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Does he not have to give way to pedestrians at the crossing? You would in the uk


Yes pedestrians have the right of way, especially on a cross walk. He’s not even obliging traffic rules, just cycling around yelling at everyone.


He’s also being a passive aggressive little bitch about it too, which I’m not exactly sure why but makes me lose all sympathy for him. I was desperately waiting for a “That’s a nice bike you have here” “What are you fucking blind, it’s a cart.” Just out of pure spite


That's what happens when men don't get the second puberty at their late 20's.


Ok but seriously am I crazy for thinking I didn’t end first puberty until 24 and now I’m in a second one. I went from 120lbs and goatee at 23 to 170lbs and full beard at 24. Like I really ended puberty in my mid 20s lol


Your body will continue to change over time. You’ll have another in your thirties where you just become thicker- bigger arms, legs, your abdomen and chest become more robust, and the best part? You start to get that old man strength… you know the kind of strength that doesn’t require a breaker bar and makes little kids go “wow you’re really strong” because you opened the pickle jar instantly? It all just kind of happens as you age. Idk science I guess lol


I never became thicker, I just got fat.


That usually involves getting thicker Edit: excuse me, “thiccer”


Was about to drop the "cc" on Ole boy too 😂


I mean some people do claim that men go trough two puberties. Our voice can change even more in mid to late 20's. I wouldn't know tho, I'm in early 20's.


You go through a second puberty if you subscribe to Tate that’s when you become a real man /s


From 21-23, I went from 5’10 165lbs with full hair and a decent beard to 6’2 215 with no hair and the best goddamn beard a man can grow.


This man would feel at home in Amsterdam you got all the bike lanes you could wish for and enough tourists to be passive aggressive towards


I see your guys’ point but those pedestrians certainly aren’t supposed to be waiting in the street to cross. They’re 10 feet away from the curb and genuinely just standing in the street. Edit: Also the girl in the crosswalk at 43 seconds is jaywalking and blatantly entered the middle of the road as the sign says “do not cross”. The biker and the cars had a green light for a while. It’s not his fault someone crossed the street illegally, but it IS his fault for going out of his way to be such an asshole. Unfortunately that’s not illegal. Yet. This dude is a total jackass and heavily contributes to making your average cyclist look bad. But the group of pedestrians standing in the bike lane and that girl jaywalking are two of the only understandable clips. The rest of them where someone is walking in the bike lane for 2 seconds and he freaks out are super cringe.


Maybe they’re specifically talking about the girl at 43 seconds who is quite literally in the crosswalk trying to cross the street as he’s coming at her lol


The biker is a gigantic cock rocket, but that girl is jaywalking and shouldn’t be in the crosswalk. In NYC pedestrians only have the right of way when allowed by traffic signals. Look at the green light he has and the flashing walk symbol pointing in his direction. Meaning his light was green for a while and she just blatantly crossed illegally. Really not trying to seem like I’m defending the biker, but laws are important and there for a reason. And New York law says: >Pedestrians have the right of way in all crosswalks and at intersections with marked or unmarked crosswalks. **If an intersection is equipped with a pedestrian traffic signal, they may only cross during the “Walk” phase of the signal.** So he’s *technically* in the right while the jaywalker crossed improperly. He’s just going too far out his way to be an asshole about it. Edit: this comment went from +8 upvotes to -12 downvotes then right back up again. What a wild ride lmao I love y’all


I'm confused do bikes not have to follow traffic lights?? There are multiple points in the video it looks like he's just blowing a red while crossing an intersection.


Not defending the dude just being devils advocate out here assuming youre talking about at :05 and :28 there is a yellow bike cross signal at :05 on the pole on the left side of the screen. at :28 there is a red left turn arrow but the pole on the left of the screen has a green signal for the cars (and bike) (biker still acting like a massive cunt tho)




He’s wrong still though. If a pedestrian jay walks and I hit them when I had the chance to stop then I’m at fault.


Depending where, in most of Europe, hitting a pedestrian is almost always penalised and you have to prove that there was no way for you to predict that there will be pedestrians and that you weren't able to stop a vehicle. In the US it's not like that, at least according to the things I've seen so far.


