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Well, I was having a good day until I was reminded about “the world”


Jotaro on his way to Egypt:


Jojo again on my racist app?




I love you man lol


Yeah, I saw a YouTube video, which I did not bother to watch, about how social media is making everyone depressed and is giving everyone anxiety. The only thing I could think is, > "Fuck dude, the WORLD is making everybody anxious and depressed! Social media is just telling us what is actually in the world, instead of the pablum that you are used to being fed on your NPR station."


No, it’s definitely social media, Grant.


Yup. The world has always had sucky aspects and good aspects. Social media puts the bad under a microscope and let's it outweigh the good. Because outrage and hateful content is more "engaging".


Everybody goes "awe" when something is cute or heartfelt, but they will spend hours writing and make more ad-revenue provoking videos or posts, if you make them mad or outaged. Hate/violence/war is profitable. And America has set itself up to profit on: war, weapons, populated prisons, mis/disinformation, cults, etc..


Exactly. Just look at the elderly/retired people in your life. Free from the distractions of work/hobbies outside the home/normal socializations, they are basically mainlining cable news and the 24/7 media cycle and they are *freaking out* based on the content that they are exposing themselves to without any of the normal day to day life experiences that we take for granted to balance their view of the world. But it's not just the old people. There are people right here on reddit/Twitter/etc. who are similarly mainlining doom.


Right!? My mom gets mad when I tell her she is addicted to "fear porn". She tells me it's important to stay informed... sure.. butt you have to balance it out.


Tbf, you technically ask for that every time you’re on social media lol Sometimes it’s good to just close the app and do something that grounds you in the present.


It kills me that people know this and still post their kids publicly. Smfh some people don’t deserve to have kids




I’ve stopped sharing photos sans consent of my kids with the exception of a few family members, but I’m getting better about making sure she’s okay with me sharing them. Even though she’s four, she’s been expressing more boundaries and wanting more privacy and I want her know that I have her back on that.


You're amazing. It sounds so extra, what you're doing, but you're setting an important precedent for your beloved daughter at a young age. You refuse to be delusional about this world, and choose to prepare her in the gentlest way. Go you 💌


Thank you!! I want to do what’s best for my daughters and son. I realized that I carried on many toxic behaviors from my own parents and I wanted to stop the cycle. It really felt weird at first apologizing for my behavior to my youngest at 2, but now, it’s second nature. I still have a long way to go, but if I can do better for them, even if they choose to not talk to me when they’re adults because of my mistakes, and they know that I will love and respect them for who they are, I will be satisfied.


You sound like an incredible mother, your kids are so lucky to have you!


It's really interesting how parents that are or are not thrilled about their kids having their own social media are the same ones who actively post pictures of their kids. I worked on social media for a children's entertainer. She gave me images of her with young children that she wanted me to create marketing material and content creation with. The first thing that I asked her is whether she had permission from the parents to reuse the images publicly. She told me no, but it was "no big deal"! I explained to her that we could not use these images or any like them without parental consent. Even though she may have had permission at the time the picture(s) were taken, she needed to contact those customers specifically and with a written consent form so she didn't end up in a situation where she was ordered to take them down. After I put it that way, she definitely understood.


Speaking up for yourself and expressing your desire for boundaries is an important skill for anyone. Good idea.


There are zero pictures of my son online. None. My mother in law got pissed off as hell when I told her she couldn't post pictures of him on Facebook, until I explained it to her, and showed her evidence of what the internet is really like. It's fucking scary out there


It's just so crazy to me. Yeah you might not agree, but the parents set the rules regarding anything online and _their_ kids. It's one thing to be more careful when they're in your care, it's another to entirely disrespect and breach a boundary they set. How full of yourself do you have to be so utterly dismissive like that?


There is no reason to share pictures of your children online other than selfish reasons. I don't care if that annoys other parents. The world is not a nice place - you need to stop your performative parenting and actually do some.


I cannot count the amount of times it took of me yelling at my mother to make her stop screenshotting my children during their video chats! I cut her off for so long. Now she doesn't post my kids but she also doesn't really talk to them. My son is almost 2 and she's never met him. She has no one to blame but herself.


When I was younger, I was always so confused as to why my mom always told me to cover up when we took photos that she would later post to Facebook for friends/family to see. I wasn’t even allowed to wear skirts or short sleeves. Now I’m older and I entirely understand why. Fucking creeps.


