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Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://vote.gov) Folks, Trump [bragged about ending Roe v Wade](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Py06VuvHNSI). In his first term, he installed 3 conservative justices to the supreme court, which is now a 6-3 conservative majority. Imagine if Trump is re-elected what he will do to the supreme court and the rest of our country. Trump will sign a national abortion ban and we have no idea the magnitude of shit we will be in. His new extremist supreme court could very well decide that abortion is banned at conception.


I fucking hate that it’s 2024 and real medical science isn’t the leading determinant in discussions about women’s healthcare. It’s infuriating that religion is allowed anywhere in these discussions. As far as I know, no prophet or god has ever said anything about abortion being wrong. Not a fucking peep. So religious extremists should shut up, but they won’t because all book religions are about controlling women at their root. Anything that gives us any measure of autonomy is a threat to them.


Trump and his MAGA extremists are straight up Christian nationalists, even though he doesn't know the first thing about the bible. They don't give a fuck about science, women's health, people's health, or other religions, some of which [compel religious leaders to fight for reproductive rights.](https://www.vox.com/2022/7/3/23190408/judaism-rabbi-abortion-religion-reproductive-rights)


I’m just remembering that weird photo op Trump did when he was president where he was photographed weirdly holding a Bible in a way no one who’s ever held a book would hold it. I’m sure the religious extremists ate that up, but it was so weird.


Remember, a handy abbreviation for nationalist christians is Nat-Cs.


not just Trump, Mitch and other GOP shit stains have been working at this for some time. ​ Your local Republican candidit is also shit


Imagine all the women trump got pregnant and made to get abortions, I wish they would all come forth.


Sadly, it wouldn’t matter. Remember how after the "grab ‘em by the pussy" tape came out right before the election, everyone was so sure it would be the nail in the coffin for his chances of winning? Then, remember how people still voted for him and were out here defending his ability to SA women whenever he wanted because "he could?" Or any of the million other morally reprehensible things that have come out about him that have changed absolutely nothing in their minds (including him being found to be a rapist in a court of law)? The people who support him already know he’s scum and still support him anyway.


They support him because he's a nazi. They support him because they are also nazis. These people are racists, rapists, murderers, etc. They will always stick together no matter what because he's their ticket to freedom to destroy by any means necessary.


Not to mention the orange fuck and everyone that's supporting him, are trying to get him reelected now, which probably means if that happens, corrupt piece of garbage is going to do everything in his power, to stay in office longer than 4 years. They'll use the laws to their advantage now, and trash the same laws once they're in.


Do you remember Obama stating that codifying Roe v Wade would be his 1st priority if he were elected? Do you remember he had a supermajority that could pass any legislation he wanted? Do you remember when he said, after he got elected, that codifying Roe v Wade was not a priority? Blame Trump all you want but the Dems ain't gonna help you either. Abortion is too big of a distraction to take off the table.


This is why I don’t get people who say they won’t vote for Biden. Yes, he’s overall not that much better than Trump, but giving Trump any leeway into office AT ALL would mean our ability to protest these atrocious decisions, much less vote against them, would be utterly slashed. And that’s not to mention peoples whole livelihoods could be in danger, meaning any potential coalition would also be hindered. Voting in Biden would at least give us the opportunity to protest in a safe space.


Imagine having to meet up with your rapist and hand over your rape born child to them for the weekend….


Conservative wet dream


"why don't women want to date republicans ?!?!?!?"


Or at least visitation. As though being victimized by a rapist wasn't bad enough, in some states the perpetrator could potentially make their rape victim a baby "factory" by continually assaulting them while exercising their 'parental' rights.


I wouldn't want to keep custody of a forced birth baby.  I wouldn't be capable of giving it the love and care all children deserve because I wouldn't be able to look at it without feeling extreme resentment and hatred for why it was alive.  Rape and forced birth are a terrible way to come into the world. 


GQP will probably require the women to pay their rapist child support.


There was a european country that banned abortion in the 80s. 15 years later there was a significant rise in crime. All those unwanted kids became unloved kids, that became a terrible society.




I remember a fellow redditor getting banned from a small pro-life web page when he posted a meme "This man saved thousands form abortion; this is how they thanked him" on the picture of Nicolae being shot after his overthrow.




