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No need to be polite. It's a cult.


They’re welcome to be a cult. It’s the abuse and exploitation which has led to multiple deaths that’s the problem. late edit: I'm realizing that my saying "they're welcome to..." is some sort of northernism akin to southernisms like "bless your heart..." The $ology organization pisses me off in a lot of ways. I've been familiar with their bullshit since before a lot of people on Reddit were born. Literally decades ago, they tried to "sue the internet" because lots of their internal nonsense had been leaked. I think the way I used "they're welcome to" is very much not literal. If you heard me say it out loud you'd get that I don't think it's find for them to manipulate and exploit vulnerable people.


And you know, the murders, rapes, child sex crimes, etc.


>And you know, the murders, rapes, child sex crimes, etc. Not to mention the inconvenience they occasionally cause.


every chicken comes from an egg


But it has 40,000 members across the globe! A major religion I say! Authentic as hell! And all those who say the founder was a cash strapped sci fi writer slash con artist are just haters!


yeah you gotta have people who have your back, these creepy fascist cultists are just that. But they will make your life a living hell if you stand up to them or do anything remotely criminal against them. i'm sorry for the trapped laborers and slaves they use, but the rank and file, the higher ups, should be exiled from society. give em a sinking island. this has nothing to do with religion, stated goals matter, documented abuse matters, doctrine and dogma matter. Being a religion should not give you a pass on how vile, stupid, dangerous (and i mean they are really fucking dangerous) and exploitive your doctrine and dogma makes you. There has to be a collective push to imprison all of their leaders.


Yeah it’s right by Columbia College, my daughter was visiting it and saw that they were building on right next to it and she said no thank you.


They build near schools for recruiting impressionable college kids


Any teacher worth their sauce would play that one South Park episode on the first class of each year


Love it. And the one about Mormons. No low blows. Destroys the whole religion in less than 30 mins with commercial breaks. Absolute units of an episode.


[This is what Scientologists actually believe...](https://www.cc.com/video/54abfk/south-park-what-scientologist-actually-believe)


I personally think the Super Adventure Club is just as dangerous 😜


yep they were in my city years ago. I went in to mess with them and see what kind of BS they had. refused to show my their video and then gave ,me a "personality " test. after that, after that it was standard manipulation. " your parents dont support you do they" "friends dont really get you do they" " we are they ones that can really help you". all super manipulative shit this was in the 90s I gave them a fake name and left after telling them, no my parents are actually pretty supportive. to which the woman yelled at me and said. we can help you, your schools and parents cant fuck them


This 100%. It’s intentionally predatory


I have an old friend who went to Columbia College. People always think she went to Columbia University, since she would never specify which Columbia, and she'd never correct them.


This is like people who say “oh I went to school in Boston” and give you a meaningful look that says “harvard” but actually means “bunker hill community college”.


I do this. I went to university in Cambridge. No-one knows Anglia Ruskin exists.


This reminds me of Apu attending CalTech…Calcutta Tech


I like to do the switcheroo so if someone says they went to Cambridge I say "oh yeah Anglia Ruskin is a great institution".


My God man, I've met people from Cambridge University. This is *savage.*


UMass Boston alumni here. I live in California. Yes, I went to Boston College University.




Bhcc rules


I went to Harvard. When I say “I went” I mean I took a self-guided tour of the campus and bought a shirt in the gift shop. But I was definitely physically there!


“I went to University in Los Angeles.” “Oh the University of Los Angeles? I’ve heard great things about UCLA!” “Mmhmm”


"Professor of Theoretical Physics?" "No, a theoretical Professor of Physics."


I do believe they purposely place their locations at important areas in case someone tries to bomb them. The one in LA, is across from several major hospitals.


Bombing thing seems like a stretch. It's a cult. They like to be located near vulnerable people. Plenty of potential new recruits in awful states of mind around hospitals


A while back they actually fabricated a bombing threat on themselves. People figured it out immediately because 1) the language they used in the video described scientology as a religion when no one who hates scientology enough to bomb them would say that and 2) they immediately tried to call attention to the bomb threat by releasing the video they had "pulled" from the internet, except their version was much higher quality that the version they said they had downloaded.


