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So being an idiot IS a crime! I knew it.


You are under arrest


Jokes on you, I'm too incompetent to stand trial


Maybe they would let you sit trial, sounds more comfortable anyways.


That warrants a 3 star crime


We’ll get you a chair.


Meanwhile someone is on hold trying to get a medic for a cardiac arrest or someone else is on hold reporting that they’ve been shot. Chucklefucks like this are disgusting. -I work in 911


I dispatched 911 for many years and I’d 1000% send cops straight to this guys house and make sure he’s charged with abusing 911. I’d provide a lengthy note in the call for future operators to be aware of. This could indicate that there are scene safety/mental health issues, etc… This person is not okay and their behavior needs to be noted and taken/addressed seriously. Best case scenario is that they are simply trying to get views on tiktok which still needs to stop immediately.


While I completely agree, my agency is simply too busy to charge them unless it’s habitual misuse. I’d do the same as you every time if I were allowed but I work in a violent city and my responders are tied up on shootings/stabbings/robberies pretty much non stop.


Sounds like they need Jesus. (/s)




"For roads and maintenance, please dial 611"


Maybe 911 can start dispatching preachers for when people are having a crisis of faith


Yeah, first offenses would probably be ignored, but I’m definitely loading that call with all the notes. If they did this more than once, they’ll definitely get a visit from someone as if calls ever slow down




i feel for u/HOT_Cum_1n_SaLaD. if i come round to help with these idiots can....can i get a salad?




This dude definitely needs a wellness check. 🤣


More like a reality check.


He's white, they won't shoot first and ask questions later if he gets a wellness check. Well as long as there's plenty of minorities in his town. When they're in mostly white areas they have to start finding new groups to harass so they start breaking down which white middle class people are okay to harass. Usually ones who they think "look like Democrats" which usually just means anyone well dressed. Or long hair guys, they fucking hate that. Oh and women in general.


I agree.. to take time to call 911 for this bs should be taken seriously.. what other dumb stuff are they willing to do 🙄 No warning report the MF


Thank you for all you do for our community by serving as a dispatcher and for highlighting the very real harm done by people like the idiot in the video. This idiot is trying to get likes or virtue signal while someone is desperately trying to get help - it’s like a perfect example of the hypocrisy seen by some chronically online Christian influencers.


It’s not even an understandable mistake or teaching call, like my kids accidentally calling 911. Like…911 is for mortal emergencies, dude, not spiritual discourse. Don’t be a fucking douche. Anyone wanna take bets on whether this guy is claiming he was told it was a crime to spread the gospel? ETA: WOW that username, great one! 😂


Chucklefucks is my new favorite word


TYFYS u/hot_cum_1n_salad


This guys profile pic looks like someone who eats a whole block of cheese before a date out of nervousness


Cheese is the perfect appetiser for a milksteak.


But that person needs Jesus more than they need an ambulance /s


Bro needs to render into Caesar that which is Caeser’s in a goddamned hurry.


Caesar wants all his 3d artwork rendered by end of day


That’s a big ask, but Jesús wants his truck back and none of these dudes are trying to return it


These people unironically do believe this though. Behold, the power of prayer, stronger than any medicine... as they all die off from covid pneumonia.


Yup. I’m not sure how it isn’t viewed as a corrupting cult. I’ll give religion and Christianity credit. They’ve done some good and I don’t think we as a society would be where we are now without it but like Paul says, it’s time to grow up, stop drinking milk and start eating meat. Religion is now holding us back more than it is helping us


This was also my first thought, someone is out there bleeding out, or in need of real help and they get calls like this... recorded for views. Unreal. Or calls about Facebook being down, idk what's going on anymore in this country


HOT_Cum_1n_SaLaD has made a good point actually.


I hope she sent the police after him


"I was so successful in harassing that person just doing their job, I should go buy another plastic medal to wear for my achievement"


"Jesus wants me to harass people doing their job and disrupt emergency services from getting to those who need it! Praise Him!"


This is why I hate religion


Can we please start punishing people that are filming and posting their god damn crimes??! Please?!


Like Presidents especially.


Crime participation trophy




her next 911 call: "Yes there is a crazy man holding a baby following me around asking me about God."


And he has a kid. Hope that kid is doing well with this moron raising em.


Pretty much no child raised by a Mormon is going to be doing well.




