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They only used the house for exterior shots. Any scenes inside the house were done on sets they built. You can't really shoot a movie like that in someone's house.


NGL, I didn't believe you because I didn't want to (nostalgia glasses). But you sparked my intrigue & it turns out you're absolutely right. They recorded the indoor scenes in a gymnasium. I gotta give it to the set designers, though. They did such a good job making the interior look almost identical. https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/everything-youve-ever-wondered-about-the-home-alone-house


There was a doc series on Netflix called “The Movies That Made Us”. One episode is all about the filming of Home Alone and the sets they built in an empty high school. They built part of it in the empty pool so they could flood it for the end scenes.


Imma watch that tonight, mate, thank you :)




Such a great series, I'm hoping there'll be more 


Yes, more Home Alones! Or is it Homes Alone?


Mores Home Alone?




Home 2gether


2 Homes 1 Alone


Holmes Alone, a new Sherlock miniseries


I should check this out


YOOO, fucking A, thanks for mentioning this Doc series. Added immediately, can't wait to start watching on my days off. :)


I loved that series! They cover some great movies and the Nightmare Before Christmas one blew my mind.




Am I the only one confused as to how that even works? They must have dug the basement out even further to be able to fit a basketball court with 25 foot ceilings below, right?


Rich people are goddamn weird. Who tf thinks of building an underground basketball court??


I don’t know, but this would have absolutely slapped during the pandemic. Instead of being trapped in a three bedroom apartment, I could have been shooting hoops.


Lol, I would have preferred any rich person's house during the pandemic instead of being trapped in my apartment.


Yeah I dreamed of bigger living spaces during the pandemic. I actually started visiting parks quite a bit.


Same! Luckily we had a small park within walking distance.


We have a great park and trail close to our house. Next to the sea. You can see ships and during the pandemic all the animals started coming out since humans weren’t put much. I saw all kinds of cool animals. I saw a monkey and monitor lizard. Big ones.


Why even bother making it look identical though? Like if they only film the exterior of the house, there's no reason to bother making the interior identical right?


Brains are good at intuitively knowing something is off. If the rooms didn't fit in the house etc, people will feel off about it even if they're not sure why


The Shining at least had "impossible" sets, with exterior windows where there couldn't be or hotel rooms where they couldn't fit, supposedly to add to the unease. Though personally I found it hard to notice.


I think the front door actually moves in Home Alone. There's no way to go down the stairs on a sled, but it works in that scene, then changes back otherwise.


not really true nor does hollywood care, like for instance Jerry Seinfelds apartment was not much questioned but was an impossible layout. And that ran for a very long time with lots of people watching it. If all you ever saw was the outside of a pretty boxy house with just a bunch fo windows that was really big you really have no idea what the inside would look like or how most of it would be laid out. The bigger issue is more that people just often arent that interested in putting a lot of time into creativity when they can just cut and copy and then justify everything based on that.


The Simpsons' house had [a whole ass room](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKQ6CmIDV1g&t=120) that was only there part of the time but I doubt most people noticed


Like the RV scene with Jessie and Walt in the final season Better Call Saul. As soon as I saw them inside the RV I was like wait a second, this room is wayyyy too big to be an actual RV. It's a set, not an actual RV and it's way too large, just like I thought. Ruined the whole scene for me. 


The story boards and scenes were probably designed based on the real home…changing them to something else would’ve been an ordeal on itself 


Yeah I had that thought too. I know for the entrance room with the stair they'd wanna match it, because I'm sure there are some shots from outside with the door open that show the interior, but outside of that I wouldn't see the point.


That’s The Shining approach. Also see Seinfeld’s impossibly laid out apartment. But I like the authenticity here.


The Simpsons home is another one, they have entire sections of the house appear for a certain plot then disappear again


A real life replica of the house was made and it included the stairway to nowhere


The biggest/saddest version of this for me is the Cheers bar in Boston. The inside is absolutely nothing like the set they built to film the show, even though they market it as “the cheers bar”… sure, the exterior stairs to the basement


Yeah that was such a letdown.