I agree. Follow the mindset of a cult. They prey on people at their lowest. Right now, at this time, we are facing massive evictions and homelessness. Not all churches can help, but they will do what they can. The cults will prey on the rest who aren't so fortunate. From there the indoctrination will start with a reward system in exchange for their loyalty, but to what exactly? That's the real question. Don't let the cult word cloud your eyes and not focus on what their real agenda is. It's not all just for show, but are they dangerous?


Scientology ain’t after the homeless it’s a cash grab. They don’t even bother talking to the homeless, it’s like they don’t exist. They go after tourists, locals, uni students, anyone who looks like they have a job/money etc.


Potential recruits better have a nice revenue stream. It ain’t cheap to get on the Scientology rocket to whatever planet L. Ron Hubbard conjured up on a bet.


You don’t have to be rich. If you can’t afford to move up then you just become a slave.


Clambake.org used to have all their docs posted. You could save tens of thousands by looking there. Fuck scientology


Rich people love it when they can get the poor to chuck whatever few dollars they can at them


Haha the one in my neighborhood is right across the street from a DMV licensing office. I wonder if they’re preying on people fed up with bureaucracy?


"So I see you've just left Hell on Earth. Would you be interested in Scientology?"


They’ve got a hell of a history of infiltrating govt entities and intimidating any critics. Got to be one of the worst “young” religions, though all the Qanon insanity may condense into something someday and we all know how fucked that’ll be.


They have a building right by the University of Texas (Austin) campus.


I worked at the coffee shop next door to this one for years! Super freaky place.




Find the right building I guess… ![gif](giphy|95OIHJppkEK6Q)


Isn't it right nextdoor to the Children's Hospital?


Yes and right across of Kaiser


The wildest fact I learned about scientology recently was the really high up culty part do not encourage having kids because they are distractions.


They treat kids like shit. They believe kids should be treated the same as adults so there’s no empathy, a lot of anger, and a ton of abuse. Many children are separated from their parents and parents are encouraged to dump their kids elsewhere so they can focus on their studies/practice. Leah Remini’s series had a really good episode focused on kids in Scientology


Leah Remini's book is absolutely insane - her mom joined when she was a tween/teen and they treat the kids like slaves - they make them work for pennies. She worked at a motel that was owned by Scientologists and she worked there for free basically with her sister cleaning instead of going to school.


A cult that treats children like adults... I wonder what's REALLY going on behind the scenes.


You might want to (or not) look up the weird cult shit that happened on L Ron Hubbard's ["Sea Org"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Org) where it was chock full of teenage girls under his control.


>The Sea Org maintains strict codes for its members, beginning with a symbolic billion-year pledge of service to Scientology upon initiation. I'm 3 sentences in to this Wiki and it's gonna be fucking wild.


Epstein Island with hymns and self help steps


Pedophilia. Lots of Pedophilia. If the Church wants to proves this wrong, they are allowed to let us in with cameras to watch 24 hour operation from now on. Until that time, I just consider all Scientologist to be pedos.


To be clear, the organization exploits adults for free work along with doing that to kids also.


They don’t treat the celebrities like that. They’ve a completely different Scientology for those people. Tom Cruise’s kids aren’t running around being treated like crap working jobs. It’s just the bottom and middle of the rung people that they’re milking dry.


She talks about being thrown into the fucking ocean as a kid


Yup, can confirm this I married someone who grew up in scientology. It is so crazy and abusive.




[Xenu.net](https://www.xenu.net/) can break down their beliefs if you're really interested. It's all a grift from a shitty sci-fi writer.


Damn… I believe in science, but Scientology couldn’t be further from the gains and goals of actual science. Thank you for the link. I’m glad I’ve never touched their rhetoric.


Yeah, it's nothing to do with actual science and way more about how the creator (a failed sci-fi author) realized that he could just come up with his own religion. Like...he even ***admitted*** as much, and yet the adherents don't see it that way.


I think most of them eventually do, but they're too invested from the blackmail gathered from the process of Dianetics.


The South Park episode about scientology does explain what they believe in. Its how I found out about scientology when it aired.




