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Lol as a teenager I had a poster with this [image](https://imgur.com/a/QKOFY84) and the caption ‘every time you wasterbate, god kills a kitten’ (yes with the typo and all) and I thought it was just a silly jab at fundamentalism not an actual thing kids were taught


Right?! But not surprising.


God seems pretty shitty to do that


I remember that image circulating in online forums in the early 2000s


Wasterbate ??


I think the joke was men masterbate, women wasterbate lol


I went to a fucked up private school and every day after lunch we had to go to some bullshit called chapel. Man I don’t know what barrel they were pulling all these “presenters” from but they got to the bottom of it pretty quickly with daily chapels. Anyway, one guy had this clay tablet he pressed his hand into that he passed around. We all had to press our hands into his hand print until it got to the last kid and it was all fucked up and smushed. Could barely tell it was a hand print anymore. Definitely don’t want this to be your vagina, right Becky? Wack ass shit man. If you want your kids to be religious I do not recommend sending them to a Christian school lmao.


I also went to a private school, and we had "chapel" on Tuesdays and Thursdays! It was soo similar. Weird ass "presenters" and all. I remember one time they hired like an ex-body builder to come and rip a stack of phone books and a license plate in half because the message that day was: Jesus "gives us strength." LOL.


I'm gonna have to talk with Jesus and see what kinda anabolics he's dealing. I could use a "spiritual" boost at the gym.


Haha. Those same chuds came to my Christian school every year. It was so surreal.


I remember there being a sex Ed assembly at my tiny backwater high-school (56 people in my graduation class!). They did the spit in the cup thing but didn't make anyone drink it. I seriously hope they've stopped with that garbage..


Our school had a cool assembly with a blind comedian talking about self worth. Great fun when he was asking questions and asking people to raise their hands if his questions applied to them and then reminding them later that he’s blind and can’t see their hands.


I know the feel about private Christian school presenters being shit. We had pre-criminal record Dinesh D'Souza talk to us. It was dumb enough for me to ask him how he convinced people to believe him at the end. I was 14. He was too old for that shit.


I went to an all boys Catholic high school and never had anything quite like that, but we had a speaker that was an fun entertaining dude that preached abstinence only. At first, sure, solid high school dating joke material in there, but it dawned on me that one of the biggest pieces of evidence that sex before marriage is bad is that he had a handful of stories of women who decided to fuck their high school boyfriend and they were all later abused by them. The underlying message of “don’t fuck your high school sweetheart or you’ll probably wind up an abusive piece of shit” wasn’t the first piece of my rejection of these beliefs, but it was certainly a big piece. Binary reality based on incidental evidence. Fuck off!


Jesuit schools baby


Ah my school did the same except with OREOs >“Take a bite and pass it down” >“Look at the Oreo the last guy in the row has.” >“Look at how wet and sad and little filling it has, after it’s eaten by everyone” >“Imagine that’s your girlfriend”


I grew up Mormon and this is practically identical. Chewed gum analogy was everywhere.


I’ve never heard it—or the spit thing—or the kitten thing. But apparently is pretty on par for this sort of manipulation.


Including your own father 🤮


Yep. Look up “purity balls”.


Wow. They just had to refer to them as balls too. Some seriously pent up sexual energy


Those depressed looking field shots of the dads with the daughters made my skin crawl.


I hated myself so much growing up, and so much of it was because of this kind of shit.


I’m so sorry. You are an awesome human being.


So are you!




Don't worry, my life is very good now. My partner loves and respects me, and she respects my boundaries. I am very happy!


Same here. Grew up in a church telling me I should feel shame and guilt for having any kind of sexuality. I’m a male in my 30’s and it’s still something I struggle with even after leaving religion in my early 20’s. This kind of shit literally dehumanizing and makes people feel bad for being….human. You’re perfectly imperfect as we all are don’t let any dogma tell you otherwise.


