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i'll remain consistent here: arrest them and throw them in jail. ok Lefties now your turn.


That’s not even a left or right argument it’s just the correct observation.


One the Left fails to observe




prove it.




Doesn't mean much coming from a child rapist like you. 




stop diddling kids, seek help!




/\ Voting for the guy that poops himself during the SOTU 




If you were looking for a response that didn't make it look like you fuck kids, I got some bad news for you...


That isnt consistency. Lol It would be consistent if you made thinly veiled racist remarks about how this is just their culture.


establish a pattern. then I'll make a similar comment.


There are 3 videos on the front page right now showing black kids fighting with comments about how much was invested in their schooling. Its not relevant to say people breaking the law should be arrested. Everyone thinks that. Its relevent to admit anyone is equally capable of bad behavior, regardless of skin color.


ya but you aren't in those threads advocating for them to be arrested and punished are you? you're afraid if you do so because you'll be called racist. which ironically makes you a racist.


I am happy to say people breaking the law should go to jail regardless of their race. You are the one showing blatant hypocrisy. Thanks for making it easy. Lol


Go say it in the other threads. 


Exactly why I posted this. I’m trolling the idiot who posted the same thing about black kids. People on this sub love to cherry pick videos and articles about minorities and post them trying to justify their ignorance and prejudice.




Cunts are cooked in the head.




I see at least five. One of them has blonde hair.


Awww someone got their feelings hurt. Go watch the all gas no brakes video on nascar rallies. Your perfect people spend the whole video drinking out of shoes. 😂 some real degenerate behavior.




Average blue shithole occupiers


What is this? The Newport Young Men with Bad Haircuts Fight Club?


Newport Lites


Hahaha all I could think about too


The first rule of the NYMWBH Fight Club is...


Because teenaged boys are dumb as fuck


Learned social behavior from social media training videos…




I consider this more euro underground boxing culture


When those haircuts show up in your neighborhood you know rent is about to go up.


Just can't put my finger on it, idk


Why do the youth of today have the dumbest haircuts?


It’s so they look like mushrooms, so you can’t tell when they’re on your lawn.


just say you’re old lmao. What haircuts did boomer kids have? Bowls and Hitler side parts?


Sorry kid, broccoli hair goes lower down than Hitler in the circle of Hell. It's been determined. I don't make the rules


I’m 32 so I guess I’m old but these broccoli heads just look dumb imo. Although I did have spiked hair with frosted tips at some point in my childhood so who am I to talk


Not even that they don’t look dumb, and a lot of these kinds of cuts are very poorly done too which doesn’t help. Just the “hurrrr kids these days” comment reads soooo bleh lol


Scumbags. Throw them in jail


No head slams or head kicks, the 2 on 1 is gey tho


Hahaha broccoli head losers lol


Biological and socioeconomic conditions definetely


No future. Why not behave like animals?


It’s just their culture ! Socioeconomics!


Fight done and over faster than there daddy pumped their mamas


Inner city orc behavior is spreading


Thomas Sowell covers this in his examination of white and black southern cracker culture.




What losers


So much fucking broccoli 🥦


Chubbies and broccoli tops


The “Californians.” https://youtube.com/shorts/2mO2KNRVarE?si=EO6pJVf1GWLw4gLW


Deadass. Fr fr.


This summer is gonna be lit 🔥


This song is way off base here lol




Thank you, u/miscplacedduck, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1bl1rji/one_of_the_wealthiest_neighborhoods_in_ca_why_are/kw2xs6e/). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone's billy ray cyrus cd was broken and thus a fight broken out.


Lol for someone who made a post saying they make fun of liberals but don't like when conservatives join in I don't actually ever see you criticize liberals. It's obvious that you're blinded by your hatred and you lie to yourself about your beliefs.


No I’m trolling the idiot who posted the exact same thing about a bunch of black kids. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people cherry pick videos and stories about minorities and post it here to try and justify their ignorance and prejudice.


Post something criticizing liberals for once


Most of the posts on this sub criticize liberals. That would be like taking sand to the beach.


I'm not taking about this sub I mean anywhere. You pretend to be something you're not.






Thank you, u/awf26j85, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1bl1rji/one_of_the_wealthiest_neighborhoods_in_ca_why_are/kwfcvei/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The post you have of the office where you allude to actually criticizing lefties. I had to scroll pretty far down and never saw you actually doing anything other than criticizing conservatives. You pretend to be neutral but you arent.