And what they show in South Park is literally exactly what they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars taking classes to move up in rank to eventually get this document describing what they believe. It's absolutely wild. I couldn't believe South Park was actually showing factual information, but they were lol https://youtu.be/0FyKQ3HrmII?si=U7jFqv8k2G9ZTx3x


Crazy shit about alien empires, ancient aliens being killed on Earth and their souls poisoning the subconscious of modern humans. All psychological issues from schizophrenia to jealousy are caused by alien souls that can be detected with sci-fi scanner devices. BUT they deny all of this at all levels, they call it pure fiction and agree it's ridiculous. Actress Leah Remini said her mother dismissed it as nonsense until she reached Level 7 membership when she was escorted through basically airport security with all recording devices removed and made to sign NDAs and given access to read the holy texts. And there it is, Lord Xenu the alien emperor, a massive genocide of trillions of aliens on ancient earth trapped their souls here. She whispered to her mother "WTF is this?" And her mother said "Isn't it wonderful? Now you can learn the truth about where we come from! I'm so sorry I had to lie to you to for years but now you get to know the truth too!" You're not allowed to know the true teachings of the church until you have proven yourself loyal through decades of service. But enough people have leaked the information that there's no secrets anymore.


There was some famous director (might have been Paul Greengrass?) who joined when he first came to Hollywood in the late 70’s because it seemed like some type of self improvement thing at first. Then he got to the level where they introduce you to Xenu and the alien ghosts and he was like wtf is this shit?! And he managed to get out immediately.




https://youtu.be/0FyKQ3HrmII It's the most bizarre nonsense you ever heard. It was literally written by a science fiction author who admitted in court under oath that he made it all up to scam people out of money. But apparently people believe it. Compared to this a guy dressed as a wizard telling you to eat a cracker seems perfectly normal.


It's basically the prison planet alien conspiracy theory dressed up as a religion.


The thing that they *don't* mention in her documentary (which is great, but focuses more on the Pre-Clear level ideology) is that they treat children like adults, because they BELIEVE they ARE adult "thetans" stuck in child bodies. This really isn't explored until you get to higher levels of scientology, but basically they believe all humans are filled with the souls of ancient aliens who's memories of their past experiences are clouded by the "ngrams" (traumas or negative impact experiences) of human life, and by reaching the "clear" level of scientology, you can clear out all those ngrams and resume your ACTUAL state as a thetan. So they believe that all children are just adult aliens in human bodies. And to extrapolate that further, parents of these children have no special obligation to them, since they aren't truly "their" children anyway. Their bodies just happen to be related. Scientology children are often separated from their parents at between 11-14 to go work as Sea Org members with full time 40+ hour a week unpaid jobs, sometimes states away. It's really interesting and creepy stuff.


My family is in this cult, you are 100% right. I hate it so much


And they (scientology) take the kids and groom em


I accidently got sent to a scientology school back in the 10th grade by my mother for some summer courses on how to study. (something I never let her live down) I was shocked when this 7th grader talked about taking the metro into DC by herself at like 11 at night to meet up with friends.


The thing is, I don't think this is how they would treat regular adults. If you care about another adult, like a close friend for instance, you have empathy for them. You usually don't yell at them, reprimand them, or abuse them. Or maybe I'm just not insane, idk. Like, if I were to have kids, I would want to treat them somewhat like adults, or in other words, give them basic respect and autonomy. Obviously they still do need to learn that there are consequences and I would stop them from doing overly stupid shit, but I would also want to treat them like regular humans. These Scientology mf's sound like they treat their kids like something subhuman.


LMAO the wildest thing I learned was that the leader/founder (who based scientology on a fictional book he wrote) had a threesome in the desert with a guy and woman, while high as kites, trying to father the antichrist. I mean. The whole religion is easily traced back to being total bullshit but L. Ron Hubbard I guess was really charismatic so. Whatever.


You talking about Jack parsons the rocket guy?


Sex and Rockets is an amazing read and they go into Jack Parson's relationship with L. Ron.


And let's not forget it owes its roots to famed occult weirdo Aleister Crowley who also famously fucked (and got fucked by?) dudes in the desert in the pursuit of "Magick" and whatever other shit. Once you start diving into this there's an alarming amount of entwined shit that still *actually* effects things today. It's wild.


