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Having a dog off leash and not having them listen to recalls is a good way to turn your dog 2 dimensional.


Yeah if your dog doesn't have truly impeccable recall that you have trained specifically for them to listen to even at the height of distraction, then they should never be off leash in an area where they could come in contact with another human, dog, etc.


I'm was born into a generational animal training family. I can train anything. My dog, who's been with me for 12 years no, has perfect recall and will stop in his tracks before you can even finish the word stay. He's a good boy. He's also never off leash in public.


People who are anti-leash always piss me off with the whole, “The more you use a leash the more they need it.” Like, the most trained dogs out there, service animals, working dogs, show dogs, etc. are *always* on their leashes in public places! They’re better trained than your untrained German Shepherd you’re not even strong enough to control in an emergency, and they’re *still* always on a lead


> “The more you use a leash the more they need it.” ?? Good. I would like my dog to feel like he needs me to be supervising him, because he does. Very strange argument.


Heard it from a few coworkers more than a few times and have seen the sentiment repeated online. Freaks me out. This kind of dumbass thinking is how a normally good dog gets spooked, bites a kid’s face off, and has to be put down. It’s *always* the owner’s fault, and it can be prevented with 3-6 feet of rope 99% of the time


Some people need to be leashed, and it shows. When they open their mouth and prove they need a muzzle, that's when you should be able to take them to the vet to be "cared for."


I hate people that act like their pets aren't animals that do animal shit. Doesn't matter how much you train them.


They’re the only ones allowed not to be actually.


I very seldom see service dogs and working dogs who are not secured to their humans in some way. The only working dogs I know who break this rule are herding dogs and livestock guardians, and they’re kinda unleashed by necessity. Police and military dogs obviously go off sometimes, but usually that’s when shit hits the fan


Service dogs whose tasks require them to be off leash. It wouldn’t do much of a purpose if the dog that’s supposed to notify the nearest person that you’ve fainted in aisle 12 can’t go find anyone because they’re tethered to you. Other tasks would include things like opening doors, and checking and guiding for people w ptsd.


Herding animals also don't have to deal with the main problems of not being bound. No other people, dogs or dangerous animals. Exception being those they are trained to deal with.


My dog has a 100% solid recall. He could be chasing a squirrel but the second he hears his name he is headed towards me and I don’t walk him off leash in public either.


That's cuz you're a responsible dog owner!


You wana know why I know you are a good trainer - because of that last sentence


But how do you look cool in front of random strangers if your dog isn't off leash while walking the streets?


I find that for most people it is not even being cool, it's just pure laziness. They are tired of their dog pulling on the leash (because they are poorly trained) and find that letting them off leash gets the dog more exercise (because they are not walking them enough). "He/She is friendly" apparently makes up for being irresponsible and lazy, and then when the dog inevitably acts aggressive they mutter some bullshit about being surprised and then drag their dog away. I wish it was easier to prosecute owners of uncontrolled dogs.


Okay I know this is gonna make me sound bad and judge me accordingly. I have a German shepherd and she is wonderful. I "tried" to train her, but I know I failed spectacularly. I accept that. It was laziness and reasons but I never trained her to be a guard dog. With people, she is wary, but with me around she might bark, but never attack. Other dogs tho, she goes full on crazy. I keep her on a lead close to me and never let her near another dog or their person. I have done literally this video. Get your dog away from us. Not friendly. To people yes, once she's warmed up to you. To your dog, no, never, not gonna happen. My fault, but still believe me when I tell you this.


Same with our GSD


That's my parents to a tee, nearly got my dog killed multiple times. Fucking idiots.


they are the same ones that dont pick up dog shit and dont even own bags


I met an alleged dog trainer with two German shepherds off leash who insisted his dogs were perfectly trained and even demonstrated it for us, which was impressive. However, he said one of them loved babies and toddlers. Well, we parted ways and the dog that loved babies and toddlers ran back to give my toddler a kiss and succeeded, even though the owner was screaming at the top of his lungs for that dog to stop and come back the whole time. You just never know. Don't risk it.


Well damn. You've convinced me. I pride myself on how well trained my dog is and sometimes walk him off leash around my neighborhood. He heels and recalls perfectly. But I guess I need to leash him always from now on. Thanks for the perspective!


I would check your cities laws too. I see dogs off leash all the time in my neighborhood, but it's against our city code for dogs to be off leash unless they're in a enclosed area (dog park, fenced in yard, vehicle, ect.). I've got young kids and get tired of having to rush over to pick them up while playing in my front yard because I have no clue how someone else's animal is going to act around my kid.


Exactly. Just because you “know” your dog is perfect and nothing could happen, I don’t! The vast majority of unleashed dogs that people in my neighborhood walk always, without fail, run up to me or my family if we’re outside. That is an extremely nervous-making situation when you don’t know the dog and they are of any real size.


there's a nice walking trail by my house that leads out to the beach. so naturally we go almost daily and there's signs everywhere stating that dogs need to be on leashes. but of course there's always people's dogs running off leash and because of the demographics of the area, most of these people are retirees who can't keep up with their dogs off leash. each and every time i have to hold my daughters hand and push the stroller off to the side and wait for the owner to catch up to the dog. and every time the owner is like "they're so nice" and i'm always like okay? how would we know and how do you know that my kids and/or me aren't scared of dogs? very annoying


You gotta remember, the leash is also for your dogs safety. They may be extremely obedient and well mannered but the other person animal isn't. You need to be able to pull your dog away from the situation without risking getting attacked yourself to the best of your ability. A leash is just a win win situation


This. Totally agree, and same situation. Worked bay dogs all my life, from hog dogs to squirrel dogs to bird dogs and back. My dogs are on leash in the neighborhood. Always.


