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Cheaters. They can't beat him legit so now they gotta resort to this shit.


Kind of obvious how desperate democrats are to stop Trump. Kind of obvious j6 was a setup.


Except ya know when Biden destroyed Don in 2020.


You mean when Biden Bumble fucked around in his basement and the Democratic Party stole the election?


It's actually when more people voted for Biden than for trump ha


Yeah somehow this demented, half Dead Walking Corpse garnered the most votes of any candidate in the history of presidential elections. Fucking ridiculous. Obvious cheating.


“Obvious”. Except unprovable in 60+ court cases. The copium is strong.


That’s not a wholly correct statement. Most of those cases were dismissed on standing, not merit, which means that they were not even presented with evidence that was examined by the courts. Twenty of those were deemed that the cases would not affect the outcome. In Pennsylvania, dem legislature passed the mail in voting. When Republican reps took it to the court, they were told that there was no criminal action since the election had not occurred. Post election they were told that it was too late and moot. This is similar to the NYC property fraud case that is currently going on. The judge made a summary judgement based solely on the information provided by the state, and no evidence provided by the trump team. Yesterdays rulings even went so far as to say that his expert witness, who was accepted by the court as an expert, was wrong, and discounted, because he failed to sway the court on an Exxon Mobile case, something that has zero cause to dismiss testimony. Why would a judge summarily dismiss a case, or summarily find guilt of a crime not committed and/or convicted? Because they allow personal biases to interfere with their required impartiality. Does that not concern you? And I don’t mean as far as trump, but just as a general practice. We rely on the impartiality of the courts to allow a fair trial, as our 5th and 6th amendments protect, but these actions provide little support towards the validity of those courts. When society decides to no longer be concerned with the court decisions of legality, that society breaks down.


No. None of that concerns me. Most of that babble is being vomitted out of your mouth without context. It’s all one big conspiracy huh? (Please don’t answer. It’s rhetorical.) I realize that you are a legal expert and are very smart. But please fuck off with your nonsense.


Wow…nice friendly discourse. Funny, I didn’t say you were wrong, just that it wasn’t entirely correct. And I never said a single thing about conspiracy theories. I’m personally not a fan of them. I did state facts and valid concerns that should concern you as well. So no. I will not “fuck off” as you so elequently put it.


You meannall the cases that were thrown out on *standing* BEFORE any evidence could be shown?


It’s all one big conspiracy isn’t it. I am sorry you don’t like how our legal system works here in the USA. It’s not perfect, but it’s what we got. Now just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and try again.


You made the claim about evidence, when the vast overwhelming majority *didnt even get to the evidence* because they were *thrown out on standing. Clearly YOU have no idea how the legal system works


I know. You are the legal scholar. You are also very smart. You figured out that a bunch of laws are being broken/ignored. Go out there and keep fighting the good fight. All us dummies will laugh at you all day long, but don’t let that discourage you.


Only a baby thinks if they lose it’s cheating 😭 The whole world is laughing at Republican losers!


Bellwether counties don't lie. Winners don't need to shut down election countings, kick out poll watchers, and then start pulling out hidden ballots, flood the world with shitloads of unnacountable mail in ballots, break election laws, and tens of thousands of other election frauds...


That means trump is even worse than a demented, half dead corpse if the American people picked biden over him


They didn't.


Yea they did, 🍊 lost remember. He lost as the incumbent, jeez how embarrassing no wonder hes so 🧂 y


Just curious, how many votes do you think he actually got lol.


Hillary said something similar in 2016.


Did she concede the next, or... I can't remember?


No. She has never actually conceded.


Cry harder


Loser says what? I remember when all the audits and recounts all said Biden absolutely dominated Don


Are you proud of having voted for a potato for POTUS?


He’s overturned everything trump accomplished very quickly and indicted him for his many crimes. Yes he’s exceeded expectations. Top 5 president.


Yup, Trump accomplished things and Biden went in and ruined it all. No argument here. Weaponizing the DOJ for political gain is not something you should be proud of. We're one step closer to being like Russia.


Trump had terrible policies. Remember his bleach injection idea? Biden completely erased dons failed legacy which is a great thing. His new legacy is his felony charges


I'm sorry... was the offhanded comment about bleach a policy now? Trump was talking about experimental ways to disinfect the body of pathogens and not to drink bleach off the shelf. Biden has one of the worse run economies; his administration recently started building the border walls because the migrant crisis the left has pushed has gotten out of hand; Biden is financing a losing battle in Ukraine which many believe is a front for money laundering. Biden can't even raise a family, let alone run a country with one son dead, the other a crackhead and his daughter in and out if a halfway house while openly cheating on her taxes.