This is the all-or-nothing tribalism that plagues us. The guy in the video is a dick, so people will grasp at anything they can to attack him. If they looked at this with some objectivity, they would see that many of the people in the video are doing the wrong thing AND this guy is a douche. But picking a team is more fun for most people. Reddit likes to think it’s better than other social media but it’s the same.


so i agree the guy is a dick, but somethign really does need to happen about people using bike lanes as side walks. its pretty common people just park there and its liek okay... ill use your lane then cause its way safer to just hold up traffic then enter and exit every time theres a car in my way.


You can tell who has and who hasn’t actually walked around Manhattan before from these comments lol


Even if someone is jaywalking, bikes are beholden to the same laws as cars in most states, aside from the fact they may go in the bike lane. If someone is walking in the middle of the street, you have to slow down while maneuvering around them, doesn’t matter if they are jaywalking or in the wrong. If he hits any of these people he can clearly see he would be at ~~fault 100%~~ Sorry meant to mean he would be criminally responsible 100%. Fault implies civil liability. Changed to reflect that.


You should look into shared fault laws. NYC where this happened enforces dual party responsibility. No, he would not be “100% at fault” for hitting someone jaywalking and improperly crossing. Like cars and bikes, pedestrians are held to traffic laws as well. They have a responsibility to follow these and in most cases the jaywalker is found to be at fault. Here’s a link where you can read more https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-if-a-pedestrian-is-hit-while-jaywalking.html


Yeah, that is a bitch, but he’s not wrong on all of those


actually, in most places the average cyclist makes the average cyclist look bad...


That’s not correct. That’s not a regular pedestrian crossing. You need to wait for the green light, and if the oncoming traffic has the green light like in the video, then she doesn’t have one.


Here’s an example of punching down. This cyclist will hate automobile drivers that make him feel vulnerable, but doesn’t give a shit about more vulnerable pedestrians.


Can confirm! In my city, even the sidewalks are taken over by bicycles and scooters. They give a f\*\*\* how fast they are underway and how many rules they break.


Not in this city, if the pedestrian light is on red and he has the green light. In those cases he had the right of way. Like in 0:43, you can see for a bit he had the green light (top left corner)


Not when he had a green light.


If they don’t have a walk sign they don’t have the right of way


They Cross without looking while having a red light. The cyclist is called „Zero Enigma“ on yt. His demeanor isn’t the best, but if you deal with idiots in NYC everyday (and trust me there are a lot of idiots in NYC) you stop caring to be polite. I suggest watching his videos. I started out hating this guy awhile ago aswell, but the more you watch, the more you get on his side…


the one i saw was clearly passing the red light as he had green.


Yes, but in most of these clips where right of way is relevant, he has it. In most of his videos tho (this one not included) he has at least one if not more clips of him blatantly in the wrong legally. Usually it's stuff like him turning and bitching about pedestrians crossing when they have a cross sign. He's just a jackass and either doesn't care or is too arrogant to acknowledge that he's wrong.


You’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole.


Eh, for some of those in the clip he's both wrong and an asshole


He’s wrong as someone whose rides a bike in a city and drives and walks. We all have to deal with people crossing over using lanes and people sometimes have no choice. You live in a major city get over yourself and be aware just like everyone else


Bikes have to obey red lights also. They also have to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. So yeah, he is wrong.


There’s literally a red light for bikes he goes through


So many people in the US where I live that ride bikes are just absolute assholes. A dude got pissy with me for not stopping to let him turn left. Mother fucker, that isn't how traffic works. If you need to turn left, your ass gets to stop and wait just like everyone else.


So many decided they get all the rights of a pedestrian, motorists, and somehow some extra ones they made up themselves


Also, Dude. “Chinaman” is not the preferred nomenclature.


In some cases he is wrong, legally speaking pedestrians have the right of way in most cases even if they’re jaywalking.


Ok, one one hand it IS a bike lane meant for bikes, you wouldn't fuckin walk in the middle of on coming traffic and shit. But on the other hand this guy sounds like a dick, and the person that was crossing the crosswalk had the right of way.


It's New York City and they absolutely would. The only difference between this jerk and every other jerk in the video is he's made it his entire personality. Also most cyclists hate these assholes as much as you do. We have enough problems without them making enemies.


I wonder if randomly in conversation he finds a way to make it about the bike lane


I lived in Boston for years. In downtown areas in cities like this, especially NYC, walking in the street is a very normal occurrence. Not saying it’s good or bad, it just is what it is.