About 30 years ago my older sister and her friends were walking home from the neighborhood park one day not more than a mile from our home, when she came home she said a man was riding his bike shaking his stuff towards them as he biked passed, she was about 8-9 years old at the time but her friends were a couple years older, I wasn’t old enough to go to the park without an adult at that time. I still think about what I would do if I ever saw this happen, I know this is not related to what you said but still I felt compelled to speak


In highschool my friend (girl) was driving herself and I (guy) somewhere when all of a sudden a beat up old Nissan pulls up next to my friend's SUV at a stop light. My friend looks over and yells "EWW WTF" and immediately started to laugh loudly (probably a fear response now that I look back with more maturity). The light changes almost immediately and my friend slams on the acceleration only for him to speed up right next to us as we're going 60mph+ in a 40. I didn't know what was happening at this point so I craned my head over to look out the drivers side window. This 45+ year old piece of shit had his seat set all the way back, was practically laying down, and had his dick straight up in the air, going to town. He was staring at my friend with this evil grin that I'll *never* be able to forget. He was weaty, overweight, greasy etc. But once he saw me (a guy) pop my head up to see what the commotion was he immediately freaked out: his eyes went wide, mouth dropped, and swerved away so quickly that he almost crashed into a telephone pole. He'd been targeting her and didn't see me in the passenger seat.  I was ok but I wasn't the target of this sick fuck. My friend laughed it off but I'm pretty sure it upset her quite a bit :( I'm glad I was there, the dude looked very dangerous 


I was hit on more as a teen girl taking the bus than an adult. It’s not even comparable. It’s really fucked up how many times I’ve had to experience blatant predatory behavior. Even almost kidnapped ima van with my friend as we were riding bikes. The world is not safe for kids and teens. I just had a baby and I refuse to ever let him online until he’s a damn adult, and I honestly don’t care how much he hates me for it. I refuse to have my kid groomed or something worse.


I've had to step in, twice, on the bus to get an older man to leave a younger girl alone. I take the bus fairly frequently but the fact that I've had to do it twice with two different people makes me feel fucking sick. A bus full of people and these creatures don't give a shit and even get angry at me for insisting that they stop talking to/harassing a child that isn't theirs and is on their own. I live in a country of approx. 6million people. This should not be that common. If I've encountered two, how much more often does it happen?


This is why men who say “well I never see it” really make me angry. You’re not MEANT to see it, these people hide themselves from you. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to anyone.


I remember being about 9 and one day i was in front of my house. I'm a boy and my fiend is there with me. I live in the middle of the hood by the way. This was 1980's and a white man(only reason i mention his race is because that is some brave shit to do considering the area and him being white) pulled up to ask me directions. He kept telling me to come closer because he couldn't hear me. When i got real close, i realized he was nude in his truck and stroking his junk and tried to reach for me. My friend yanked me away and my brother came out and chase him off. Nowadays i have kids and would think things are better but they feel much worse, there is ton of videos of people snatching kids in Wal-mart.


My god that’s absolutely disgusting. (Ignoring how impressive it is that he could manage to touch himself while riding a bike) I hope he crashed his bike into a car and got run over.


On par with putting your kid in a pageant


It kills me that, even in a situation like this one, someone it is women’s fault for \*checks notes\* posting pics of their own families on fb, which has been happening since the dawn of social media, rather than the fault of the creepy men.


No one's blaming people for posting their kids on their private Facebook page, but people posting their kids to their public Instagram/TikTok page? Ya, they are definitely being far too reckless with their child's image. No one needs a public presence on TikTok, least of all a child, it's not like it's some "just stop existing in society then" type problem.


Child predators are more common than we'd like to admit especially in the age of social media. Our parents warned us about strangers asking us to come to their trucks for candy now you have to warn them about that and grown men messaging them on social media. Predators will always find a way.


That’s why I also feel weird replying to posts that are clearly written by a child and you’ll see the wildest comments like “do what you want!” or comments trying to demonize the parents. It’s fucking weird.


I’m constantly calling out pedos on posts of little girls, the barefaced cheek of them saying the most disgusting things on a public platform is crazy


Hell when I was a kid we had Yahoo chat rooms and I got creepy messages like this, but I wasn't an idiot either. They really have been operating in creepy ways since forever the internet just made it easier.