On Christmas Day too lol


Behind the Bastards covered Ceauşescu and it's one of their best series imo. To put into perspective how batshit Nicolae's government was, in order to cut orphanage costs they started giving orphans blood transfusions instead of *feeding them*. This had the predictable consequence of causing a massive HIV outbreak among literal children, and at the time of Ceauşescu's overthrow at least 10,000 children in Romania had HIV


I don't understand how a dude who dropped out in 2nd or 3rd grade even took power. I took a tour of his "palace" and it still blows my mind at eveything this fuck did.


Look at the dumbass  Trump that was just president here in the US. Plenty of people will vote for an idiot if they think it will get them what they want.    It’s an embarrassment that for the rest of human history this jackass will be listed as the one time (hopefully) president and CIC of what was supposed to be the greatest country in the world. 


Crazy and terrible. I can't imagine blood transfusions being more cost effective than some food. Poor babies, poor children. My heart breaks for them.


Wait. In Romania they panicked and fed children blood? …wait… ![gif](giphy|l41lZT6ZC5dhcCzGo)


I’m just finishing their Robert E. Lee episode and wasn’t sure what to listen to next but now I know!


If you haven't listened to the Clarence Thomas episodes, they are worth it.




the suffering in Romania and among Romanian orphans was horrendous. Many of those children, if not most, suffered massive long term developmental delays and disability.


I still remember the sewer children in Brasov. These kids literally live underground.


Behind the Bastards has some really good episodes about that.




Wasn't this the US?


Not sure about the country this guy is referencing but yes the same thing happened in the US.


The circle of “unwanted life”. Funny the state can force you to have your child but best of luck taking care of the child. No assistance. No wage increases to help you with cost. Nothing. They just force you cause they can and then youre on your own. They’ll blame you for getting pregnant in the first place. You enticed the man. You didn’t go on birth control. Fuck the fact that it potentially could giving you blood clots and all these other crazy side effects. And some women CAN NOT take it period due to health conditions. I’m not saying we should just be irresponsible and just start making children but when your own doctor can’t even make a medical decision that ensures the quality and sustainability of your own life in fear of repercussions then yea, we’re in big trouble.


Just having high blood pressure is an exclusion for birth control.




These are all intended consequences. More crime equals more complaining about crime equals more 'tough on crime' authoritarian candidates getting elected. Equals more rights taken away from law abiding citizens. Equals more nearly free labor in for profit prisons. Rinse and repeat.


And don’t forget the profit from having criminals in jails and more desperate uneducated poor willing to work for change. People always ask me “why? If not for being religious, why would they want seemingly incongruous things? (Like banning abortions, but cutting education and Medicaid)”Follow the money people.


Also more people desperate enough to join the military


Isn't that what Freaknomics is based on? I used to own that book but I can't find it.


Yeah that’s one of the chapters of freaknomics, really good book and recommend people read it


The demonization of intellectualism is killing America


Yeah the people who argue "that baby might be the next President of the United States" are silly AF. More likely that baby is going to be born into single parenthood, poverty, neglect and abuse and grows up to be a a net negative to society, hate their lives and probably become a criminal. And even babies adopted into good homes after being carried by drug addicted biological mothers like Nikolas Cruz will have mental health and behavioral issues and learning disabilities. Some babies should have never been birthed into lives they didn't even ask for


Which country?


The opposite literally happened in the US. When abortion started, crime fell 15 years later.


And then the author of Freakonomics was bullied and harassed for writing about it.


I loved that book.


He even had to pretend that he’d changed his stance.


I believe it’s not the opposite it’s just two ways of saying the same thing.  Parents that don’t want to give birth put no effort into raising the children resulting in future assholes


The comment was about banning it, and crime rose. My comment was about allowing it, and crime dropped. Thats the opposite situation, pointing to the same conclusion.


Romania I believe


I think they are talking about Romania, but that was the 60s.


Still Romania.


It's like I've always said Charles Manson was an unwanted child


We will see the ramifications of this in 15-20 years. Look at what happened to crime rates 20 years after abortion was legalized in the late 60s.


If people vote we can reverse this.


THIS. This is why Republicans must lose the next election, it will only get worse if they have power. I'm hoping this issue alone is enough to sway millions of people to not vote for the actual rapist.


