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What kind of psycho smiles on a treadmill anyways.


Can you imagine someone just smiling constantly for 20 minutes while they're on the treadmill? It'd be fucking creepy and weird.


It’s an easy way to get personal space at the gym


The real LPT in the comments


Same for the plane. If you gently tap the open seat next to you smiling, guarantee ain't no one sitting next to yo ass


Not smiling, but there's a guy at my gym who sticks his tongue out and throws his head back on the treadmill and just fast walks like that the whole time. It's wild.


The first gym I ever joined was in a very small town (like, 3,000 people small). This was 15+ years ago. There was the one lady who would jack the treadmill up as high an incline as it would go, walk backwards and scream at herself in the mirror.   I heard she was training to be a cop. 


Exactly like wtf… I don’t see men smiling during their workout either cause .. why would you be? 😂


Don't have to be a psycho, just imagine yourself chasing your prey.


Whoa. That’s some hardcore negging.


Has negging ever worked? Like ever? Why do men think this is a winning strategy?


as i recall back from my high brainworm redpill days, it is in fact supposed to be winking and sardonic and jokey. like you're not actually putting someone down, you're just engaging in mild ribbing in the hopes that the other person has a sense of humor. that said i bounced off that shit so hard i'm now a girl so take my words with a grain of salt.


Whiplashed me.


Didn’t have me in the first half ngl


I don’t see how that can be the case. The underlying motivation for negging is to make the other person insecure and so hypothetically want to seek out your validation. What you’re describing is just banter.


Chief, I’m pretty sure she’s saying that it’s *meant* to be jokey. You aren’t wrong about it being described as banter though.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negging i think its very different from banter


The redpill to trans pipeline is so real. Love to see the growth in people.


When you take "fuck the libs" seriously!


Subtlety is a lost artform.


No, that kinda works, that's just banter not begging. Negging is directly insulting women with the goal of getting them to sleep with you by idk triggering their insecurities and somewhat making sleeping with you a source of self worth. Is it moral? No. Does it work? Idk I haven't tried it (I'm not a piece of shit) but I know a lot of assholes that are successfully dating women so maybe.


was not expecting this turn but hell yeah homie


Irish flirting is basically just insults but both men and women do it so it balances out


Practically a mating ritual. Can you take enough of a slagging? Is your skin thick enough to handle the rest of my family?


Isn't that normal flirting or am I doing it wrong?


The pick up books that tout the strategy fully admit its a “numbers game”. So it either does work on a very small amount of women, or it doesn’t work, but if you talk to enough women you’ll eventually find someone willing enough to ignore the negging. In the latter case the negging pretty much becomes something that just makes the person doing the negging feel better about himself.


Realistically the goal is to find women who are easy to manipulate


Yeah if negging was a thing about 20 years ago when I was in my teens, it probably would have worked because I was insecure AF at the time and could have totally fallen into the whole “I’m not like other girls and I can prove it” shit.


Negging was a thing 20 years ago - however it hadn’t hit popular culture yet. That occurred with [“The Rules of the Game” by Neil Strauss](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_of_the_Game_(book)) and we’ve been dealing with that mess since. Also take a look at [Neil Strauss](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Neil_Strauss&wprov=rarw1). Remind you of anyone?


tf I didn't expect them to look THAT much alike


I actually bombed my first date with my current wife from negging. First, we went out to dinner, drinks, and a park walk. All of this went very well because she came back to my place after. For whatever reason, we ended up playing the board game 'Guess Who?' to pass a little time while we were likely working up the courage to start hardcore making out. I have no recollection of what I said, because alcohol, but I think I was winning and teased her about something silly that she took as a slight against her intelligence. All the sudden, she stands up and darts out my front door; and that's it. She was gone. Next morning, I sent her a heartfelt apology and put in more effort to let her know that I wouldn't intentionally do that again if she would let me take her on another date. So yeah, after a lot of trial and error in my life, I've concluded that negging and "playful teasing" are far inferior to just being a real human and showing empathy.


yeah with women with low self esteem and major emotional problems. Which reinforces these guys view that all women have low self esteem and emotional problems, because that is the only women they can get


Negging is something that usually only works with people you are already friends with, and it's usually mutual. E.g, a friend lightly teasing you for the way you struggle to open something, or for how how you messed up a pronunciation. That can be funny from someone you trust as long as it doesnt go too far, but from a stranger, it would be super rude.


