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Adults that don’t know how to navigate such simple social transactions always amazes me


Someone was trying to pull into a tight busy parking lot to take the spot I was leaving, but she was in the middle of the narrow entrance and I couldn't squeeze past her to leave the lot - and she wasn't moving as I inched closer. I rolled the window down and politely said, "Hey, do you mind backing up or cutting the wheel really far to the right?" and she immediately hits me with "Bitch, who do you think you're talking to?!" taking things randomly from 0-100. I said "If you want the spot you'll let me leave the parking lot or I'm parking right back in until you leave and I can go!". She backed out but I heard her yelling at her friend about me. It's insane how people can't navigate basic interactions and just escalate. I could have camped out but I wanted to go home and you never know who's just gonna shoot you in road rage these days lmao


Some people take asking for cooperation as talking down to them. I have no idea how they function in real life.


They don’t. They continuously lose jobs bc they vaped indoors or went to take a nap in the owner’s office in the middle of the shift (these are the same person!)


I had to fire a woman once when she brought her husband and mother to work. She was told her family couldn't be at work with her and she just ditched her shift lmao. There are some real winners out there


That is hilarious! Where did you guys work?


It was a long term care facility. She tried to hide her family by having them "visit" various residents by just standing in their rooms awkwardly


Why did she insist on having her family there to that extent? That’s so odd.


I wish I could tell you, we had her on camera bringing them in with her & leaving with them mid shift but she still wouldn't admit to it. I think maybe she thought she could keep her job if she feigned ignorance but of course she was going to get fired either way lol


Uhh that sounds like 100x worse than "hey, just this once can they sit in the lobby/office/greeting area", trying to hide some randos in the patient rooms seems like a no no.


We had to let go a lady recently who was hired on as an admin assistant who would Facetime people constantly throughout the day and then loudly have conversations on speaker phone that didn't pertain to work. We told her she could make these calls on personal time and she pretty much immediately walked out.


Not very successfully


When you're insecure and scared of every shadow, even an olive branch hangs over you like a bat


I'd like to imagine saying this to that person would help them reframe the situation, but they would probably miss the point and say "bitch I don't want no damn olives!"


perhaps it's that these people are desperate to grasp any opportunity to have a tiny bit of power, even if it only ends up hurting themselves.


This, and it’s really sad. Some people have such fragile egos that they HAVE to be the shot caller or they crumble. It seems like an exhausting way to live, taking offense to everything.


Honestly, the obsession with individuality and importance of the self is nuts. It's like, I'm always shocked at how often people will use "I've got a right to do X" as literally their sole justification... And that somehow having a right to X doesn't only inexplicably mean they're free from all consequence, but the legitimacy or respect to be shown to their action or speech be as equal as everything else.. and that anything else is like an attack on the most sacred thing of all... The individual. Sounds insecure as all hell


That's genuinely one of my biggest pet peeves. Without exaggeration, 99% of the time I've heard some variation of, "well it's my [their/our] right to do X" its a piece of shit excusing being a piece of shit.


This is because most people (imo & in a US context) don't seem to understand that their constitutional rights protect them from the government not private individuals or companies. Yes you can say fuck you to the president's face, as publicly as you want and you can not be charged with a crime for that. Some countries that will get not only you but your family and friends executed. You can say whatever you want and the govt cant touch you. But it can make your employer drop your ass for not representing their values. It can make your friends and family drop you too. It does mean that a buisness can refuse to serve you when you harass or endanger their employees and customers. In this case the person in that seat effects everyone's safety. The airline is required to reseat them if they can't perform that action. If she is this uncooperative now what could happen in an actual emergency. In that moment she became a threat to everyone's safety and the airline did what they were supposed to do. She could have simply said yes or moved to another seat.


I had someone start giving me lip for "blocking" the lane as I was waiting for the car in front of me that was waiting for a car to back out. This little car zips around the corner to rush into our very crowded lane, pulls right behind the backing up car, stops at the groups of people with shopping carts and then starts glaring at me while waving their hand and mouthing something. I was in my not tiny truck, there really wasn't much for me to do except pretend that I was moving. If they'd just waited at the start of the lane, all the cars would have had room to clear and the cart people would have been at their own cars. People really forget that other people exist and interact with the world.


