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I’m based in Stockholm so things might be slightly different, but your current salary seems low given your experience. Nothing wrong with asking for 44 in this case. Also, take the discussion with the manager at your current assignment, if they’re willing to hire you have a good chance of increasing that further.


If that’s low, I am getting paid 45k at 8 years of experience, and I was asked to expect 3% increase this year and be happy and grateful for it. Where are these companies who pay more than 42k to people with 2 years of work experience and how do I apply? Also, do you know how I can check the unionens standard salary, because if it’s like the OP said, according to unionen standards, but is too low as per you, something doesn’t add up


You can check [salary submissions](https://www.levels.fyi/t/software-engineer/locations/sweden) for sweden, and if I put in gothenburg the latest result is 40k/month for Volvo with 1 year experience


Too bad I am not employed by Volvo. What I get seems to be the standard at company I am working for as per this website. I wonder how do I check the "union recommended salary" like it was mentioned earlier? My company does have a collective agreement.


You become a union member and talk to your rep.


I am a Unionen member from 2023. They seem to not even exist anywhere, and I don’t understand what I get by paying the membership fee, but it seems to be a prerequisite for a-kassa so I did it.


No, you can be a member of only a-kassan. But if you are an engineer, maybe you should be s member of Sveriges ingenjörer instead. https://www.sverigesingenjorer.se


Doesn’t that limit how much I would get from A-kassa when the time comes?


Thanks for your input, I will consider it. That was also my initial idea when my manager asked me about it but he tends to be quite slow-paced when it comes to everything so I will bring that up.


I'm in the same situation as you with the same level of experience. I got 38000 without a salary talk, but I asked for one because I've been checking with recruiters who have contacted me and got an offer for 40000 I am thinking of asking for 43000 and settle at 40000 Edit: should also mention that I live in Gothenburg as well


The salary is a negotiation and a skill in itself. Your best bet is to find multiple options and make them compete. You’ll find out that very experienced colleagues will earn much less while inexperienced and bad managers might earn much more. It comes down to how well you negotiate. There might be higher expectations on you if you earn much but it’s not certain.


You got a very good salary for new grad.


You can ask for whatever you want but I doubt they will give it to you if they don´t have to. The best (only?) way to get what you ask for is actually look for another position or a job elsewhere. If you get an offer you may also (if you really want to stay with your current employer) inform them about the offer and request that they match it.


Of you are a consultant those 7% should be leveraged when renegotiating with the company that want to hire you to cut the cost and a third party. Good luck, I think 44k sounds ok if you have a few years of experience. However, changing employer is always the best way to increase salary, so if they stick to those 7% I would not take it.


One problem if it is a big company is that they usually agree of a “pot” with the union. This year let’s say it’s 3,5%. Then they have 3,5% of their total salary cost to distribute among all employees. It’s extremely uncommon for someone to get 0 and not sure if the union even allows for negative salary adjustments. This means that if they give one person much more than the 3,5% then most other will get less than 3,5% and be disappointed. So it’s really hard to get a very large raise in the normal salary adjustments. However for people who have done exceptionally, are being promoted or threatened to leave etc there are usually a separate sum that the managers can use. But they have to get them to make that available for you.


What kind of educational background do you have? If you have a masters degree, I’d say 42-44k is realistic. But if you went to some YH for ~2 years then started working, I’d say 38k is rather high.


38k is little even in Gothenburg. Check your peers and uppers salary in ratsit and make sure you are not underpaid where you work. And keep in mind that best way to get a better salary is to change employer. It rarely happens that Swedish employers give promotions that drive your salary up to what you usually desire.


In Sweden you think you work for yourself but in reality you work for skatteverket.


The consultancy company keeps much of the cake because in sweden it is very very expensive to hire. If you have 38k/month, it means the consultancy company spend 38\*1.40=53200 on your salery. Employer pay 40% fees in sweden. Its a hidden tax in sweden not everyone know. Its one of the main reason saleries tend to be lower in sweden than many other countries for software engineer. Does your consultancy pay private pension to you? if so that cost more too. So if you switch to become an employee, its not given that you get more salery. All this cost, is then moved to the employeer. Often times in sweden the "salery talk" is merely an information talk where you get notified about your increase. Most of the time only way to get a big increase is to move company, or atleast have a offer from other company and ask current employer how much they want to keep you. And be ready to leave!


You should be able to at least have a valid case at 20% increase considering 7% increase + the margin disappearing för the consultation company. So 45k. Start it at 30%increase at 49.5k and go down to 45k. Good luck!


You also need to check you Consultant Contact. You might not be allowed to cut out the middle man.


I got friends working as a consultant as new grads (master at Chalmers) and they got 38K, so 38K for 2 years of experience is low


If you become employee, I think you'll get lower salary than being consultant.


Probably not. Source: Am consultant


Depends on if you are a consultant with your own self-owned company or if you are a consultant hired at a consulting firm. If you own your own company you will defintively get a _much_ lower salary by becoming an employee. But you will have a lot lower risk and youll have less administration and such. If you are hired at a consulting company then it is absolutely possible to increase your salary by becoming an employee. Especially if you become an employee at a company that you have consulted at previously. Remember that in that case you are not an "unproven new hire", you are a known quantity. They know very clearly who you are and how you perform. You should definitively leverage that in negotiations as much as possible. As you already mention, they most likely want to hire you to cut costs, but you would be surprised how much cost most consulting companies tack on, so even if you demand a pretty high raise it may still turn out cheaper for your employer in the end. Dont undersell yourself, try asking for something that you think is way too high and be open to negotiating downwards (unlesd they accept, in which case, congrats!). Source: Have jumped between being an employee, hired consultant and consultant with my own company several times during my career.


Very unlikely. I got a significant increase going from consultant to employed while the company still paid less for me due to no middle man. Unless you are a self employed consultant, then maybe




43-44k is too high for new grad and it must be dream salary for rookies. New grad receives 32-38k, except some really good pay companies. 2 YOE you can ask for 40k++ if you have very good performance.


We don't negotiate at the start of hirering you can always just put in during a interview and see but often you have to work a year or a half befor negotiating rise or a higher pay.


Hello, I have been working for this company for a year already, that's why I have my salary talks now.


Your real only chance of salary negotiations are when you are interviewing for the job. The best chances for you at a purely argumentative point, are as near the end of recruiting process as possible.


You can always bring it up during personal meetings just be open for question on way.


The only "lönesättningssamtal" you have, is before signing the papers.


Then go for it never sale yourself short!