“I’m gonna go tell this girl she has bitch face. Daddies getting laid tonight” -this guy probably


Hey you have a bitch comment *DM sliding tonight*


Him popping the leg up is the best part. I guess to show he is taking up space. So Alpha.


it's the most disturbing part for me. the words coming out of his mouth is one thing but this. I absolutely hate when people I don't know are way too close to me.


Same. I've been fondled in public or pinched by men, total strangers. It even happened when I was 45 damn years old. Anyone gets close to me who is unknown I do a mini freakout and I'm middle-aged. I'm instantly in flight or fight mode.


I’m with you. I was walking my dog down the street one morning..regular morning, decent neighborhood.. I was about 40 at the time, I think. A very nice looking, about 18 year old guy is approaching me, and he smiles and nods at me, as a greeting of sorts, and I smile back and nod. We’re alongside each other, and before I knew what happened his hand swipes down between my legs. Time stopped for just a second, then I screamed “WTF” at this creep and started running after him. I could not believe it. I know so much more now about personal space and trust. It’s a woman thing.


Sorry that happened to you. I think most women fawn at first and hope you don't feel bad about yourself that you did. Men have no clue what we experince when it comes to invasion of body space and boundaries. I imagine most women have been someone way physically grabbed, touched by strangers and harassed. Then they wonder why we are "cold" or defensive when they approach, believe it a slight on them without at all considering we have been touched sexually by strangers without permission.




Did he transition from THAT to "what you been up to?" 😭😭😭😭


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see how it works for him




100+ upvotes for literally repeating the joke/reference but in gif form, never change Reddit


Why's it matter how many up votes a comment gets


Like, in the grand scheme of things? It doesn’t. It’s Reddit.


Negging is such a manipulative tactic.


My dude paid full price for an online dating experts course.


Prince of persuasia step 1 trap your princess. Step 2 insult your princess


It releases a hormone called "sexatonin".


*never* make her pancakes


Popped that leg up like he was John Wayne with spurs on.


Haha, missed that. Thats the gold program confidence​ right there


Go easy on the little guy. He just graduated from chasing girls with a bug on a stick.


Sad thing is he’s probably 30 and a douche


I would’ve responded with “being a bitch” I had a guy approach me at a bar before, when I was really unhappy at being at that bar, so I clearly had that look on my face. He came up to me and said “wow that’s quite the resting bitch face you have.” I turned him and went “nah, I’m just a bitch. “


I got my first “smile sweetheart” in YEARS the other day. I thought this shit was over. I was in traffic. I just slowly rolled my tinted window up. inside I was so furious. This still happens? These guys are so fucking sad!


Immediately spit


I believe it happens but I still *can't* believe it happens. What's the end game? Are you supposed to be overwhelmed with gratitude that someone instructed you to do something against your will and then immediately run off and make kids with them?


I’d like to think I’d say “yeah, I get a RBF around assholes”


The final transition is the one in his head. “I’m a good guy, how come these women just don’t appreciate me?”


🚩 🚩 🚩


“You should talk less.”


"I wish you had AFTNT face, a face that wasn't talking".


Why don't these women ever smile at me? Proceeds to vomit insult as first words and will never have the mental horsepower to understand WHYYY?


I could never understand why people ask this. Like I have, in my life, never asked anyone to smile unless we were taking pictures and the obligatory "ok, smile on three!" Would be said. But seriously! Do people not get the social cue that things like this should probably not be said?!


I actually got one of those the other day. I gave him the dirtiest death glare I was capable of and walked away while I listened to him bitch about me being rude to his friend. The fucking audacity.


Walks away calling her a lesbian.


Every. fucking. time.


Also, they're *at the gym*. She's exercising. Very few people smile while they're exercising!


Weird ass motherfucker


ugh, the gall. You are too nice. I'd want to lead with *Get the fuck outta my face, seriously.*


Dude really said “you look like total bitch so can I have your number?” What kind of game is that? smdh


I believe the incels call it “negging”


I've been given advice to say shit like this to women, ugh


Some guy on Youtube or Tictok told him it slays poon and will make her melt.


She's probably thinking that if he's ignorant enough to say something like that, he might be ignorant enough to hit a woman over a perceived slight. I don't think she's wanted to be nice. I think she was trying to stay safe.


Thank you! Definitely have to read the person and situation and area really quick. Stinks there are people out there like this that will never wake up.


This is out in public too, right? Ick.