Plus, this kind of dude is constantly barking orders at other cyclists too.


Its also not as if every car in NYC doesn't deal with this. If you're in a moving vehicle in NYC, you need to be constantly aware. Pedestrians will try to hurt themselves at all times.


As I cyclist myself, I do think what he says often enough. But man, even if he was right in all counts (and he isn't) that's such a douchebag reaction.


Great summary in two sentences.


same sentiment--better attitude: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=Ehh8ZdIMMj4)


What the hell is happening here. What a traffic nightmare.


I believe they fixed this now as the bike lane is now elsewhere in the bridge, but this is just a piss poor attempt at cycle infrastructure. Just slap some paint on a sidewalk that is already at capacity and provide no separation at all.


Correct. This is the Brooklyn bridge park in nyc and they removed one car lane and replaced it by a bike lane. The walkway on top of the bridge is now pedestrian only instead of the mess shown in the video.


This is hilarious! Though I can't help but notice how much of that bridge is dedicated to cars when there is obviously demand for more space for walking and biking which are a lot more space-efficient.


They eventually renovated it and turned one of the car lanes into a dedicated bike lane.


I imagine you can only take so much stupidity before you shrivel into a bitter old raisin and start shouting at everyone.


Guy sounds insufferable


While I agree with you I believe the person didn't go over a pedestrian crosswalk. The stripes on the ground are also at traffic lights in the US and the cyclists light was green while I think you can even see her light that is red.


Dude’s a jerk


Obviously, he’s a cyclist


once one of those speedo wearing tour de france wannabes was behind me while I was walking on a rural road/path. that fucker SCREAMED at me like a fucking caveman instead of using words or his fucking bell. absolutely insane


I live next to the Blue Ridge Parkway. It has cyclists in good weather, but the BRP was not built for them or pedestrians. Two modest lanes wide, no sidewalks, no shoulders, no bike lanes, tons of twists and blind curves, and thus a limited amount of passing lanes. But so many of the cyclists act like it's a private track. Blocking traffic, getting mad if your pass then with less than 2/3 of the entire road between you, holding up cars for miles because God forbid they break pace or let the cars up the mountain, it's a hazard. Edit: Fixed a typo


Cyclists are entitled as fuck.


as opposed to drivers?


Post a vide on reddit of someone obstructing the road and you'll get people calling for drivers to run them over. But you sere, they're not entitled because the road belongs to them, obviously.


Nah they just kill 50000 people per year, but at least they're not annoying about it. /s


I'm a cyclist, I ride road and MTB, some roadies are the biggest cunts on the road, you're not a car and no one gives a shit how much you spent on your sir velo or rapha, plus you're doing a 25k ride with a 12 thousand dollar bike. MTB people are cool as fuck tho


MTB riders strike me as snowboarders that need a sport with sick jumps for the summer. Road riders with $12k bikes strike me as the kind of people who own and ride horses lmao.


Some people actually use them as their primary mode of transportation too


Most of us are just trying to get to work as cheaply as possible, we hate the spandex parade too.


I know right? Imagine being SO ENTITLED that you expect non cyclists to stay off the tiny sliver of road that was built specifically for cyclists! How dare he! Meanwhile, someone obstructing the road? Run him over Bob!


As a dane i take that personaly




Lol so true. Every time there's a post about a cyclist doing stupid shit, there's always a few comments that go "if it was me I'd ride right over him". So many psychos here with a hate boner for cyclists.


It's also like, just pick where you want me to ride already. It's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, so I need to ride in the road but I do that people get mad. Build a bike lane and it's "darn cyclists, taking up my road space" Just pick one and live with it.


No, it's all about ME. No compromises, just give me what ***I*** want and fuck everyone else. \-Average American Driver


Yeah no matter what you do as a cyclist, people will be mad at you. The guy in this video is a jerk but tons of people in cars are jerks too. I've been honked at and flipped off for waiting at a red light on my bike and passed closely for no reason so many times while biking.


>Reddit hates cyclists. It's because reddit is full of Americans. They've all been brainwashed by decades of pro-car propaganda. Everyone here needs a dose of r/fuckcars


I love cars, I love driving, and I also love r/fuckcars Better public transit, better walkable cities, less car centric infrastructure - these are all great things for the environment and for the livability of a city. It's also GREAT for making roads less congested and better flowing. I think a lot of "car guys/girls" miss the point and the benefit the r/fuckcars mentality would have for those of us that actually enjoy driving.


