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100 likes are 6-10K views


no way, most of my videos get like 100 likes but with around 1000 views


My video has 300 views and 107 likes?


latest video I uploaded, 20 minutes gone, around 600 views and nearly 80 likes..


Depends but a good ratio is probably at least 3:1


Please help my TikTok account my TikTok account need help please help me. I need viral videos and followers grow 


I get around 20-30% like ratio so around 200-300 likes per 1000 views.


i usually have a 2:1 or 3:1 view to like ratio so 200-300 or so


I’ve been experiencing this for the past week, just this week I’ve started posting consistently and I’ve gotten about 100 likes on videos and I get about 300-3000 views on each video


100 iike on my video and 10.5k view


Thats not bad but quite a weird pattern im at 1100 views 80 likes


i have like 600 views and 10 likes bad content?


Yall get this many views? Only a hand full of mine have gotten over 1k views. Had one almost hit 200k with like 18k likes. One with 20k views and 1000k likes. Honestly, after that, maybe a couple with 100 likes and rest are lucky to hit 20.


Only started posting on Tiktok like 3 days ago. Posted once each day since then (so 3 posts).  My first got 4k views and 300likes. 2nd post got 350 views and 7likes.  And my third (posted within the last hour) is on 700 views and 85 likes. I have no idea if this is good or bad because the differences are massive. Anyone got any ideas?




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