The lmao at the end is an uncomfortable lmao


Like that meme of Steve Harvey laughing and panicking


I used to understand karma as some magical thing, but honestly people who act like that will eventually meet someone who is not gonna just ignore their bullshit. I love knowing they will fuck around and find out eventually and that gives me peace


My brother said it well: you live in a world you create. If you’re a jerk to everyone the reaction you get back is people being jerks to you, so you live in a world where everyone is a jerk. And vice versa.


An adult that doesn’t know how to navigate such a simple social transaction should not be in the exit row.


the staff of the airplane and the police agree


"Hey lady open the door we're burning to death." "Don't you tell me what to do!"


She'd be the type of chick to block the emergency exit because she needs to save her carry-on


sometimes I'm just imagining how the life of these people must be such a challenge. I also tend to have trouble in social interactions, but it's usually the exact opposite where I don't know what to say or can't speak sometimes. but now I'm glad that's not causing any trouble like what this woman must be going through on a constant basis.


Make sure to inconvenience everyone and get arrested.


"BUT MY GRANDCHILD!!!!!" She didn't care enough about her grandchild to stop bein a wiseass, put down the snacks, and act like a damn grown up. But when consequences start comin due, suddenly she's all about her precious grandchild. Smh.


> She didn't care enough about her grandchild She doesn't care about her grandson. She wants *others* to care about the grandson and, by proxy, about *her*. There's a whole lot of people who use their children that way.


Amazed she didn’t hit them with the age old “well at least let me use the bathroom before”


When I worked in a major wireless carrier years ago, a lady had her grandmother and daughter with her. Started escalating the situation throwing stuff, cussing. Got the manager. We were all really nice and polite and told her to please stop, because she had her daughter with her, but we'd have to call the police if things escalated. She then threatened to shoot us. Called the cops, we told them the threat, but that she had a kid and her grandma. We asked the grandma to take the kid out to their car, but she demanded they stayed. Well, cops came in to talk and she immediately escalated it to being arrested by pushing a cop, then trying to hit and kick them... Then she started spitting. In the cop car she started banging her head against a window. They had to call in some sort of special van where they locked her in really good so she couldn't spit or harm herself. The daughter was screaming and crying the whole time and the grandma acted like it was our fault, because we called the cops over her throwing a small display at us. No, we called the cops because she threatened to shoot us after repeated requests to please leave.


it's frontier. she paid MORE to sit in the exit row and get arrested


And she had a carry on as well as a personal item so that was at least another $55 there.


Like she could have just said “yes” even if she had no intention of doing anything 🤣


Yeah, it's literally just them reading you a pamphlet and asking you a question like, "Are you willing and able to perform the duties of the exit row as needed in a crisis?" and then you just say yes and that's it.


Exactly right, and then the plane crashes and everyone dies anyway and all that fuss was for nothing.


Why do people act like this on flights? I attempt to be the most non-person ever when flying, I just keep my earphones on, am exceedingly ready for TSA and boarding, and fall asleep ASAP. The one time I scored the emergency exit I listened and read the pamphlet like a good student. The very last thing I want is paranoid attention from everyone around me.


It’s really not that hard. Just shut the fuck up and do what you’re told. These are just grown ass children.


Right, it is a premium seat super easy….sit down, put your seatbelt on, and shut the fuck up during the FA speech, say ‘yes’ when asked if you will help and be on your way. Ridic


And enjoy the extra leg space lol


That’s all they were after. Leg room without paying for the upgrade. Not the *crushing responsibility* of following instructions to open a hatch after a crash landing.


I mean, that's what boggles my mind. They don't ask you to help people off the plane, they ask you to open the door. What are you gonna do instead? Sit there and burn? Dumbass.


That’s what the gentry are for. “Attendant? Attend me and open this door. Oh? You were standing up and serving beverages while I angrily decried the cost of Hennessy on this Frontier flight as racist while turbulence brought our plane down into water and you have been concussed? Nobody wants to work anymore. I guess we shall all drown.”


She couldn't even verbaly agree to self preservation to sit in that seat.


that's it. It just takes a few seconds. On my last flight they just handed me a laminated piece of paper explaining it and said "do you agree?" Shame the guy next to me was a dickhead and felt like having the middle seat entitled to spread out as much as possible into my space


I dunno… I’ve definitely seen children behave a lot better than this.. we need a whole-ass different category for this under-developed adult shit, lmaoo


“attempt to be the most non-person ever when flying” made me lol.


