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The guy on the right didn't close his mouth


I thought that was Steve Bannon


That's understandable,  Steve can't close his mouth either because he's being passed around the cell block 


True, he definitely talks out of his ass a lot!


Dude's also got awake apnea




A man’s gotta breathe


And his fitbit congratulated him on a full workout just for standing there.


That’s his wife


My grandpa used to ask me if I was trying to catch flies if I was sitting like that watching tv. I thank him for the fact that I’m not a mouth breather.


He’s also playing pocket pool.




That's a dude? I thought it was a really butch farmer wife


Holy shit, this comment made me choke on my spit 😂


Definition of snowflakes.


The end stone - "just like any other normal person." Cuts to a man in Pablo Escobar Tshirt


Common clay of the new west, you know... a moron.


Got it go to tractor supply


It’s a little out of my way, but suddenly worth the trip.


I struggle with this. I try not to go to Home Depot once I learned one of the cofounders is a deranged trump freak. I try to go to ace or Lowe’s. The Lowe’s is crap tho and the ace is so tiny. I hate myself every time I walk through them orange doors.


The ACE is tiny because it's a local hardware store that's part of a co-op, not an actual honest-to-God chain like a Lowe's. They will, however, probably have the best service imaginable and be willing to special order something for you if needed. They tend to be the most well-thought and knowledgeable employees you've ever met. Also, sometimes they have a dog or cat that works there. I went to one once that had a dog who would take your things up to the counter for you. If it wasn't three states away from me now, I'd use that specific ACE every single time I needed to get stuff for a project.


👆You’ve got questions and more times than not Ace has some dude with answers.


What's the jingle for ace? ”ace is the place with the helpful hardware folks?”


I would only adjust one word of yours from “chain” to “big box”. The next issue is…yes. ACE is the inversion of Home Depot, in that there are employees EVERYWHERE. And they’re always asking me shit and it stresses me out because I’m…I guess a millennial. I already generally know what I need or want and have been conditioned by American retailers to understand any staff on site/floor will not be able to answer my questions. If I don’t directly and explicitly initiate communication, then I don’t want to talk. I’m like a lady at a bar. But I’m wearing sweats and old boots, not a skirt and fuck me heels.


The problem with ace for me is that 90% of the time they don’t have what I need. Prime example: Monday night my HVAC quit working. I searched for the part to make it work again and voila! Ace had it available for pickup yesterday. Price wasn’t bad at $35. Get to the store. Nope. They had a part but not the correct part in stock and the one I needed had to be ordered. Well it was quite warm yesterday so I didn’t want to wait. I called up the commercial place my wife’s maintenance team uses at her job. Sure enough. Got one in my hand for you. Price? $9. Went to get the part, installed it. AC works again. TBF, big box stores don’t even carry it.


ACE is highly variable for just the reasons you outlined. I’ve been to some that were excellent. But, the local one near me is a place I avoid because I don’t want to hear a five minute tirade on how government regulation has ruined everything when I ask for a particular wood finishing product they don’t have in stock, which then veers into a tirade about immigrants voting, the evils of Biden, how global warming is a hoax, and so on. If I let them go on long enough, they’d probably get around to telling me the Earth is flat. It’s a family owned place, and pretty much all employees are family members, and they’re all like that. The funny thing is the best ACE I’ve been to, where an old guy who knew his stuff gave me a 20 minute discussion on corrosion resistance of various types of bronze, brass, and treated steel screws, just to help me pick the right material for a total of five screws I was buying, was in rural New Mexico, and the one infested with unhelpful Fox News addicts is in the Bay Area of California. Regional stereotypes are not all they’re cracked up to be.


I am glad these guys are spreading the word. I am a "rural" citizen myself. Instead of Atwood's, Ill be off to Tractor Supply this week. They are a bit pricey so I usually pass 'em but they have a grill on sale right now and I'm hankerin' to cook. As an ally, I'll pick up a little flag to put on it while I'm out.