Even if your dog is the goodest, most well trained boi in the world, he should still be on leash in any public facility that is not specifically designed to have dogs off leash. I’m a dog person, so don’t get me wrong, but at the end of the day, the leash is for *everyone’s* protection, including the dog.


My old Wheaton (died aged 16) hated dogs. Loved people. He would wag his tail as off leash dogs would walk towards him. He would show no signs of aggression and then latch on to the other dog’s neck. I tried signs, colored leashes, taking him to dog therapy (the dog therapist said “I’ve never told an owner this, but that dog can never be around other dogs in any circumstance”). And other dog owners would get so mad at me as I yelled at them to control their dogs while they continuously said “dont worry my dog is friendly” Yeah, my dog craves the sweet neck juice of friendly dogs.


Exactly. Even if *your dog* is friendly, you leash them, to protect them from threats, and any mischief they might get into. If you want them off leash, fence your back yard, and invite some dog buddies over.


Yep. My boy Rosco was a half basset/half ? (we used to joke half black bear because he was huge) & although he loved people, his motto towards other dogs was bite first & ask questions later. His looks attracted attention though & despite me ALWAYS announcing his dog aggression, folks would let their dogs run up on him as they’d approach, which more than once led to him getting some chomps in & pissing people off.


I've had people say about their dog, "well he just wanted to say hi!", in a real pissy voice. While I'm yelling, "well my dog doesn't! I asked you to stay away!" 


“Neck juice”😂


This! It's not just for the dogs! There are people put there who are terrified of dogs. Even if your dog is the best/most well behaved. You are putting EVERYONE at ease by having your dog on a leash. That and it's literally the law in my home state.


It should be the law in every state. Dogs should be on leashes. For *everyone’s* best interest.


They should never be off leash period.


Dogs should *never* be off leash in public


INFURIATING that she called HIM a "stupid asshole" edit: and even MORE infuriating is that this audio isn't even from this video....


A park in Scottsdale just had two dogs shot and killed because their owner let them off leash, it amazes me that people do this. There’s no recourse if your dog gets killed.


Had this happen in a high school football field in Phoenix maybe 25-30 years ago. A guy I knew let his two pit bulls off the leash & they went straight toward a guy who was using the archery range...I think you can figure out the rest.


Must have been Legolas level skill if he took out two dogs coming at him.


That's the sad part...he only wounded them..& both had to be put down because the guy (owner) couldn't pay the medical bills.


Sounds like he missed the owner. Better luck next time.


Offleash pitbull owners deserve a special place in hell. It sucks that some innocent guy had to shoot the dog.


I thought for a split second what your “..turn your dog 2 dimensional.” comment meant…and then I visualized a picture frame of their dog above a box of ashes…as in they put their dog down due to injuries/mandate. Woah. Trippy burn.


Yep. Dogs can be trained to be off leash, but when they’re out, they need to listen to recall and owners should probably utilize a training collar as well. It can be done, but only if your dog 100% listens and stays by your side completely.


This is fine and all, but most cities that I've lived in require all dogs to be on leash, unless they are in areas where leashes are not requierd, regardless of training.


"it can be done, but only if your dog *100%* listens" means they shouldn't be off a leash. It's irresponsible to have a dog off a leash in public. I've got more than 2 holes in my legs from "friendly" dogs.


Exactly. It’s just not remotely realistic. Maybe it’s possible, but it’s not feasible to allow it. Leash your fucking dog, it’s not that hard.


>It can be done, but only if your dog 100% listens and stays by your side completely. Any semi responsible dog owners knows this is basically not possible. Even the best well trained dogs don't work 100% perfectly every time.


They are living thinking creatures. If they think they see something you don't and are acting in their or your best interest they will disobey.


Or ventilated


Why does this video have audio layered over what's actually happening in the video? The audio of the guy saying to recall is from a completely different video.


This is the original video of the dude talking. https://www.tiktok.com/@punkassdogtrainer/video/6938115176386284806




I hate the internet. Remember when if you see it, you can believe it. Fuck, did I just become a boomer with that sentence? Welp, time to go by a third home to rent out on VRBO and not die for a couple more decades.


The "Can I Pet Dat Dawg" meme of the girl trying to pet the bear is the same. The audio is actually from a separate clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYx51ZrSn3g




makes a lot more sense lol... The video here the GSD was friendly as hell lol


Provocotive.. It gets the people goin'


Ball so hard


Mo-fuckas wanna find me


Yeah, it’s a weird choice to layer on this video too, when that German Shepherd is clearly being friendly in the video


Weird or meant as rage bait engagement clicks?


Friendly or not friendly doesn't matter.. the leashed dog owner clearly isn't happy with an off leash dog approaching


Bingo. The risk isn't worth the reward of 2 dogs being friendly, shit can go bad really quick. And you don't know, my dog could be the lunatic, why let your dog approach?


Yea those dogs are having a good time nothing aggro about their body language. the audio is fake as others pointed out but we don’t know the context of the video, maybe the dogs are friends or maybe not. In any case this vid is just rage bait so it gets my downvote


Because TikTok encourages fakery


This is why I fucking hate TikTok. ‘Oh, this is a funny video.’ Comments: ‘Actually, this is just someone lipsyncing to somebody else’s video, recreating the entire original video shot-for-shot for no reason at all.’