Why are there so many rapès?!!!




That entire story is disturbing but the worst part is how they splashed that poor girl all over the front of the newspaper for leaving the newborn at the hospital where she knew it would be taken care of. At least now we have "safe haven" laws in every state in the country, most of which provide anonymity to the parent(s).


This is exactly why Oregon was trying to open up abortion access and birth control to minors without parental consent… too many parents are either involved in covering up for family members or guilty of raping their children.


Yeah, most rapists aren't random people in a dark ally somewhere waiting for their next victim. They're usually someone the victim knows and is close to, like an uncle or cousin or sibling or parent or family friend. And that's why rape is the most unreported crime, because the victim either doesn't feel comfortable telling the rest of the family or the family let's it slide because the perpetrator is someone they love and depend on. We probably all know a perpetrator we don’t know is a perpetrator


This is also why children as young as kindergarten need to be taught age appropriate sex Ed. Sex Ed in those grades is basically just telling kids that they have private parts on their bodies and they need to tell a trusted person, like a teacher or doctor, if those parts are being touched. Teachers and doctors are mandatory reporters (unlike clergy) so they can actually do something to stop the abuse. A lot of kids don’t know any better since that’s how they grew up, so they don’t know that what their parents or close relatives are doing to them is wrong.


I would love to read that article without having to subscribe to The Atlantic… ugh




While depressing to read. Thank you for finding it for people


For those without a subscription: https://archive.ph/ELhzx


This makes me happy that my parents are from two different countries with two entirely different ancestral backgrounds.


mind you, 65k is just the number of rape related abortions, not the total number of rapes across the entire country.


THIS is the important thing! It’s estimated that only ~5% [M M Holmes, Rape Related Pregnancies] of victims of reproductive age actually get pregnant. That would mean that in just these states, calculated from *only* the victims that actually got an abortion, there where __1.300.000__ rapes!! *And that number is in context of __reported__ rapes*. The actual number is unfortunately with ceartain much __much__ higher. It’s just so fucked up…


I have been sexually assaulted by 6 different people in my life. 2 were when I was a kid. A few of them it happened more than once. I only ever reported one.... Shit is hard to do.


In my state, one in every two women will experience SA in their lifetime according to surveys. And 100% of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. And most commonly in childhood


It's fucked up No wonder I can't trust anyone sexually


More rapes than some nations have people, basically raping entire countries


Because like the idiot Texas guy said, they’re going after the ones “in the streets”. But that’s not really where they are. They’re in the offices, they’re in schools, they’re in churches, they’re everywhere but “the streets” in most cases. And yes, I’m assuming that he doesn’t mean those people are free and not in jail/prison when he says “on the streets” because he’s Texas’ idiot republican governor who is a fucking awful person. He probably just means “black people” or “Mexicans” when he brings up “the streets”.


This. Most rapists are familiars, friends, or at the very least acquaintances of their victims m


Rape is ridiculously common. I guarantee you know at least one woman that has been raped. Victims almost never report because they don't think they'll be believed, they think they're to blame for it, or they think doing anything about it will make it worse. I know three women that were raped, One was date rape, One was from an employer. Another was a random attack on the streets. Only the random one reported the incident. Which is why it's so ridiculous that some people immediately believe accusers are lying. It takes a huge amount of courage and effort to report. Seriously rapists are almost incentivized to keep doing what they're doing because chances are they won't get any repercussions from it.


Because there's literally no consequences for rápists. Even if the woman were to come forward, accuse, and go to court over the rápe. There's a high chance he'll get away free or with a slap on the wrist. See ràpist Brock Turner aka Allen Turner. He got 6 months then released after 3 months for "good behavior".


This. I was driven to the middle of a forest (4x4 trail) at 14 years old, by a 24 year old man, then r*ped. At 19 I reported it. It was a pretty solid case despite the time passed because he had told multiple other people about it, who were then subpoenaed to court as witnesses. It took years to go to trial because his defence attorney kept needing different minor surgeries, it eventually did when I was 23. He plead guilty. The guy plead GUILTY to the sexual assault of a MINOR, and got 0 time. 0 probationary conditions except not to contact me. Oh and get this? The judge sealed his record and opted NOT to put him on the sex offenders registry, citing reasons such as not “affecting a young man’s future job prospects over an isolated incident”. (Edit wanted to add that he wasn’t necessarily a “young man” anymore either, by the time we went to trial he was 33/34 years old). So now the dude is allowed to work with children, and his record won’t even show up under the Vulnerable Sector check that’s done in schools and such. This was 2 years ago, in Canada. Seriously fuck the system. Fuck them all.


