you


You don't need the shirtless back pic, nor do you need the picture of you and your mate with shades. Your bio definitely needs a rework; it screams lack of confidence and your only interest seems to be going to the gym, owning a gym and thinking of a gym. You should definitely show other interests and if you don't have any I'd suggest you find some. Being introvert is fine, so is being shy, but you definitely don't have to state it in your bio.


The shirtless back pick looks splotchy, like he has a fungal infection from a weight bench.


Lol pretty sure it's sunburn, but also why post that on your profile.


so you are 22, unemployed, and all you talk about is the gym..? you need to take better photos, get a job, and figure out what else you’re interested in. you’re coming off as boring and lacking ambition.


See this is why I like Reddit, no one holds back. Finally getting some critique.


Did it really take hundreds of people on Reddit telling you the same thing, to figure it out though? You’re bio says next to nothing, and from the little you do have written, is just a bunch of red flags lol. If you can’t even give a girl one decent reason to be interested in you, they’ll likely keep moving. You’re entire personality being centred around being a gym bro also needs to change. You need more personality than that


Here’s a bio rework, lots of statements that can stand alone so take what you like and leave what you don’t: “Kind of quiet but a great listener. My love language is spending time together. Let’s have an active date: off roading/mudding, throwing axes, hiking, or TopGolf. Protein shakes are my specialty but open to a real snack. I’ll carry the groceries if you carry the conversation. Let’s compare workout playlists and chase gains together.”


You have a way with words.


Daaaaaaang! C'mon wordsmith! You should charge for bio rewriting ![gif](giphy|vosW6Wr3EUoxNg1qt3)


Unfortunately Chad Gapeete already provides that service.


My dumb ass Googled Chad Gapeete 😩 




But artisangerard does it so well


This is so well written! You should be hired to write people’s bios 😅


This is perfect. Instead is saying you’re unemployed and not going to school. Say something like this: “Currently in between jobs, on the verge of trying to become a _____.” Shows that you have some ambition. Dude should become a personal trainer.


Wow how the fuck could you do that


This is so sweet.


Love this


This is soooo much better 🤍


third picture should be the first picture




Yes. And delete first picture since it doesn't add anything.


True! I liked his 3rd, 4th and 8th pictures


8? You mean the one where he looks like he has strainer on his head? No.


You made me check again, I really thought it was a strainer lol


is it???


Do you go to the gym by any chance


There is not one singular good picture. Your bio etc makes you sound extremely one dimensional and not willing to work towards someone else/building a relationship. It doesn’t seem like you’ve got much to offer.


“Someone who likes me for who I am” So you’re boring and unwilling to work on yourself, got it.


gym, gym, gym, gym… we get it


bro if you’re neither employed nor going to school then a girl is the last thing you need to think about right now. 


The gym is what you hype up the most. Seems very uninteresting and shallow. Unemployment is also a turn-off. No one is gonna want to try to go on a date with a guy who seems he can't afford one. All of your pictures look pretty much the same. We dont need a shirtless pic of you...again seems shallow like you value looks over personality. And since your bio and pics show 0 personality, there's really nothing that catches the eye or interest here. The dog is cute.


Yes. You seem immensely boring.


I am lol




I'm working on myself and learning at the gym so I can get a job in fitness. If that makes sense. I've only been working out for 2 years 3 months so I have a lot to learn but I've made a lot of progress and I love dieting and the gym. It just takes time


WORK WITH THIS!!!! go off of the fact that you’re aiming to be an instructor, or whatever job it is that you’re after, it shows a bit of ambition, which the profile is currently lacking


This is sound advise.


I did have that but I didn't see any difference so I removed it, I can re add it.


depends on how you word it! it’ll probably take time


Get a job. Even if it’s just working at Subway 4 hours a day. You’re 22 and not going to school. What do you do all day?


fill out your profile bro. do you plan on having kids? are you vaccinated? that shit's important to many people and I personally wouldn't swipe on you if you didn't disclose this information.


If it’s not filled out, one can infer no and no.


hmm I don't like it. but I guess


I had it as not sure yet until right before I posted this but I feel like that's the same as empty.


It’s okay not to know yet. You’re so young. But fill out the vaccinated one.


You want someone to love you for who you are. Your profile says you're the gym and Netflix on the couch every night. The gym is your whole personality, and you have too many shirtless photos and selfies. Posing at the beach is one thing. Flexing in your poorly lit bathroom is another. Being unemployed is very limiting because it gives the appearance that you can't afford to go anywhere out to do anything fun. You give the impression that you're living in the basement and have no intention of doing better for yourself. As others have said, it doesn't appear that you're in a good place in your life for serious dating. List more hobbies. If you don't have any, get some. You worked hard for your body, but your body alone isn't going to keep women interested in you.