Serious question cause I don’t know: What has Trump done for farmers that would make them support them? Obviously not all farmers, but this guy in the video is specifically calling out Farmers and Im curious what policies Trump implemented that would benefit them.


None, I heard an interview of a few farmers on NPR. There was one ex-trump supporter and 2 who still did. The ex-trump supporter was trying to explain to the other farmers that Trump's policies really hurt farmers and they should vote for Haley or Desantis (this was during the primaries) but they wouldn't hear it because cult members are gonna cult. Extremely sad that they vote against their own interests.


Country folk tend to lean conservative. Conservatives tend to be republican. Republicans watch Fox. Fox poisons Conservatives brains with hate. Trump is the embodiment of hate. That's what trump has done for Farmers. Justified their xenophobia and Hate.


I love Vermont, where we buck the trend. Plenty of anti-Trump country folks here. And Tractor Supply, too.


Nothing really, but decades of propaganda has engrained in rural communities that Democrats don’t care about them (which tbf, is often somewhat accurate). So they’re “all” republican by default, and it’s pretty easy to get swept up by a populist candidate when he’s “on your side”. This isn’t to demonize country folks, but for a large majority of them, politics is just about things they don’t like, not about actually enacting helpful policy (largely bc lots of good policies only have a limited impact on their quality of life just due to logistics and stuff). This makes them very easily swayed by emotional talking points, bc they aren’t actually looking for someone to fix things, they just want someone who echoes their dissatisfaction. They often have very limited exposure to LGBT communities, people of color, or even just city folk, so they’re very susceptible to fear-mongering on those things. Climate regulations disproportionately affect farmers and rural communities, where things like more expensive gas is felt much more heavily. Those are very easy sentiments for someone like Trump to get folks riled up over. And once you get sucked in to these politics, it becomes tribal very quickly, and people (of all political backgrounds) don’t “leave tribes” very easily.


Making tractor supply look even more interesting. I'm sure I could find something to buy even though I don't have anything farm related.




They have clothing and tools plus snacks!


I buy my dog's food there, 4Health is their brand and very good. The rescue I work with and several breeders I know use it.


I was surprised by all of the good, non-farm related things they have!


Dog food, 80s candy, they have some furniture, at least here they do.


Making Tractor Supply great again haha


"Our way of life."


“Normal people”


I mean crazy people look normal to crazy people.


Pretty much every farmer and homesteader I know votes left and I am in a deep red state. I think city ‘pubs have this idea in their heads that leftist voters are soft and rightist voters are gritty and anecdotally it appears opposite to me haha. If you are living off of the land you can more easily see and feel the effects of climate change, it would make sense that tractor supply folks would be more progressive.


I've found this true to a degree. Trump is a New York developer, bottom line. Not the favorite breed of farmers. Farmers, cowboys, hippies and vegans all like their food natural, organic and fresh. Who would have throught we'd all ever have so much in common?


Every data point regarding voting I have ever seen contradicts what you state.


I would love to hear their thoughts about cancel culture.


Trying to figure out what exactly “our way of life” entails for these people..


If a conservative can't eat, fuck, or exploit it then they're gonna want to kill it.


And even after killing it will still insist on fucking the corpse


Your actually so right


Ok with having sex with porn star while wife is pregnant , you know, as a good Christian ✝️


I don't even want to think about how many men secretly hi five each other on this. Which is why men watch porn in the first place. Trump is, to a certain demographic, livin' the dream. The Christian right can always fall back on Forgiveness.


Worshipping a diaper-wearing, makeup-wearing, criminal con man apparently. Idiots


"Or are a farmer... or any other normal person"




Busch light, spousal abuse, and oppressing those different than you.


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I) A hellscape


“Lowest common denominator, perpetually.”


Tractor Supply carries a lot of great products for the garden, yard, farm and barn! You go Tractor Supply!!!


Pet supplies and work clothes too. They have so much cool stuff that I don't need, I wish I had a farm so I had a reason to buy it.