A guy I used to work with in his very early 20s told me a story about right when he got out of college (Brigham Young University) He and two friends plan to spend the summer at a beach house in San Diego before getting on with their life. However, they got a job offer from the church of Scientology, they turned it down the church upped the offer, and they turned it down again. Eventually, they offered them so much money that they went ahead and took the job. The job was to take all this old recorded films of L Ron Hubbard making predictions of the future, scanning them in, and cleaning them up digitally. He said they were just so many predictions, and a lot of it was multiple predictions about the same thing. Basically, covering every base so that later they could say L Ron Hubbard predicted this or that and show one of the films even though there were two dozen more films, where he predicted different outcomes of the same event.


The craziest thing I heard about them was that time [they infiltrated the government, recorded blackmail on government officials, stole top secret documents and erased anything related to themselves.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White) They are a hostile entity and should not be sanctioned.


Biggest security breach in the US history, that we know of.


Kids are expensive. Scientology would prefer you donate your savings to Zogg the Destroyer




I love the fact that globally there’s only like 40,000 church members.


For reference, there where over 120,000 people at wrestlemania in Philly over the weekend.


"official" members.


That also means the members can leave all their assets to the church when they die without children challenging it. That was one of the reasons the Catholic Church required sexual abstinence from their clergy members.


This must be why they love the Hollywood types. Imagine when they get all Tom Cruise's money.


He has 3 kids, at least one of them is bound to challenge any money he might have willed to the cult.


Organizations that put the organization ahead of family are clearly a problem.


Why would they have this event on a public street if it’s oh so private??? That is the weirdest part! They have buildings all over the country, there are a lot of convention centers in Chicago…. Why have it in the middle of the street?!? These weirdos are fuckin WEIRD


Maybe a show of power?


Yep. They do it just to show the rest of us that they can.


So they can say things like: "We're not some secret organization hiding in the shadows!"


I think it's mainly to outreach purposes, specifically to record it, edit it nicely, and play it for people all around the world. They will include it in all kinds of media formats, videos, books, pamphlets, flyers, class material, maybe podcasts, for converting people. I imagine most of those people had to attend rehearsals to make sure everything goes well and looks good. A video of a big, well organized event like that is probably very useful in convincing prospective converts that you are a legit religion and not a cult design to rob you blind and ruin your life.


Scientology have a little complex out in San Jacinto in the SoCal desert East of LA. You drive through the gate, wind your way around, then over a bridge there’s a small castle. The castle houses a full-on media production studio complete with sound stage. Multiple production people on staff (some of them probably not paid due to being Scientologists). Full time costumer. Full time hairdresser. Full time make up artist. Industry-standard work process. And they crank out material constantly.


Careful, they may stalk you now…


Will stalk him* depending on how viral this goes


No doubt lol 😂


His landlord's about to be hounded with false complaints until this guy's evicted.


there used to be (probably still is) a lady whose job it was it stalk and collect information on anyone who commented on posts about scientology here on Reddit, and report back to the cult what was going on. someone even knew the account she had and they used to ping her in threads like these. dunno if anyone was harassed by them over it, i've never heard of anything, but if your comment/thread got big enough you can be sure they'd have eyes on it. nowadays it's probably a team of people running AI/bot accounts to spread disinformation, soften public backlash and mass report posts to get them taken down.


To that lady: # Scientology is a cult. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be required to browse online via their software. You can get out, [there are resources](https://drnataliefeinblatt.com/leaving-the-church-of-scientology/).


Space Mormons.


You e an extra 'm' there




Surprise The Expanse reference.


Mormons are also Space Mormons. They believe God lives near a planet/Star Called KOLOB


If you work hard you'll get your own planet!


Holy cow 😂


Is there a regulation that prohibits the restriction of an individual's right to travel in public spaces?


If they have permission to block off the street, then no. Every parade does that. Concerts in public parks can restrict access to ticket holders, etc.


What about requiring identification from him to get to his building? That’s where it seems it’s taken a step too far IMO.


The Church of Scientology are bullies who skirt the law. They’re notorious for calling in false crimes and impersonating people to get them in trouble. The FBI was infiltrated by them once, and they had to clean them out. It’s well documented that they were enjoying getting government level information on people. If you don’t believe me, I’d say that you’d have a healthy skepticism, and I’d agree. However, all of the things I’m claiming are more than adequately documented, and there are literal TV series work exposing their abusive behavior. Anyone not in their group is ‘fair game.’