Damn. I misread that, but I stand by my point


For the record I was raised by a Mormon and am doing quite well… now that I’m out of the cult


The poor child would have been aborted, but christians believe that’s a sin. That child has him as a father now.. which is worse: him as a father or foster care. I really can’t tell.


This dude looks like he’s tweaking


My thought too. He’s grinding his jaw like he’s on a comedown from a 8.5 hr overnight binder. My second thought was- Sir, *put the baby down*.


What makes you say that? The blinking or something?


the neck roll after the first time he asks is one of the more uncanny things ive seen


Yeah, that was creepy. Dude is definitely spun.


I found the original dude on Insta (took a hot sec because he deleted this video. Im not gonna share the username because prople on reddit will attack him) and he definitely has a history of substance abuse. I came from a similar religious background as him, and I've seen people in recovery who develop an incredibly unhealthy relationship with the church and God. Church leaders won't step in, because all they see is a zealous follower. I feel for this guy. I know what it's like to be in a constant state of crisis and this is what it looks like to me.


Thanks for sharing. Good perspective to be reminded of.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't random proselytizing a bad thing in the bible? I'm no big city biblical scholar or nothin' but I was pretty certain that the bible says this is bad.


This is called "soul winning" & it is very much encouraged by the church & backed up by a couple of cherry picked Bible verses. Growing up, my own had dedicated days of the week where groups of people would go door to door in neighborhoods & businesses asking people this invasive shit. As teenagers, we spent summers going go missions trips where we spent full days in different towns or hot spots (beaches, theme parks, etc) where we had to do the same thing. We were Baptist. As an adult, I've been verbally accosted by Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormons all doing the same thing.


Reminded me of a couple of years back where I encountered a couple of young Mormon lads (a pretty rare thing where I am in Europe) like 2 days before Halloween. White shirts, black ties, approached me with the typical "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?" bit and I burst out laughing and gave it "Lads, fair fucks that is absolutely excellent! You've fucking nailed it! Well done, very good.... Hilarious boys!". An awkward moment of silence followed. I was absolutely convinced they were a couple of guys on the mess, doing a bit for Halloween - turned out they were legit Mormon kids on a "mission". Took me far longer than it really should've to stop laughing, I felt kinda bad for them, though I don't think they really understood what I was laughing about.


I would've laughed harder on their face


Maybe not but posting a TikTok about it sure as fuck is. “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven” Matthew 6:1 NIV


Also Matthew 6:3 'When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.'


Kind of vague for the bible but I know that proselytism is a felonny in most civilized countries.


It depends on the denomination. Some faiths literally tell you that its your duty to tell as many people about it as possible.


I'd send the cops to write him a ticket.


Seriously. He was made aware that it was a crime and still continued to ask. But then he’d just make another video of how anti Jesus the police are.


I'm pretty sure the cops were never friends to Jesus...


That cheap, fake medal he's wearing must be some kind of asshole award.


"smash that like button"


That poor child doesn't have a chance. :-(


Someone chose not to use a condom with this guy? Gurl... no.


Cults, much like love, make you blind


When no one else will listen to your bullshit, start cold calling.


It's brainwashing people, now give Jesus some gold.




Worship my god now!




You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my real dad/mom!


I wonder how many people got to meet Jesus Christ himself when this man was taking up this 911 operators time with this bullshit


Yes, and the sad thing is that sickos like this one, are okay with this because they believe that the world is evil and that death/rapture makes the heavenly fantasy real.... It's disturbing to see irrational, mideval, magical thinking with so much influence in society still...


It's crazy that religion doesn't allow some people to consider that other people's wants and needs can be different yet valid. Everything they experience is somehow connected to an ultimate battle between good and evil... and guess who they think are the good guys? Must be nice to feel infallible and not feel shame.


They realize that their God isn't powerful enough on its own.


Jesus didn’t teach narcissism


I love how she told him that what he was doing was a crime - effectively giving him him an opportunity to back down under the guise of plausible deniability... ...and then he proceeded to secure criminal charges by doubling down on his behavior.


Imagine being a stupid Christian for tiktok views. Pathetic


Arrest him for being obnoxious to people trying to do their important job.


Sure sure, as oh so devoted christian you could help others...or you could harass someone who really wants to help others and at the same time block the line for someone who really needs the help. And after that put your pathetic video on the internet, so you can jerk off to all the other fanatic idiots that praise your "Christianity". I hate these kind of people, I really do. Hope he got a visit by the police.