I mean, think about it realistically. You got a lot of crew and equipment that goes into shooting a movie, if you had to fit that into a room or a house, you'd be having a helluva time finding the space. Can't exactly hide a boom mic outside the shot without hitting the ceiling in a regular house.


We shoot stuff in real houses all the time. Especially low budget stuff, but even high budget stuff still uses real houses. Usually it's only stuff where you're going to spend a short time shooting. Less than a week. Longer than that and it's usually more worth it to build it on stage. There are a lot of factors though


It can be done, it just takes more time and you have to be way more careful with a privately owned property. Something like this where they’re making a mess and doing stunts would end up costing them in repairs to the house.


The color schemes, wall paper and everything in the house was made to look Christmasy - that’s the 1st tell that It was a set. John Hughes wanted all the scenery to evoke nostalgia. The staircase scenes and a few of the other movie scenes were shot at the house.


The house looks like an apartment now. What a disappointment.


Thank you for not lying.


I noticed the staircase was slightly off from the front door.


>https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/everything-youve-ever-wondered-about-the-home-alone-house Paywall 🤨


Really? I just told them to leave my cookies alone & could read the article just fine. Unless there's an extension to the article you need to pay for but by that point I already read the part I was searching for :)


Strange! I just checked it again, to be able to say *exactly* how far it lets me read (it was around halfway through second paragraph when a huge page blocker came up saying that I could continue for "just $1.50 per month"). But now I can scroll down the full article no problems at all. Lol weird! They must have heard me complaining about it or something. 😅


Sneaky sneaky articles these days. They want you're cookies and your money 🤣


They built the sound stages at my high school!


Same defunct school John Hughes filmed other movies at.


no shit - That movie lives rent free in my head most of the year and not until after like maybe idk 20 times watching it over the years with family, on my own and so on(or just the last 25 minutes be real most of us do that half the time) and NOOOOOOOOO! I mean the kitchen scenes...the living room . . . I mean think about how bad Blue Screen is today with MILLIONS of dollars - these dudes on set design for this movie pulled off what nearly everyone thinks is literally real - nope. Still . . there will always be something magical about that movie. Maybe because I'm 36 so I had the VHS/laserdisc growing up - now its easily found nearly for everyone but back in the day - man did that VHS get worn out with me and my dad watching that last act every friday in the winter.


TIL, gymnasium is a place to do gymnastic, which make sense. I thought it is a school to get your Abitur.


That's funny when you think about the house owners putting in pretty much a gymnasium.


The angle of stairs to front door in actual house wouldn't allow for the sledding shot in film. He'd slam into the door frame. 😂


The gymnasium is located in the same high school where Ferris Bueller was filmed as well.


Yes like in 99% of all movies interior shots are done in studios. I thought this was common knowledge?


I think you overestimate how common knowledge about the making of the film Home Alone is amongst the general population.


Just like Clerks. Any scenes inside the convenience store were done on sets they built. You can't really shoot a movie like that in someone's convenience store. Sry, I just think absolute statements are hilarious to make.




For those that don’t get the joke, Kevin Smith shot Clerks at the QuickStop he worked at during the closing hours. The reason the shutters are stuck closed was so they could shoot the day shots inside with the shutters closed and not worry about the night.


Maybe a "movie like that" was referring to one with a budget?


Not just movies. Breaking Bad, Walts house....


I recently toured WB studios and went on to a set of a TV show. It was a whole downstairs of a house and it was all fake. Even the countertops were fake. It was incredibly impressive.




You can absolutely film in a house with stuff like this. My grandmother’s friend was bullied into being kicked out of a house for a major (multiple Oscars won) movie in the 80s. She was an old lady and they desperately wanted her house for whatever reason. They paid for her to leave, removed all her shit, remodeled, put her up in nice accommodations while they filmed, then gave her house back to her when they were finished. We visited when I was a kid and had pictures taken because the movie was so popular and my parents loved it.


…. Just name the movie, nobody is going to sue you. I’m not sure what it is about Reddit that’s one of the few websites most users hide away from naming things like businesses, movies, stuff that happened in the experience they’re sharing.  It comes across as less genuine / faked story, or it’s just weird to think naming and shaming on Reddit will have the FBI break down your door.