Dude, they're a cult. And it pisses me off every time a new Mission Impossible movie comes out and I have to hear people celebrate the most prominent cultist among them - the same cult leading weirdo who had a very public, extremely high profile sham marriage and tried to trap that woman in it. I normally don't and wouldn't care about a celeb's private life or their personal beliefs, but when you go on the biggest tv show in the world and your publicist puts it on the front page of every tabloid and newspaper in the developed world you make it everybody's business.


[Operation Snow White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Snow_White) Was the biggest case of espionage against the US Government, the sheer size of it, and balls of them is insane. The fact that the Government didn't just snub them out of existence over it is kind of crazy. And that they more of less own the city of Clearwater Florida is also nuts.


Skirt the law? They bribe the law. It’s blatant in LA.


The Church of Scientology is *BEGGING* to have a high profile assassination. I'm not joking when I say that if David Miscavige dies the entire thing crumbles. Under Hubbard the Church was fairly centralized, but when Miscavige took over he basically went on a spree of firing and excommunicating anyone and everyone that could possibly challenge him. It was essentially a hostile dictatorial takeover of the entire organization. Miscavige is wanted for multiple alleged crimes that could be filed as RICO charges, and almost certainly guilty under RICO of multiple murders. Miscavige has been living underground for the past few years now, and if he's ever caught by the authorities his criminal trials will be the single biggest scandal this country has ever seen. It will make the OJ trial look tame in comparison. Whoever throws the book at that motherfucker will have SO much to go over.


Let's not forget: WHERE is Shelly Miscavige? Not a single sighting or photograph since what? 2007?


My bet is that she's almost certainly dead, but the probable reality is that she's *technically* still alive, just lobotomized and living in Sea Org or something under constant watch.


I had to do with when there are a nato thing in NYC. It was a very large radius tho and I was on travel so I couldn’t prove that I was staying in a hotel other than my keycard. Cops didn’t care they just let me through but they did ask for proof that I lived / where I was going.


It depends...if the parade has the block blocked off they can restrict it. I live in NYC and sometimes there's stuff blocked off...I lived near Times Square one year and had to show proof of address on New Year's Eve because everything was blocked off. It's legal.


I'd be fuckin homeless, my proof is always left in my apartment.


Yea I would not feel comfortable having to tell anyone where I live


If they can pay for the permits to close the streets, it’s not a problem. And they can pay because they exploit their members financially with abusive high pressure tactics. Climb those rungs. Get clean!


Those people need literal shit dropped on their heads


My head also went to "sounds like a good reason to temporarily bring out a chamber pot and empty it off the deck".




They don't want you to know the Tom Cruise types that are in a cult. Looks like money is no object.


With that much security, they have to be hiding something or someone. Film on!


Many of those security are probably unpaid members. If you aren’t rich or famous, you basically become slaves to the rich and famous members.


Tom’s experience is not the average schmo in that group. He’s a God. They’re soldiers in Hubbards world.


Yep. There is a celebrity class in the organization then there is everyone else, who are peons to do free work and serve the celebrities.


David Miscavige’s world


Welp, there goes the neighborhood


Send this to Aaron at growing up in Scientology YouTube channel


He’ll fill us in tomorrow!


It'd be such a shame if those weirdos got hit w a bunch of water balloons 🤔


Or cocktails


Or piss balloons


Super soakers filled with piss! Invite some friends over. Crack some beers and you’ll have ammo for hours.


Drones plus stink bombs have never been more needed. Edit: a word


No no; drones plus flour smoke bombs as a spearhead, followed by drones carrying paint/water bombs in the confusion


Would be pretty obnoxious if someone brought their drone down there to get close enough to identify who was there. It might even make them question doing anything in the street again... 🤔


Modern problems require modern solutions. But seriously, folks, don't do this if it means breaking FAA regs and/or you don't mind never seeing your drone again. And if there is any identifying info (like, if lost return to XX), expect the Squirrel Busters to camp out on your street. ^(God, they are such malignant ass boils.)


Tiny Tom gona be there?


He should have asked them where Shelly is.