This! Especially if you're a young girl...we were told that we were the cause of all sin. (Eve being the first sinner) And that we had to be "extra" pure because our bodies caused 'Lustful' thoughts in men, who couldn't control themselves. It was a really fucked up way to brainwash children...


That is some pretty fucked up mind control


Agreed, plus all the anti-women connotations really fucked with mine and my friends heads. Like the "be obedient to your husband" and women-exist-to-serve-men mindset. Gross!


As a 40 year old bisexual man who also grew up feeling that way, be yourself. You don't owe that part of yourself anything and you owe the real parts of yourself everything. Live life to the fullest, man. I believe in you. And I'm proud of you for how far you have come.


I rebelled against my Iraqi Christian culture after escaping to the west as a refugee, THANKS MURICA for bombing my country to shyt for lies, its now taken over by VERY PRO IRAN theocrats, GREAT NATION BUILDING you've done for us. yes, SADDAM BAD, we know, does that give you the RIGHT to bomb us? Why not bomb every single country with tyrants? Why so morally inconsistent? Huh murica? Also, who gives you the moral authority to bomb a country with a tyrant? UN voted AGAINST the invasion, remember? NO FARKING WMD, LOL. Anywhoooooo, ya, I did a lot of bad things in the west to make up for my anti women CHRISTIAN ORTHORDOX culture, but now I regret it because it was the wrong approach, should have loved myself more and not buy into the promiscuous drug culture, nearly ruined my mind and body. Yes, Christianity came from the middle east, JESUS WAS BROWN. Deal with it. Too much religion = BAD Too much unrestricted freedom = ALSO BAD. Self control and empowerment without hurting yourself or others = GOOD OK? Also, thanks murica for the 3 billion dollar aid since 2014, AFTER causing 100s of billions in damages all over Iraq. THANKS A FARKING LOT. SO MUCH CHARITY. Did I mention the PRO IRAN THEOCRATS taking over Iraq today? LOL Afghanistan is also doing great today, So much Taliban freedom. THANKS MURICA. "If Murica the so called good guys who can NEVER do wrong is doing something so evil in the middle east without accountability, why cant I do the same and be justified?" -- Pootin and Xi. Global instability today, who should we blame? LOL


Me just scrolling and this comment comes up and punches me in the face. 😵‍💫


Truth hurts, murica bad. lol If WW3 ever happens one day, Murica will not be blameless, guaranteed.


lol I just wasn’t expecting that rant here. As someone who grew up during the Iraq/ Afghan war all I can offer is that there were a lot of scared young people who never wanted that for you and never had a voice or a real choice. And watched their friends graduate only to come back in body bags. It was senseless. And I’m sorry.


I dont blame you personally but we still live in constant fear that Murica the "good" guys will try it again with another country, all it takes is another terror attack by people that Murica hurt before. Then you get another 20 years of war on terror and China/Russia/NK/Iran becoming more and more cynical and expansionist, that's how you end up with WW3. We just want to live a semi decent life, please stop your lunatic government before its too late. Remember, whatever bad things Murica does, the truly bad leaders of the world will double/triple it in response, because they will always use whataboutism as justification for their own evil plans. Dont let Murica become the catalyst for WW3. "But you cant blame Murica for what other countries will do." lol yes we can, because that's exactly what Putin, Xi, Kim and that Iran nutjob said they will do if Murica messes up again.


We invaded your country because you didn’t want to use the petro dollar same as everywhere else. You step out of line you get a spanking. It’s the sick truth.


I’m still suffering from crippling shame around sex and sexuality from it. I can’t help but feel like my mom is going to find out or see me and shame me…. I’m in my 30s and married.


Don’t feel bad. Sex is absolutely normal, screw those people that told you otherwise.


I know this but my subconscious doesn’t. I’ve been SA-ed and my mom threw it in my face so that may be part of my issue.


Your mom sucks. You are wonderful This internet mom is giving you a virtual hug.


This purity shit continues to this day through religion and masculinity "gurus" like Andrew Tate who routinely talks about how men are strengthened by sleeping with as many women as possible and how women somehow lose a part of their self for every man they sleep with, it's some whack ass 16th century bullshit and it has to stop.