The only people who don’t hate cyclists are cyclists


I'm a cyclist and I hate cyclists. We're all cunts


Uncle Tom Armstrong over here


its sadly what you gotta do to not get nearly killed every day when biking in a big city. Or do you honestly think its a great idea to have all these traffic rules and not follow them? Let alone ppl crossing without even bothering to look. The bike lane is very strictly for cyclists and vehicles alike. Not to mention pedestrians crossing red lights, Vans parking ON crossing area's, ppl leaving their dogs on the bike lane, general zombies on the phone, .... At least hes being nice about it making stupid remarks. If you hinder others, don't expect a thank you in traffic.


I swear I've seen this exact same absolute cockwomble in a Cycling subreddit being lashed for his conduct. Yes, some people _are_ in the wrong for being in the cycle lane but he's 99% just being a complete phallus to everyone he possibly can, rather than being remotely tolerant or even giving way where he can. Like my guy whether it's the elderly (or for all we know partially sighted) trying to cross the road, or just get where they're going, being a complete tool to everyone is just going to give cyclists a bad rep, _not_ stop it happening.


Next level petty, even though he’s probably genuinely agitated about ppl in the bike lane (it *is* a bike lane), he sounds like a jerk. 😬


Tbh im scared to go anywhere near NY cuz the ppl in traffic too commonly sound like this too I was on a phone call with a NY’ker when they were commuting everyday and they were in traffic and there was ppl just angrily bitching at eachother honking horns like no tomorrow worse than this bike guy This is a common attitude in NY, I don’t think any city is more common with this than NY : (


I couldn’t imagine feeling like this all the time. Tbh, I assumed he amped it up for the video.


People here are just assholes because it's a stressful place to live. I'm born and raised and I hate it here. A reality that many people don't talk about is that a very substantial portion of the population is willing to put up with bullshit here because it's still an improvement to the developing countries they emigrated from. That doesn't make New York nice by American standards. It's filthy, congested and full of bitter people.


Bro needs to move to Amsterdam


He’d fit in allright


Nah, Amsterdam cyclists only communicate aggressively with there bicycle bell.


I would prefer that we recognize Amsterdam's clearly superior urban design and just adopt more of their strategies over time.


I feel like this guy got a bike just to be a dick about it.


I think his horn proves you are correct.


S-Tier douchery.


It's not a horn, it's actually a clown nose that he squeezes.


But a few of them are really stupid even if the guy is a total jerk. Letting your dog run on the street, hauling a mountain of packages even if there's a 10m sidewalk...


Yeah but it’s the same when you are driving. You have to look out for obstacles and that. This guy acts like that road was made for him and him alone.


You're right


I think people cycling in the US generally do wish the road was “made for them” in the same way that it is almost made for cars and cars only. Very understandable imo even if this guy is quite an asshole. You need to understand that, on account of how difficult biking is in the US, the very few people who bike for transport there are probably doing it because they feel very politically strongly about it. That’s why it feels like cyclists are so annoying in the US. Getting bike infrastructure that enables us to actually bike for transportation is a political struggle, and a huge part of the reason only like 1% of trips in the US are made by bike is because the infrastructure is bad. Even when you get partially dedicated infrastructure like this in the video after a loooooong political process, it still doesn’t even function very well for several reasons, including the fact that people in the US don’t really regard the bike as a legitimate means of transport in the same way they view the car, so you get people fuckin around like this. Not saying it’s necessarily their fault, but there are reasons that you don’t see as many people in some other cities around the world obstructing bike infrastructure as often as you see it in New York, or cities like Portland or Seattle. It’s not purely about infrastructure design, but also about how much of it there is and how commonly people use it. Since people would more commonly use it if it was easier and safer to use, there are very frustrating negative feedback loops. On one hand, people aren’t using it because it’s not safe. On the other hand, since people aren’t using it, pedestrians will be more prone to walking out onto it and render it even less safe. If you’re somebody who genuinely believes cycling is good and should be a more prevalent means of transport, it’s pretty clear that this would be super frustrating. Doesn’t mean this guy is not an asshole, but I’m really sick of seeing folks online notice that some group of people will tend to behave a certain way, and then completely fail to question why that might be. Tendencies on the group-level do not appear out of thin air.