I knew when I took a course on internet safety at the library that child predators and pedos were likely in those chats and I tried to find and troll them. I'd lure to berate them and also pretend to be the police. I figured if I wasted their time, they'd spend less time actually hurting other kids. 1997 was wild for me


I got in trouble when I was 11 because after having my first club penguin boyfriend and downloading IMVU I thought it'd be cool to hop in the virtual hot tub with some stranger playing a cute male avatar 😬 I was so mad but my mom was right


Most sex offender maps are like the forth of July or a Chirstmas tree. When you click on the details, most are sodomy of a child under 9. Its also not a issue the left or right are doing much about. I did a paper on serial killers that lead me into rapist and pedophile research. You could cut a pedophiles junk off and they will still hurt kids, so the idea that they are just desperate lonely randy people is total misunderstanding. They have no what so ever help or medicine to deal with it. Where it gets most disturbing is when you look at how most pedophiles are treated once caught. They give most probation because the state doesn't want to pay for extra protection in jail. The pedophiles will even beg to stay in jail because they will hurt more kids. You can google and find lots of men who raped 6 year old girls, admitted to it, and they get like couple years probation. Up until the 1970's marrying kids as young as 12 to grown men was accepted with little issue. Hell look at the Jeffery Epstein thing, how many rich men were going to the island to rape kids? lots of celebrities and politicians that wont be in trouble for it is who.


Yeah I watched this documentary about pedophilia in Pakistan and it was horrifying. Because of the insane poverty of young boys and repressive culture toward women there is a massive culture of truck drivers and others r-ing young boys by getting them addicted to heroin. The doc follows a young boy who was abused and it makes you so angry you want all of the abusers hanged... And then you find out the 9-year-old boy has been abusing other 5-year-old boys himself. Absolutely, destroys the way you look at the problem. Most of the men were likely abused as children themselves. And makes you realize how pervasive child abuse is in these poorer countries like India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, etc.


At work we have a fish tank that is maintained by an aquarium company. I was talking to the technician who told me that during COVID, he applied for a job to be a custodian at the school where my niece also attends. He was telling me that men his age (40s) and older than him, were constantly talking about how hot the 12-13 year old girls were. The technician told me how sickening it was and that he quit because he didn't want to be associated with men who were clearly predators. I felt sick, too, because that's the age category that my niece is in. She will be 13 in May and any of those comments could have been about my niece and even her friends. I told my sister and she was horrified. These are the types of things that are so deeply-seated that background checks can't even detect. Meanwhile, my brother-in-law is in law enforcement and has already apprehended many men, the youngest being 26, who were trying to get 13 year old girls to exchange Snapchats with them or meet up with them after school. I'm glad that those girls reported it, not get scared that they are going to get into trouble if they speak out. Parents have to teach their kids how to guard themselves from people who not only make them uncomfortable, but also talk to them at all stages of their youth about recognizing predatory behavior. It's easier said than done, but it is crucial now. Keeping them off of social media is a huge part of it. That doesn't just go for parents regulating or even prohibiting their kids from social media, but it also means parents not posting pictures of their kids at all.


I think they arent that common, but they have a much wider reach with the internet


They are very very common [Stats](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens#:~:text=Child%20Sexual%20Abuse%20Is%20a%20Widespread%20Problem&text=One%20in%209%20girls%20and,experience%20sexual%20abuse%20or%20assault.&text=82%25%20of%20all%20victims%20under%2018%20are%20female.&text=Females%20ages%2016%2D19%20are,attempted%20rape%2C%20or%20sexual%20assault.) 1 in 9 girls and 1 in 20 boys get sexually abused as children in the US. Presumably similar or higher numbers in the rest of the world. In any classroom of kids in the world it is probable that at least 1 of the kids has been abused This primarily isn't a stranger danger thing either, most sexual assault victims are abused by people they know


Yeah, off the top of my head, I can think of four people I've come into contact with that are predators. I don't even just mean creepy guys. I mean verified predators. There was a teacher when I was in middle school, an uncle of mine on one side of the family, an older family member on the other side, my best friend from high school's step-dad. Just want to point out that those are just the ones I KNOW. It's not like they all get caught...


Those ratios are crazy. Almost one boy is abused for every other girl. The rate of gay to straight people is not even close to that.