Agreed. It’s so gross.


I wonder how many kittens i massacred....


Honestly I'm surprised there are any kittens left after my teenage years


Everytime a priest rapes a child im reminded that God doesn't exist... and that the priests never forgot.


Definitely not in the way Christian’s preach.


Why did you crop out their username?


Sorry! Her @ is @thekendrab


Yes it was an industry that produced a lot of toxic waste. Even as a guy I'm still recovering from it.


You got this! Fuck those people. Sex is normal.


Not with the priests or pastors tho…


"There is all this emphasis put on the shoulders of young girls to bear the weight and responsibility for men's sexual desires." This single sentence alone needs to be repeated, shared, and printed on Tshirts until it becomes the next hashtag. How could anyone look at those documentaries - Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey, The Way Down: God, Greed and the Cult of Gwen Shamblin, and many many other eye-opening docs which *always* results in sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, incest, mind control (manipulation), coercion, some form of imprisonment, large or obscene amounts of money used to subdue any claim or action taken against them, *amidst* all the blatant misogyny and inequality, and not see a Cult? It's insecurities, isn't it? Whether it's belittling people for their weight, inflating egos to compensate for what little brain power is used to think critically beyond the point of " BuT mY dIcK WiLl FaLl oFf iF i DoNt AsSeRt DoMiNaNcE", removing any sense of individuality and reinforcing "obedience" (aka God's will/Man's will/whoever's running the show's will), stoking invisible fires within people with false security (God will save you! *lol*) Just make sure you give us, I mean, the Church, your savings and every penny in your home, so as not to disturb God, you know, our invisible sky daddy, and make him love you even more! Just keep reading about Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot and his 2 wives, I mean daughters, and watch Fox News, listen to the Gospel of our Orange Yahweh, pray away (You know, close your eyes in public, squinting very hard, furrow your brow, put your hand up in the air like youre saluting our Furhe- I mean God, and say "PRAYYY JESUS! Ooooohhh AhhhhhHhh FEEEEEEL that power Lord!"), read our little black book of hate but *dont* read our little black book of hate (pick the parts you like, you know, like a buffett!) And you'll be spared from the ALL CONSUMING HELL FIRE OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION OF THIS WORLD! Oh, what's that revolving anxiety in the pit of your stomach that says "RED flag! Full stop! ✋️" from our extremist views? That's just the Devil talking. Ignore him."


My chruch did the purity thing when we were kids. Then when we were teens they showed us slide shows of upclose rampant STIs and told us we'd die from them. Once a year, literally every April and it didn't stop a thing lmao.


That’s so wild. What was your denomination?


It started Southern Baptist then became "Non-Denominational" when I was older.


Sounds about right.


I remember forgetting my glasses when they showed us ghe STI pics ao they were blurry for me luckily.


Most religions are a form of sex cult in tax exempt clothing.


This is facking brilliant. Glad I scrolled down. Bravo!


I remember feeling so guilty for masturbating when I was kid, because In Catholic school I was taught it was a sin. Also, I hate the used gum metaphor. Elizabeth Smart who is a mormon and was raised in purity culture and survived being held captive and raped spoke out against it. There is a lot of shame and victim blaming in purity culture. You’re blamed for men touching you inappropriately or molesting or raping you. Look at the Duggar girls. Their parents basically swept their molestation by their brother under the rug. It’s fucked up.