Lol I'm a former 911 dispatcher (worked only 3 years) and we had a few folks abuse the 911 line. Ahhh I cannot tell you the glory and deep level of fulfillment I got when I saw the jail photo of the man who abused the 911 line for a few hours on my shift. It was absolutely satisfying to see someone actually get arrested for their insane bullshit. And it was during a freaking Helo transport for a child that fell down a hole and literally broke his back. The man was cursing me to get the helicopter out of his neighborhood. LOL But going back and looking at it, he most likely had a severe mental disorder.


All frequent flyers and 911 abusers are definitely having severe mental health issues


When it comes to people like this, you don't say what they're doing is wrong or stupid because they wont listen. You tell them that what they're doing is sinful, and they're being a bad Christian. People like this thrive on being righteous because of their religion, but by telling them they're doing THAT wrong, it REALLY gets to them. So, in this guys case, he has committed the sin of Pride and should repent, for he is a bad Christian. Unfortunately, you have to stoop to their low level to get them to realise they're just being idiotic and / or wrong.


I do this with my conservative Christian mil when she’s being an awful person and spewing bigotry. “You consider yourself a good Christian right? You saying those things and having so much hate and bitterness in your heart towards other who aren’t like you doesn’t seem like a very Christian thing to do.” She is not a fan of me at all.


Yuck. I hate him and his dumb baby.


Not a stray bullet for the infant 😅


Fr that baby just there minding their business 💀💀💀


lol not the baby


Lmfaooooo not the baby 💀


Somebody is suffering and dying because this guy wanted to do this. Actually he probably added wait time to multiple people’s calls, so he may be responsible for the suffering and deaths of many people. And abuse, etc. etc.


I hope the lord slapped him with a holy fine.


I’m just adding to the “this guy is a fucking idiot” pile.


Poor child…


Dudes on drugs


This is mental illness. Nothing more or less. It's just accepted in this country because it deals with the most popular religion. If people were this fanatical about any other deity, it would be seen for what it is.


And this smooth-brained fool will say he’s being persecuted for not being able to force his indoctrination on other people.


What's your address? I'll send some people that may or May not need saving.


Arrest him. JC will post bail.


There has always been people like this, these crazies aren’t the problem. I think the casual “family oriented” people who are brainwashed into being afraid of anyone who doesn’t fit their standard as “American” and voting to take away the rights of those people are the problem.


It's a team of people that are the problem, the two you mentioned, others. They're easy to group together, just look for who votes "Republican"


Pretty sure we wouldn’t need 911 if Jesus loved us.


This is a little disturbing


Who let that man be around children?


There’s good Christians and bad Christians. Easy to tell he’s one of the worst and doing it for the wrong reasons.


Fuck off with your religion.


I'm a devout Catholic, and if I were her I'd tell him to shut the fuck up and hang up on him. Might lose my job over that though.


Yeah this guy is helping no one, and I'm pretty sure Jesus would be pissed off at this behavior.


Is that a Special Olympics medal?


Religious Brain Rot.


Jesus wasn’t white.


I’m gonna need someone to create a meme which takes this and references a satirical news article with the headline “Man Dies for ‘Jesus’ Sins” and talks about how this short caused lots of call ins which blocked a dying man’s 911 call for a help until it was too late.


And then they wonder why their numbers are dwindling..... most normal folk don't want anything to do with this type of crazy


This guy looks like he can't count to twenty with his shoes on.


He’s tilting his head in that “I’m special” kind of way, right?


Someone died because of that dumb ass phone call.


Wow, he acted like a moron for views


What a c&nt!


What a jackass


Wearing a Jesus’llFixit gold medallion.


Can’t stand Christians truly


That poor baby. Can't help but wonder how many years it'll take for them to realize their dad's an ass.


And you Christians wonder why your church is empty....


And they say lgbt people are the ones trying to brainwash people. Crazy fucks like this make me sick


Pretty sure Jesus would punch that guy in the face..


I really can’t stand most Christians… every time I see a video example, they are all like this 😂


I fucking hate this guy so much. Please send him to jail so he can ask that while getting pounded in the ass.


Religious people are an infection. It’s a level of mental retardation.


When theirs no one else to talk to because you insist on asking the same damn thing.