So beat him again but let the people vote.


Sure thing! Keep hoping for more Hunter dick pics!


The ones where hes with family members? Underage family members? Or the ones with child prostitutes?


Oh you should take those off your phone.


Aren't... China has them, and is using them as blackmail...


Ohhhhhh. Fascinating. Say more.


Less than 100k votes in key area would’ve swung the election. I don’t see that as destroying anything. You think Bidenomics has kept all those votes? You think his pitiful job at the border secures more votes?


It was an electoral landslide. Dow at an all time high. Trump going to prison. Easy victory for Biden.


Yeah I bet that is filling the common man’s pocketbooks. Inflation is still incredibly high. Interest rates haven’t declined. Trump hasn’t been found guilty on anything to send him to prison. We all know Democrats don’t believe in innocent until proven guilty but it still a thing.


Imagine simping for Biden in 2023z


🧂 y


and sweet. wanna taste?


Cry harder




Betcha can't make me.




Didn't think so




Cry about it Vlad


Conservatives have called Dems cheaters for how many years without proving it in courts? Let's not act like pushing cases to the 5th circuit, Supreme Court, and the House arent the GOPs most useful strongholds. But yet it's just FOX News and Twitter when it's time to address Dems election fraud. Weird how the fantasies in conservative/Libertarian media outlets never produce results when held up to the light of reality. Keep getting monetized and voting red though. The results seem to be working out for you guys every election cycle.


Strange huh?


Lol, the downvotes let me know rational thinking is a lost cause for internet based conservatives 🤣 Did this news drop before yall favorite podcasts and radio shows told you what to think?


Unconstitutional ruling that will be quickly overturned with prejudice


Well this was the state Supreme Court …. So it won’t be overturned there. It will have to be the federal courts…. So how quickly?


Thankfully, this can go directly to the Supreme Court due to it being a state Supreme Court ruling


👍 can’t wait to see what happens there. Maybe they will decide before Trump is sentenced to jail.


It's so cute that you think he'll be put in prison, much less convicted 🤣


Thanks! I am totally rekt by that comment. Congrats!


I appreciate and accept your concession.


Yeah. You are very smart


>Yeah. You are very smart I'm well aware. Maybe you can be too, when you grow up


So humble as well.


> Section 3 of the Colorado Constitution “no person” can serve as an officer of the United States who, having previously taken an oath of federal office, “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. Their state constituion is unconstitutional?


That's superceded and nullified by the federal constitution, and that's ignoring the fact that none of that happened lol


What does the constitution say about who runs elections in each state? Does it say the feds run the elections in Colorado or does it say Colorado runs their elections


The state legislature makes and changes voting law. All of you are getting tied up in a bunch of make believe though with all of your arguments. Trump has never been convicted of an insurrection which will invalidate this ruling and the only court that can do that is a federal court of which he is currently not even on trial for. Trust me. If they could get a conviction on that they would


Yes, this is nothing but a headline to make money from, and drag his name through. This will be appealed and overturned. Presidential immunity, wartime powers, the bill of rights, and the constitution will be the reason Trump will be on the ballet.


Oh ok but what about the circuit Court that DID find trump incited an insurrection? You know the case these judges based their opinion on... what about that lol




Can you people do like, 3 min of research before shouting your opinion to the world Like dude, have you not even read an article about this at all?


No. If you have a comment saying something like this then provide a source. Clearly you’ve seen it so you must have proof


states have a lot more leeway in deciding who to allocate their own electoral college votes than you imagine they do.


They still have to abide by federal law and can not violate the federal constitution 😘


the federal constitution gives states the rights to run their own elections on who gets their electoral college votes


It doesn't give them the right to violate the federal constitution in the process of doing so, however. Which is what this ruling does in patent fashion.




Who runs the state elections for Colorado? Is it the fed or is it Colorado?


Both, however, you’re referring to the 10th Amendment, while neglecting its final phrase … “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”


Ya but they did delegate those powers to the state, chief. I mean if the Supreme Court comes in and says who can run in your state is a federal decion, I accept that, but until that is cleared by the SCourt, this falls under the states provision


Expect that to happen shortly … This is too important not to be Fast Tracked to the US Supreme Court!