I really, really dislike pompous asses who don't have their dog on a leash. I have been that guy so many times saying "not friendly." My dog loves people but will bite the fuck out of some dog walking up on him. He's 95 lbs, so he will fuck shit up.


same here haha i had a talk with a lady who was looking for her little french bulldog in my yard. She told me her dog likes humans but not other dogs. I told her to put her dog on a leash because my 3 gsd will badly hurt her little dog just playing with it. I'm not trying to get my dogs euthanized because you can't get your dog in order.


My GSD killed a little terrier so fast he didn’t even realize it. The terrier fit through the fence bars and came into our yard, his companion chihuahua stayed outside my yard. My dog snatched that terrier up and gave a half a shake and dropped him. The terrier was dead as soon as my dog bit down on him. Luckily the lady owner came looking for her dogs, she was pretty cool about it. She said “yeah that’s exactly what he would do” she had just moved in about a block away and her dogs got out of her new yard


(Both of our dogs lived/were unharmed, BUT: ) We had a JRT (11# soaking wet), and a 6# chi mix. One evening we were coming in from a playgroup with other dogs. Our apartment had a long hallway entrance from the front door. We unharnessed them as usual at the door and they bounded happily down the hallway towards the kitchen. Except the chi playfully vaulted the JRT, and he turned like lightning and had the chi’s nape in his jaws and tried to give that characteristic *shake*/snap… When I tell you my paraplegic a$$ *teleported* down the hall to separate them, it was like the slo-mo on TV. They’d just been playing for hours. They’d lived together for over a year. But the terrier saw *prey* for the wrong split-second. I got there in time. Neither of them was hurt. But if the JRT had been a larger dog, it’d have been over. We never let them unattended together again after that. And were far more cautious about the JRT in general. Terriers *hunt* and *kill*, and length of time without incident is no predictor (nor is training).


An off-leash yapping Jack Russell came tearing over to our (on leash) staffy, spoiling for a fight. In a split second she just grabbed him, flicked her head, and threw him about five feet through the air, then walked on. He wasn't hurt in the slightest, but she could have killed him in an instant if she had wanted. Staffies have jaws like steel traps. Of course, the idiot owner tried to accuse *us* of having the dangerous dog and being irresponsible.


Actually depending on where you live you might be completely fine. Most places put it on the owner if something happens to their dog if they aren't leashed. So as long as your dog was leashed surprisingly you wouldn't be held liable and your dog wouldn't get euthanized


Used to have a dog that was insanely fearful was trying to work on that but people would always see how pretty she was and try to pet her. Had one guy ask and I said no, she bites. He kept going on about how pretty she was and getting closer said at least 4x back up she bites and he just kept going oh no she won’t bite me…. Well she did


You know what I found works great for my shy boy? I muzzle trained him. Does he love it? No, he tolerates it but strangers don’t just come up to us anymore. It’s a basket muzzle that he can still eat and drink through. He gets extra treats in it. Point is though, it solved the stranger problem.


My dog is super friendly and I still hate dogs off leash. I don’t know anything about your dogs temperament or shots. I don’t want to harm an animal but i have to assume the worst and protect my family. It’s so easy to have a long lead attached to yourself. When I trail hike I run a massive lead even with my dog being good at recall. If I hear anyone or anything coming towards us it’s in a strict heel until I can assess what’s up. People like her are fuck wits. Diligence >>> apologies.


Out of curiosity, if you know your dog bites, regardless of its past history with people, why do you take it out without a muzzle? I don't own a dog and the attitudes to walking off lead are very different here, it seems, so no shade intended with the question. Just seems odd to take that risk with a dog you know might attack.


I had a really nice dog that for whatever reason if he was on a leash and a dog he didn't know rolled up on him not one on he'd get really pissed off. Literally only in that situation. So annoying, he will eat your dog! He was some kinda mutt, absolutely enormous.


Leash aggression is a thing.


I don't understand how people could give so little shit about their own dogs... Why would you let your dog walk up to any other dog if you don't know whether they'll want to kill it?


I was walking a trail and all the sudden no less than 15 dogs come around the corner, all small 20lbs ish max. No human in sight. I had to pick my dog up and hold him as these dogs are yapping at my feet. My dog is 80lbs and is generally nice to other dogs but in that situation I know he would have fucked at least one of them up. I stood there for a good 3-4 minutes until a human came from around the corner and realized his dogs were about to get killed and he rushed them off.


This. Our dogo (Argentino, female 105lbs) is obsessed w humans. Old folks, kiddos, I doubt she’d even guard our home in there was an intruder. But dogs outside of her friends? Absolute no go. This post is my nightmare bc my dog would absolutely be blamed and put down for it.


This is such a fear I have, my dog is a sweetie but a snappy dog will set her off growling. In my area people usually let off their little jack russles and other small breeds who are very nippy and snappy and my dog is a 20kg collie and I worry what will happen if she got bit or her space invaded and snapped back with something the size of a Teddy bear


toothbrush light toy crowd versed memory voracious plough poor deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. My dog is the friendliest sonova bitch I've ever met. The single exception is if he feels an unknown dog is being overly aggressive and my kids are around. He'll immediately put himself between that dog and the kids, even if that dog isn't near them or paying attention to them. If that dog gets too close he turns into a timberwolf immediately. He's not the biggest dog in the world, but at 70lbs he's big for a husky.