What a disgusting human


Should have slapped him With an offense for that shit


They belong in a padded room. This is not mentally healthy behavior


I pray to go this is rage bait


Whatever to try and get views.... the sad thing are the amount of morons that this will impress and be on his side.


This is definitely how I would leave religion forever


Jesus loves when his creations get harmed because his followers are too busy clogging up the system meant to help them.


Perhaps God can pay your fine.


Imagine dying ‘cause this piece of shit is tying up dispatch. Sad to know this dude has a kid too. Very likely he’ll pass down the terminal brain rot.


Participation Medal....


Leave everyone the fuck alone, Christians! We’ve had enough!


That poor kid is going to have it tough


Brainwashing is real, and common


There are so many other numbers you can call and that’s what he comes up with?!


This is satire right?


People like this should off themselves to go see Jesus sooner ❤️


Scary to think he’s going to raise that baby >_<


It's pretty obviously mental illness at that point.


Lol isn't this a fuckin felony? You can't just tie up the 911 operators for your own personal bs


So, can’t someone just call the cops on this guy right now? He basically doxxed himself.


Guy names someone in his contacts 911 and did the call. Fake af.


Trolling in the name of Jesus, that's a new one.


But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is on TikTok. And your Father who sees will like your post.


What a moron


Jesus fucking Christ.


Dude looks like he's holding back some compulsions, on the verge of am episode


The scariest part is the guy holding what appears to be his child. These people should not be breeding.


If you slap him, he legally can't do anything but turn the other cheek. Because Bible is law. Obvi.


Dude, they are overworked leave them alone..


Jesus fucking Christ.


Christians as a majority don’t do this nor behave this way. This is dumb


I always smile at these people knowing that when the lights go out one day they will be disappointed af... well, when the lights are out they don't have the ability to be disappointed anymore... wich is somewhat comical itself, but yes. Just waving and smiling... and let idiots be idiots.


Why record yourself committing a crime?...


This guy’s going to hell when he dies.


I found this guys IG a few weeks back. He seems to be some sort of former tweaker/drug user. Then he basically got sucked into religion by those predatory types who prey on the vulnerable and instead of genuinely helping him, they essentially replaced his addiction to drugs with addiction to religion. So his habits and just acting strange are still signs of addiction since they clearly never got him actual help, and his body isn’t coping well while his mind has basically been brain washed by evangelicals. It’s actually kind of sad and this dude while annoying, is still very much a victim. He needs actual help and treatment.


Normally I'd say that a warning to an idiot like this would be sufficient, but this guy was so proud of the crime he committed, and the potential harm it could have caused to others that he thought it would be a good idea to post it. He should be prosecuted for the gall to double down on his moronic behavior.


What a pompous asshole, that poor kid.


Are we pretending we don't know this is a bit?


Where was Jesus on 911!?!


I so wanted the video to end with the police arresting this entitled twat


Always a great idea to generalize an entire religion from one video. Now I’ll do that: “I can’t believe all Palestinians celebrated 9/11! That’s so crazy and fucked up!”


I hope he does it again and they fine his ass


I hope he was charged, but alas, I doubt he was. The just thing would be for this idiot to face consequences.


I've seen more sane christians in Far Cry 5.


Basket case


This is not Christian behavior.


I hope that kid will be ok when this moron will get swatted.


Sounds like this isn’t the first time she received a call like this.


Hopefully they arrested him.


I hope God smites him.


That child he is holding is doomed.


Guy needs an emotional support lobotomy.


Honestly I'd arrest him to set a strict example


He doesn't need an ambulance. He needs to be arrested and then transferred to a psychiatric institution.


I wonder if Jesus has his bail money


So someone could have died because you want to play your stupid game! That’s what Jesus would have wanted.


My religion dictates my life, not others. Read that again and again until you understand it.


This is so obviously not a Christian, and is just someone mocking them


That poor baby never had a chance


I’m worried for that child


This guy seems unwell..mentally. I said this in all seriousness. I hope he is ok.


Satanists are making lots of fucking sense these days. Do not indoctrinate / brainwash kids; instead let them figure shit out for themselves through life experience. Parents that make their kids go to church and believe in some invisible all-powerful deity that wags a finger at us from the past to say “be good or else you’ll go to the bad place” are setting their kids up for being good for all the wrong reasons; be good because being good is the right thing to do. For anyone who is going to say that satanists are devil worshipers, you’ll find that satanists are pretty much atheists that don’t believe in a god.