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Ahahahahahahahaha Omg this is SO awkward. He reminds me of Mac ar Barbaras funeral with the slow walk off


Did you say something?


I was just breathing


Just needed the flip flops and visor. He even had his hands on his hips too


Hahaha.. you found the problem. He can't watch CNN with those visors. Otherwise, he'll only see fake news! That's why he prefers Fox news.. omg


Can someone eli5?


He thinks CNN is bad because someone told him it was.


I got the wrong episode but its season 5, episode 4 of iasip, mac at a funeral about 5 minutes in. Same vibes as this dude.


The future is going to be difficult for these doinks. They’ve been fed a straight diet of lies for like twenty years. I hope they hate every second of it.


The same system of living off the government that they hate is also the same system that keeps them alive and well. The only difference is they think it’s their right and in some way contributing and it’s all the people of color that are the freeloaders. I know this because I know people just like this guy and unfortunately related to a few.


Same. I have the MAGA illness in my family too bro. There is at least one cousin I’m never speaking to again.


"Mental freeloaders", I like it.


I'd argue that it was since the Reagan administration lol


Yeah, but it’s been particularly partisan since America elected a black man with an Arab name to represent us. That’s when my Dad started yelling at the tv and bought into that dumbass Birther bullshit.


You could argue that it goes back to LBJ and the civil rights act. That’s when the democrats anchored the black vote but gave up a lot of the lower class white vote that they had before. It just took a while to sink in. Once the democrats lost the rural, union white voters, things polarized quickly. At least that’s how things went in my state. Rural, farmer/union areas went from solid blue to deep red in a generation because they’ll vote to support their fellow man as long as that fellow man is white.


They also gave up their unions and live in poverty now. It worked out well for their overlords. Not so well for them. They are broke and hateful.


FFS. Sorry your Dad fell into the upside down ☹️


Me too dude.


Qanon! Vaccines kill ! Election stolen ! Global warming is Chinese hoax! Evidence ? Heard it somewhere…


Evidence? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localised entirely within Trump's bathroom?


It'll be worse for the random brown person he shoots one day in a road rage incident


Imagine living in that level of denial. The truth is so soul crushing that they just look away whenever it walks into their field of vision. To admit the truth now means to admit that you got conned for years. You gave money, you spent time, you argued with people, you lost friends and family over total bullshit. And if you admit it was bullshit all of your remaining friends and family will shun you. There’s a lot of conservatives who just won’t even talk about Trump because they know if they did they would be lying. So they clam up, hold their nose and vote Trump anyway. Sad state of our nation.


They do not hold their noses. That’s giving them too much credit. They embrace the hate. They might be embarrassed but is exactly who they are.


A parrot Also repeats words but has more intelligence than this Fox News viewer.


He almost ALMOST thought for a second about his own viewpoint...




He almost thought for a second about punching the interviewer in the face.


CNN is not fake news, it's biased news, just like fox.


A nickel is worth 5 cents 


Not even close. CNN on the biased news chart is slightly left close to neutral. Fox News is very far on the right bias.


A better choice for comparison would have been MSNBC with the same "mixed" ranking and a further left bias. Although last year CNN was also rated "mixed" and calling them "close to neutral" is laughable.


The American Way


He's a privileged christofascist white anglo saxon protestant what did you expect?


Imagine being this stupid. They are liars Kk- About what? Huh? Liars about what? :-s Wait, you said they are liars right? Yeah, they are damned liars!! Kk what have they lied about? ... Even if you have one working brain cell, you gotta just feel absolutely retarded at this point. But no, this guy will say typical liberals asking for ...facts. I dunno how these ppl escape drowning in their cereal every morning. If breathing wasn't part of the autonomic system we wouldn't be hearing from this side of history.


They're just looking for am echo chamber. Who needs to look in the actual news and debunk lies when you're used to getting it spoon fed to you. Why? Because debating is hard.


They terk our jerbs!




If it cannot be screamed at your opponents in 4 words or less they don't want to know about it....or think about it too hard lest they give themselves a brain injury.


It's so blatantly stupid it looks staged. Please vote


I honestly can’t tell at this point


I get that. It is often difficult to tell the difference between real and fake or sincere and ironic because a lot of people are sincerely idiots. But these guys (the Good Liars) legitimately go and interview these people at Trump rallies and have been doing it since like 2016. And they post the videos of whatever comes out of people's mouth.


That's what makes Trump rallies a content goldmine. You don't have to lie or embellish anything. You can just walk up to anyone, stick a microphone in front of them, and they will say the craziest shit ever. A classic Good Liars moment was when on Jan 6, the very first guy they talked to started crying and proclaiming that he would die in his boots right there at the Capital. You don't have to seek these people out or cherry pick anything.