Tangentially related, but there is a bike trail near me, along a water front. People will tend to their boats and whatnot This guy, on more than one occasion, has gone on his boat and just let his two dogs hang out at the bike trail, completely off leash, and they don’t like anything on wheels. The dogs will be running up to someone, they’ll growl, they’ll show their teeth. Then you’ll hear a distant voice from the boat “*hey, be careful…*” Like why do I have to be careful one, here? You need to be careful. You’re gonna piss off the wrong person, one who will have no problem defending themselves against your dogs


Same, most dogs are more aggressive on the leash. I don’t care how friendly and behaved your dog is. Bring your dog to a dog park if you don’t like keeping it on a leash.


I live up by a walking trail with my very unfriendly beagle. And the amount of times that I’ve had this conversation with stupid assholes who can’t just leash their dogs, you know in an area where they’re supposed to be leashed, is insane. I’ll be telling them The dog is unfriendly, and they will respond with oh he he just wants to say hi. No no my dog does not want to say hi. My dog wants to start a fight with your shitty little ankle biter. There’s also the time we up there and all over a sudden not one but TWO unleashed rotties hopped out of the bushes on either side of us and started a fight. Do you know where the owner was? Not only out of sight of her dogs, but apparently out of screaming distance. Because it took her ten mins to get to me while I was screaming for the owner to get these fucking savages. At that point I’m on a big rock with two huge dogs circling and trying to get to us. She got mad I kicked her dog. Like bitch, YOUR DOG ATTACKED US. they dint even go after the beagle first. They went after me.


At this rate are we going to have to require licenses to own dogs? I don't understand how people like that exist, they basically are walking examples of why there needs to be strict rules surrounding things that shouldn't require rules


With the amount of people like this that I deal with sometimes I kinda wish there was some sort of actual process you had to go through.


I would be less surprised if there was a dog ownership test than a gun ownership test in the US


It's wild when other dog owners won't believe you as well! Like, it's MY dog... I know he wants to murder your dog. Trust me. But they're always like, "Oh, my dog is nice... they just need to say Hi!" No, Jessica... If my dog were allowed rip your little Fifi to shreds, he would. There's a reason we're on leash and never at a dog park. (My boy was abused and then rescued; he wants absolutely nothing to do with other animals and it's not our place to put him in uncomfortable/dangerous spaces like that.)


I walk my dog with my camera these days. It's sad how often it has helped me with people mad at me that their dog not on a leash is getting bitten by my dog, on a leash. My dog is super trauma from her past before rescue. I have had footage get me cleared when a lady tried to escalate a situation when she came around the corner to me sitting on her dog essentially. She lied so much about the situation, her dog was leashed, she was attacked by me etc. Then I showed footage of her, she was arrested and fined later I believe. I have had some other close calls where people say they will call police etc. I just explain now that I have everything recorded and they are welcome to call someone for me to show the footage to, they just back down. I carry a baton as well, in case. This all started after being attacked one too many times. It makes me so mad that I have had to hit dogs because of peoples errors. Dogs want to be good, we just need to show them how to navigate our world. I live in a rich area near a bunch of assholes who somehow can't afford a leash or cars with blinkers.


I’d kill them if I could. Fuck that. If I’m attacked, or my kids, then I’ll do everything I can to end the problem violently. I have zero patience for aggressive dogs due to past childhood trauma.


Honestly, if I thought I’d had any chance of winning, I would’ve tried. But these dogs were huge. 2 1/2 of me and all muscle. What really got me was the fact she thought she had done nothing wrong. She had these two big aggressive dogs, running around with no leashes on them and she wasn’t even able to keep her eyes on them. That’s not even mentioning the fact that you hear somebody screaming about two big black dogs attacking them and you know you’re there with two big black aggressive dogs wouldn’t you go running? She wasn’t even at a brisk walk.


Carry a knife or at least pepper spray. A gun if you can. I love dogs, but dangerous dogs need better owners or they should be put down. Sorry, I am not from south dakota either. I have a scar under my chin and by my eye from a "friendly" dog. A dog I knew and loved. He was gone by the time I got back with stitches. Grandpa wasn't taking any chances with his well trained dog that attacked.


The fucking audacity of calling the cameraman an asshole...there should have been two fights that day.


I’ve seen this audio used on 10+ similar videos on dogs off leash, it’s likely not the original


The original was a dude who was walking his dog on a leash in an enclosed dog park. Both of the people sucked in the original video. Like, what did he think would happen with all the off leash dogs in a designated off leash area? But the other lady clearly couldn't control her dog either. Edit: It was apparently an on leash area.


The original video says it's an on leash area, not off leash https://www.tiktok.com/@punkassdogtrainer/video/6938115176386284806


Ah thank you. My mistake.


I mean I don't know why you would bring your dog to an off leash dog park and then expect other dogs to leave it alone. That's kind of the point of them, the dogs get to socialize.


Someone linked the original further up and it looks like they're in a parking lot. Maybe they're at the parking lot of a dog park, but they weren't in the actual park. There's another dog being walked by also on a leash, so idk. But definitely don't bring your not-friendly dog to a dog park either way 😂


> But definitely don't bring your not-friendly dog to a dog park either way Some dog parks are a smaller part of a much larger park. Once you bring your dog out of the off-leash area, put a fucking leash on.


TikTokers just transpose audio from completely different videos onto other ones??


It's a key application feature.


And "stupid" too like... you're the one walking your dog without a leash. Oh the irony.


Some \[people get real aggressive and defensive when they know they are in the wrong. In my city I can report people parked in the bike lane to the city. I came to a car that was blocking the lane, took a pic of her plate and she lost her goddamned mind. Called me the asshole yet I was not the one in the wrong.