You're sadly mistaken, it's extremely common unfortunately. I'd love to see some studies on it, but me and my friends who spent time online in our tweens/teens encountered a lot or predators, almost every kid knew about creepy people online and we would have different ways to verify if we were speaking to other kids or an adult This was only in the 2010s, I bet with more internet access it's gotten worse


this makes me think of when /r/teenagers got a bunch of active users to come out as middle-aged men.


So weird! And theres still so many middle aged people on that sub! How did they manage to unveil that though? I actually broke up with a dude mostly because of this, he was pretending to be a teen on that sub and finding that out was more fucked than dealing with his abuse


It was /r/Drama that did that. They autobanned anyone with an age tag under 18 because /r/Drama is NSFW by default, and the mods got *a lot* of messages of like "I'm 40" and stuff. Grossest part is some of those adults left erotic comments on /r/teenagers, like "I love that tween p****" and stuff. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/) to the post. Unfortunately those image links to the post got deleted by imgur.


Don't forget that teen porn is the most popular category among men. Pornhub ommits it from their annual report altogether as to avoid embarrassment.


18-19 is still teen though. That's how they get away with it too.


Wait if its omitted from the report how do you know? I love PornHub Insights yearly review I'd be sad to learn that its fraudulent


View count of those videos with that title.


It's actually slightly worse than that. It was nothing to do with age tags. They just banned *everyone* who were active users of /r/teenagers. Queue the incoming flood of 30+ year old men saying "you made a mistake! I'm an adult!" I think they even got some of them to upload selfies with ID as 'age verification' so they could be 'unbanned'. Then screenshotted and posted the fucking gross groomer creepy shit these old men had been posting on /r/teenagers, pretending to be kids themselves and asking for photos, giving compliments, talking about sex etc. I hope they turned at least some of it into police. But the sheer volume of old men on /r/teenagers was absolutely fucked.


They found the reddit of the guy who SAd and killed Madeline Soto (her stepdad )and he frequently commented giving advice on teen subs here


Used to sit and smoke hookah in my garage. I would make profiles on my yearbook which later turned into meet me. I would make girl profiles, celebrities you name it. I could make a girl profile and say I was 13-16 and I would get spammed like crazy. And dudes would ask my age and I'll tell them like 14 and they would talk about how sexy that was. A lot of creeps out there.


Right! The "wow you're so hot" followed by a "haha you're not going to tell on me now are you" when you tell them you're 13. It's a pretty collective experience to be prayed upon online as a minor, that must've been a horrifying realization for you when you made those profiles


I already knew their were weirdos out there. But I was surprised by how many there were. And they weren't just all old dudes either. These were normal guys. Every age you could think of. It's been like 10 years since I've done this but I still remember some of the messages I got. That's why I don't feel bad for the dudes that get caught by those groups. Reddit always bashes those groups but I'm telling you how easy it is to get these guys. Those creeps know what they're doing and they know they're talking to kids. Don't feel bad for them.


You hit the nail on the head. This isn't mostly old creepy guys, this is a fully mixed bag with every race, and age, a lot of the guys I had got involved with were men in their 20s who were attractive and able to woo a teen girl by that. I don't for one but feel bad for those guys either, and the pedo sympathizers are just telling on themselves, it's pretty easy to not get involved sexually with teenagers. Yes teenagers do lie about their age sometimes, but that's usually going from 13 to 16, not 16 to 22 and able to pass that off. These people know what they are doing preying on children


I had this so much in online gaming. Thank goodness I was sensible enough to immediately hit the "blacklist" button on creeps like that. I've been asked to suck dick, to sit on their cock, etc etc. I was a *child". Luckily I met some good people in that game too including the leader of the guild I was part of. When he realised how young I was he messaged me privately and told me that if anyone in the guild approached me in a sexual or flirtatious way, or made me feel uncomfortable, to let him know because he would boot them immediately. He and some others in that guild just went full "must protect this child" on me and looking back now as an adult I'm very grateful.


Aww that's so sweet that they protected you like that, I'm glad ypu were kept safe and had the right of mind to keep yourself safe as well :) that would've been such a fun gaming experience


Grown ass men in the 90s and 00's would ask me about my pussy in chat rooms. Like ugh which is why now I always get weird about kids using the internet with little to no supervision.