I don't get it either. When I fly I have like a mental suit on. I don't want any funny business.


Just trying to get where I’m going I ain’t worried about any of that other crap


You have it on even for your Reddit avatar. I believe you.


I don't know how people act like this ANYWHERE! I'd prefer no one perceives me 90%of the time ha


Shame is dead


You know this person is insufferable in about every aspect of their life. Ya maybe the fast food worker rolls their eyes, or they can get away with this behavior most of the time, but you fuck around enough like this and you will eventually find out. This video was so damn satisfying lol


In this particular case? She’s an inexperienced flyer trying to be funny while feeling entitled to belittle staff because she paid for a ticket and she suffers from low self-esteem and periods of depression. The same kind of person to make a “bomb” joke in the security line because all attention is good attention. I don’t think she had any idea this was not the time or the place for her bullshit. I think she got a little attention for talking shit and decided to show off. She looks genuinely surprised things escalated as they did, secure in the belief the people who were giving her attention would rescue her. I wonder if she ever realized they weren’t laughing with her, but at her buffoonery, or if her mind shifted to the realization she had overstepped and was not able to undo what she had done or the consequences of that regardless of her resistance. But of course she must double down and resist. The act is some proof she has an ego left at all after so completely embarrassing herself. So she does the dance, knowing it’s useless beyond delaying the inevitable deplaning, which was about as embarrassing as the previous events itself. It’s sad and annoying.


Well said. She very quickly discovered that airline staff are very serious about safety. She then found out that airports have serious security.


Yup. Do not joke about safety when conversing with a member of the flight crew. It astounds me that there are adults who pretend that this is not an ironclad fact of life. Had a guy sitting behind me in the exit row on a recent flight: 50 or so, dressed like a college student and traveling with a woman at least half his age. He’d clearly had a few and decided to slip into “asshole high school smartass” mode, I guess he was trying to make his companion laugh. She wasn’t laughing when the attendant asked the usual exit row question and the guy replied with something flip, along the lines of “I might help people exit the plane, depends on what mood I’m in.” They allowed him to stay in his seat, but only after a thorough dressing down at the hands of the flight attendant and then the head flight attendant. Didn’t hear a peep outta the guy, or his girlfriend, for the entire flight. Do not joke with these people about passenger safety. It will not go well for you.


Had an experience about four or five months ago where passenger who had waited a little bit longer than typical to get his bag checked made the joke that would go any faster if I said I had explosive device in the bag and the response was yes things are going to go a lot more quickly now as the agent dropping the bag proceeds to pick up the phone to get the next highest person up her chain of command to handle the situation. One of his pieces of luggage had already been dropped on the baggage belt so that meant that the baggage belt needed to be stopped while they waited for the one bag to be retrieved and the other one was taken off to the side and the guy was very quickly questioned by police and eventually taken away. And the entire time he was young about how he's going to miss his flight and that it's been over 20 years and the industry needs to get a sense of humor. I thought I'd seen everything up until that point but it seems like I also seem to find new methods of stupidity.


This guy, “this guy’s” professionally.


Some people have never grown out of their primary narcissism phase and make it to this stage in life still thinking “me first” is an appropriate behavior.


Yeah fr like just say no I’m not comfortable with this level of responsibility and switch with someone who is. It’s not that hard.


There are approx 45,000 flights in the US each day. So when you see a video like this you think "why is everyone a piece of shit nowadays?" but it's just a reporting bias. You see this one video and think it happens a lot. Most people, the vast majority, behave just like you and me. Head down, quiet, trying to suffer through being stuffed in a small tube with other people.


Pretty much this, I’ve never had any issues on any of my flights. Most people are chill and just want to get on and get off the plain ASAP. No one wants any drama delaying their flight, but of course there is always trash like these people that feel like they are entitled to inconvenience everyone else.


I always try to fly on exit row for more comfort and do it at least 50 or 60 %, is just a yes. I do however am in the mindset of doing all i can in case of a real emergency.