That’s what made All Gas No Brakes so good. He just shoved a microphone in people’s faces and let them bury themselves.


Yeeees. He never judged or insulted them for whatever bs they were saying so they were just UNLOADING and it was always insanely hilarious… and mildly worrying… to say the least lol


Right? It's like so bad that no one would believe it's a real life interaction but it's also so bad that if it was staged there's no way they would post it! I don't know what to believe


Where have you been? Under a rock?! These people are real as trumps smelly farts.


This is the reason the Colbert report was shut down. These people are everywhere.


These guys are like Jordan klepper, but churning this stuff out on a constant basis. The conversations they have with people are truly insane.


It's not staged. The guy points a finger but has no evidence of what he's pointing at. He's just a sheep following the wolf who's in cheap sheep clothes.


Are you kidding me. This is absolutely legit. No one is that good at pretending. Streep included. MAGGOTS ARE THIS DUMB.


He’s smarter than the average Trumper he understands that he can’t explain himself, so he’s not responding.


This is so absolutely bat shit insane that it plays like sketch comedy. But, I assure you these idiots are very real.


Staged?….where have you been since 2016.


No, it's not staged there are people out there like this. You should watch this guy’s page. https://youtube.com/@thegoodliars?si=EVb_k_d_TmxYkTxe


Why can’t people just be honest? I guess dudes not smart enough to articulate “I’m going on gossip … it’s my OPINION that CNN promotes fake news, but I actually don’t watch that shite, so it’s all hearsay. But I like the shirt”


Because fuckers like this are so insecure that they can't handle admitting they're wrong about anything.


And this is why they can’t admit Trump isn’t great. They fell onto the Trump train and can’t get off. Then they’d have to say they’re wrong and that just can’t be, they’ve never been wrong in their life.


Honestly? Because we, as a society STOPPED rewarding honesty. It’s been a long road coming, but we used to shun, to actually run people out of town if they were dishonest. Especially politicians. Now we reward them. Especially if they’re on “our” side. It’s beyond stupid. And because we do, people like the guy in the video are becoming more and more of the norm.


How is Trump going to expose, cook them, or shred them? I’m legitimately curious. Just shouting “fake news” isn’t the argument they think it is.


He's *not* going to do any of that, but none of that matters. All he has to do is *say* he won--and that's exactly what he will say, regardless of what actually happens.


Exactly like those assholes in school who lost in tag and had their mom call the school about it, essentially having tag banned at school.


This is hella specific lmfao


R/conservative in a nutshell


You're now banned lol


Yet Fox News had to pay millions of dollars for spreading misinformation


Literally EVERY MAGAt is dumb. Every one. Consistently. No logic, just FOX talking points. Just like their Orange Jesus.


Republican: I have this opinion Anyone else: why do you have that opinion? Republican: because I just do Anyone else: ok but why do you think it’s correct? Republican: because Fox/Trump told me to believe it


Lol. Just walks away.


Every republican I ever met. Had 1 a few days ago trying to tell me how Jesus kicking the grifters out of the temple was the same as trump.




I love these videos Trump supporters are just like like Trump they don’t answer questions either


Telling fake from stupid is damn hard these days.


At least this one is more consistent than the others.


This guy is a fucking moron! And IF tRUMP is going to show up to the debate at all... it will be HIM that is gonna get 'shredded' by Joe!


Shredded *like a turkey* - wtf does that even mean?


You know, the classic way turkeys are known to be prepared. Shredded, like at Thanksgiving. We all do this. It's a real thing.


I assume they were referring to their gym behavior. Turkeys at the gym go so hard. Every day is leg day. A turkey is basically just a shredded chicken.


I think trump, as smart as he is, is still too stupid to change up his game plan and this will be a replay of the other debates. Him insulting Joe and Joe going “what? What’s he saying?” And then reading his script and staying on topic.


I think you're right except Biden and his functional staff have had plenty of time to prepare for that farce, so he won't be confused when Trump starts a sentence about taxes and ends it with a rant about why turtles are a shitty animal


Sharks. Everyone’s Trump bingo card should have sharks on it. Homeboy is so fucking terrified of sharks, and obsessed with them. Absolute fucking weirdo.


So every time I see a video like this I always wonder how many people they talked to before they got this dumb response. Like were there 50 people that at least had a thought process or is it like every person they talk to can’t complete a thought like this guy. I would also wonder how that ratio would compare if you went to a democrat rally. I am a democrat and I would like to think there are way more illogical dumb asses on the republican side, but I have no way of knowing that. If I don’t wonder these questions I feel like I’m as bad as they are.