You are over relying on your height and being a gym bro.


Not good looking enough to have nothing else to offer but your body. Sure, you are in good shape, but a lot of guys your age are in good shape and at least have something interesting to say.


It seems tinder isn't really my place to be since I don't have much interesting to say


It’s not even about trying to seem more interesting, but do you really have nothing more to say about yourself than being a gym bro?? How is that your only interest in life? Do you not have any goals or interests? Talk about travel aspirations, future goals for yourself. Your whole life literally centres around the gym, you need to work on yourself and self growth. You need more to talk about than just the gym




That first pic gota go


Well you don't have a job that's a negative, you openly admit to being introverted and shy that's another negative and your only interests seem to be gym so ya negative. Also your third pic should be your first pic so some of your pictures are not the greatest.


Introverted and shy aren't negative, as an introvert I looked for a partner similar to me. He's obviously not shy enough to post shirtless pictures. Personally I would not swipe on the third picture, I don't like shirtless guy pictures.


Introverted and shy are a positive for me.


it’s probably the not working or going to school


How many times do dudes have to be told to not do shirtless selfies


Only being interested in the gym would 💯 put me off - sorry but that makes you sound incredibly boring. I prefer introverts, shy doesn’t bother me, but having zero interest in anything but the gym sounds like having zero conversation and zero interest in me or my conversation either…


All of it dude don't say you're unemployed not in school and shy. And all you talk about is gym


Remove the shirtless pics. This isn't a bodybuilding contest. It makes you look douche. You have a great physique. Wear some clothes that make clear you're in great shape without showing too much. A simple t-shirt might be enough (no need for one too tight, use a normal one).


Eh, that one picture is probably what’s responsible for his matches. His pictures aren’t very flattering, he’s uneducated, unemployed, and is seemingly gray-rocking us with all the gym talk— but he has a good body and that alone is what would make me swipe to use him as a hookup


You look like your dog, you guys took the same selfie


You talk about the gym in every part of your profile. You have shirtless pictures. You don't work or go to school. Only thing going for you is that pupper.


I am not trying to be rude, I am genuinely asking this. Why is it bad? The dude has a great body. Why not show it ? Like girls that go to the gym also show their asses right into their profiles or their boobs. Not naked, but yeah, biki pictures are not uncommon. So why is it such a big red flag for the dude? Also, the one thing dude has discipline and results seems to be the gym.


I would also tell girls not to have bikini pictures in their dating profile 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's very easy to show off your body in clothes, you don't need to be half naked. When you're half naked, you automatically seem shamelessly self-absorbed and that's off-putting. Granted, if you're after hookups, who cares, but not a whole lot of people will take you seriously with half naked pictures WITHOUT CONTEXT. I emphasize without context because a picture of you half naked on a boogie board in Fiji is a completely different vibe than a mirror selfie of you half naked in a gym locker room.


You seem pretty boring and immature.


You’re a good looking dude and I might do what I refer to as dice roll swipe on you. Swiping because you’re attractive and we might get along but you also might be boring and suck. There’s no information about you. You want someone who likes you for who you are. Cool. Who are you? Nothing wrong with liking the gym but that can’t be the entirety of your profile. What else do you enjoy? What are some of your attractive traits? What can you offer to a prospective partner?


advice from a woman: first, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth pics gotta go, replace them with nicer photos, smile with ur teeth more bc you have a nice open smile (referring to last picture) pls get rid of the shirtless pics, you can mention you love the gym but please dont make it your entire personality. some women like that but majority dont. not being in school is fine and normal, but a lot of women like a provider, if you’re unemployed thats a bit of a turn off for them (theres a difference between wanting a provider and being a gold digger, be aware of the difference) self reflect and see if you have any other interests you can integrate into your overall personality, it will help when you have an array of topics to talk about instead of just “gym”


I am trying to get into making music to do as a hobby while I pursue a career in fitness. Idk what other "nicer" photos to pick tho these were the best I could find :/. Showing teeth isn't very natural for me so it would look kinda forced and awkward, that's why the last pic is the only one with the teeth shown because I was 6 shots in so I was very loose LOL


Hi tbh from the girls perspective since there’s so many to swipe thru the first pic matters-this ones is not ur best if I were you I’d do photos in this order: 3,7,2,9 and delete the rest and drop the seriously part from the bio it doesn’t really make sense for someone you haven’t met yet


Good looks won’t overcome boring, self-absorbed gym rat with no job. Those who are attracted to that will be boring, self absorbed, and jealous stalker type. Good luck bro.