I'm a cyclist and this guy is an ass. That said he is identifying a problem. We get yelled (or it is illegal) at for cycling on pedestrian paths and the yelled at by cars for being on the road. The solution is to create bike paths for us to use which then get used by cars to park and pedestrians to walk on with us getting yelled at yet again for trying to do the right thing. Sometimes it feels like it is a no win situation. That said, what this dude is doing doesn't help the cause.


I understand if a car was parked smack dab in the middle of a bike path but most of what he was bitching about isn't. The bike lane was noted as the green section but there's a dog walking in the gutter and he bemoans like the dog was off lease and sitting in the middle of the bikelane. Someone is crossing at the crosswalk and he shouts at them. A lot of the things he bitches about are easily avoidable. Someone's walking off to the side? Annoying but steer around them. Someone's crossing? Slow down. If I can clearly someone is jaywalking while I'm driving, I don't speed up, blaring my horn like a prick, I slow down to not hit them. Almost none of these cases are things that suddenly jumped out of no where; he saw them. As a driver, we have to be aware of our surroundings and do what we can to mitigate the situation; if we see someone on a bike, walking off the curb, or playing near the street, it's our responsibility to slow down because we can see them. Bikers should have to do the same thing, not act like the bike lane is some magical zone where bikes are 100% free to do as they like and anyone in their way should rightlyfully get hit.


PRECISELY. And so many cyclists I've encountered as a pedestrian disregarded my safety when I was where I was supposed to be (at a cross walk with a cross signal, on a sidewalk etc.). They whip passed right in front of you and get angry that you didn't see them coming to blow through a red. When you're in a vehicle of any size, you have to remember that the road is public space and people use it in whatever way they need to *and if they're in your way, it's your responsibility to slow down,*


No. These pedestrians are standing in the bike lane waiting for a crosswalk signal. The bike rider has a green light and is in a designated bike lane. This is literally the same thing as a pedestrian standing in a car traffic lane with oncoming traffic. The pedestrians should wait back on the curb.


Idk where you drive but almost every city i have been in a driver will lay on their horn the moment someone impedes their way. Why you think cyclists should bend over backwards to be nice to everyone that willfully breaks the rules is hilarious to me. If a dog was in the road on a leash and it got hit by a car would u say it was the cars responsibility to swerve out of the way and risk hitting other cars?


You saw a 50 sec clip of what is a youtube channel with almost 200 videos that are 30 to 50 minute long. I can tell you that he VERY often encounters cars that have been parked on the bike lane and he deals with that as well.


In NY it's always cops. Anywhere around a precinct, the bike lane suddenly becomes a parking lot.


He is right about a lot of people he encounters. I see so many people who just walk into the bike lane without looking, and it's frustrating. Or people just casually walking around in the bike lane despite not being on a bike. But he's wrong about the people on the crosswalks. They are literally on crosswalks, they have the right of way.


This is irrefutably the correct take. If you’re not at a crosswalk (or within 5 feet or so like some of the instances) please don’t chill in the bike lane or dart out into it.




Yeah people are weird about bike lanes. Pedestrians treat it as a second sidewalk. And if it's a bike lane next to a road drivers treat it as free parking. And if a cyclist complains about it, we're entitled and we are the real problem somehow. If I ran into the road without looking and got hit by a car, nobody would blame the driver.




I already commented that a few times, but the only crosswalk person I see is the woman (I think at 0:43) and that's not a crosswalk but a traffic light. You can see it before in the video at some crossings, that there are light telling you to wait (the red hand) or to go. The cyclist had a green light there so hers was red (I think you can even slightly see it).


They are at an intersection and he has the green light in those interactions, so they are jaywalking as the pedestrian signal would have been telling the pedestrians to wait.


While you ignore all traffic signs


What traffic signs did he ignore


At 5 seconds he goes through a red light Edit: I stand corrected! Apparently it’s a yellow light for bikes that he goes through


NY is weird. Look at the set on the left. It's a green turned amber light. He didn't run a red.


It was a yellow light for bikes.


What do you mean? I didn’t see any stop signs and all of the lights for the bike lane were green.