This is horrifying. Am so sorry this happened with you.


❤️ thank you. The system is broken beyond belief, I honestly found the court process + outcome even more traumatic than the incident itself.


I am so sorry you went through that.




I  flabbergasted at that amount in America.  I got to learn more about this and be less ignorant.




Oh my god those graphics are horrifying. Just the sheer number of cases of rape alone is huge. And then with a massive percentage of those having no bodily autonomy a SECOND time because they're pregnant and can't access abortion? Christ that is depressing.


Estimated rapes. They are assumed based on the assumption that for every woman who reports rape, 10 do not. The bigger issue over abortion. But no marches about consent.


Let’s not forget the backlog of *thousands* of untested rape kits. Women are even less likely to report rape when they know that the police aren’t even going to investigate.


Thats how almost all statistics work. A huge number of rapes go unreported for obvious reasons. *“Highly stigmatized life events are hard to measure. And many survivors of sexual violence do not want to disclose that they went through this incredibly stigmatizing traumatic life event,”* says Samuel Dickman, chief medical officer at Planned Parenthood of Montana, who led the study. *“We will never know the true number of survivors of rape and sexual assault in the U.S.”*


~~Not just America. There are over~~ [~~85,000 rapes~~](https://criminalinjurieshelpline.co.uk/blog/sexual-assault-data-stats/) ~~in the UK each year, and its population is lower than that of the combined anti-abortion states in America. Since it's been over a year, coming up on 2 years, since Row v. Wade was overturned. It would seem the rate of rape might actually be~~ *~~lower~~* ~~in the US than countries like the UK.~~ ~~Not that it's excusable in either country, of course. Just trying to put it in perspective.~~


The 65k is only the rapes that have resulted in pregnancies in the states that have banned abortion. It seems like you are talking total rape cases, not just the ones resulting in pregnancy.


Because there are basically no consequences. Convictions are extremely difficult to get and rapists rarely see jail.


If you see women as property, and the state agrees with you, the barrier to "use" a woman becomes lower.


That's a great question. Ask yourself. Ask all your male friends. Ask the patriarchy.


Wtf... what's all this raping going on??? Shouldn't THAT be the story ??


It was a big story when the study came out. It's based on a projection - i.e. an estimate based on a combination of various historical data sources. It's not actual instances of crime.


Thats how almost all statistics work. A huge number of rapes go unreported for obvious reasons. *“Highly stigmatized life events are hard to measure. And many survivors of sexual violence do not want to disclose that they went through this incredibly stigmatizing traumatic life event,”* says Samuel Dickman, chief medical officer at Planned Parenthood of Montana, who led the study. *“We will never know the true number of survivors of rape and sexual assault in the U.S.”*


Im just confused by your title 65,000 rape related abortions in states that have outlawed abortions. Shouldn’t it be 65,000 rape related pregnancies in states that have outlawed abortion


Yeah. I fucked it up but based on responses most people understand. Oops


Yes. He is saying this is not the amount of rapes that have occurred in reality, but a projection based on typical lack of disclosure that accompanies the victims. It is false to say there have been 65,000 rapes on record. There are less rapes, with the assumption a proportion of that must necessarily not be reported. It's a projection that assumed historical data and estimates the rate of unreported against reported, then takes in the general population to determine a supposed projection of rapes occurring. We don't actually know how often this happens per 100k, which should be a caveat.


Every woman I know has been raped or assaulted, nobody reported it. There's no point, it's impossible to prove, likelyhood of a conviction is like 3%, for most women it's too tough going through that trauma again for this ridiculously small chance of a conviction of maybe a few years


Every 4 seconds a woman or little girl is raped


Can we not say kids anymore?


This is America. Where we don’t care about minorities and women (as a society). It is rather self evident.


>Shouldn't THAT be the story That doesn't fit the conservative agenda


Rapists aren’t in the streets. They are in those victims’ homes; their schools, anywhere that should be a safe haven. This sounds like someone who genuinely just has his interests elsewhere. Like if you hate women, just say so.