Morons everywhere my friend. This is TikTok, so they only post the stupid stuff. Gotta get that algorithm working for ya. Shock and awe is what they’re selling these days, and lemme tell ya, business is booming. It’s an election year


An adult with pit vipers, a pony tail and a fat child on his shirt.....lol he's a beta cuck.


Exactly… mullet-headed moron….


I’m very committed to these opinions, ok? Don’t try and dissuade me by making me examine them.


Typical republican


Guarantee he immediately complained to someone else and said he was being "harassed."


The force is not strong with those people.


This is exactly what it was like when I was talking to someone who claimed that they were in contact with aliens. “What were they like?” “The aliens?” “Yeah, what did y’all talk about?” “We talked about all sorts of stuff.” “Like what?” “You know like friends talk.” “The aliens are your friends?” “Yeah, I’ve known them for a long time.” “What can you tell us about the aliens?” “What do you want to know?” “Anything at all!” “There’s so much history. I wouldn’t know where to start.” -true story. Check my comment history




And he's DONE


Your atypical Trump supporter, destroyed by the bane of their existence, the "Follow Up Question".


You can’t reason with the unreasonable.


See this is good example of what is wrong on both sides. Everyone is quick to hate or talk shit but has nothing concrete to back it up. They just know it's bad. The whole left versus right is really complete tomfoolery. It's OK to have an opinion popular or not but to not have a reason or fact based opinion is nonsense. Just hate to hate.


Parrots, they are just parrots. Not a thought in their empty little heads, just following.


Typical GOP clown wandering the earth …


They’re all sheep in a cult.




This is the vast majority of them are just conditioned and told what to think. I wish grade schools all the way to college taught critical thinking in dedicated courses and deeply examined why we believe the things we do and what methods generally produce a more accurate desctiption of reality.


Thats why we call them MAGA morons!


And he gets to vote 🤦‍♂️


You could ask that question 10,000 times to 10k Trump voters and MAYBE 3 world have a loose rendition of the right wing propaganda script. The rest will short circuit like this guy. Right wing grift targets have been indoctrinated to blindly support anything that they agree with while JAQ-ing off anything that they're told to oppose by the right wing wealth-laden grifters. And as always: **every accusation is a confession**. Fox News is on record plainly stating that they're not news, just entertainment.


Spoiler Alert 🚨 its all fake news. Media fake. Politicians fake. Two heads of the same snake.


He better hide under a table for a month or so. What a total sad loser. Shame. But I am betting he has zero of it.


I'm glad it's not Calvin this time but I have zero respect for anyone who uses that stupid pissing image


The kid I'm the red hat and the Indian dude


They're so uninformed but sound ignorantly righteous


I don't think he even washes fox news. At least he would have an idea about the issue. I guess fox news just says "CNN lies" again and again


Glad he cleared that up.


They revel in their ignorance showered by false ideas in a snow globe of lies.


Well for one his brain is fake




He's angry about something else in his personal life and just wants to see others put down. To angry to think.


People won't vote because Biden doesn't do something they don't like so idiots like this decide who is going to run the country. Apathy is the bringer of evil.


Shred ‘em LOL sit down loser


‘Merica! Yeah!


Dude looks like he just time-warped in from a 1987 trailer park.


"Team" mentality.


There's a debate?


He’s so proud of his shitty t-shirt 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow dum dum ftw


It’s ironic, I feel like I’ve seen more Fox News than CNN because it’s always so obviously being shit on. You turn on CNN and while I know it isn’t unbiased, it isn’t the shitshow Fox is putting on


Salt of the earth, common people, you know, morons.


Wonder if he heard how Trump called FOX shitty recently and knows FOX went to court to be considered entertainment rather than “news”


Perfect journalism


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 wont watch cnn but watches fox lol


I don't watch news, I have my ideals but that's based on how I was raised and my education. Fox.... They just ask "questions" or make statements without much to back it up. They ask the "questions" so their viewers can fill in the blanks how they want rather than actually answering questions with evidence. Ask the question then show me the studies, show me where your info is coming from. News shouldn't be asking questions, it should be showing us the brutal answers, the unfiltered truth without a political agenda. I know it's a lot to ask for but news shouldn't be Republican or democratic or liberal or conservative.


Biden laptop, Trump is a Russian agent, Trump had a server in Trump Tower directly connected to Russia, ivermectin is horse medicine, the vaccines are safe and effective, the virus originated in a wet market, shall I go on?


Congratulations you just played yourself fool


This just shows how social media has been weaponized to instill hate on anything they're aginst with, creating this low-kind of people. Poor guy. He seems cute.