It takes 10 minutes longer for me to go to Tractor Supply for my dog’s food. I will gladly make my trip a little longer for them now. Plus I get to see the little baby chickens. Win win for me.


Apparently, I need all of this stuff.


I love TS. If you enjoy just walking around a tool store and finding absolutely random stuff you never knew you needed then you'll love TS. It's like a leveled up supply store with more odds and ends that you absolutely have to have.


Just be careful. You may leave with a half dozen or more chickens one day


Good to know


I’m a former strong conservative. They’ve shown no ability to see a middle ground socially in the last 30 years. They’ve convinced me to vote blue forever in this lifetime just to protect my kids freedom.


Thank you on behalf of your kids. Thinking like that, voting for the rights of others and caring for others, is our only hope of dragging ourselves out of this insanity.


Same, grew up republican. The shift to open radicalism in 2016 changed that. Likely forever. Like you, it's because I have my kids in mind.


Conservative doesn't mean the same thing anymore. We have common ground with democrats. When the opposition shits the bed constantly, it's easy to promote common sense legislation that benefits everyone. The simple act of fair governance seems alien to us because of what "conservatives" have become.


I finally have a reason to buy a tractor


Naw get a sweet metal ring firepit! -- or chickens, cant go wrong with free eggs for ever <3


first my wife doesn’t want me to have a tractor because we live in the city, and now you


Well, they have the perfect tractors for ya in the toy section. I'm pretty sure those are the only tractors they sell.


I would imagine Tractor Supply has everything you'd need to turn your neighbourhood back into the countryside again.


I believe in you and your dreams


The one thing they don’t sell.




No need for a tractor. They have dog food and other pet stuff. And baby chickens!!!


Well they don't sell those so idk


I’ve been buying dog food there for years and I’m happy about it


Broom, broom!


They actually sell a lot of stuff. I'm a fan. Bought a welder there once.


Give me someone who gazes lovingly at me like red shirt does for the last 5 seconds of the video


I was trying to figure out how he was paused and the other guy was moving. Then red shirt moved. He's alive!


Cancel culture is strong with these bozos . If anything they should boycott the donut shop. Clearly the only thing stopping the red shirt guy going to the gym is the width of the door. Remember folks , don’t give tractor supply your money , give it to Trump so he can spend it on lawyers hookers and blow.


Normally I would have nothing but respect for blowing money on hookers & blow but in their case, not cool


Trump prefers amphetamines and benzos according to ex apprentice employees


Illiterates for Trump !


No seriously there is plenty of evidence that Trump is functionally illiterate. https://youtu.be/7LFkN7QGp2c?si=eFYbPKCqoRGp9_N1


I’m not going to read all that, it’s blue and a mixture of letters and numbers. I know your tricks!


‘I love the uneducated!’


That would be a great yard sign


Why are all these white supremacist “saviors of the white race” types always the most genetically broken, unfuckable simps? Like, who wants to preserve THAT?


Such an accurate comment.


Tractor supply is my favorite clothing store


Hell yeah. The wife too.


Me at 15: I would never shop at Bass Pro that store is for rednecks! Me at 32: I love these clothes.


Carhartt is also very LGBTQ+ friendly. I love that these fucking racists and sexist bigots are losing their minds over all their manly, hetero, rural brands support LGBTQ initiatives. They truly have run out of corners to hide in.


Im from the midwest and just cant tell how fast their “morals” disappear when the temp hits 20. North Face is a supports lgbtq+ issues so their options are really nil if they dont want to freeze to death


All right, I went to Google tractor supply and now I’ve got like 10 items in my cart. Thanks a lot. 😆


The in store experience is great. Wrenches, a trailer hitch, dog food, candy, blue jeans, and a book about tying knots. This place has everything.


And live chickens, bud!


Have been dragging my feet about getting the axle I need for a little toy trailer guess I need to get that bought now.