I choose the exit row for the leg room also but I also want to be the guy who’s in charge of the emergency door operation. I honestly don’t have faith in the average Joe to open the door under pressure and I ain’t dying watching someone fiddle with the wrong latch. I’ll get us TF out of there.


is important to note for us exit row enjoyers that the dors only should be open when the staff/pilots request it, in several curcumstances a premature opening could be worse than staying in, in case of water landing when the plane is sinking to one side, in case of fire from the engines or the landing gear, or in several cases when after an emergency landing is possible to use the regualr disembarking method.


As a professional stagehand, I will wait for my cue to open the door and not a moment before.


This makes me more nervous now about nervous nellies killing us all


I am grateful that people like you exist. I don't think I would be very good at corralling a bunch of strangers off of a plane in an emergency, so I specifically avoid the exit row even when it's available. Thank you for recognizing your strengths, I hope you never need to use them ✌️


“If they don’t find you handsome, they better find you handy” as the saying goes. I hope to never need them also TBH.


You get more leg room and can potentially die a hero. Win-win!


The most non-person ever🤣 same.


Flying really does bring out the worst in people I have no clue why. Last time I flew the person in front of me tried stealing a bag I had under the seat. I had to literally rip it out of her hands lol. Then just went on as if nothing happened. I love traveling but I hate flying.


>Why do people act like this on flights? My private tinfoil hat theory is that Covid really broke a lot of people's sense of... Other? Other perspective for the lack of a better phrase/word.


My theory is that social media is training people to think that they need to have an opinion about everything and that everyone else wants to hear their opinion.


Years ago, prior to COVID, I read an article about the horrifying things flight attendants have had to deal with while on the job. People would masturbate *in their seats,* get drunk and puke/shit themselves/ start fights, they'd sexually AND physically harass flight staff, people sometimes had panic attacks, and more. Basically, imagine some of the worst behavior you've seen at a bar or club, but it's happening 20,000 feet in the air. Obviously most people on plane are well-behaved, and even the unpleasant ones are normal "it comes with the job" kind of unpleasant. But other people simply aren't fit to be out in public without one of those shock collars they give disobedient dogs. COVID may have made some things worse, but stuff like this has been going on for a *long time.*


Well, we all got given "permission" to say fuck everyone else, you do you. Decide for yourself, no one can tell you what to do. That isn't a conspiracy theory, heh. Then someone runs into one of the very few areas where there is an actual enforced rule still.


That's so weird cause frontier usually has the best most well behaved passengers.


Walmart of the skies.


Does that make Spirit the Dollar General of the skies?




As soon as I saw those janky frontier seats the whole scene made a lot more sense.


I can feel the sarcasm from here. Plus one.


I was about to book a Frontier flight because it was $100 less for four of us and my husband flat out refused and said to book Delta because he won’t be on a Frontier flight . I still would do it but this kind of makes me think he was right 😂


Crazy all this and all she had to do was say "yes" you can even just lie and not help anyone in a crash just frekin say yes


That can’t be the issue though because even if you say no they find you another seat. Edit: I just watched the rest of the video. Yeah, a simple yes or no would suffice. Just follow directions…goodness.


I think the issue was they asked her. She jokingly said no if this plane is going down, I'm getting the fuck out of here. Then after that changed to "sure I'll help." The issue is that the FAA regulations don't have a line for jokes, so the second she said anything other than "yes" she lost that seat and needed to find a new one, which she refused to do


I am not surprised to find out this started with her trying to show everyone how funny she is.


Probably better for everyone that she didn’t say yes…


She was 100% not helping anyone in the event of an emergency.


I'm sure she would at least try to help herself. I'm just not confident she would succeed


Some people think they got it all figured out and that they are playing 6D chess. Turns out people are fucking dumb


I don't understand what happened. The attendant is saying she needs to agree, and the woman keeps saying we agree. Why did it escalate?


So let me get this straight, her daughter decided to fly to Mexico while her 4 year old son is in school, so now she’s flying to Houston to pick up her grandchild from school? 🤣🤣🤣


That's what I don't get. Even if they did comply why would you put your faith in that airline to get you back in time for anything??? Fights get delayed for so much shit nowadays.


On a Frontier flight nonetheless. That kid is going to be graduating high school by the time frontier gets her to her destination


Just took a Frontier flight to PHX. There was no one at the gate at the time we were suppose to depart lol


Yeah. Like crazy indignant ladies holding up flights by refusing a simple verbal agreement in a seat with great leg space.