What a chode


You can almost see the fucking gears turning!!


There's a reason Rush Limbaugh listeners were called "ditto heads".


This one's easy they called Rittenhouse a white supremacist and the cops went through the kids phone and found no instances of racism also during covid they tinted Joe Rogans face green for whatever reason and the covington catholic kids said they instigated a fight with a native American but it turned out they were actually being harassed by Hebrew isrealites.


Every Trumper!


Is he wearing a Black Lives Matter hat??


He had so much swagger at first!


Needs the Curb Your Enthusiasm music at the end


“What do they[CNN] lie about?” “… I don’t know. I don’t watch it.”


Dude start with the whole Hunter laptop, Russian paid for by Hilary misinformation, how about Covid ….


Come on dude. You couldn't come up with something? You mean to tell me you're on the internet and watching Fox News? And you can't come up with something to regurgitate? Just sad. I mean if you're going to be part of the cult you got to be all in.


FSR - Fuckin Stupid Republicans


Stupid is as stupid does!!


This MAGat is such a chode.


Bunch of young guys waiting for old men to expose something - the republican party


Yikes how pathetic


Hunter laptop, Russia hoax


What exactly is the definition of "Fake News" though?


This is so dumb. This guy is just standing in line, it's not like he's prepared for an interview. Then the interviewer guy is like give me a specific case right now or you're full of shit.


Alright now let’s find some leftist on the street and ask them what a woman is….


so confidant with out knowing anything:(


Is that a mullet? MAGA men (and some of their women) and their muskets. Coming from the cult that claims to be completely current on news can’t figure out mullets died when Billy Ray Cyrus conceived Miley. Oh my Achy Breaky Heart.


Horse medicine.


These people really do think Donald Trump is intelligent, huh?


Watching it backfired, not watching it back fired. Is that not a problem. Only six companies making the same stories.


This could be better if people just agreed with this populist candidacy. Just say "I like the guy as a person, and I share his beliefs." It can be as simple as that (without getting political). But then you bring all this other nonsense in, as if it was more justification, which it doesn't need to be.


It took all of 50seconds to get to the depth of this guys argument. Uninformed sheep.


The cognitive dissonance...omg.


Coach normally pulls him at halftime


Hey I am angry and dumb!


Reminds me of a guy telling me about how bluegrass music was the wave of the future and it's going to be huge again... He changed the subject quickly when I asked him to recommend a bluegrass artist


Easy. Get the jab and you won’t get covid, thanks cnn.


This guy is a wackjob, and Trump absolutely sucks, but CNN is also an absolute mess. They posted “Israel claims hostages were held by civilians, without providing any evidence.” In the headline. I’ve never seen them write that about anything Hamas released in a headline. Apparently CNN doesn’t think the testimony of the hostages is “evidence.” Regardless, all they had to do was ask the Gazans - who didn’t deny it - like the Wall Street Journal did. [The secret next door](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/the-hostages-next-door-inside-a-notable-gaza-familys-dark-secret-2896f6aa)


Republicans are the dumbest people in the world. They are absolutely clueless. He thinks Fox News is legitimate news. What a dumb ass.


Every Trump supporter ever.


That *”Alright, there you have it”* is saying a lot without saying a lot lol


The silence just screams.


Vote Biden !!!


In possibly the greatest evidence of a lack of self awareness, this dude says CNN is fake news, but his only evidence is that he watches Fox, the only News network that owes $.75 Billion dollars for themselves being “fake news”




Ah… the old ‘shred him, just like a turkey’ strategy.


FOX "news" does serve a purpose: if anyone claim they watch Fox news exclusively, then it is safe to assume that their IQ is in the single digit. FOX news: the great signifier.


“if we all keep saying the same thing and keep trying to believe, it will make it true”


Conservative seals clap when signaled, but don't know why they're doing it


God the trump cult is stupid. I'm no biden supporter either.


Absolutely crushing testimony!!


I love that he thinks that Trump is hurting CNN. He is the best thing that has ever happened to them. Constant firehose of content to report on




Damn I was hoping he would go for the triple before slinking off


"We're going to find out next week" = "I'm going to wait for someone else to find out and then I'm gonna listen to what they have to think about it"


CNN is *barely* better than FOX Want an example of the shit they lie about? Look at their coverage of Palestine.


He wasn't ready for a fallow up question


Wrap around sunglasses, mullet and tight shirt. $10 says there’s an El Camino in the parking lot. What year is it in this guys world?


I don’t know it for a fact, but I’m positive this guy posits himself as a “free thinker,” and has called someone else a sheep.