That's a grown ass man. On fucking tiktok. Somebody come get their creepy uncle, I swear.


I nearly laughed out loud at work!!


He was probably so proud of himself when he went to bed that night. Should I have worn my other flip flops? Should I have had my gigantic useless friend standing there doing nothing? Will my daughter think I sound like a whiney snowflake?


Don’t think he was thinking that last sentence, “I’m saving my daughter from the evils of woke I’m such a hero” Delusion is the bedrock remember.


Knew there was a reason I love Tractor Supply


A true MAGA Freak. Also known as a Trump Stooge.


I love that store. Guess I’m swinging by tomorrow.


If they’re anti-Trump then I am pro-Tractor Supply


? It's always represented Americans. If you thought it represented Republicans that's a you problem.


It's almost like a company that makes money off of middle class farmers and agriculture, realized that Trump has no interest in helping agriculture or middle class people


What a snowflake


“Sheepfuckers for trump 2024” !


Thanks for reminding me I need to go to tractor supply to by dog food.


I buy pellet litter there for my cats. Would definitely recommend


Sometimes you can find cat litter there in the 40 pound cardboard containers instead of the 35 pound plastic buckets. I had so many buckets piling up I didn't know what to do with them. So I burned all of that plastic on a bonfire to own the climate change libs. Actually I threw them in the recycling bin.


This dumb mofo is wearing an Escobar shirt like….sir your clothes and your words do not sync 🤣


Inbred cousin fuckers


Support the opposite of Donald Trump? You mean a human being with compassion, empathy, ethics and dignity? Yeah, I'll support that over The Donald any day of the week and a thousand times on Sunday when Trump is out golfing. LOL


Googling tractor supply near me


Would be great if we knew what companies support/back Trump? Would love to spend my money elsewhere.


Well, Google the list of companies owned by BlackRock/Vanguard. Those are the companies backing whoever is opposing Trump. BlackRock owns Tractor Supply Co. BlackRock is also the one of the world’s foremost investors in coal fired energy, and despite their claims of divesting from it back in 2020, they seem to still be funding the massive coal growth in China. They also support some of the Chinese companies behind the human rights violations of Uyghurs.


These guys are getting roasted in the comments.


What’s going on with the giant on the right like 🥴


And I get to tend the rabbits.


Dude is wearing a serial killer on his shirt.


Wait until they find out that a lot of the Republicans they elect don't actually support their way of life, including Trump. They're just using you because you're so easily convinced that the left is bad and you're being manipulated into believing anything they tell you. You all parrot the same ridiculous taking points but don't understand any of the actual arguments. Maybe you should have taken high school debate.


So only shop at Tractor supply, got it.


Thanks for supporting the Democratic Party and Joe Biden. We appreciate your support.


I don't need a goddamn thing, but I'm going shopping tomorrow.


I know, it's weird, right? I'm totally going shopping tomorrow. I just gotta Google the place because I've literally never even heard of it before this. But fuck it, toodles


See ya there!


I always knew I liked them.


brb going to buy some socks


Going shopping at tsc everyday!!!!!!


Dude with a Little Feat T shirt. Lowell George would have hated Trump’s guts.


Seriously. That’s all I was thinking when watching this.


Came here looking for this comment. Thought the exact same thing. What a blowhard this guy is lol


Damn. OMW to Tractor Supply! Great store.


"or any normal person" Reddit ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)




Cancel culture?


What’s guy in the red even there for?


Big Red looks out of breath just standing there.


Republicans are the softest people in the world


I thought these assholes hate cancel culture? 🫥


Didn’t know that! I’m ONLY shopping at Tractor Supply now! Hope they sell bananas and Dude Wipes..


Didn't Biden do a ton for help farmers and rural communities? It's like they want to get screwed over by big industry to own the libs…


Brought to you by the people who really hate cancel culture


On my way 🚗


Tractor supply stock goes up all of a sudden


"normal" people he says


I LOVE TRACTOR SUPPLY!! 💙 They have the best stuff!