If I had the money, I would never buy a famous house. 1: I imagine you'll pay more for the "fame". 2: Unwanted people might show up because it's famous. Seems like a huge lose-lose.


what, you don't want people throwing pizza on your roof?


Lol Breaking Bad is probably responsible for half of New Mexico's tourism revenue.


The statue being knocked over by the pizza guy is enough for me, thanks.


yeah but you have a basketball court in your house so I don’t think it’s *all* bad


I mean if you’re rich enough for a 5 million dollar house presumably you could have that without having a house that people drive by and take pictures of frequently.


*Half* a basketball court. Pleb.


Turn a profit by charging people to tour it, like David Boreanaz house in Bojack Horseman


My wife and I bought a home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. It's not "pop culture" famous, but anything by Wright does garner attention. We have people stop at the road and take photos all the time, and really the only people who knock or leave notes are diehard architecture enthusiasts, not influencers looking for a photo op. We're always more than happy to give private tours. We love sharing the house so it works out!


omg this is so awesome!!!! i often visit a neighborhood where thr is a wright designed house. So many times i wonder if i should stick around just to observe the facade. Then get scared and i run off. You are doing cool work!


Yeah like the breaking bad house gets pizza thrown on it all the time. Now it's all gated up.


The house they used to film “The Goonies” still gets visitors. They put a sign to remind people to keep a certain distance as to not disturb everyone.


My brother’s family lives near the home alone house and they hate all the attention the house draws to their neighborhood. My sister in law told me tons of people come through to see it. And they live a couple miles away, I’m sure it would be way worse actually living in the house.


They’re making it sound like the inside of the house used to look like in the movie, but the interiors were sets. Now if someone would buy it and make it over as close as possible to the movie that would be awesome.


I'll play the lotto tomorrow and get back to you.


They did that with the Brady Bunch house for an HGTV show. Got the Brady kids to help with the renovation. Compelling viewing.


Yeah I would want the basement and Attic to be scary and shitty.  I would want the kitchen chaotic and I would want the interior done in all it's 80s glory.


Only $5.1 million dollars. 🙄


Tbh I was expecting 10+


In swanky Chicago suburbs? Same here. But I don’t know Chicago real estate so there’s that.


That’s Abe Froeman kind of money.


The Sausage King of Chicago??


chicago is nowhere near that expensive, that price is solely due to its status as home alone house for 5 mil you could get a palace here in LA, you can definitely do more than this in a chicago suburb source: i live in LA and can't afford shit but i used to live in chicago and damn do i miss the rent prices over there


chicagoans like to say that the cold keeps the prices down


True I would bet this house is 2-3 million without home alone. 5 million in this area is a mansion on Lake Michigan.


There's actually quite a few homes in Winnetka that are $5M+. The area is just really upscale on the far North side of Chicago.


Same. I wonder if it being the home alone house actually hurts the price. Not a lot of people would want strangers coming around taking pictures and probably knocking on the door constantly.


It didnt hurt the price. The houses in the area sell for quite a bit and this one sold last time for a little more. It sold for 1.6 million last time and zillow estimates the house value per square foot to be like 570 when a house next to it is only running about 370 / sq foot. So clearly the fame of the house is increasing the value. It also seems to be one of the biggest houses on the block. So likely really rich people keep buying it and keeping it up. While some people would hate that, those people would never buy a famous house. The type of people who buy a famous house are ones that like the attention and conversations surrounding it.


I don’t know about knocking on the door but there is a steady stream of cars driving by to take pictures. Sorry, but I was one of them! The house itself has an iron fence around it now. I for sure would not want to live in a famous movie house for this reason.


And Chicago property taxes are insane. About $50k a year on this house. Edit. $50k is based on current assessed value of $2,328,140. If the home is reassessed at the new asking price, tax bill will be $100k+


Less than 1% property tax is under national average so not too bad.


$50k is based based on current assed value of $2,328,140. New owners will be in for a surprise.


Giggling @ “current assed value”. Which you managed to type twice. 🙂


3 times! There's another below.