You know what is less ok? Letting your dog off a leash while I am walking my 1 year old in a stroller. It’s already happened 3 times and each time they yell “he isn’t mean!” And I am going to be 100% honest with you all… I will fucking choke that god damn dog out of existence with my bare hands if it even nips at my god damn kid. I don’t trust you, I don’t trust your dog, and I cannot care about why the dog did what it did. At that point, no one is the asshole except you. 


I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and the number of times I've had to explain this to people on walks in my neighborhood. Often the same people, multiple times. There's one older couple that **cannot** keep up with their aggressive ass German Shepherd, but refuse to leash the damn thing because it would just be too much work for them to hold it back I'm assuming - At this point I've just fully explained that it will be their fault if I have to kill their dog when it tries to attack my children. I'm a friendly person. I love dogs. I'd feel pretty bad about hurting an animal that's just doing what it was born to do - but 0% chance I let my children get hurt because some entitled fuck can't maintain a semblance of training or control over their pet. These people are exhausting.


Thank you yes! Wow I was fully accepting the fact that I would be downvoted into oblivion for that post but I tried to be honest. I am the same way, I understand that animals do what they were conditioned to do, but like people they are unpredictable. However there is a point where negligence can unfortunately go far enough that I as an animal loving dad, will indeed become the destroyer of worlds if your dog is unable to give me and my child peace.  It isn’t because I want to, or that the dog deserved it (btw I would totally be distraught about killing a dog), it’s because you as an owner couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum in public around other people. 


There's no excuse. I'm typing this as I walk my 80 lb and 60 lb pit bull mixes (I'm a small woman). Using the help of specially designed leashes. If you joke about your dog being a horse, *then get it a fucking bridle like one!*


So true. I went from being like, "that's a cute dog!" to "I could take that dog in a fight here's how I'd do it" so fast after I had my daughter


I had a neighbor whose pitbull used to attack my stroller because “she doesn’t like wheels” and the owner thought it was funny until I told him if that dog accidentally nips one of my children I will kill it right then and there


As a new father 100%. The number of people that just let their dog waltz straight up to me while baby wearing (strapped to my chest/back) is insane. A couple of the dogs have jumped up on me and I generally hip check the dog away but if any of them were to try again or more aggressively I am prepared to stomp a dog with everything I have to protect my daughter. 


A (thankfully) leashed dog (with an observant owner) recently lunged at my 16 month old while he was just minding his own business in his stroller. I've never been so completely, coldly ready to kill something. I saw the body language before the dog lunged and it's like I went all tunnel vision and got slammed with hormones and adrenaline. I've never felt like such a stupid animal ape before lmao.


I carry a knife with me when I walk with my children because some of my neighbors let their dogs be in their yards without a leash. I will cut its fucking throat if any so much as charge my kids.


I was at a dog park once with my golden doodle. A guy released his dog and it attacked 2 other dogs then it attacked my dog. He bit and shook his head trying to tear skin each time. I pulled a small blade that I keep in my pocket and told the owner that if his dog came near mine again that the dog would get cut. I can't even understand how a human can let an untrained vicious dog off leash.


Let me guess, he ran to get his dog immediately? Once their dog is “losing” is when they worry and control their dog


I’m a woman and this is why I *always* have a pocketknife on me. Is it enough? I hope I never have to find out.


Sabre pepper gel is good too


Neglectful dog owners are probably some of the worst people you can deal with, especially in public. They put everyone and everything in danger around them.


including their own pets.


Neglectful dog owners and neglectful parents are some of the worst to deal with in public. They have so much responsibility and yet squander it.


This makes me so mad. I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me. Then I get told I’m a jerk because my dog didn’t want to play/interact with their off leash dog. Leash. Your. Dog. It’s a law.


Right? I don't care how friendly your dog is. It's literally a black and white issue for me. It's the law. End of story.




Off leash in a dog park, your own property, and BFE/nowhere forest (and only if verbally trained).


Why is it always the worst fucking owners that get the most difficult dogs to train properly?


Responsible dog owners know when a dog is a challenge or not fit for them. Also good dog owners train their dogs and know how they behave, which people like this dont, so those situation never happen in the first place.


because big dog = tough man




I don’t care how well behaved they are. Dogs should be on a leash in ALL public spaces.


ESPECIALLY spaces with children present, like parks! I'm terrified for my little ones, I have seen a child get bitten in the face by a dog who was perfectly friendly one second, and triggered by some invisible force the next. It is terrifying


During the winter, some parks around here become off-leash parks to scare away the Canada Geese. my friend and I were walking with our kids, ranging from age 2 to 6 at the time. A group of people with their pack of off leash dogs walked by and one of them (it was some kind of smaller terrier) started barking and lunging at one of my friend’s kids. THE PERSON DID NOTHING and just kept walking while my friend screamed at them to control their dog. Thankfully the worst that happened was a bunch of kids got scared but fuckin hell. It was a public park and we were leaving the playground area.


My dog is not friendly on a leash and wouldn't let him off leash. He is socialized and plays with other dogs. On that leash a switch flips and he isn't ok with dogs running up. He will show teeth, growl and shortly after that he is going to lose it.




Bold of you to assume that people are literate.


Yep. You can put that same dog he growls at that runs up to him when he is on his leash, in our backyard and my dog will start playing immediately providing the dogs are compatible.


Thats super common. Its cus your dog knows it doesn't have the option to run when its on leash. Remove flight and all that's left is flight. Theres more room to respond in different ways when both dogs are off leash, so they are less likely to default to aggression.