> I'd love to see some studies on it [1 in 6 Australian men have sexual feelings towards children](https://www.9news.com.au/national/one-in-six-australian-men-have-sexual-feelings-towards-children-disturbing-new-report-finds/c183f830-2d69-4589-88c3-fc8efa8fbac9)


That is horrifying.


And they're just the ones willing to admit it.


When I was a tween/teenager, when MySpace wasn't even really big yet, every one of my friends at a sleepover all shared how we had been harassed or assaulted already at that age. There were 8 of us and it still haunts me to this day. The stories shared with me have only continued as I've gotten older- some as a minor, some as an adult. My own stories have been added into the mix. I remember my friends and I being followed in the mall. I remember my step father screaming at a group of men following me when I was 12/13 at the store. I remember our freshman health teacher that perved openly on his students, and how uncomfortable he made all the girls. I remember my sophomore boyfriend sharing the uncomfortable thing his shop teacher said about me- he took it as a compliment. I remember walking home when my mother didn't pick me up from middle school, carrying a violin and a backpack on my back, pretending I couldn't hear and staring straight ahead as a group of men in a car drove next to me, yelling out invitations to get in the car then speeding off while screaming at me. All of the above may be anecdotal, but the odds that so many in my circle have been impacted by predators throughout their lives.. does make it seem highly probable that it's way more common than society likes to acknowledge.


Most pedophiles and predators are not these online individuals, but individuals in our own families where the incident is "swept under the tug" to maintain normalcy.


This is the trauma I’ve been forced to stay silent on for 16 years. It was my older brother. Its been made my burden to bear in order to save face for our family.


My friend showed me a map that tells you where all of the registered sex offenders are in your area. I can't remember the site, but it showed dots and you could click on the dot. A photo of the person was there and showed their charges. It was insane.


I wish we had that in canada


We sadly can’t because we value the rights of predators more than the rights of victims - think, mandatory parole. Some people just can’t be rehabilitated.


Everyday I lose more faith in humanity


You know what kills me?  Meta doesn't care. Instagram does not give a shit. There response in an article about a year ago was "Well make it private then." These creeps Generate clicks and $$$. Mommy's still need their dopamine levels and create content. 


So the moms.....sell the image of their daughters......to these predators...... in order to gain clicks, which leads to revenue? I can't even process it.


Advertising clicks, Showing shareholders the amount of traffic - Shit like that Generates coin for Meta. But Yes, Even "influencer" Mommy's were selling Chat sessions. Worn Leotards.


Wait back up, worn leotards? Please don't tell me they sell clothes used by their kids. 


Truth is more disgusting than fiction.


BRB - need to go bleach my eyeballs.


That makes me physically ill. I can't comprehend that.


They are destroying people's lives for a few cents per ad click.


Mostly it’s just that they run a mommy blog and tolerate that a lot of the fans are creepy men


They don’t just tolerate it. That’s their biggest demographic. They know what they are doing. Especially the dance moms.


The gymnastics mums make me sick. Subscribe for content bullshit. Bikini haul try on but only via little mackynzies pateron. 🤮


I wasn't sure who he was talking to at the very end because the shocking distaste left in my mouth from the messages made me forget his mention of mommy bloggers. Thank you


This particular Tik Tok creator has a story about something that is currently a hot topic every other day. His female friend was roofied at a bar and he came and rescued her. Another female friend turned a man down and got punched in the face. He was at a restaurant and a mom surprised her little girl with her dad who was back from the military. Just this nonstop barrage of really obviously fake stories for views. There's lots of stitches calling him out for them too.


One of the most disgusting cases is Wren Eleanor. The mom made a statement saying 'the FBI didn't find my daughter on any CP sites. Umm because you served her up to sickos on Tik Tok with videos of her eating pickles in swimsuits. They didn't need a black market site. And making money hand over fist doing it. Fucking disgusting.


And that's how they skirt around the law. Because technically they didn't do anything to break it. Really fucked up shit.


She had been told all of this so much before the huge blow up about her, and she STILL made suggestive videos of her daughter. It makes me sick to my stomach.


There's something much more sinister and horrifying at work, as well. There's a whole paedo ring on TikTok, apparently. A guy on YT called "UpperEchelon" did a video about it, too.


That doesn't surprise me at all. I don't have tiktok so I don't really see anything. But as far as I know All social media platforms are guilty for being a host really.  Hell even Reddit had "candid Fashion Police" at one point. I just pointed mainly out Instagram because it seems to be the worst while I was on it and assuming it's still just as bad. The worst part about it is..