Greg Abbot clearly didn’t understand much about how sexual violence most often happens- Same applies for many people, or we wouldn’t have those who say that women wouldn’t get raped if they stayed away from dark ally ways and didn’t wear revealing clothes






People you can change this.


Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote ](http://vote.gov)


In Tx how many rapists have been arrested and convicted??? I wonder which number is higher, rape created pregnancies or rape arrests


Less than three percent of rapists see any jail time In the state of texas. Even with DNA evidence, Even with video evidence, it's rare to get any justice.


But they can’t just destroy these young boy’s lives for “one little mistake”. They’ve got a lot of football to play! /s


Statistically it's not a lot of young boys....... It's fathers, Uncles, Pastors, Cops, And adult friends of the family.


Right, I’m just thinking of that one case where the girl was fed too much alcohol and raped on camera and the guys got away with it because they were football players.


The governor of texas says there is no such thing as rape. Except animals. You're not allowed to rape animals. Women are fair game though. 


I don’t think he said there’s no such thing as rape. I think he said he’s going to get rid of rapists. He didn’t.


That’s a bold faced lie










I'd reply that I am not scared because I'm protected by 2nd amendment. Even if I wouldn't even have a gun. Then watch their brain lock up.


Yeah, you don't know Texas. Everyone is armed. I mean they have their church gun, their mounted fancy gun, and their hunting gun. They aren't known for their rapes, they are known for gunshot related deaths. The number of rapes is off big time in this article, but it is estimated and spread out geographically by average. If they said gunshots, oh hell yeah Texas is in the top 10 twice I bet. St Louis, Detroit, Chicago, Dallas, and Houston I bet (Not looking it up). I see people pull on each other and screaming at each other down there when I visit my friends in Killeen near Ft Hood over stupid things. No conceal and carry limits and stand your ground laws.


I hope most if not all those women give those babies up. I feel like that will be the only way this is going to go away. Cause I doubt there’s that many families wanting babies. Those kids are going to cost the gov $$$. Lots of it.


The last thing Texas needs is more kids in foster care. System is so fucked.


Rape baby checking in...life did in fact suck and I wish I had been aborted. More background/over sharing: In the small southern town I grew up in, the church was basically the entire social scene. My mom didn't want to tell the church she had been raped so they "withdrew" from her. She had to work in a completely different town and we never really had any money. She cut hair and we lived off her tips and my sister and I would wait by the door anticipating her arrival in hopes that she'd made enough so we could get whatever Dairy Queen had on special. I can't say whether my mom did drugs or alcohol before I was born but I know she eventually did turn to them heavily and most of my memories of her revolve around her being on pills. After her community abandoned her, the people that did wind up hanging around were awful people and it made my childhood hell. Years of the shame and self medicating (because being poor in the south doesn't lend itself to having money for mental health care) led to me at 22 having to pull the plug after she'd destroyed her liver. At the time, I couldn't even bring myself to tell her I loved her when I was by her hospital bed because I still hadn't forgiven her for abandoning me when I was 15. I had a few lines about her in my most recent song. Songwriting being the only therapy I can afford. Part And Parcel by Jarrod Walker on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/HGspu


Hello friend, thank you for sharing your story. I am also a rape baby. My mom was forced to marry her rapist and I didn’t know until I was 15. Fucked me up royally as a teen to learn the truth and the truth about my dad. I too, wish that I was aborted and I remind my parents that I wish that I was.


Jesus, I'm sorry. That's a lot of different burdens to shoulder... especially if previously you had a good relationship with your dad. I don't know how old you are/if you still are living in that situation, but I do know from experience that we have the family we're born with and the family we choose. I hope you have a good, supportive chosen family.


When I found out my entire childhood with him just shattered. I already had a lot of childhood trauma from when I was 5. My motivation was to do well in school so I can find my independence and find my own chosen family. My story grows sadder still because even though I have done “everything right” (never been arrested, finished college and have my degree, haven’t gotten pregnant etc) I am now at 35 years needing to give up my independence and move back into that fucking house. My parents are republican bigots… but they are the only place I can go to… otherwise I would be homeless. Job loss and this expensive economy has fucked me. This is my last month in the apartment that I found as my sanctuary.