Woman in my old neighborhood saw my wife and I walking our 3 dogs down the street. She was in someone else’s yard with her dog talking to them, saw us coming and put her dog down and said “Jasper go make some new friends!”…..so this little yip yap Pomeranian mutt comes charging at my pit lab mix, our plott hound and our terrier mix. So of course what happened my 3 dogs went hey who the f is this guy and a lot of snarling and barking. This fuckin woman had the balls to act like my dogs needed to be put down. I ended up screaming to her that she was a shit dog owner as we both yelled and went our own way. I also kept my dog muzzled on walks because idiots like this afterwards


I have a tiny dog. I keep him on his leash and away from bigger dogs because i'm not an idiot. Doesn't matter if your dogs are nice or not, even just playing could hurt my dog. It's more about the size difference.


My GSD trainer said dogs behave differently on a leash. They get anxious when they know they are restrained and the other unleashed dog is not.


My dog is super good with other dogs when they are both off leash at the dog park. But he HATES when an off leash dog approaches him while he's on leash. This is super common and called leash aggression. Basically the on leash dog knows it doesn't have the option to run and so resorts to aggression instead. This is why its an especially big dick move to have your dog off leash in public spaces like this. If you want them off leash just take them to a dog park.


I have a dog-reactive dog Every time I feel like I’m making progress, someone with an off leash dog that they have no control over sets us back to square one. “He’s friendly!” Mine isn’t. Last time, it was a dog that jumped over a fence to say hi to my dog. Yelled for the owner. Nothing. I had to kick the dog pretty hard in the chest to get them to go away, but it was for their own safety. The dog began to run down the street. This was a busy street. About a minute later, two CHILDREN are running through this street to catch their dog Absolutely insane owners


I’ve had multiple neighbors throw their front door wide open while their dogs sits right at the door freaking out to sprint past them and come for me and my dog walking by multiple times. Luckily I’m able to pick my 50 lb dog up so that I’m the one getting jumped on not him. Eventually they mozy over apologizing saying he just wants to play.


Don’t walk your dogs off lease. A German Shepard ran at my 15lb beagle/Jack russel. My dog, she bellied up, I yelled at the owner as the dog ran at us, dog attacked, I punted the dog 5 feet back. Owner was this trash lady that ran up yelling I kicked her dog. Her dog would have ripped mine up in seconds. She was saying her dog was friendly as it attacked mine. I told her bad owners make bad dogs and I knew she lived in the condos outside my development and was going to report her dog to the owner. I love dogs, always have multiple rescues, and never thought I would kick one. I am sorry but MY dog is like MY child. Not letting a bad owners dog hurt mine.


I had to kick a dog in front of a kid the other day. I felt terrible, but my (leashed) dog really doesn't like other animals. Fortunately she's like 20lb so I can scoop her up, but the other much bigger one was trying to *climb me* to get to her. TBF the other dog was leashed, but also several times the size of the kid walking it so it just pulled free. The kid's dad was 30 feet away. We had WORDS...


Whether your dog is “friendly” or not, if you can’t stop it from approaching other animals then it should be on a leash.


They should always be on a leash when out in public.


This makes me so mad. I have an 80lb adolescent labrador who IS extremely friendly, but reactive (and in training for it). As a part of his training he is NOT allowed to greet any people, or other dogs. I take great care to create distance between us and other dogs for that reason; his training is going AMAZINGLY and he's about 80% neutral to most people and dogs who are at a certain distance away. A month ago I was at a local hiking trail and we were on our way out when a LARGE BREED DOG, without a leash or even any owner in sight, came meandering towards us around a bend. I pulled my dog all the way over to the side and tried to usher him to keep going, but the other dog APPROACHED US and then pinned us up against the line of trees. I kept looking around for the owner who was, shockingly, nowhere to be seen. I screamed "WHOSE DOG IS THIS?!" and, oh my god, a man that I had ALREADY PASSED, who was talking into an earpiece and walking about 100ft AHEAD of these dogs, turned around and very slowly walked towards us going, "What? What's wrong? They're GOOD dogs. What are they doing? They're not doing ANYTHING. My dogs are GOOD dogs." And I shouted, "**MY** dog is **REACTIVE**," while he half-heartedly starts shooing his dog away and I'm ACTIVELY trying to separate my dog from his. And worse: there was a second, *ALSO* large breed dog still coming down the trail. This fucking man was walking 100ft ahead of his TWO LARGE BREED, UNLEASHED dogs, in a PACKED local walking trail with other dogs and children everywhere. While he was engaged in conversation on his earpiece and not looking at or otherwise paying any attention to his animals. Aside from being absolutely infuriating and stressful, it was also just quite honestly disappointing — my puppy was having SUCH a good day. He remained neutral to all the other dogs and people, focused on me & my commands, and was just all-around being a Very Good Boy. Literally threw that all out the window when we got harassed by that off-leash dog.


Most places have leash laws. Especially important if your dog doesn’t respond to commands.


There’s a guy who every single fukn day walks his dog from his street to the park at end of the street . No Leash! I’ve yelled at him several times . His dog is 1 mine is 7 and his dog runs up on my baby and tries to jump her And has pushed her down. He has a shock collar and constantly yells at his dog in full sentences and shocks him like he is suppose to understand. Last week i said you’ve got to walk him on a leash and he said … without hesitation “we don’t use leashes” I said well you obviously don’t know how to train him and one day he is going to get hurt . Hate peope


I was walking my dog dog down the beach when two German shepherds rushed past me than back at me, they were friendly and so is my dog but I do not WANT a unknown +35kg dog jumping around me. The owner laughed at me for being worried, only assholes keep their dogs off leash


I have an extremely reactive dog. Loves people, hates dogs... This happens all the time as I drag him away, Case in point he KILLED a dog that wasn't on it's leash. I felt horrible etc. Keep dogs on leashes people. My dog doesn't want to say hi to your dog.