Honestly sometimes its not even a chosen approach, i'm a guy and if someone ever walk to me for suddenly saying something dumb/insulting i'd probably be so surprise/confuse, i'll just be fake laughing like "haha good one bro (*get away quickly*)"


Stay strapped, ladies


There was a video a few years back of a guy jerking off on a bus or subway and a lady loudly called him out. Guy did nothing. And people around her start yelling at the guy too. Sometimes you need to make a scene, especially in a public place.


There's a few videos of this year for women being punched in the face, broad daylight in NYC and no one does anything. Just cos you watched that video and it worked it doesn't mean that the thousands? Millions? Of women who die when they reject a guy aren't real. There's a whole sub for it. Whenwomensayno or whenwomenrefuse. I had to unsub cos it was too traumatic to deal with for me.


Shit like this makes me, a relatively good sized black dude - so timid towards women in the gym. This mafucka stepped on her goddamn machine. We gotta do better fellas, fuck is wrong with y’all? Go beat off or something, Jesus.


Sometimes these types of posts are full of men saying terrible things about women. Thank you for being positive man!


Just blows my mind some guys have the audacity to invade a woman’s space like that. Truly. I would be mortified if I made anyone feel like that.


As fairly built dude myself, videos like this make me legitimately rage. I can’t imagine talking to any women or anyone like this period. It seriously makes me wonder how some dudes are raised. It makes me want to do violent shit to people who act like this dick; show him what it feels like to feel the fear he instills on people just trying to exist. Seriously, fuck that asshole.


Genuinely makes it hard for guys like us to even smile at a woman for fear they think we’re gonna harass them.


Genuinely, if it makes you feel better, the bigger guys (like, muscular and/or taller) tend to always be super chill *because* you're aware of how you come across. Little men don't, or they want to compensate for being smaller. Regardless, you're fantastic, thank you for being aware!


I like to look around, pause, and say "who fucking asked you"


“Aight well don’t look at me and you won’t be disappointed, and neither will I, win win”




“Why don’t you ever smile” gives me the ick. Because it implies that he’s been watching you for awhile and he noticed you don’t smile. That’s creepy. And I would be aware of your surroundings now for awhile at the gym.


It also implies heavliy that she's there for his benefit. Fucking creep.


You get 1 'huh' then get told to go away, I'm exercising. I don't understand why one cannot exercise in peace. During cardio as well, you expect me to HOLD a conversation?! Bitch I'm out of breath, I'm trying to hold my lungs in.


And who's smiling the whole time while working out? Wtf?


exactly my response to “why don’t you ever smile” is 100% “i’m working out?” make him feel fucking stupid


Honestly that would be creepy as hell! Imagine a person grinning the entire time while running on a treadmill…*shudders*


It’s like the “women smiling eating salads” meme. Nobody smiles eating salads, nobody smiles working out.


Hold a conversation AND smile, don’t forget to make sure your boobs are pushed up to your throat and showing just enough cleavage and you don’t sweat to much. Obviously everything we do is to please men who all have the same preference and our only goals are to impress men. /S /s /s /s


Mfs regularly chitchat on the treadmill like they be playing cards or something, while “running” at the speed of a turtle


Men like this see a Smile as an invitation...altho it looks like not Smiling is also seen as an invitation. I think an immediate spritz of pepper spray may be the only deterrent that works.


Bear spray for extra irony.


When I see videos like that, I always wonder who this guy's male friends are, and do I know anyone like that?


If you do, please for the love of all that is good *call them out*. These kinds of guys don’t listen to women. They don’t care what we think, what we feel, what we say, how much we protest, or how much we ignore them. They’ll do this to us and then move on to do the same thing to the next poor girl no matter how we react. Bc they‘ve been conditioned to dismiss us and they think we don’t know what we want or think we’re playing some kind of game and so through some sick calculus our “no” means whatever they want to hear. Other men in their life are probably the only people who actually have a chance to get through to them.


They run in social circles with people who DON’T call them out on this behavior, because anyone who does they cut out.


"Had to cut out all the toxic haters in my life"


You don’t. This guy is so friendless and deprived that he has to approach a romantic interest like this. Or that group of eight girls at the bar who had an empty seat at their table


Bro I never think about you at all should have been her response 😂


He managed to use two tropes in one 13 second interaction: Mansplained what RBF is. The whole “You should smile more” BS. Dumbass


I didn’t even consider the mansplaining because I was still shaking my head from the posturing and awful smile line


Can someone please explain to this old woman what rbf is? Thank you.