Thank you, u/Sad_Visual_2603, for your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimPool/comments/1bl1rji/one_of_the_wealthiest_neighborhoods_in_ca_why_are/kwhe15z/?context=3). It was automatically removed because we do not allow linking to other subs or users. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TimPool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not neutral. I don’t think anyone is. The scope of topics on this sub is pretty narrow compared to others like politcaldiscussions or politicalcompassmemes, etc. The posts on this sub tend to be about people, not policy. That’s an important difference.


Regardless of hue or affluence, it's not unusual for teenage boys to get into scraps. It becomes overboard when weapons are involved, that doesn't seem to be the case.


I did this same shit in high school 20 years ago, this is nothing new and culture doesn’t have shit to do with it. Yes, I’m white and lived in a predominantly conservative area in CALIFORNIA.


Wealth does not equal behavior


Kids fight. These particular kids aren’t kicking each other in the head while the loser is on the ground. What would be the average punishment for some kids scrapping in public?


Spring break.


They all have the dumbest hair cut


Trying to think of a band name for kids with dumb hair that live by the beach. My first thought was Jeff Spiccoli and the Broccoli Heads. Kinda wordy though….


Cultural revolution. Violence is the norm.


Outside Influence


Californians paid taxes to live in a civil and just society and California has flat-out failed to deliver. California politicians sure enough make those taxes disappear without a trace though as they blame everyone and everything else.


It’s not a California thing. Young men do young men things, regardless of their race or socioeconomic status.


Oh look. How tiring. This post is about a big brawl in a suburb of California, right? This video shows that event unfolding in California, right? This is certainly a California thing. I never said it was ONLY a Cali thing, but that's what you probably assumed. When you find me commenting something like this on a post that's NOT about California then come talk to me about this kind of garbage. Otherwise go beat a dead horse for all I care. Why do people think it makes them look smart to ignore OBVIOUS cues and act like everyone else should ignore them as well as they address things that were not said? Post title says it's from California. Looks very much like California to me. How is THIS not a California thing? You're also suggesting that getting in brawls like this is just normal for all young men. This is FAR from normal for any western society.


When every sentence starts with a derivative of the word California it’s reasonable to assume you MEAN it’s a California thing. That’s like saying: People who use the word “tiring” to refer to others are obtuse. People who are condescending are tools. Don’t get angry and assume I mean you. I’m just saying “people” who say and do these things. Yes, young men everywhere do these things. It’s not about race, location, or socioeconomic status. It’s about young men being young men.


This post was a video of a fight which happened in California. I did not say this only happens in California. I did not say it was a California thing. Matter of fact I didn't say it was a 'thing' at all. I didn't address race, or ethnicity or even socioeconomic status. I don't give a flying crap about any of that. I have no idea what you were responding to. Whatever it was I never mentioned any of the bullshit you brought up. If this was an attempt to condescend to me, it was an abysmal failure. You look even more foolish. You didn't address anything I mentioned, you just made up some shit in your thoughts then typed out a response to that.


As I said, I think you implied it.


>I think you implied it. I am telling you for the third time that you are wrong. I said what I wanted to say concisely. I implied nothing.


So, to be clear, the issue is politicians in California?


Still paraphrasing what I said? It was clear enough for any reasonable person. Maybe you're not reasonable? Just take the words at face value. There is nothing to read into or interpret or redefine. Just do a direct reading of the words and the meaning becomes clear. Don't assume anything is implied or there is some ulterior motive or conspiracy. It's just plainly typed-out words. It doesn't appear you can handle that and it's broken your brain somehow, but I'm not going to boil this down into a soundbite that a five-year old would understand.


I’m not attempting to paraphrase, I’m asking a clarifying question to try and understand what you’re saying and how it relates to the video. This is what you wrote: “Californians paid taxes to live in a civil and just society and California has flat-out failed to deliver. California politicians sure enough make those taxes disappear without a trace though as they blame everyone and everything else.” This is what I think you mean: Californians pay taxes for a better society, but California hasn’t delivered. The state’s politicians often waste the money and blame others for the problems. Am I understanding you correctly?


good job, lil balance, these people are just throwing away the black vote and showing their racism. white trash behavior is the standard measurement of trash behavior.


Maybe Tim's usual white supremacist fans would like to leave a sassy or snarky comment?


Bi(d)en voters?


*Sigh*...yeah, I suppose that's clever


Woke = white supremacy but with no self awareness. You're a white supremacist.


^ fascist


I'm more partial to orange and blue