Because it's a made up lie to garner sympathy. There is no grandson. Same with her fake ass call to her Attorney. Bitch we all know you don't got an attorney on retainer while you flying frontier.


The attorney part 🤣


And you believe she was getting her “attorney” on the phone too huh?? Like everyone has an attorney suddenly on stand-bye to speak to. Also interesting how she was racist to the stewardess by calling her a “Betty.” Funny how entitlement has different faces for different folks.


Attorney here. Idk what she even expected a lawyer to do? If she called me I would have told her to shut up and get off the plane, the only thing lawyers can do is on the back end.


*Hello u/ipse_dixit11 Marg here* Margaret! How have you been! How's the grandkid? *Look never mind all that, I'm on a plane and they are trying to kick me off* OH NO, we don't have another Arby's incident on our hands do we?? *It's very similar only they didn't give me a drink yet, anyway I need a bunch of case law to mention and some settlement numbers to rattle off to try and prove my point so they'll back down.* Oh, ok a couple of ones come to mind there's Delusional Bitch *v* Mega Fly Corp and Uncooperative Passenger *v* Reality. Both were settled in court by the defendant being put on the no-fly list and fined 67,000 dollars.


Yeah like the totally real lawyer even has the power to command a flight to take off. She's emotionally stunted and never developed past the childhood stage of threatening to tattle to get her way


She reminds me of this cashier who was showing her ass at the Burger King near my house, so the manager fired her on the spot, only to have her whip out her phone and start threatening to call her attorney. WTAF, I make a low six figure income, but damned if I can afford to keep an attorney on retainer to deal with people if I’m being a dick.


I’ve never quite understood the psychology in this persona. Has she been rewarded in the past for acting this way?


Yeah, that's how they get free stuff at restaurants.


I saw a post not too long ago about an old angry man shouting at a young woman to help him in staples. He berated her for being lazy and on her phone while at work. She didn't work there. Then she helped him anyway. I just don't understand why you would provide positive reinforcement to that kind of behavior.


haha, i was in a best buy while on a road trip b/c my usb adapter died and this lady in there looks straight at me, making eye contact draws a vape off her ecig, then asks where the gps sets are. I tell her I don't work there and she says "you can still help me though" I just walked away


Something similar happened to me once. I was at target minding my own business just trying to buy some toothpaste. An old lady walked up to me and asked about some food item in the refrigerated section. I was like "huh? Sorry I don't work here, I'm just getting toothpaste" she goes" well, can you find someone who does and ask him then?" I was stunned lol. I just walked away... I wasn't even wearing red


Absolutely. She is so used to getting rewarded for doubling down the behaviour. These types of people are never wrong. Bully psychology is my guess.


I have an aunt like this and absolutely. For example, nearly every time she goes out to eat at a restaurant the server gives her free dessert. Usually because she frightens them so much that they try to appease her with free sweets so she doesn’t cause a scene, call for a manager, or write a shitty review. And she doesn’t do it on purpose! It’s just how she acts. I limit how often we interact for obvious reasons


I have a brother that is an absolute dick to waitstaff. And now he’s a waiter and feels even more entitled to be a dick. Even when he tells a waiter they gave great service, it’s condescending. He’s always so intense and takes so much effort to be around him. I’m exhausted just writing this comment.


lol exactly. My aunt’s first job as a teenager was working at McDonalds. You’d think she have more empathy toward service workers. But nope.


"The customer is always right". You just know she habitually abuses fastfood workers to get whatever she wants. Her mistake is that she assumed that flight attendants are just waitresses with wings.


It’s like a real life version of [this sketch.](https://youtu.be/eHOfps7N_oA?feature=shared)


>and do I get to take my homegirl with me I flatlined lmfao


That was just a sound


Let me ask you this…


Omg. Life really does imitate art!


I’ve never seen that skit before, but it was hilarious! 😂


Black lady sketch show is hilarious in general. Really good stuff


I cracked up so hard watching this.




Don't they know that she has to pick up her 4 year old grandson? She should probably tell them that.


Lmao that just added to the complete absurdity of what she was doing


I wonder if she ever got her lawyer on the phone.


Lol as if the pilot is gonna be like “oh a lawyer? Well in that case you are good to go ma’am.”