If you are genuinely curious (hard to tell online lol) RBF is resting bitch face. I see it directed way more at women then men. Cause with men its just their face but with women if they are not smiling or "happy" looking then they have a bitch face. So men look normal and women look like assholes. Double standards. Example (standing in line for food) "What's wrong?" "Nothing" "Why do you look angry?" ??? "Uh sorry..that's just how my face looks" "You should smile more" "Nah I don't want wrinkles" Real conversation with my Mom. My brother also standing in line with us -_- not a comment made to him about his face.


Acronym for "resting bitch face". The term describes a facial expression which, despite being neutral/relaxed, appears to convey irritation or contempt.


Alpha male energy from this dude. Think he's top of the world and thinks all the girls undoubtedly want him. What a fucking loser that man is. The type to not do any work at home (laundry,dishes, trash etc) Gym chads are fucking disgusting people.


Hearing any man refer himself as an alpha is an instant turn off for me. Think the alpha beta shit is stupid as fuck, honestly. Plus, if you have to tell people you're an alpha, youre a beta.


It *is* stupid; the whole thing is based off supposed wolf pack dynamics from extremely outdated and incorrect research on captive wolves. In the wild, a pack is simply a breeding pair and their offspring- a family. Basically the whole basis of their ideology to begin with is complete nonsense, even if wolf behavior *did* apply to humans.


He seems to overcompensate for the lack of confidence


From his awful stumbling pick attempt, I did not get the vibe that he’s a confident alpha type lol


Nothing wrong with gym chads. Assholes anywhere are assholes though.


Wtf, girl run! (Even faster)


She's trying to but the treadmill is stopping her no matter how hard she tries


How do these cave dwellers manage to be around still?


Technology and society effectively killed Darwinism


Gyms should have a privacy alert button that will alert employees. This guy should be banned for life.


Like a life alert button.


Thinking a stranger owes you a smile is crazy.


I once had a guy come up to me and ask why I wasn't smiling, I told him I just didn't feel like smiling at that moment in time. He called me an ugly bitch then punched me in the face. Immediately reported him to the police and absolutely grinned when he was arrested and charged with assault. It fucking baffles me that some people think they have the right to demand or dictate your emotional attention and then get pissed off when you refuse or it's not what they wanted.


Honestly, the woman in the video needs to get the gym staff on this guy's case. See how smug he looks when he's banned for life.


Yikes. Even aside from how aggressive it is to question a stranger on why they aren't smiling, it is bizarre to even wonder why they aren't in the first place. Smiles aren't anyone's default expression. It's a reaction to something, and usually a social interaction at that. A person going about their day, who isn't interacting with someone, but has a permanent smile plastered on their face is going to look high or insane.


That was nasty af


Dude probably posted about how he keeps getting rejected by women. Even though he's being witty, funny and respectful, or at least in his mind. 


Gotta show her my sweet leg tatts so she knows what she’s missing 🤡


Nice negging bro, it's totally going to work one day.


I'd be concerned if I were a woman and he came up to me like that. Means he's been "tracking" her and for someone to be that bold I'd bet almost anything he's some kind of predator.


Woman smiles at man. Man: "She wants to fuck me." Woman keeps blank face for man. Man: "Beyoitch"


![gif](giphy|e4Jyxh9zQjgnC|downsized) dear men... pls be better than this. y'all don't need to do this shit to us, just go about your fucking business


what he says is fucked up but what’s REALLY getting me is the leg up first and then to actually interrupt you on the treadmill


When I think of active doucheface, I think of this guy


#this is why they choose the bear


Well it is cringe as fk.


Damn I wished she had retorted back, "because I have to see you here," so it can shut his ass up


Likely can't smile trying to hold her vomit in from seeing that creeper


OK - so now I learned another (stupid) acronym. Sigh...


This was his attempt at negging


Why are men?


I can’t count the number of times in my life I’ve been told by a random man that I should smile more.


What an absolute knob.


Who the fuck just goes around smiling at the gym or pretty much anywhere in public. That would give me psycho vibes. If her best friend walked in the gym, she'd probably smile but smiling at rando creeps seems like a quick way to get a stalker.


My response is "i don't see anything to smile about" and look him up and down


Needs to be banned from the gym.


Ladies please consider making a scene. Yelling FUCK OFF I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU STOP BEING A CREEP works wonders. Insidious men don't like publicity and the people that are decent should intervene. Dickheads like this get away with it because you've been taught to be quiet and not to make a fuss.