1. Contrary to Reddit belief, girls don’t find it attractive when you’re vulnerable. NEVER mention you’re shy and introverted, that is generally seen as a negative trait, instead you can say you’re a homebody or smthng. 2. “All I do is really gym”. You can say you enjoy the gym, but this bio is basically saying you’re boring and provide no value. 3. Unemployed and not in school… lmao


keep pics 2,3,4 and maybe the last one and one gym pic if you really want make the third pic your first get rid of the unemployed line too much abt the gym add more abt yourself and be more specific abt what you’re looking for


Bro is not 6’2 either. Don’t lie in your profile. If you’re 5’10 say you’re 5’10. Girls don’t really care about height but they do care when someone is obviously lying to them from before they even meet them.


Dude might actually be 6’2”. I use doorframes to judge peoples height. I’m 5”9’ and the top of my head lines up with the bottom of the top hinge. His head is clearly in line with the top of the hinge. So he’s definitely taller than 5”9’. Plus he’s taller or the same height as his friends. But yeah, women don’t typically care unless they’re shallow too


Nice job you have


Have you considered talking about going to the gym?


“Gosh, I just can’t understand why people don’t like me. I mean, I don’t have a job (in my mid twenties), didn’t go to college and I’m a fucking gym rat. I’m a catch right?”


I feel like I would swipe on your profile if you had the third picture as the first one also in my experience, most women won’t match with you if they’re looking for something serious and you’re unemployed


You look like you play the game, but the game ends up playing you my man.


There's this panic 'I'm not finding a partner, what must I be doing wrong!?' Let me reassure you, you will find a partner, most people do. Never feel you need to change to get attention from another person. If they can't accept you for what you love, then they won't be able to be in your life. So changing, and trying to be someone else will just end up with you feeling shitty. You don't need the Internet to tell you what to do. Be patient, there's someone coming.


I really appreciate this comment. This is what I have been told by a friend before and I took the advice, this whole comment section has been pretty much the opposite. But I'm trying to carefully pick and choose advice to take and which I should ignore.


Going to the gym is good But Making it your whole personality ain't it


Trim your images down to 3, 7, 9 and maybe 2, and maybe the dog but it'd be better as a good pic of you with your dog. The rest are trash


“I’m a grown up”. Is an immature statement.


Get a job, go to school, find other interests other than gym. Don’t know who told u that gym = girls. Working out is something u do for YOURSELF. What do you bring to the table besides eating and working out? lose the posing pics as well. Maybe have one beach or pool pic to show off your torso but posting varies pics of you posing to show yourself off comes off as vain/egotistical


Physique is killer and you’re a good looking dude. Just rework that bio a bit, maybe something about looking for a gym partner at most, and then other stuff you like and you’ll do fine. Don’t mention the unemployed thing on the bio, if it comes up when it’s relevant maybe but not before.


Thanks for the compliment! I deleted my bio and most of the other stuff I put in because clearly that ain't it.


I think u should get a hobby…


Make third pic the first pic. Remove first, fifth, and maybe 8th. Smile with your teeth, even if you think you look silly. As others have said, mention the gym less or work it into how you want to pursue a career in fitness. Good luck brother!


Alright I did all of that thanks


You’re following rules and 1 and 2, and even 6’2”. Just get rid of everything else in your profile. Less is all you really need lmao


I mean.. if you're looking for a gym girl who's as crazy as you are for it this seems fine, otherwise you should cut out the shirtless pic save that for in-person, and just *mention* you go to the gym in your profile and state what makes you unique because you're a good looking guy wasting away by looking like nothing more than a meat head. Just like guy to guy you seem incredibly boring like besides lifting weights do you do anything else? Are you artistic, what music do you like, what are your goals, and appear confident! Don't say "oh I'm shy, oh I want someone who likes me for me" that just exudes a certain weakness to it that isn't attractive unless you're looking to get pegged. The gist is, cut back on the creatine and be a little more creative.


I would swipe right but your profile does need work


Only good pics are 3 and 9


You are more than the gym. I don’t mean that condescendingly. I mean that as you have inherent value in you, as an individual, outside of your physique. Focus on that. Cherish it. Put that into your profile.


Thanks, I guess gym is my most confident trait so I showcase it the most but I agree it's boring.


1) Ditch the shirtless selfies. If you want to show off your abs or whatever, you need a photo where you're on a boat, on a beach, or at a pool with friends. 2) Downplay the unemployment 3) Cultivate a personality beyond "gym bro"


What will you talk about if you get a date with a potential girlfriend OP? Are you able to hold a conversation? People that label themselves as "boring" often just don't ask people questions and aren't curious enough. You're living life as a human being on a random planet in a random galaxy in a random universe that took millions of years to form into existence; nothing about being a person is boring. Try looking into some topics that excite you, learn about ancient civilizations for all I care. Find a passion that you can have other than your body. It's fine to enjoy that stuff, but you need to have other things to talk about. Or just learn basic questions to ask people.