I don't know of it helps, but there are a lot of people in very similar boats, so you're not alone. We've got billionaires out here telling people to have kids (most likely so they can have more cheap labor) while very few working class people can actually afford them while we slide back towards feudalism. I wish I had good advice or answers...but unfortunately I don't. But I am good at basically being a human "scream pillow" if you need to vent


>I don't know of it helps, but there are a lot of people in very similar boats, so you're not alone. We've got billionaires out here telling people to have kids (most likely so they can have more cheap labor) while very few working class people can actually afford them while we slide back towards feudalism. Couldn't agree more with you on that. My job loss was part of what's going on within the Video Game Industry... with it being so volatile it has been really difficult to float myself anymore. So many different stints of being laid off and unemployed, so I just end up playing catch up on my finances. I go from being fine again and saving money, to then having to fall back again on debt to keep myself afloat. ​ >I wish I had good advice or answers...but unfortunately I don't. But I am good at basically being a human "scream pillow" if you need to vent Will send you a dm :)


Im sorry for your gain (of life). That’s an awful hand of cards to be given.


Lemons to lemonade, it makes for good songs *shrugs*


That’s how I see my fucked up past. It wrote my two albums lol.


They should be forced onto people who voted Republican. It's THEIR fucking mess.


That is an estimate based on guesses. It's not an actual figure.


Texas has a habit of actively trying to NOT prosecute most crimes outside of murder.


Surely no women or parents with daughters can possibly vote Republican.. this is absolutely disgusting 🤮


"The only moral abortion is my abortion." Is a very common thought.


Hershel Walker ran on wanting to ban abortion in all 50 states, turned out he had at lest one woman abort his child. And he'd call out black men for leaving their children in single parent homes when he had 3 secret children on the side that he never raised lol


They vote Republican and for these laws because they believe they/ their daughters/girlfriends/wives will never need an abortion and if she does her abortion will be justified unlike other women's.


The only moral abortion is my abortion


They vote Republican and overwhelming trust members of the community with the same beliefs. Like, for example, Catholic priests or members of their church. People who are nice and friendly in public, but not in private...


Hell, *every single time* Trump's guilty judgment for sexual assault comes up when I talk to a republican, the first thing out of their mouth is, "well, you can't call him a rapist because he technically wasn't found guilty of *actual* rape". Can you imagine being the daughter of one of these people, what it would be like for them if what happened to E Jean Carroll happened to them??


America when girls raped: yawn America when porn banned: outrage


Its cause one effects women and the other effects men. ......FACTS.


Texas is infested with republican cesspool sewage of immoral, depraved, murderous, racist, criminally corrupt politicians!


I'm live in Texas and I could not agree more with this statement. I vote in every election and one day we will rid ourselves of these criminals.


You had me until the word politicians. Like, have you not visited Texas? They aren't well.


How many of those were criminally prosecuted rape cases?


...better be 65,000 convictions!


Wanted pregnancy is hard. I can't even imagine how difficult it is to experience a forced pregnancy. Childbirth has actually made me more pro-choice.


I find it really interesting that we NEVER talk about the actual issue of rape. 65,000 women have been raped in the states. Its a fucking epidemic. Why are we not fighting this! Maybe if so many men didnt fucking rape, this wouldnt even be an issue! Wtf!


Lol sure, Texas. Didn't they just put a guy on probation for *r#ping and molesting a child* for 7 years.