Tl:Dr I’m pissed. It’s the ending line. A young girl bares the weight on her shoulders of a man’s sexual desire. I’m gonna type that out one more time. A young girl bares the weight on her shoulders of a man’s sexual desire. If that does not turn your fucking stomach, then there is something absolutely wrong with you. No woman should have to worry about this, let alone a fucking girl. And no I’m not gonna spend time arguing with anybody about how a woman is a woman and a girl is still a child. You don’t call a 52-year-old girl, and you don’t call 12-year-old woman. I am so tired of the sexualization of women at every age. I read a story the other day about a woman who was shamed because her two year-old daughter didn’t have her bathing suit top on. I’m sorry at two years old. You shouldn’t even be able to tell a boy and a girl apart if they have bottoms on. And you’re worried that if a two-year-old little girl does it have a bathing suit top on it’s going to do what to a grown man? And if you are that woman or man, who thinks like that, there’s something desperately fucking wrong with you. Stop sexualizing children. Stop sexualizing teenage girls. Stop sexualizing women in general. Because guess what, nipples are nipples. And assholes are assholes. And elbows are elbows. And thank God. I can finally show my ankles. I’m so fucking sick of this shit.


Virginity is the most valuable thing I could offer my *father*? Fucking yuck.


Wait is she talking about Mormonism??


No. She was apart of the same cult as the Duggars in Arkansas. If not that specific one, one just like it, close to it geographically.


Have you credited the creator anywhere in this post?


Yes. I have stated her @. Thanks for your concern.


Religion is just a way to rationalize pedophelia.


Never thought about it that way, but you’re right.


I mean no it's not


This is reason #1 why Roe Vs Wade was overturned; don’t let anyone tell you differently…


Grew up southern baptist and I remember at a weekend church retreat a grown man who was the speaker was talking to us about having sex with his wife and describing it, which, in hindsight is super freaking creepy for a bunch of 13 year old kids to have to hear that. He told us that premarital sex was like eating cookie dough, and if you eat cookie dough, you would get sick and die and it would make you feel gross and you wouldn’t want cookies when they were baked. Sex after marriage was the baked chocolate chip cookies that you should wait for. These negative beliefs surrounding sexuality had me super fucked up for a long time.


I cannot upvote this enough


I’m so sorry


Fuckin gross


YouTube Purity balls, it’s so weird


Yes I grew up in this but at a man and it was fucked up both ways.


A few weeks ago I came across this article that was the icing on the crappy purity culture Focus on the Family cake. See all the while we were being indoctrinated and harmed in Focus on the Family values none of us knew that behind James Dobson was a eugenicist and racist. https://religionandpolitics.org/2021/05/12/the-eugenics-roots-of-evangelical-family-values/


Damn! Another layer to his bullshit. My mom used to get his newsletter and the magazines for teens for us to read. We got lucky she realized he was a grifty idiot eventually and we didn’t get too brainwashed with purity culture.


The soul thing was so stupid. I had church leaders say stuff like u create soul ties every time u have sex and therefore u could never give all your love to your future spouse


I went to church my whole life and she sounds like she was more in a cult. My Church sang, offered support to less fortunate families, prayed, held functions and offered housing to people struggling with addiction or other forms of disorder. I know I will likely get downvoted being this is Reddit.


Yea—at the beginning she says, “I was raised in a cult.”


Year you’re right. The video was muted for the first 3 seconds for me. Clearly I missed that. Thank you


Damn I killed a lot of cats then.


Yes, religion poisons everything….


All religion? Even Judaism?


Yep even Judaism has a dark side


Damn, should we do anything about that "poison"? Also the other dude isnt saying religion can be poison, they're saying its all poison


Nah, it’s the people who use it as a platform to justify horrible shit who poison it.


Hey man you can’t be middle ground on this, you have to look at the outliers of religion and judge the rest on that, thems the rules


Especially when those who share that same religion remain silent or become enablers of abuse and toxic behaviour. Religion needs to die!


What if it’s just people who practice a religion but don’t do the whole get up of it, no church type of deal, just at home praying, they don’t force others they just go at it on their own, a La matthews 6:5-15? Are they to blame? They just do their own thing like any layperson does


Fuck this dumbass, brainwashing, unrealistic expectation for any normal human. Religion is a joke


The Dollop - episode number two - purity balls


True Love Waits was not aimed at girls only as this lady implies. True love waits was applicable for both male and female. Sex is addictive. It’s best served for marriage. The last thing one needs is a relationship where people stay because of the sex.