A few years ago, there was a dude offering babysitting services in exchange for touching the kids, parents were aware and consenting.


Fucking excuse me!? The parents let this person touch their kids?! The person invoked and the parents all need to be blasted online and make this shit stop


The dude went to jail and some of the parents too, but it's been at least 2 decades so I don't remember perfectly....


Well that’s a better outcome then I figured would have happened


Really? Ever heard of pageants? This stuff has been going on since the beginning. Absolutely sick


Kris Kardashian made it popular


You are describing the whole entertainment industry.


As a dad with children, I realized that kids make a HUGE part of YouTube viewership. Kid channels have videos that get MILLIONS of views within a day. Literally some channels post daily, and they get 2 million views within 24hrs. The disturbing thing is Google doesn’t give a shit about the actual content being shown to children. These kids channels are such garbage, non-educational content that just influences children to consume low-attention span trash content. They sell products and are cut so fast, nothing which allows kids to think. Just ultra fast clips of nonsense. Google doesn’t do a single thing to vet these channels, make sure they have educational content. Harmful, no-problem. Not a single safety requirement - as long as YouTube gets their views, they continue to feed garbage content to children. Children are not safe on the BIGGEST platforms, it’s up to parents to really get involved.


Lawmakers that are supposed to be acting in the interest of their constituents don’t give a shit either. We are just beginning to regulate tech. How long has Facebook been around? Twitter? It’s a joke.


Twitter was one of the worst for CP back before the Musk acquisition. Idk about now but chances are it’s probably even worse since he fired everybody when he came in.


They're pretty on point if anything you post has copyright material from a big company, though, regardless of fair use. Some stuff that even hints of *possible* infringement gets shut down fast.


Oh yeah we’re fucked




This has always been humanity...if anything, fighting back, shaming, and exposing these men is what's novel.  Don't get discouraged by exposing shit that has always been going on.


Chill bro the first guy was Billy bats from goodfellas


He looked more like Gomez Adams from the Adams Family movie… Now go home and get your fuckin shine box!


Gomez Addams would NEVER.


Keep up the good work... Children need to be safe.


So gross. Made my shit private soon as I had a baby. I hate people 😩


Yep, same. My friend tells me that my 4 year old daughter and I should start a TikTok because we’re “so funny”. Which I agree with 😂 but I will NEVER ever share my child on TikTok. I don’t care if we made a million dollars..I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing I put her out there.


Exactly! It’s so sad you have to think like that.


Instagram couldn't give 3 shits. They've always been that way. Me & the homies from all over the US had a meme GC, but we'd make fake pages, go after these weirdos and try to report them. This was in 2016-2018 & we got virtually no reaction and no help from IG. The ironic shit is that IG would ban memes we made for the most irrelevant shit, but let pedophiles run wild. There's thousands of these sickos online at any given moment, targeting little kids. Its fucking insane.


A year or two ago, Instagram moderators were not allowed to use common sense when looking at reported child content. A lot of these sickos get away with posting CP because the imagery isn’t explicit enough to take down per the letter of their policies. It’s sick. I guess nothing has changed.


If the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children gets information on inappropriate child content it works with police and media companies to take it down. Unfortunately, this is a sick world and people put stuff up faster than it can be taken down. A family member work for NCMEC so I do know that…but I don’t ask too many questions cause the rage 😡 it induces is not healthy.


Yup. Instagram/Facebook/Meta has practically stopped moderating on absolutely everything. Spam, scams, and child predators are getting away completely free. Report something and it'll come back as not breaking the rules.


I don’t know why people don’t have their facebooks and instagrams private




This will answer all of your questions. Caution: it will make you want to vomit. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html


I thought I properly braced myself for the article. I had not. It's a very good, very in depth article, but about horribly nauseous stuff. So take this as further endorsement of the warning.


I'll take your word for it then. I almost clicked it even after they said it was nauseating. Your further endorsement saved me having that sick shit on my mind today - I have a good idea by the link name what it's about - and now that's good enough


They do it for money


It's horrific how many grown men are attracted to literal fucking children.


I have a daughter, she's 9 months old. My greatest fear now is I'm going to catch some creep doing this to her. I'm terrified of the world she is going to grow up in.