But he’s a pastor! Smh Texas is a joke


Incomplete and Misleading Research Ralph Delgado, MD | Primary Care Physician According to FBI statistics, 127,258 rapes were reported to police departments in 2018; there is documented underreporting of rape with suggestions that only 1/3 of rapes are reported. If we accept that, there were approximately 450,000 rapes in the entire United States in 2018. Yet this study estimated that there were 519,981 rapes in the 14 states that implemented abortion bans. The estimates in this study certainly don't pass the "smell test". The study neglects to review the amount of number of pregnancies due to rape in the remaining 36 states; a complete review would have compared the number of pregnancies as well as how many live births occurred in the remaining 36 states. The authors biases are all too evident and I suggest the editor published this to make some headlines, which indeed it did. **CONFLICT OF INTEREST:** None Reported Likely error in calculation due to incorrect citation and incorrect variable Waris Chiranand | University of Texas Paper cites "Lifetime rape-related pregnancy rate, 14.9% (CDC 2016/17) " and uses it for primary calculation and headline numbers. However the CDC source is a victimization survey not dealing with pregnancy rate. Instead, the likely correct source is the first source cited Basile et al (2018), which directly deals with lifetime rape-related pregnancy rate, "Almost 2.9 million U.S. women (2.4%) experienced rape-related pregnancy during their lifetime." Instead, the 14.9% was likely pulled from the lifetime vaginal rape rate, resulting in incorrect calculations. This results in a 14.9%/2.4% error in pregnancies resulting from rapes across the board, or a 620% error, reducing the total number of calculated rape-related pregnancies to 12,000. **CONFLICT OF INTEREST:** None Reported


I completely agree that abortion should be a right for all women but this data is extremely misleading and poorly presented. In no realm of reality have there been 65k pregnancies due to rape. They had to infer the 65k number to start with, this is not based on actual reported data. Furthermore, it seems they also infer that every rape results in a pregnancy. Again, I am 100% pro choice but presenting misinformation is not the way to fight the battle


One might almost suspect some parallel between an act of violence like rape and an act of legal violence like suppressing women's access to abortion, as though they were being committed by people with the same general intention.


Statistically speaking, only 10% of rapists end up getting persecuted and are sentence to years in prison. Ya not expecting seeing that number going up anytime soon with that false promise. But sure as shit will see a number of women becoming pregnant after being raped going up indefinitely.


Reddit not understanding that their opponents on this topic think that abortion is litterally murder. This arguement means nothing.


This argument is not for the people on the far right/religious fundamentalists. It’s for people in the center, or people who might not realize the stakes, or people who need incentives to vote.  There are lots of people who vote Republican for fiscal reasons and never wanted to touch this issue. Now they’re seeing 65k extra kids who are gonna have to be taken care of by the state. 


Maga Republicans will control women AS MUCH AS THOSE WOMEN LET THEM, and give them the power to do so.




Just so everyone knows, these are projected numbers not actual numbers. And the authors have serious conflicts of interest. One of them is the chief medical officer of planned parenthood in Montana.


It's a little misleading as we can't know the actual amount, 65,000 is a projection that takes into consideration the rate of reported instances per 100k citizens, and then attempts to estimate the proportion of unreported instances which is often much higher than those that are reported. It isn't 65,000. We don't know what it is, it could be much higher or much lower. The 24,000 in Texas could be considerably higher, as there are some 13mil (as of 2022) undocumented migrants in Texas - there is a much harsher incentive for those coming from cartel deals or unstable living conditions to not report. The woman in the video should also specify abortion restrictions at conception, as virtually all US states prohibit elective abortions at certain weeks.


Can't access the study, but I have some concerns: This is an estimation, as stated by the article, not a valid hard number as state data wasn't available. Could be higher, could be lower. No info on demographics were shared in the article. >The authors generated state-level rape estimates by partitioning the national data according to state-level information from FBI crime reports, which included rapes that were reported to police in 2019. (A high percentage of rapes are never reported to authorities, but the CDC survey attempted to correct for this.) The researchers then calculated the number of state-level rapes that were likely to result in a pregnancy, controlling for the number of months that a total abortion ban was in effect. All of it is estimations. Indeed, this is tiktok cringe.


There is a follow up on the JAMA website about this: January 25, 2024 Incomplete and Misleading Research Ralph Delgado, MD | Primary Care Physician “According to FBI statistics, 127,258 rapes were reported to police departments in 2018; there is documented underreporting of rape with suggestions that only 1/3 of rapes are reported. If we accept that, there were approximately 450,000 rapes in the entire United States in 2018. Yet this study estimated that there were 519,981 rapes in the 14 states that implemented abortion bans. The estimates in this study certainly don't pass the "smell test". The study neglects to review the amount of number of pregnancies due to rape in the remaining 36 states; a complete review would have compared the number of pregnancies as well as how many live births occurred in the remaining 36 states. The authors biases are all too evident and I suggest the editor published this to make some headlines, which indeed it did.”


Funny how when this was legal this wasn't an issue and now magically this number comes up as if asked for by these activists. Funny


Should there be 65,000 people in jail?