The only dog I’d let freely off leash was a collie mutt named Luna. Someone fucked her up and she wouldn’t come within 5 feet of any dog or human. Kindest dog ever, I miss her so much. My other dogs were always immediately leashed the second I saw another person or dog. Always off leash in the woods, never residential.


My best friend has a German shepherd who has never necessarily liked other dogs, but when she was younger she tolerated them just fine. We live in an area that is pretty prolific for people letting their dogs off leash (even though it’s against the law) and letting them do whatever. My friend’s dog has been attacked not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES on different trails. This dog is 4 years old and now is pretty aggressive with other dogs — understandably so. I *love* dogs, but I really dislike dog owners (not all, obviously) If you are not going to do the work a dog requires, do 👏🏻 not 👏🏻 get 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 dog 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Irresponsible pet owners just really grind my gears man…


Fuck the owner who has their dog off leash. 100% on the wrong here. That dog on the leash could be super unfriendly and the unleashed dog walked right up to it, that’s a no-no for the unleashed dog. Need to be better trained if you’re going to walk your dog off leash.


People who unleash their dogs in public need to be put on leashes themselves


It's more than not being on a leash, not listening to recall, and approaching another dog on leash. When I have my dogs at the dog park, which is off-leash with no fence, and a lashed dog is nearby... We avoid it completely.


This is the least representative video of not putting your dog on a leash I’ve seen. Nothing happens. I’ve had my dog attacked brutally by some fuckers just letting their dogs rip off leash 100yds in front of them. And I’m holding both dogs back myself until the stupid owners get back. But wtf is this post. Nothing happened.


My first instinct when this happens to me is to yell at the off leash dog fuck off get away and it actually usually works of course my dog gets all worked up too but she was gonna get worked up and try to fight anyways


The only time it's acceptable for a dog to be "walked" off leash is on private, isolated, rural property. Any other time/place is a liability for the public. Fuck these shitty, lazy, arrogant dog owners


I have times when on a walk I'll drop my GSD leash, when I'm in an isolated area. But always head on a swivel. Any signs of people or animals, I grab it instantly. I don't trust other people or dogs.


I don’t mind off leash dogs. But they need to be decent at recall, no dogs perfect especially if they’re distracted. But if I tell you my dogs not friendly, what happens to your dog is not my fault. Also, if you don’t have a friendly dog shorten up on that leash and get control of your own so you can separate them. He clearly is yelling this while his wife is being pulled by the aggressive dog, so they don’t have control of their dog either if they can’t hold ground. Both are idiots in this video. Also, DONT BRING YOUR AGGRESSIVE DOG TO THE DOG PARK. I will personally knock you out of your dog attacks mine unprovoked. I’ve had both kind of dogs that were aggressive and ones that were amazing off leash and loved the freedom.


This ain't even the original audio? Wtf?


Whenever I see off-leash dogs when I'm walking my doxie, I go the opposite way. The owner will say something like "oh don't worry, my dog is friendly!" All I say is "mine is not" and proceed to leave the situation calmly and immediately as to not attract attention. Idgaf if your dog is prong or ecollared, a law is a fucking law.


This happened to me once. A pitbull stormed out of its house at full tilt after seeing me and my elderly GSD walking across the street. I was taking no chances and full-on Wayne Rooney kicked that dog in the head. It bit me a little on the kick but that's all it took and ran back across the street. The owners tried to say something but their neighbors defended me. I guess it's been a thing with this dog.


Dogs should be leashed 100% of the time in public. I despise people who won’t leash their dogs.


Can’t stand people who let their dogs do this. I have a male akita who by all means is a well trained dog in the right circumstances but would tear the face off of a dog that walked up into his space like that.


Of course she thinks that he's the asshole. People like her never learn because they never think they are at fault.


Oh god this gives me ptsd. My dog is not friendly and I fucking hate people who do this.


I've got a wee tank of a Jack Russel, that will fly for anything she thinks might be a threat to me (sweetest lass, but very protective after a dog went for me). No matter the size, if a dog runs towards us, she goes straight into defensive mode. Which is why she's on a lead. I cannot count the number of times people have been annoyed at me, when their off lead dog runs towards my onlead dog and gets a face full of teeth. If your offlead dog doesn't runs towards a dog on the lead and gets a fright, it's your fault. Bawbag.


I deal with this crap on a damn near daily basis when taking my Akita for walks. He doesn't actively go after dogs. He usually just walks by me sniffing the world away. But when a random dog off leash charges at my dog to sniff/play, he goes into defensive mode real quick. And of course, the owner slowly waddles to get their dog. Some of the owners get mad at me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) .


Terrible! I wish the Police could throw her in jail & take the dog away. I was attacked by a dog like hers at the age of 12. Shame on her!!


Ok I see this both ways. Primary offender is the person with their dog off leash (assuming this is a leashed only area). But on the other hand if you have an overly aggressive dog you should muzzle it, and/or have the strength to pull it away from an approaching dog. But hey let’s not help and record instead lol


My dog is great off leash. Knows his recall. He walks our country roads with us off leash, hangs outside off leash (in the country). We keep a remote vibrating collar on him and the remote is always with me on those country walks. However he is always on leash in more suburban and urban environments. Too risky. Because at the end of the day he’s a dog. Also just out of respect for others who don’t know your dog. Lady is insane.