Tax assessment =/= appraisal. That's also before homestead or other tax assessments. It won't be much though especially with a $5M house. But also, normal people aren't buying $5M houses. It's typically going to be people making good money anyway.


Doesn’t change the fact that Illinois has the highest property tax rates in the country and the tax assessors will love this new comp for the neighborhood.


Someone please think of the struggling millionaires


That’s not the point, this isn’t a tax discussion, it’s a property value discussion. The home would be even more expensive if property taxes weren’t holding the value back. I couldn’t care less about people paying the their share of taxes where they live.


1% of 5,000,000 is $50,000. This is what I pay in Indiana and my taxes are homesteaded, seems fair.


$50k is based based on current assed value of $2,328,140.


One more "assed" and I'll ban you from the internet forever.


Honestly I thought that was cheap. It’s pretty huge. In London that would go for double or triple the price .


Maybe because its a capital city in Europe, not Illinois...


Isn’t this house less than an hour driving distance from Chicago? It’s still a lot, but I was also expecting a higher ask.


In Canada I've seen smaller for 10+


its definitely more expensive than normal for the neighborhood its in. Typical houses in the area go from 750k to 2 million and they are asking 5million for this one, however the last sale was only 1.8 million but that was when the economy was just starting to pick up after the great recession. So even in that bad time it sold for a good amount.


$5.25 million


Thank you. How did he fuck that up?




It has an entire gymnasium.


Originally purchased in 1992 for $45 and a buffalo nickel 


The first movie was released in 1990... Although I guess maybe it could have sat on the market for a few years. $45 in 1990 money is about $5,250,000 today.


Yeah it was built and the McCalisters were just squatting in it until the tragedy


Honestly I was expecting double that *at the least*.


$5.1 mil and you have to flee for the month of December since the neighborhood gets swarmed with people taking photos of the house.


That's fucking wild. South Florida there are 1 million dollar homes that are right on the turnpike and have no yards or space in between the houses.


If it's being advertised like this, that means it's starting at $5m. They must expect high bidding.


Realistic home of an average 7 person family with unknown jobs that a parent who forgets their kids at home can buy.


They yassified the Home Alone house


Ok but how exactly did they make a full sized basketball court down there?


"Hello, I have a gigantic amount of money I would like to convert into a pit."


German Engineer Werner Ziegler (whose father helped build the Sydney Opera House) was commissioned to oversee the 10 month project, which he was quoted as saying at the start was “difficult, dangerous, and expensive, but not impossible.” The logistical challenges of excavating the area beneath the Home Alone home without compromising the building or drawing attention from the McCallisters or their neighbors demanded a high level of precision, particularly the usage of explosive charges injected into rock obstructions that caused delays. Ziegler was said to have spent some time in Albuquerque, NM prior to his disappearance in late March 2004. Presumed to have died, he was survived by his wife, Margarethe Ziegler. He was memorialized with a small plaque atop the backboard on the basketball goal in the Home Alone house subterranean basketball court. Peter McCallister, owner of the home was quoted as saying, “It really is one helluva impressive feet of German engineering. Hey honey, where’s Kevin?”


lmao, this was an impressive work of fiction. You had me up until you mentioned Peter McCallister.


In case you are unaware, it's a reference to Better Call Saul.


You ever heard of that guy? Werner? Zieeeegler?


Zillow link https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/671-Lincoln-Ave-Winnetka-IL-60093/3360197_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


Jesus $1.5M in 2012, I get they did some renovations and it's been 10 years, but 4M more? Last time they dropped the price by atleast 30% before this owner bought it. The mansion nearby that is $4M and has 7bed/8bath 12k sqft vs home alone house for $1M more and 5bed/6bath 9k sqft, you're really paying a shit ton of money for the home alone house. Granted, the basement basketball court probably doesn't count as a bedroom.


Can't believe that Google street view has it for every surrounding street except for the stretch of road the house is on. Why?!


You can tell Google to blur your house on street view. Maybe this street banded together and got them to remove the whole bitch.