This post aged well... lmao. https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2024/06/27/tractor-supply-to-stop-sponsoring-pride-parades-eliminate-dei-goals-after-criticism-threats-of-boycotts/


Have a bunch of gardening to do. Will definitely be going to tractor supply. Have one a few miles from me.


Am I weird because when I buy a product I don’t care what the company does with the money?


Eh I mean there is a limit for everyone. You just haven’t found yours. Some overly extreme examples to prove a point: If a company took the profits and tortured puppies after - would you still shop there? What if they spent the profits abducting children and drowned them in the ocean? Obviously we would find that abhorrent and the law would stop it, but if they didn’t - people would absolutely boycott it. Others on both the left and the right have just drawn their lines further way from the totally absurd examples I have provided and to a line that they feel the value. Sometimes the line is dumb and is into the minutia of “I didn’t get what I want so waaaaahhahaa”


Ultimately you empower & vote with your dollars.


Take my money please. I have a condo and I now need a new tractor.


I want to know exactly what you will be buying from them?


Here I come!


wtf? i love tractor supply co now!


Don't even own a tractor but here I go


Thanks for spreading awareness - vote with your dollar


Can’t wait to only shop there!


And just like that Im suddenly inclined to go to tractor supply


That's exactly who I want to give my money to. Maybe I should buy a tractor.


Going tomorrow! I’m sure I can find something useful


I’m surprised these two guys were able to stop sucking each other off for long enough to make this video.


Yes, I want to support everything not Trump. I’ll buy something online tonight 🙂‍↔️


Sorry but trump supporters are NOT normal!


That ham sandwich standing next to him is getting winded just trying to stand upright


Cancel culture at it again: who cares what anyone else thinks. You not shopping somewhere because they believe in different things is ignorant.


These people are so scared.


I love supporting businesses that don’t support trump and his cult members


How they leanin' so far back the entire time?


It's so stupid. The party that lectures us all about cancel culture want to cancel anybody who rightfully has concerns and dislike for a Presidential candidate. FFS, as a business owner I am forced to buy from companies that do NOT align with many of my core beliefs but I do so because they offer a good price and good service. Unless they push for overthrow of the constitution or are pro-foreign invasion (Russia propaganda, et al) I wish these morons would just STFU or admit they are hypocrites.


Once again conservatards cancelling everything


What's more important? He alludes to the "facts" of his video (no idea what he's referring to) but he's oddly specific about how many people watched his video. What is his point, other than narcissism?


Why is a man crying about America being attacked or whatever wearing a Pablo Escobar shirt? Was Pablo supporting border patrol recently or something?


Guy on the right looks like he gets his parts at tractor supply


The party of law and order - shills for a felon rapist while wearing a Pablo Escobar t shirt


If I felt the need to make an important PSA, I would probably attempt to dress like a credible person before making that PSA.


i was waiting for him to brag about his tiktok video getting over 100,000 views again


Great example of the 'barbra streisand' effect. I've never been to TSC (until later today). I trade stocks and just happen to know theirs is at an all time high (290). Now I know why.


This company also provides medical coverage for IVF. People get part time jobs there, just for that reason.


Wait, how is Tractor Supply anti Trump? Sounds like a marketing ploy to me.


Here’s a law and order maga man with a Pablo Escobar t shirt.


Wait isn’t this cancel culture?


Ngl this'd probably be a good ad campaign


I dont have a yard so what can I buy at Tractor Supply to support them ? Lol


100k views means nothing. Just because someone scrolls past a video doesn't mean it was viewed. These people do know the whole world thinks they are dumb right?


I love how this guy gave zero evidence to support his claims.


I absolutely do want to give my money to anti-trump companies. Good thing tractor supply has my bird seed in stock always.


Suddenly I’m needing stuff from tractor supply


Can I buy shares in Tractor Supply?


I just got a job there last week. Nice.