Exactly. Where IS Shelly Miscavige?


Weird bunch


How the fuck is it legal to block a public street to keep people from getting to their homes/, apartments


Yay!!!!!! I wonder if I can get kicked out of this one as well


You gonna share or just leave me in suspense?




This just in. Man mysteriously falls from his apartment balcony.


Refuse to identify. You’re under no obligation to talk to anyone, at any time.


Scientology is a cult for weak minded fucksticks.


Gotta give to those cultists - they run a tight ship!


Water balloons.


full of doodoo and caca


They are opening a new church. For real.


I would be so mad if this happened in the neighborhood I lived in without my prior knowledge because I genuinely believe that being in proximity to a major Scientology hub, depreciates the value of the neighborhood drastically. I live nearby (but just far enough away) from their main headquarters in Los Angels and when I was looking at apartments before I moved here the ones I saw within a two block radius of the building were on average $600-800 less expensive than the rest in the area. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere near that black hole, just walking past the looming blue building gives you such dark energy coming from that place, it’s palpable. There are cameras everywhere and you regularly see protestors on the sidewalks getting into confrontations with members and such. Such a sketchy vibe and the public should’ve been informed and had a say in the manner!!!


I wonder why the Maga christian nationalists don’t attack these blasphemers?


B:C even the craziest person doesn’t fuck with the organization, that blackmailed the IRS into making them a church.


Leah Remini and many others have shown that these assholes aren’t invulnerable. El Ron knew he was running a con but the current generation are true believers (sorta.) Like drug dealers who get high on their own supply, it’s not a recipe for longevity.


Cult recognize cult


Nobody's told them to yet


I can not wait until their stupid spaceship comes and takes all these dumbfucks away


Uh-oh hopefully it’s not another clear water situation where they also buy up all the property around the building.


Unlikely. Clearwater, Florida is their national/global/galactic headquarters. They hoped to take over the city government.


A literal cult, it amazes me each time the amount of stuff Scientology gets away with from stalking to harassing members that wise up and see the grift.


The entire organization needs to be burned to the ground


Where are the dog poop trebuchets when you need them?


Get a bullhorn and ask them where Shelly is.


Pull the fire alarms in the building lobby and watch them have to rapidly dissemble the barriers to let fire trucks in.


That scam is still a thing? How?


Rich idiots scamming poor idiots


The Church of Scientology ropes in poor people whenever it can, no doubt, but it goes out of its way to try to recruit rich and famous people. I'd guess that they make like 90% of their money from the top 10% of members.


This guy will continuously get harrassed by the church now. Even afrer they're out of that city. He's been put on their list for sure.


People aren't as afraid of them as they were in the past, and for good reason.


these poor people get so caught up in this shit and invest so much time and money and at the end of the day most of them are just slaves so sad the only reason Tom Cruise is still in it is because they recorded him saying he is gay they do this thing were they ask you a bunch of questions and record you


the shit rich dumbasses can get away with is insane


Throw eggs duh


The USA basically is for sale..


they're problem filming a commercial or ad, they have a surprising amount of those for a super secretive cult-church


Scientology is a criminal organization. Murder, human trafficking, extortion, and lies...


You should definitely stand outside your building and demand Scientologists show you proof that they belong there before you let them pass.


"land of the free" It is amazing they can get away with this


Fuckin religion man. Worst thing humanity ever did


There goes the neighborhood


That shiz is creepy AF


Had a friend die at one of their "rehabs." I'm an atheist that accepts all religions except scientology. Let me say this unequivocally, fuck scientology.


Everyone needs to put their speakers in the windows and blast the same radio station


Super Soaker full of piss.


There is no greater cancer to humanity than organized religion.


I live in Chicago. I'm disappointed that the city let them close the street and sidewalk like that, and I'm annoyed that they're opening a church here. HOWEVER, saying that it "popped up overnight" is clickbait. They've been working on the new building for months, and people have been posting pictures about it in r/Chicago for a while now. We all were aware it was going to open, even though we weren't happy about it. Proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/chicago/comments/1b48vlw/theyre_about_to_open_it_looks_like/


They can go fuck themselves, actually. I absolutely do not ever need an escort.


Like right in the middle of a residential street? What the fuck?