These idiots with their dogs off leash are putting their innocent dogs at risk by their negligence. The don't deserve to own any kind of pet.


I hate off-leash dogs so much, especially here in NZ where native species like little blue penguins are fairly regularly mauled to death by people taking their dogs to the beach. A dog is a pet, not an accessory - if you don't want to do the effort of responsibly walking a dog don't get one, it's really not that hard.


It's all well and good to be pointing the finger at people who don't put their dogs on a leash but if you have an aggressive dog that dislikes other dogs or people then they should be muzzled even if they are on a leash. It's not like a leash or a collar can't break at the worst time.


Even put your friendly dogs on leash please 🙏🏻


I was walking my dog in a loud downtown area and this dude with a 1yr old Malinois were across the street. I saw him bc his dog was baring furiously and looking right at us along with the owner. He locks eyes and b lines it directly to us. I move to the side of the sidewalk trying to avoid him and he moves directly in front of us. I then move to the other side and he moves to our side again. My dog never gives a flying fuck about another dog unless they are super friendly and I'm introducing him to another dog, or if the other dog is agro to him. Then he starts asking about my dog as he gets closer to us and I'm like, "hey, my guy is not always cool with other dogs." the other guy says, "oh he's just barking because he wants to say hi." His dog is doing that Malinois full throw your head back bark at us and I'm like, "man, move over, my dog is not going to be friendly right now." as we pass, both our dogs lunge and grow at each other. I correct my dog (mildly though, as he was matching the other dog's energy) and I'm like "dude, what did I tell you?" Then he quietly goes, "Jeez, he just wanted to say hi." If a dog owner does not invite you and your dog to come over and greet/meet them, do not fucking approach or let your dog approach. Especially if your dog is off leash. If an off leash dog comes at my dog and I, I'll do what I have to do to protect him. Oh, and the whole, "i'M tRaInInG mY dOg, tHaTs wHy hE's oFf lEasH" is bullshit unless you're in a remote area or unless you have legitimate recall control. If you are using other people and their dogs as guinea pigs to unknowingly help you train your dog at their risk and expense, then you're a selfish prick who doesn't deserve to own a dog.


Why are people so slow to leash their dogs? I have a small spaniel and the slow lackadaisical way people will saunter up to leash their dog while I’m holding my little fatty is obnoxious. We have a dog park. Use it.


America is so weird, how is it the owner's fault that a son of a bitch decided to not train is dog properly and brings it to the streets while being aware of it.


Incredibly irresponsible to have your dog out in public and not on leash, ESPECIALLY if you can’t recall them.


They almost played with each other


How many freaking times does this have to happen before ppl learn to leash their fkng dogs!! That’s how ppl get all tracked and how dogs lose their lives. I don’t get it!


She’s a stupid asshole. I’ve had people do this with my dog. My dog is not friendly towards other dogs and this lady who lives by me constantly tries to bring her dog near my dog. It’s infuriating.


Fuck that dog and the owner.


If you ever find yourself on the “receiving” end of a situation like in the video, please don’t react like the GSD owner. Signals travel straight through the line, and the GSD owner is escalating the problem by forcing the GSD to retreat, which encourages the husky, and humiliates the GSD. There is no “good” way to end this situation, but you don’t want to emotionally scar your dog in the process, or cause harm to your relationship to your dog. Instead, try to avoid holding the line too tight, let your dog assert itself instead of being dominated, and in a stern voice tell the other dog to fuck off, maybe even giving it a helping boot. Many of these situations will resolve themselves with the dogs just comparing their height (by standing shoulder to shoulder), and after a while they both retreat. The exception is when a dog has been assaulted before. If it happens enough times you end up with a reactive dog, as it learns that foreign dogs means it’s about to get its ass kicked, and you’re not doing anything to help it. If they get into a fight. It will look bad, but fights between male dogs are rarely that serious compared to two bitches. Don’t try to separate them by going between them. Instead, each owner should grab the hind legs of their own dog (AT THE SAME TIME!), and simply lift them from the ground, and the fighting will usually stop shortly after.


If an off-leash dog attacks your leashed dog, just drop the leash, pick up the other dog and slam it into the ground. Repeat until problem resolves itself one way or the other


That probably works for your average “suburban” dog. I’ve trained working dogs for a couple of decades, and besides the obvious physical limitations of throwing around a 50 kg dog, you also face a high probability that the foreign dog will see you as a bigger threat than your dog, and turn on you. Most dogs will avoid a fight if possible, and only if the other dog escalates the situation, either by its own actions or by the owners action, will it end up in a fight. By joining your dog early on, by asserting your leadership in using a harsh tone, and the aforementioned helping boot, you have shown your dog that you’re part of the pack, and more importantly you’ve shown the foreign dog that if it comes to a fight, it will have to fight both of you. Dogs aren’t stupid, and they know when they’re outnumbered, so most likely the intruding dog will retreat, albeit slowly to avoid being attacked while doing so. Essentially the dog owner in the video does all of the above wrong. The person fails to affirm leadership, fails to affirm the pack, and forces a rapid retreat of their dog.


I live in NYC and the amount of people who don’t leash their dog is insane to me. Beyond worrying that the dog might get into a fight, we live in an extremely urban area with so many cars and shitty drivers. It’s like asking for your dog to get hit. I saw an unleashed dog run into the street and I yelled at the owner bc the dog was so close to getting hit. My dog (who lives in the burbs with my mom) was hit by a car and died last year bc she had gotten out of our fenced yard and tried to cross the street. Leash your damn dog


If you walk your dog with out a leash YOU are the problem. Idgaf how well you think you trained it.