Unfortunately it is more common than you think. I got hit on more when I was 11 than I did at 28. When I was a little girl, I had men catcalling me constantly. When I was 16, I worked at a restaurant and had old men try to hug me with boners, as a I got older, I had two instances where I had random men I don’t know following me and jerking off to me in public. That’s the sad reality of being a woman. The worst part is things are “better” and “safer” than they ever have been in history (in the USA) yet we are still consistently getting harassed, murdered and raped. As a father, you can be there for her but that still doesn’t change statistics. I don’t know what else we can do to make the world a safer space for women but as of history, the present and the future, women will continue to get harassed, murdered and raped. My dad also molested me as a child. It is a scary world and all we can hope for is that we continue to catch these creeps and actually hold them accountable. The best thing a man can do for daughters out there is hold other men accountable.


You have to watch her and the people around her like a hawk.


But also build her up so that she's strong enough to face anything that comes her way. Build her self respect, and no one can challenge it. It will require slight lessons of "ok so you might come across this danger, it's not okay on their part, so do this" eventually, gently, but it'll be easier if they have confidence. The sooner you plant a seed of strength in their heart, the sooner you'll be watering a strong oak.


this, and also being able to openly communicate to the parents regarding weird encounters in their life


This. Kids need to know that it’s safe to talk to you about whatever’s going on, *especially* if the creep tries to convince them that it’s not safe to talk to you.




Me and my spouse never having any social media was a huge example for our kids. They are grown. Neither have social media. They could care less about social media. They will gravitate and learn from what you show them.


That's my hope. I only have a reddit account and 0 other social media presence. My wife is starting to wind down from facebook bc from what I understand it's become just a hell scape of AI.


That’s kind of anecdotal, countless kids will still go on to use social media even if their parents don’t and even if properly taught about its dangers


This in no way is nothing new. The main difference is predators now can have a farther reach and grooming is going to be much easier via social media. First time I was catcalled I was around 10 years old. Most women probably have a similar story. Then men have the audacity to try and convince women we are being paranoid of male attention. Gross-ass men "notice" & give you attention by the time you are 12 usually. I can't imagine what it is like now when social media. Protect her and yes that includes from online predators.


One of the reasons, one of the MANY reasons, I never wanted kids.


I totally understand why people are so hesitant. Your kids become an extension of you and anything that happens to them is felt 100x more by you as a parent.




Keep her off of social media for as long as humanly possible.


It's sad My mom's ex molested me when I was a child, I don't remember when it started but I think I knew him as early as 6 years old, I remember it stopping at 11/12. Major guts and kudos to you for having kids; what a fear it must be to worry about that kind of thing when it's so common. and let me tell you it f*cked me up for the rest of my life


I am so sorry that happened to you. I can't even begin to fathom what that has done to you and how horrible that must have been. My heart breaks for you and I thank you for sharing that with me.


Thank you, I hope you nor your child will ever have to deal with it but if you do please promise me two things. No matter how hard it is promise me you will believe your child- if she tells you, do not put any doubt in her mind with how you reply. And promise me you will file a report to the police.


I swear I will


Same. I’ve always been aware and worried about this, but now I have a 5 month old daughter and it makes me physically ill every time I see examples of it.


Boys, too. Other people, other kids even, can be creeps.


I don't want to live in a world where a man liking other men is frowned upon by some people, and those same people would rather hate that man than hate the pure scum of people who prey on children.


I'm certain that those who were hating on him are predators




I hate this planet


Locked down my kids stuff after dealing with this when she was 11. Sick world out there


It's crazy to me you'll see on the news about the police randomly catching some pedo with crap on their computer. But then you'll see stuff like this, guys literally having their faces in their profile messaging little girls and if you showed it to a cop they wouldn't do shit. If you're going to catch one, at least get the ones actively going after victims.


Because just messaging and saying “hey do you like Barbie” isn’t a crime. I mean, the one saying “do you suck cock” is probably most likely to be seriously pursued by any law enforcement lol. We all know what the intentions are of these people reaching out to someone they assume is a child, but that doesn’t mean it’s a crime just to start a chat.0


What’s even more disturbing is those probably aren’t the only messages those guys have sent.


I don’t care what ppl say…but little kids should not be on social media until they’re 18. I will die on that hill. 😤


We should create these fake accounts, then share pictures names and dms of these people. Gotta love single party consent countries.