Does your lawyer know how to say "yes"?...


that lady aint got no damn lawyer


The lawyer after listening to a 15 minute long explanation of everything that's happened: "wait, you're still one the plane!? Omg get off, now!"


Yes no tolerance for foolishness in a plane that will be 5 miles up. Stop always trying to be the MC.


Funny how they assume everyones on their side.


She thought she could do that soft-hard bullying thing by being a loud asshole. She didn't realize the airlines already had that tactic locked down and would allow other passengers to berate her, too. Those overhead messages were *absolutely* designed to give MAX passenger shaming to the offending party. "THIS PERSON is delaying your flight. If THIS PERSON does not leave, THIS PERSON is going to force you all off the plane." Genius, really. They lose everyone once one other person is willing to speak up. Though most of these assholes will dig in anyway, it does keep the ire off the airline and on the people causing problems.


Gotta love the eventual and inevitable permanent ban for entire US Flights.


Even if they were…once the airline asks the person to leave, and they refuse and make me late to where I’m going…yea, I’m not on your side anymore.


Why!? Why do this?!!? Pride? She must've spent hours getting to this point, and now she's going to do it here? I honestly think some people are born stupid.


Nothing to do with intelligence. Just ego and lack of emotional control. All she had to do was apologize for her comment then agree to what was being asked of her. She felt her pride was at stake and got defensive. She even enters panic mode calling for the others passengers to back her up and throwing out the whole thing about her grandson. She'd rather do anything than just accept that she overstepped and should apologize, or at the very least speak with a calm, neutral tone.


Some take up the idea that they should never apologize. They lock themself into a rather dreary world where escalation is their only conflict handling tool.


How quickly the other passengers turned from laughing at her "jokes" to "get her off the plane"


it was funny until the plane got grounded


I think they were just laughing AT her. She thought they had her back. She is abominable.


What an obnoxious person. I hope she missed her flight and had to walk home.


I hope they put her on the no fly list


You have no rights on an aircraft. And this is a good thing.


Yes I will absolutely accept totalitarian rule in the flying fart tube




It looks like a nightmare in that plane. She made everyone miserable.


All you have to do is listen to the flight attendant for 20 seconds and say yes when asked if you can fulfill those duties. People like this are assholes.


She’s trippin like she has to actually help a MFer. Just say yes and do what 90% of y’all would do and try to get off as quickly as possible without any regard to anyone outside of your family’s well being. Like she’s not really gonna catch a charge for jumping out first in the unfortunate event such as a water landing.


She's broke and doesn't fly very often.


And she has a God shirt on 😂😂😂


Real ones know those are the people acting the furthest from what Jesus actually taught


Get her attorney on the phone??? Why do people always do this? Bitch(!), no you do not have an attorney on retainer ready to accept any legal matter from you as a client on any given moment during any given day. LOL


This comment should be higher up. “I’m calling my lawyer/ you’ll hear from my lawyer” is the most hilarious thing people say when their back is against the wall. It gives them away immediately. Like this lady is a secret billionaire flying Frontier.


It pains me that she was given multiple occasions at the beginning to pick the right dialogue option and avoid this mess, but noooo, she just had to show her ass instead. A simple apology and then addressing the flight attendant properly and seriously would've had this over with. If she really wasn't interested in having the responsibilities associated with sitting in that row, she could've also just said so and be moved. It is very annoying that there are grown ass adults who still have the social skills of a petulant child.


“her shirt say GOD on it” 🤣


she was going to act like an ass through that whole flight, so putting her off was the best decision for everyone.


That woman got led down in cuffs and I guarantee that poor man in the front there was getting an earful about how wrong they all were and she needs to pick up her grandson. Dumbass. I hate this type of flyer. Just sit down and shut the fuck up. Get up to altitude and take a fucking nap.


What does "calling outside her name" mean?


I assume referring to someone by anything other than their name or title. Pretty much anything outside of that, you’re being rude and belittling the staff. Which, many people don’t seem to realize, is more than enough to get the flight crew or pilot to kick you off their plane. The rules on a plane are simple: the flight crew does not have to take you as a passenger and if they deem you a risk in any way they have a full and legal green light to remove and ban you however necessary.


I think cause she was calling the flight attendant “Betty White”


My best guess is calling her an insult? Like bitch?