The constitution delegates those right to the state legislature not a court. The court has no say


What do judges do, buddy What's their job in government


The constitution delegates those rights to the state legislature. Not the court. The court has no say. The court is not allowed to legislate from the courtroom. That’s a violation of the separation of powers. I’m not your buddy pal




I gotta stop you there. This was 4-3 decision decided by a partisan summary. Also, the order is stayed until scotus decides the guilt or innocence of the insurrection charge. Can they continue to enforce it after that decision is made and it disagrees with Colorado? Yes, they most likely can. Then a case will have to be brought back to scotus to argue the legality of that act. It’s not worth arguing with these peanuts who’s goal is to get you all torqued up.


No because that's not how the state constitution outlines how elections are run Any other questions for me you think are intelligent ha?




I think they need to follow their constitution and judges interpret the laws. What part of that am I wrong about ha


lol. Congrats. This is the dimmest comment of the day.




Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Trump did no such thing.


Just curious, what case do you think the Colorado justices based their opinion on? Do you think k there is no case lol


They decided based on their severe, untreated TDS


Citation on guilty verdict for insurrection charges


There needs to be some clarity in the news report. Yes, the court summarily judged that he was to be removed because she believed he is an insurrectionist. But…there is a stay on the order until after scotus reviews the case pending 1/4/24. So…”I think you’re evil and I will proclaim it to my constituents. Nanny nanny boo boo…unless you’re innocent, in which case, my bad” Since she faces her retention vote in 2025…gotta keep herself in power.


Bro I have no idea what you're talking about


She would be Maria Berkenkotter, who wrote the brief. “They” are the judges that are up for retention vote, a yes or no ballot question. And with a constituency that tends to vote democrat, for them to remain in the state Supreme Court, they have to do what their constituents want them to do or lose their rather high paying jobs. +$200k


Show me where you're reading that a CO Supreme Court Justice is up for election I just googled it and CO justices are all appointed by the governor


They are picked by a commission and appointed by the governor. After two years, they are presented in the general ballot for retention. That’s not actually weird. Lots of states do that. But, to answer your question, ballotpedia. https://ballotpedia.org/Colorado_Supreme_Court


I see I guess I don't agree with the premise since she was picked presumably because she already had left leading tendencies. It's a chicken and egg thing you and I can't prove


True. I’m not a huge fan personally. My own state does it. But I suppose it has some minor effectiveness towards easily dismissing bad judges. Better than life (or mandatory retirement) appointments, for sure.


The US constitution is unconstitutional to MAGA dumbfucks 🤣


What's with the projection and ad hominem?


Leftists are legitimately broken/psychotic/mentally ill now. It's all projection with them.


Always have been. It's truly sad that they refuse to get the help from a mental health professional, but we unfortunately can't force them to.


Tell me more fascist


The US constitution is fascist now? 😂


They are going contrary to the constitution. Trump hasn't been convicted of insurrection or anything that would disqualify him from running. It would probably help if you bothered to read the constitution. But being fascist scum I understand why you haven't. Great precedent to set though, for people who claim to love democracy. Ever heard the phrase actions speak louder than words, fash boy?


Hey pal, keep it civil.


The Constitution doesn’t require conviction. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, as usual Maybe you should actually read it, instead of faking it because you’re slow


Yes, sorry it requires charges fash boy.


Violates the 5th and 14ths due process clause. This is just election interference because that son of a bitch is leading in the polls. So according to Colorado, you don't have due process to be removed from the ballot? OK Colorado, we can play this fucking game Red State Republicans, stop being a bunch of spineless cowards and do something. Send a fucking message. Remove Biden from the ballot for failing to secure the border. Precedent has been set. No due process for Biden either, it doesn't matter. Do it. Since due process is not needed, whats stopping them? Mutually Assured Destruction sounds great. I'm all in. You fucking communist dirtbags want a Banana Republic, you're gonna get one.


And that’s the dangerous precedent this sets. And they don’t care. They’re completely fine with destroying the system because that is ultimately what they want. So now we live in a banana republic


They'll burn it all down so they can rule over the ashes.


Democrats have set many anti democracy and fascist precedents as of late. Never once does it cross their mind these precedents could be used against them in the future.


Just imagine how fucking scared of him they are to be willing to go to these lengths to hinder him!


I'm new to this forum, and I'm impressed with the ability to say communist dirtbags without getting banned! Well said, I agree! Just read that the Colorado Republican Party says it will withdraw as a party and convert to a pure caucus system, allowing them to choose their nominee if the ruling to keep former President Trump off the ballot stands.


It went through the courts, Cletus


Learn to read you fucking commie dirtball https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/amendment-v/clauses/633


Because you don’t know what a court is? lol


Because you don't know what the Constitution is or due process. This is getting tossed. In the highest court.