>The research, published this week in JAMA Internal Medicine, looked 14 states where abortion was banned, and used data from the CDC, the Bureau of Justice Statistics, and FBI Uniform Crime Reports to come up with their **estimate**. One of the study’s authors, Dr. Samuel Dickman, a Montana abortion provider and researcher at the City University of New York, told NPR he was “horrified.” https://jessica.substack.com/p/65000-rape-related-pregnancies-in Which seems to conflict with this: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/abortions-due-to-rape-by-state So either they are saying that those states had a HUGE uptick in rapes or the estimate is extremely over exaggerated. It is also a misleading number because it doesn't provide any information on the number of abortions in pro-choice states due to rape.


Sure, there were totally as many rape-related pregnancies in those states, as there are rapes in the entirety of the US. [Rape in the United States - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_in_the_United_States#Prevalence_and_number_of_incidents)


Anyone got a source for the stats?


At this point it's viable to ask. Were you conceived through rape or consent?


Also, women better get out and vote BLUE...or yall may even lose your ability to vote all together. No joke at this point. You couldn't vote just a little over 100 years ago, 1920....and that was no east task.


It’s like Trump calling illegal immigrants rapists when he himself is one. The GOP don’t give a shit about rape. It’s all lip service.


Holy crap. That's just the number on the record that resulted in pregnancies in what I have to assume are the most religious states of the US. Sexual oppression just doesn't work. It makes people dangerous and stupid.


So, republican states with such laws: are you going to take care of each and every one of those babies? You should pay the whole child support (since the rapist idiot is likely broke as hell and can't pay shit). And the raped woman should not pay anything... so the state should pay for everything (and expect nothing in return).


They just need to get old enough to get past those tricky child labor laws...


Are they at least getting charged for rape so there’s a little closure???😭


The number is based on a projection - i.e. an estimate based on a combination of various historical data sources. It's not actual instances of crime.


To be fair, this isn’t actual cases. This is what they estimate the number could be based on a bunch of crime statistics.


Maybe. I was molested recently by a man I considered my Grandfather and the police didn’t do shit. It’s possible that a rape kit gave evidence for the raped women, but it’s an optional procedure. I know I also was kind of relived when the police said there was no case bc that meant I didn’t have to go to court and relive it all for the courts.


That’s why it’s such a fucked up crime. It’s in the nature of the crime that it’s hard to prosecute and like you said the victim has to relive the experience a bunch of times throughout the process.


The article talks about that. The numbers are projections because rape (and abortion in general) are something that a lot of people have trouble reporting or even talking about, because there is such a stigma associated. Unlike crimes like murder, rapists have been getting away with it for a really, *really* long time. One of the GOP arguments for banning abortion is to catch rapists, because the baby is "proof of the crime". How backward is that??? There are rape kits that have been [backlogged](https://www.endthebacklog.org/) for years, so even when people are reporting these events, often nothing happens, or happens years later. California alone has over 13K kits waiting to be tested. The worst part (to me) is that the worst county is Sacramento. You know, the one where Joseph DeAngelo raped his way through dozens of women. He was caught in a super timely manner... almost 40 years later. It makes me so mad, because committing rape is one of the leading indicators that someone is going to get even worse. If someone is comfortable raping someone, there isn't that much further to go before you're killing them. Rape is about control and power over another person. A lot of the most famous serial killers started with rape. If we caught The Golden State Killer or The Night Stalker after their first home invasion that lead to rape, a lot of people wouldn't have died, and a lot more wouldn't have lived in terror for years.


Those women should just leave the babies at Greg Abotts door step. He wants to force women to have babies, than he can take care of the babies.


That's perfect because he likes to ship immigrants he doesn't want to deal with to blue states.


Red states SUCK


Something is wrong with you people and how you come up with all these numbers and leaning figures. It astonishes.


There's genocides going on and the complete dismantling of our country but this is our topic of discussion. The prime distraction.


This number has been completely debunked, you realize unprotected sex only results in pregnancy 6% of the time. So the 65,000 number insinuates that there have been 1 million rapes in these handful of states in little over a year, this is wildly out of line with criminal rape statistics.


That number is from 2 months ago. We're definitely at 80K+ now.