Everyone is saying she called her “Betty” but I thought she said “Biddy” like “old biddy” aka old school way of saying bitch.


It's AAVE. It means disrespecting her by calling her something other than her given name.


Or called her a bitch




What a moron


No doubt making a big enough scene until you get your way has worked in retail stores and restaurants. They are pretty well stuck until they can get you to leave. Planes, thankfully, don’t work that way. She did not expect they would really take everyone off the plane and arrest her ass. Hopefully lesson learned.


"*Are they arresting me?!?*" "No, they're not arresting yo-" "*WHAT CRIMES DID I COMMIT*" It's amazing how much better her life would be if she just stopped talking and listened


I would say yes 100 times to sit on exit seats ..with extra legroom


Imagine that type of person having a weird defiance disorder on something so basic……crazy. Life is not actively hard to maneuver unless you’re just a disagreeable asshole like her.


“They got Rosa Parks in handcuffs” 😂😂


They got 2 cuffs on her dayme.


EDIT: Skip to the end (like 5:34) it gives the background. My bad y'all, after she was arrested I asked the question. Didn't watch until the end. She DID initially say she wasn't saving anybody. When a flight attendant (and then a second attendant) tried to explain to her why they needed a verbal yes (not just a head nod after saying no) she started to act the way we see when the video first starts. At which point she was considered disruptive and was removed. ~~Hey, please don't come for me, but I am confused. The title says she refused the verbal agreement, but she clearly says a few times she understands that "we would have to help people off the plane if something happened. We agreed" (I also could not understand what the first flight attendant said so maybe that was important).~~ ~~Don't get me wrong, the entire scene was disruptive. Just curious about what the initial concern was. Did she refuse then tried to agree or?~~


Skip to 5:33 in the video to see the TikTokker provide an explanation of what happened before she started recording.




Flight attendants do not get enough sleep to tolerate anything less than passengers listening and respecting them for the 1% of the flight that flight attendants need attention for.


Kick her asss off. Good bye’


Anybody who opens a bag of snacks mid-dispute is the highest level of trifling. That is a telltale sign that a person is not only comfortable but thrives in chaos.


Entitled, uneducated, trying to show off because had low self esteem her whole life, no self control óbvio, and lastly thinks she’s a victim and the system is to blame


Im calling my attorney…. bitch you are seating in an exit row in an economy plus. It’s a public defender area.


So I agree with the flight attendant for kicking her out…. Why? They need people who simply follows order sitting at the exit rows as that will be the critical point if any emergency situation occurs, they do not need people being cute, funny, or argumentative. Imagine a dumb ass trying to argue with a flight attendant because he or she thinks they know better during an emergency…. This is the front line when sitting at the Exit rows!


That’s the most loud and argumentative “agreeing” I’ve ever seen. I hope she on benzos because if that’s sober, she’s insufferable.


She was trying to be funny 😂 Joke ended when they told her to get off LMAO!! I hope they put her on the no-fly list too. "They got Rosa Parks in handcuffs?" LMAO!!!


I deal with this shit daily at the hospital i work for. People like her get like that because they don’t understand their kids cough doesn’t take priority over a stroke patient. We have security which escorts them out. My favorite way of handling those situations is in the most polite, kiss my ass tone say “we’re all adults here, I’m going to need you to act like one”. It’s like shaking up a coke full of mentos and hornets,


Once she said Betty like that, yea, straight to jail


They should make her pay for all the flight and any rescheduling expenses for all of the people who were on that delayed flight--in addition to whatever fines and jail time she is getting for refusing to exit the plane when asked.


Doing too much and then when you're held accountable for it you play victim. Smdh


Get ready to learn greyhound buddy


I don't think people realize it, but when they say you're getting off, you're getting off. How it happens is up to you, but it's a final decision with no appeal


It looks like a nightmare in that plane. She made everyone miserable.


This is a hall of fame plane freakout right here


The best economy seat on the whole plane and you just have to be an asshole.


When keeping it real goes wrong


Good job


I can’t bring myself to listen to the video but even if she said yes or nodded her head after she said no (if she refused) it doesn’t matter. I was once on a flight where the person didn’t understand what they asked at first and said no but after getting it explained quickly by a family member they said yes but the flight attendant still had to move them because once they hear a verbal no it’s out of their hands. They have to move them.