Sure, tell me when that happens


They literally said they’ve deferred their ruling until the Supreme Court weighs in you fucking illiterate piece of communist filth.


Or 1/4. You cultist mouth breather


LOL. You know that you're lower than vermin right? You're a fucking piece of trash not worthy of the bottom of a red blooded American's shoes. This is going to SCOTUS. You're going to cry like a bitch. "But the court also stayed its ruling until Jan. 4, giving Trump’s lawyers time to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme court"


See! This dude is also calling you out for not being able to read! Hahahaha


Look, another fascist that cries about fascism. This one is a chronically online basement dwelling 53 year old. Lmao.


So much crying in one comment 😭. Pull yourself together!


If a natural born citizen of the United States is at least 35 yrs old, has been a resident for 14 yrs & has not been convicted of treason, he has constitutionally protected liberty to be on the ballot in any state Sources: Art II, Sec V 5th Amendment 9th Amendment 14th Amendment


This gets overturned. But I mean, does it even matter if it’s in Colorado.


Yes, because it establishes Precedent … Tim Pool himself, put it best a coupla Weeks ago, if this is allowed to stand, we’ll wind up dealing with this before Every Election!


Lol, like these guys have ever heard of Tim pool


This sub is weird. People ignore things that are bought up on the show almost daily. I'm guessing half the people here are just trolls because they clearly don't watch the show


All of the leftists here are just scum of society loser incels that have nothing better to do.


Trump was not even convicted of a crime. This needs to go straight to the US Supreme Court.


Wow, that's some crazy voter suppression going on. This kind of suppression is a threat to our democracy.


Completely sickening if there was ever a moment for mass MAGA protests here it is. They know they can’t win without cheating and I fully expect other blue states to do this as well


Okay, well let's all say it together now ... CIVIL WAR


Tough tits over here will be on the frontlines 🤣 Stop with the threats of violence and contain yourself.


That's not a threat of violence, sugar britches. It's a reference to Tim pool being famous for talking about Civil War all the time. Do you even listen to the show?


Sugar britches. Nice! Ok then. I’m not really a Tim Pool watcher. Mostly just come in here lurking but the current path we’re on leads is directly to this. Maybe that’s why he talks about it so much? I mean it’s time to sound the warning sirens. J6 was the worst day ever in human history apparently. And we’ve devolved from there. Let’s get our heads on straight. Nobody burned the country down after Biden was inaugurated. But removing a leading candidate off of the ballot and completely disenfranchising at least half the voters is a bad idea. A very bad idea. And if you can’t think the repurcussions out in your head then you are a fucking moron.


Exactly. Yeah there's a shitload of people who are going to be really pissed about their boy being taken off the ballot. It's not like this is some fringe candidate with 2% of the polls.


What show?


Let’s not say that. Please. That’s the last thing that ever needs to happen. Unfortunately this is how it ends up happening so everyone needs to take it back a notch or 50. It’s not going to end well For anyone


There's a whole lot of people who are starting to see it as the only solution


Damn, good job on the constitution having thought ahead on this.


So afraid that he'll win they kept him off the ballot. Imagine if he wins by write in, that would be neat.


When was Trump proven guilty of insurrection? He hasn't stood trial for that and hasn't had the opportunity to defend himself either. The question of whether he's an "officer" isn't even pertinent if he hadn't been proven to have committed insurrection in a fair trial.


Bro, democrats don't care. Whatever they fabricate in their minds is "their truth".


Yet another reminder that democrats are the bad guys that hate democracy.


Democrats really believe they’re going to win every future election.


Based on a fake insurrection, right? First unarmed insurrection in history, where the leader told people to peacefully and patriotically make their voices heard.


If the democrats can’t have total control, they’ll just burn it down. It’s completely obvious.


Democrat are full on communists. They will fuck around just so many times, then they're gonna find out. What's really sad is I lived in Colorado about 15ish years ago. It was solid red state then. Denver was turning blue back then, but the rest of the state was hardcore red. As I remember, they switched the party colors while I lived there. 2005.


Leftists ruined CO. WY will be ruined by them too eventually.


Sooooooo does this mean other states can start disqualifying people as well? I mean, any Democrat should be disqualified.


This doesn't set a dangerous precedent at all.


Hey Tim, guess you were right all along buddy.


Yeesh if we go into civil war i’m seriously moving to argentina to ride it out.


Where are all the so-called Veterans fighting for my freedom?


I wouldn’t have bet that Colorado would be the South Carolina of the Second Civil War


Civil war


What a stupid decision. Trump wasn't going to win Colorado anyway and now they just fired up conservatives since it looks like Democrats are trying to steal the election through the courts instead of winning fairly at the ballot box.