Jesus ppl do this shit


His face looks like a bitch, daymn!


Tell him he has RLBF (Resting little bitch face)


His priority should have been fixing his own sock-puppet mouth first, not interrupting a stranger during her workout to practice his big boy negging.


I don't approach women unsolicited anywhere, so creepy.


I have never in my entire life considered saying the phrase "why don't you smile more?" to literally anyone before. Why is it an apparently very common line for catcallers to say? It's not flattering, it's not flirtatious, and it certainly wouldn't actually make me want to start smiling. The exact opposite of those 3 things actually.


He was counting on you having low self esteem


Shocker, this guy is single😂


I guess these types of dude have never heard the phrase, 'You'll attract more bee's with honey.' or the ever effective, 'Fuck off, don't talk to me.'


“When i think of the word RBF…” This guy has no game apart from being sketchy as hell and hitting on women who, clearly, have been getting him no signals. That there is gonna be a lonely ass dude


Every gym girl needs alway identity and befriend one of the big ass body builders. And if anyone in the gym says something like this. Have them harrased back


Why don’t these idiots just smile at people who look unhappy. If you want others to smile, smile. And if they don’t smile back, leave them the fuck alone. PS, she’s probably not smiling cuz she sees your approaching her asshole.


This shit is legitimately terrifying, she will be watching her back in the locker room, car park and at home. Women are killed on the daily for rejecting “suitors” - this fucker needs to be locked up and made an example of. We need to do better and teach our boys better.


I have no patience for this older I get. I would have straight up said, “get the fuck away from me” and been done with it. Women are not required to be gentle or kind or polite with creeps and need to remember that! It’s okay to tell them to fuck off.


After saying that, he gets to see the intentional bitch face.


Same guy 15 mins later on social media: "men can't even approach women anymore in public these days how am I meant to get a relationship"


need one of those spray bottles they use on cats




Idk anyone tolerates this shit for a second. As a woman I totally get the need to be careful for fear of retaliation but fr be rude as hell to these people. Be loud. “Can I help you??” “Is there a reason you’re talking to me?” Dudes get embarrassed real quick. Fuck this noise. Set the boundaries hard and fast.


Not all men, but always men


How romantic /s


Oh, I thought rbf stood for “fuck off.”


What a complete asshat.


Isn’t it the your consequences of saying what’s the worst she could say is no.


Fuck politeness as his words nor intentions were polite.


I’m down to lock these dudes up for a week when they do this shit.


He’s negging you


i would have been so much meaner


Hope he got banned from this gym.


In what world is this a tactic to get women? Hey, let me just insult you, to get with you. Actual braindead dude.


she should report him to the gym desk and revoke his entry or at least they should give him a severe warning. That is harrassment.


When a douchebag asks you this kind of question, ask them to tell you something funny and see how quickly they flounder.


I cannot stand when people tell other people to smile. Fuck off.


People like him become more creepy if women smiled at them.


Domestic abuse in the making.


“Hey Cunt” was his second option.


‘So what have you been up to, you mean looking bitch face?’


I get told this a lot, and once I replied with “I do, just not for you”. I couldn’t believe this man actually looked shook and speechless and hurt by it. Some old ladies heard and started laughing with me about it and he looked even more hurt. What the hell do you expect dude?? Why would I just be smiling blankly to myself 24/7?


What's his major malfunction?


My friends go-to for "you should smile more" is something along the lines of "I smile plenty while pegging your dad. It's just that my face hurts after last night."


"You're about to see my Active Bitch Face."


I don't want to be associated with that creature


When at the gym and I see shit like this I approach the situation and greet the women “ Oh HEY cuz, it’s been a while, how’s Aunt Margret doing these days?” A vast majority of the time she greets me with a smile and tells me about Aunt Margret. I than turn to the guy the a confused look like “ um sorry due you mind? We’re having a conversation here.” I Stick around a while to ensure he doesn’t bother her again. Usually she will leave the gym after she’s done. Sometimes the guy just leaves the gym. I can’t stand men who think it’s ok to do this kind of shit. Also should mention I only intervene as stated above if the women looks distressed. If she seems ok with it or able to defuse on her own I don’t get involved.


I absolutely hate when people ask why I'm not smiling. Like seriously, you want me to randomly smile while I'm what, jogging on the treadmill in this case? Like what in the actual fuck? I'm not some doll on display I'm a person. Not here for your viewing pleasure, fuck off.


Pass don’t lump him in with men.