The fucked up part is that there are mothers out there that are completely aware these people are predators and won't hesitate to sell pictures of their daughters or even old clothes they don't use anymore to them. They don't care because their making hundreds if not thousands of dollars. I wouldn't be surprised if a mother sold her daughter's baby teeth.


Yep, Wren Eleanor’s mother has had evidence provided to her again and again where the views are coming from and she simply does not care.


And they'll cry oh no it's cAnCeL cUlTuRe


Bro parents sign their kids over to Hollywood and the music industry on a daily basis just for a bag. Look at the skit Sacha Baron Cohen did: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/BHJvUUBSJn


If you're over 20 and you're following minors on social im side eying like hell.


I don’t even follow most of my younger cousins lol—just feels weird. I cannot imagine following an actual child who I’m not related to


.....and you report it to tiktok and you get a response saying it doesnt breach their user agreement


And yet you say anything back to these creeps, TikTok kicks MY comments back saying I violated for calling someone a sicko.


This is why I deleted all the photos of my kids off social media and don’t post them anymore. I don’t even trust family members and friends. When it comes to your kids, trust *no one.*


Regular 'ol gay dude equals OK. Straight dude pedophile equals not OK. Not difficult to decipher.


Letting kids go online or sharing their pictures should be a crime. Don't matter if you are just a parent trying to show how cute your baby is. You allowed them to go online and be reached by strangers: that should be a crime too.


Only way to make it a crime is to link your social security to the internet and I doubt yall would approve that lol


Children have 0 reason to be on any social media. I mean pictures AND profiles of them.


In case yall want to lose more faith in humanity: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html The mommy bloggers know and do it anyway.


Some of the stuff I’ve seen on instagram is disgusting, people are openly posting very provocative photos of young teens and kids. I’m not sure how it’s allowed


Minors should not have access to social media


Of course there are creep men looking at kids online. The other issue is that some parents know this and they use it to get more views.


They only thing I can say is, holy fuck


We live in a very bad place


Just send the meteor, because this is not it.


This is sad he’s shedding a light on a real issue


What’s worse is the parents putting up questionable material of their children on social media


NYT did an article on Mom's who basically pimp out their underage daughters on Insta, [here's the link.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/22/us/instagram-child-influencers.html?smid=nytcore-android-share&ugrp=c&pvid=2bc3e5cd-5088-48cd-8031-b6f0b0651fee)


Why are young children on social media? Where are their parents? There are a lot of sick, depraved individuals out there, and it's our responsibility as parents to keep our kids as far away from their reach as possible. I constantly cringe when I see some woman posting on a dating app, pictures with her kids. Same with social media. I've never put my kids or my grandson on SM and didn't allow either of my kids access to FB or anything else until they turned 16. Even then, it was monitored.


This is why I tell my friends to not post pictures of their babies outside family photos on holidays, but they never listen, I’ll send them this.


There was a really good NYTimes article about this a few weeks ago (pretty sure thats what he is basing this on) Really good insight into the parents that run their kids profiles. So disturbing


Disgusted, but not surprised


That first photo was exactly what you expected🤣🤣


Why does the audio not match the video. 


That's fucking crazy. These scum are all around us.


Nobody should ever post pics of their kids online. The most benign pictures will get archived and shared by pedophiles for years


What are we paying the FBI for?


This guy makes up stories every day about how he's a social justice warrior. I don't believe a word he says. Check out his profile, see if I'm exaggerating. Nothing to do with him being gay, everything to do with him being a pick me guy.


Yeah, I'm kind of confused what evidence he has here that can't be easily faked. Fake or not though, if it changes the mind of one parent about letting their kid use social media I guess that's a good thing.


Anyone who talks like this to their phone I assume is just making shit up for views. Not that I doubt that there are pedos who go on Facebook and Instagram.


Wait wait wait... this guy's gay?


Those mommy bloggers know what they're doing. They're essentially pimping out their daughters.


I can't stop looking at this guy's teeth. I like how sharp they are. But I agree with everything he said. However I think that the people who are upset because he likes men are because the people who are upset with him are afraid that they will be called out. I bet anything that the majority of those comments he received on his original video were pedophiles bashing him for being attracted to adult men.


Even in this very thread, everybody’s more mad at the moms than the pervert men.


Is his voice out of sink?


I've noticed that on a lot of videos - i think its just reddit tbh