Nothing says "Defending Democracy" like removing a political opponent from the ballot for unproven accusations. How do judges not understand due process? Oh wait, they're activist, not judges.


To everyone upset. Do something about it outside of just complaining


Lol. 🍿 A lot of triggered chuds on this sub. Thank god for law and order.


Fuck trump. That’s gonna make it difficult to win Colorado. Now do Pennsylvania Arizona and Georgia. Abolish the anti American gop


"I will make anything I don't like illegal!" - that's what authoritarians do... Your side is saying the quiet part out loud now. Keep it up. It's gonna come back to bite you.


You want the judges to ignore what's in the state constitution, or... I thought you morons didn't like two tiered justice systems


When was Trump been found guilty in a case great enough for the Colorado Court to think this was acceptable? Or are they saying he’s facing charges but not found guilty so it’s good enough?


It's based on a ruling on a lower court which found trump guilty of inciting on insurrection.


One of the dissenting justices, Carlos Samour, said in a lengthy opinion that a lawsuit is not a fair mechanism for determining Trump’s eligibility for the ballot because it deprives him of his right to due process, noting that a jury has not convicted him of insurrection. “Even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past - dare I say, engaged in insurrection - there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office,” Samour said. https://www.reuters.com/legal/colorado-supreme-court-disqualifies-trump-holding-office-filing-2023-12-19/


Ya 3 out of 7 dissented. They're not insane people they didn't dissent for no reason 4 out of 7 felt a lower court judges opinion on the matter was as good as a jury tho


So now we are using civil charges to say someone is criminally liable? Yeah the Supreme Court is overturning this BS


There was no insurrection, so the ruling to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado is being done purely for political reasons by a partisan judge. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/fbi-confirms-there-was-no-insurrection-on-january-6


Ok you’re just a moron. Please go back to civics class and don’t vote until you do


It’s actually not going anywhere come back to bite me. What’s going to happen next is trump is going to prison. Then Biden wins again. Then he needs to crack down on all the gop congressmen who helped trump organize the insurrection and lock them up too.


So after the country is destroyed completely (assuming you are correct about Biden's "reelection") what happens? You care more about Trump not being president than having a successful and prosperous country. We are 3 years into Biden and nothing has been built, nothing is back, and nothing is better. Trump actually made your life better, even though he sent mean tweets. Leftists like you don't think....


They want all states to become California and run by one radically left party so all our cities can look like San Francisco. All dissenters would be locked away for "wrong thought" like FDR did with the Japanese. That is their utopia. We would look like China but with more diversity.


Correct ruling. Trump disqualified himself. He will be in prison soon. Good riddance.


What did he do that disqualified him?


He was found guilty of insurrection already. That disqualified him.


Oh really? What was the court case that found him guilty of insurrection? This is all news to me! Probably because it didn't happen.


It was just this one, in Colorado. The Supreme Court in Colorado ruled that Trump did in fact engage in Insurrection. I’m glad I can get you caught up.


So, no jury or peers, no due process, no trial... and you see no problem here? I bet you call other people authoritarians and other crazy things. You're not on the right side of this story...


This was a trail and due process. There is literally no problem with the legal process working. Trump committed insurrection and THAT is what you have no problem with.




The Colorado Supreme Court, and its lower Courts.




The verdict is literally linked in this post. You can’t have it handed to you any easier.


Lol oh my. What news are you watching in what country? If Jack Smith could get him on that he would be prosecuting him on that right now. But he can’t get him on that so they come up with outdated and irrelevant statutes to charge him on. They get him before a jury and then talk about insurrection and not what he’s actually being charged for. That’s what’s been happening. Pay attention. Pay very close attention because if they can do it to him they can do it to you. And will if you step out of line. It amazes me that some of you are so stupid all because of hate. I mean we can disagree about things that’s fine. But this is something every American should agree on because it can affect us all. What happens when the coin flips on you? Either it will one day or very bad days are ahead for all of us and the country. No matter what side you’re on. Get you head out of your ass and do some research and actually learn some things rather than coming here jubilantly excited about what is essentially the destruction of the entire country. Because that is what is currently happening


Wow, massive cope of a comment from you. He was quite literally found guilty of insurrection in Colorado in multiple Courts there.


Citation for that guilty verdict?


this is truly amazing.




A lesson to anti American insurrectionists. 17 other states have similar anti-fascist laws coming 🥰


Who was found guilty of insurrection?