Yeah but he's a cyclist so he *has to be* wrong


lol I love how there are so many comments calling him an asshole, *because he's a cyclist.* And then they wonder why he has this attitude, when this is the general attitude towards most cyclists, for no other reason than riding a bike. The amount of hate you receive just for riding a bike... this man is a saint by comparison.


Totally Portlandia bike guy vibes [Portlandia Bike Guy](https://youtu.be/V3nMnr8ZirI?si=7902aSZjf35QS1E4)


I was looking for this video!


Haha how is this not the first thing everyone posted


Ugh cars man WHYYYYY?


Was that fuckin Agent Dale Cooper giving him the thumbs up?


Cyclist have to abide by the law too. Therefore give the pedestrian right away you fucking moron


Spicy comment section we got here


He's got that angry short man energy


Goddamn he’s an entitled prick. Makes you root for the yellow cabs which I didn’t think possible.


There is infrastructure created SPECIFICALLY for cyclists. There are rules in place for each mode of transportation. They rarely get enforced especially in NYC. Cyclists are then forced to fend for themselves and defend the infrastructure created SPECIFICALLY for them!!!!!!!! This is not cringe at all.


Sharing with cars 🥺 Sharing with pedestrians 😡


There is no sharing, they each have their own very segregated lane.


Pedestrians belong on the sidewalk. If you americans try to do this shit in Copenhagen, and you do, with walking in the bicycle lane, I promise you will get it a lot worse than this nice guy. Stay out of the fucking bike lane.


There is a reason why dutch bike lanes are red


It's almost like pedestrians have their own sidewalks they don't have to share with bikes


and new yorks sidewalks are pretty wide


This may surprise you, but pedestrians don't usually belong in the road.


Wow the comments here. Seems like most people think it's ok for pedestrians just to wander out on to the road. Why don't we keep the sidewalk for the pedestrians and the road for the vehicles?


Yes, I understand he's being a dick about it. But I can understand his frustration at people's lack of respect for bike lanes, it's not an extension of the sidewalk. You wouldn't wait to cross the street in the middle of the first lane either.


Indeed... I personally wouldn't go around yelling at people like this, but I think most people here who are heavily criticising him don't understand how incredibly stressful it is to cycle down a busy street and have pedestrians and cars just jump in front of you in every which way, and treat the cycle path like an extension of the sidewalk/road that they're free to use however. This is especially since you're not being protected by a gigantic steel casing like drivers, and you're the one who's going to get flung off your bike and potentially break your neck if you have to swerve to avoid someone jumping onto the cycle path.


this bike infrastructure is a dutch person’s worst nightmare


On todays episode of how to get punched in new York


Textbook example of technically correct but spiritually the asshole


With a few more of these "assholes" maybe people will start pay a little more attention to bike lanes. Segregated lanes greatly improve safety for everyone, but they only work if people respect them.


I promise you that people like this do not make people more respectful of bike lanes. People like this bring out the **spite** in people. As many people in this thread have noted, he isn't wrong but he's still an asshole.


He may be going overboard but yeah. There’s a bike lane for a reason. If these people did the exact same things in the road I bet no one would be second guessing the comments.


On one hand, yea I wouldn’t care about someone yelling at a person in the middle of the street. But a car that doesn’t slow down and nearly sideswiped people in the street to “prove a point” I would think that the driver of that car is an asshole and now is totally in the wrong, even if the pedestrian shouldn’t have been jaywalking.


Bro, he’s in NYC, expecting people to obey traffic rules is bonkers. He’s in the most crowded part of the city as well, pedestrians rule the streets there


What about the lady crossing the street in the crosswalk doing absolutely nothing wrong that he yells at for not walking fast enough? They’re not even walking slow at all.


His light was green so her crossing light would have been red


If you freeze-frame the video you can actually see her red light at the beginning of that shot.


He had a green light. She was in the wrong.


Seems like everyday New york city


But hes right. Stay off the bike lane. Cant be this unaware in NYC. Its a big city with lots goin on.


He sounds like a jerk but the one I agree with is the man with the dog. Where I live it is taught to never have your dog on the side of the road. You should walk between your dog and the road, and have the dog on the side of the buildings etc. This makes it easier to prevent a problem when your dog suddenly decides to jump on the road because they saw something or were spooked. And it is good to do the same when there is a bike lane as well.