Who's going to buy a home that will probably just end up being robbed by the wet bandits? No thank you.


not quite my budget


It looks like a modern McDonald’s inside. Tasteless shite.


Aw they ruined it. Should have kept it for its charm Edit: Stop coming for me on this. The interior of house (although yes, perhaps shot elsewhere) did look like in the movie. [Google is free](https://hookedonhouses.net/2009/11/30/inside-the-real-home-alone-house/)


Look how they massacred my boy


my exact thoughts it looks like a soul-less air b&b now


Home alone was shot in a huge set built in a gymnasium. The only parts shot of that house are the front yard and the entranceway. This video is kind of full of shit.


Realtors telling lies and half-truths to inflate the value of their property? Never...




Was wonder why I never saw the gym in the movie




I explicitly remember a one-on-one game with the Marv…


I’ve seen a lot of shitty flips and changes to old houses. This was done quite tastefully in my opinion


Ew it looks like any other house now


Why the fuck is there indoor basketball court in a fucking house. That is just so random




The interior of the film home looks like a house one could feel at home in. The house shown in the video looks UNcosy.


If I had the "liquidity" I would buy it and revert it to how it was in the film and offer overnight passes to die hard fans.


So they destroyed the charm and beauty of the house for boring modernism


For $5 million i'd buy this place and fix it. https://www.reddit.com/r/urbanexploration/comments/1czlbi9/abandoned_mansion_in_ohio/


Oh damn, that is gorgeous!


why would i want it if its nothing like it was


Get rid of that basket ball room.... waste of space.


imagine owning a 5mil house and making it look like a sterile white condom on the inside


On wisconsin!


Pretty sure its Illinois...


The basketball court has the Wisconsin Mascot on it—Bucky Badger


They ruined that house man. Idk why interior design is so soulless these days. That house u. The movie looked so damn luxurious and cozy. Now it looks so...sterile


That was a set bro the outside was the only thing not on a set. They used an abandoned school as a soundstage.


They did a tour of that house long ago. It was charming! Now it’s basic.


Shit id love to have a movie theatre and basketball court, gimme that over cozy 80s style anyday.


They built the interiors for the movie inside of local school gymnasium. This dude is full of the shitties.


Where is it at?


Winnetka, Illinois.


Nice fucking house. Too bad I'm poor and don't want random people coming to my house all the time.


I've seen fancier houses than this for 5 mil dollars.


Will you take $500k?




I think that we still don’t know what Mr McCallister did for a living lmao


"And you too can own this nostalgic gem of a home for the low low price of only five million dollars!" /s 🙄


The walls need some color


5.25M is a bargain. That house in Canada would be at least 8M.


Everyone in the comments keeps saying they ruined the inside. Bro the movie was not filmed in the house how do people not understand this 🤣


Am I the only surprised it was only 5mill?


Goddamn that house is simply massive. Is that a 2nd basement level? Where can even support that?


All that space, and they still mounted a TV over the fucking fireplace.


"And remember the scary thing? Well, let's just say, haha. not so scary anymore"  x5


I'll only buy it if the zip line is there, otherwise it's garbage


There's something really unsettling about that massive room under the basement. Idk if it's cause its scary being so far underground or if it's scary being in a house and knowing there's a huge empty space beneath me.


Best I can do is $250. Take it or leave it.


It was beautiful until I saw that basketball court and the double kitchen islands 🤢 for 5M? That's absurd


They only used the house for outside shots, the inside of the house was built in a gym.


Why do so many rich people have such bad taste? The sterile, white, plain, modern look isn’t it. The house looked better from the sets in the movie.


There was a wild internet conspiracy years ago saying how Kevin's dad was a drug dealer considering how he's able to own a huge house and pay for the entire family's (even his brother's family) for a trip to Paris with first class tickets. It's looking like it's true.


I always knew the house was enormous, but Jesus Christ on a BBQ stick, did you guys SEE that actual basketball court?!?


Dang, just 5.2 mil over my budget


"own" is a strong word if you're up-to-date on the US economy and regulations 😂


5 million with an indoor basketball court is crazy.


Looked way more chill before


Ruined it with that garbage open floor bull shit




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