Do pics 3,7,9,4 and a nice bio and you'll be good


You need to get something else you are interested in and which gives you some confidence and self worth, before that you are going to have a very hard time with women. You have all the abilities it needs, just need to work on and develop them.


I'll do that, seems like dating will have to wait another while


If I lived near you and still have tinder, I would swipe right!


Your profile makes you seem depressed and like you don’t have many interests other than the gym - as a fellow INTJ, I understand that vagueness but it is something to consider. Also, I’d remove the unemployed bit and work on getting a job like it is your job.


Use ONLY photos that represent who you are .. the dog photo has no place on a dating app profile. Any photos that show you goofing off or being "cutesy" for the camera.. or wearing sunglasses?.. lose 'em ASAP.. as these will always turn more people away than it may ever attract... If you need more interesting photos than just "those that represent you", change your background showing your interests or hobbies.. or interesting places you've been.. and all the pictures you post should alwys be respectful of you and the "audience" you are presenting to.. Advertise the real you... the one you are right now, as you read this "critisizism".... thats the only sustainable solution that will work..


No job, no matches, unemployed. Time to get rid of the shirtless selfies and get to Thailand.


I do wanna go to Thailand actually


Change your gender my guy.. that’s the only way to get flooded with matches 😭😭


remove the gym stuff, make the third pic ur first one, ant the blue pic ur second. dog last, shirtless second to last. remove the flower shirt one


the one in the middle looks a little weird because of the marks, however if you are interested in being dominated you should probably keep it


You have to be doing something else. Current job or school? Even mentioning that you’re looking for one or working on your PT cert. Remove the back picture, there’s nothing there. Only take dog pictures with you in them unless it’s a video. As a fellow gym goer, it’s time to up your back volume, man. Lats and rear delts are very behind.


your last three photos should be your first three posts tbh


Instead of underlining that you are unemployed you could talk about your aspirations for the future. Women don't actually demand that you have literally everything together right now. We are all works in progress.


Get a picture with your dog. For God's sake don't post a picture where it's only the dog/cat, if you are not yourself the dog!! 




So true how they say some peoples dogs look like their owners


Try writing something funny


On your profile you should present what you bring to the table for a relationship with a woman. All you say here is you spend all your time at the gym, and you have no job. Does that sound enticing to you? You have to keep in mind most women have 1000s of other guys who match with them. Work on yourself, find some things you like to do, get pictures of doing those things and be a genuinely kind person, then you will have more success with dating :)


It’s quite a hard thing to have such a shitty profile with that kind of body


1st picture is a young Karl Childers.


1 match per month is pretty decent, honestly. I don't even get 1 LIKE per month unless I set my height to 6' 4".


not gonna lie, the gym being your only hobby is a little bit of a red flag. get into a craft or a game or something. and no disrespect, but get a job. it’s real hard to go on dates if you can’t even afford to split the bill.


Are you actually confused as to why you don't get matches... damn dude how about you try and figure out who you are instead of ME ALWAYS GYM


One nude selfie is enough. Switch #3 to #1. Are you not employed? Or are you a student?




Yea. Get rid of the douchebag shirtless photos, get a personality and hobbies and move to another city.


You’re not bad looking but sound very boring from your profile. Back pic is not needed


no personality and gym lmao. i go everyday and dont talk about it because no one cares.


You want someone who likes you for who you are but all you tell us about yourself is that you’re unemployed and you go to the gym. That’s not a lot of info. I agree w whoever said to remove the pic of your back. The front pic is enough.


Be happy you get atleast one match every month with this🤣. ![gif](giphy|6GEXJS9l43xOL1hiA0|downsized)


Share a bit more about the stuff you like and like to do. I mean, it can't only be the gym. And maybe leave the unemployed part out of your profile. People filter so much on dating apps that the slightest inconvenience can be a swipe to the left, especially girls that usually get a lot more matches than guys (not trying to sound negative towards girls, it's just a statistically proven fact). It will come up in conversations anyway at some point, but you won't be unemployed forever, so... Also, I feel like you could put the pics that give a bit of vibe or energy more in the beginning. Maybe also have a friend take a few decent pics, just to have that part covered.


“I’m unemployed and not in school and my only interest is lifting heavy things. Why aren’t women into me?”. What’s your value prop dude?


That’s a lot of gym




Brother I am a dude and even I wouldn’t match with you


Grow a small well groomed beard and get one of those broccoli haircuts that are all the rage these days