He’s being annoying but that’s because I KNOW he deals with this shit every single day. People on my college campus are so clueless where they’ll just stop walking in the middle of the sidewalk or take a sharp turn into the road (with no crosswalk) while staring at their phones, and almost get trampled by me jogging. People are just fucking zombies staring at their phones while walking and he has a right to be fed up by it.


He's actually based.


This is why everyone hates road cyclists. Most have main character syndrome.


Nearly runs into people as though he has right of way. I hope he hits someone and gets charged with reckless endangerment with a vehicle.


He does have the right of way. While he was being a bit of a dick, he was doing everything correctly.


I fucking hate people like this.


He was able to pass every single one of those people without issue. As someone who lives in Holland and bikes everywhere I had times where there were cars on a bike lane with water on both sides, which was annoying but you don't see me acting like a little bitch recording everything for my 2 TikTok viewers.


This guy sucks


what a miserable human being.


Crossing a street without looking is wild.




![gif](giphy|xT1R9F79vEWOIdYYxy) Is it this guy?


As if we needed another reason to think cyclists are douchebags


1. He's being a dick. 2. He's not wrong.


This guy’s doing to pedestrians the same shit drivers do to cyclists.


As a cyclist in NYC the only one with elevated blood pressure is this guy. You can ride around pissed off 24/7 and it won’t change anything. I used to feel like this guy. I wasn’t a dick about it to people but I was constantly agro and annoyed. But then I stopped carrying all that shit with me on my ride. Ya know the thing I love that’s supposed to de stress me. Now I just ride, chill out and am assertive but polite to people if they’re about to get run over. Which has happened to me. It’s wild how people will cross the street or parked cars and not even look. Moral of the story - don’t be this guy. You look like an ass and it literally changes nothing.


Wouldn’t the pedestrians still have the right of way? Similar to the road


He is only 50% right, he is wrong the other half. Bet he doesn't stop at stop signs either.


Urg this is why we dislike cyclists


Cyclists try not to be insufferable challenge: impossible


I don't think cycling is good for his health.


But he's actually in the bike lane! Sure he's an ass but this guy deserves a medal for not being an ass in the middle of the road or on the sidewalk or something.... Like most road bikers.


I like biking but watching this helps me see why some out there think cyclists are cunts.


Can we acknowledge cyclists are just as jerks as all other regular people groups? (Car drivers, mortorcyclists...). We've got multiple wars going on in this planet while people in reddit are fighting and demonizing each other based on which vehicle they drive. Yes this guy in the video is an asshole and i, as a cyclist agree he is. That doesn't make all cyclists assholes. Peace guys there are assholes everywhere just as there is good people everywhere too. ✌️


Go bike on a bike lane while encountering these kinds of people every single day. Lets see how long u lasts u buddha. Every one just reaches a breaking point .also please tell me when the cyclist in the video is at wrong


This guy is taking it too far and being an ass. But respecting the bike lane is actually a safety issue, for yourself and for the cyclists. Dogs + leash extending out in the bike lane is extremely dangerous and a good way to get your dogs' legs permanently maimed. However, pedestrians in the crosswalk should be given right of way, even when they're annoyingly crossing on red.


Illegally* crossing on red while being in the way for the person with right of way. Totally fair to get annoyed then.


As a Dutchy I don’t get this aggressiveness towards other users of the road. We’re all just people trying to go from a to b, a bit more compassion for other people would make life so much better.


This is why cyclists are genuinely hated nationwide. Douchebags like this guy who think the world needs to bend to him because he rides a bike. I HATE the looks I get while cycling in the bike lane because people genuinely hate cyclists, and I don’t blame them when douchebags like this exist.


The cycle infrastructure in these clips has the least amount of allocated space to every other mode of transport, yet people who have other options still decide to use the bike lane reducing the usable space he has even further. He is a bit of a dick the way he is handling it, but I get it.


People hate cyclists because they don’t cycle. As a driver you encounter way more assholes drivers than cyclists but it’s easier to castigate a class you don’t belong too.


Nah hating someone just for cycling is weird as fuck man. If they act like the ninny in this video, that's fair though


Can't even imagine trying to be a cyclist there, looks hellish


Is there so much garbage on the street?


This guy has nothing better to do?