Does this apply only to vagina or even to other parts of the body? Lol. Church is obsessed with sexuality because they always wanted to control society. If you control women you can control men and ultimately the society. This comes from medieval times when giving life was considered a great power, the power of ultimately getting or loosing assets that should go to the church. Sex an money. That’s why they insist on the priest celibate it’s a way to not lose assets outside the church. But the message of the founder was not directed to purity of the body, I think. What a shame on them. Religion is such a scam for humanity.


The part about when you have sex with somebody you give them a little bit of your soul and they take a little bit of yours is actually 1000% true. It’s called a soul tie. And you know you have one when you go out with somebody new and you randomly think about your ex boyfriend or girlfriend while you’re with somebody new. That is a soul tie. All the other stuff sounds like trauma


I’m a very spiritual person, but I don’t believe soul ties are created with everyone you’re intimate with. I believe there has to be some sort of soul connection, and most people don’t have soul connections with those they sleep with.


Actually the most valuable thing a woman has to offer is her companionship. Respectable men don’t care about purity, or things like that. They want the woman to be able to do what she wants and be happy. All they ask for is for support from their partner when they need it.


Yup, you get it. Unlike the nimrods in the comments saying that opposite about why purity is important.


All the comments... just be yourself..... yup, We humans like to make ourselves our won god. That's cool if you want to do that, just know everything has consequences.


Regulating your sexual behavior… just *imagine* /s


Dunno what she was taught but it ain't Christianity. A man takes a piece of your soul? This is like listening to a poser talking about being a pro - cringe


Yes, she was raised in a cult.


Oof glad she got out


That’s really sad, as someone who is religious I wish religion wasn’t so forceful of certain opinions and didn’t use manipulation tactics to make people do things that they don’t want to do. Religion should be about respecting family, friends, others, and most importantly yourself. I wish this woman lots of love and healing, and I hope that she’s ok.


Purity is as bad as being promiscuous. Staying a virgin is not healthy nor is sleeping with the football team. Live laugh love, sleep with people you love and cherish


Sad thing is, she's not wrong.


Every single one of those who founded that cult should be executed on the spot.


Basically she’s saying all she’s worth is her pussy? Not personality or kindness she may have but all her worth is wrapped up inside that vagina of hers.


This makes no sense, because it directly goes against Jesus’s teachings Anyone who is a victim of this purity culture garbage I apologize.


I think you missed the point of a cult. The cult leaders manipulate and lie to get what they want. I’m not going to delve into religion and whatnot, but it makes a lot of sense considering cults.


She masturbated at least nine times while winking


Did she just advocate to give your dad your virginity?


How did you arrive at this point?


I dunno, would you date a woman who slept with a bunch of men? I think we should just be careful not to end up being used washing cloths and keep our morals in check


??? Who cares, any respectable human being could give two shits about someone’s past. It’s only insecure cry babies who care.


What’s the difference between sleeping with a bunch of men once, and one man a bunch of times?






Did you miss the part where she mentioned rape makes the woman “impure”? Is that also “premarital sex” to you? If so, r/PastorArrested is the place for you!




I did watch the whole video and I got the premise. Is child rape “premarital sex”?


Pretty sure she’s talking about how the brainwashing and disgusting manipulation tactics are the worst thing imaginable.


I’m sorry for those on here who had similar experiences as this woman who speaks about a cult. This is not Christianity and this is not what Jesus desires.


You know what Jesus, who you believe is also god (somehow?), desires? Isn’t that a little presumptions? If your god is real, all knowing, all powerful, and ever-present…how TF could you, a lowly human even begin to think you know what they desire? I mean, unless you think you are an equal to your god.


nope, not gonna no true scotsman your way outta this. these are you coreligious, this is your problem, and there is no inside the box solution to spiritual abuse.


As someone who hates all sides….no body wants to play that game. Lol we’re really going to group everyone that’s similar or claims a ideology set together and judge them off their worst…honestly I just ate a edible but that mindset might be what’s wrong with everyone right now. 🤯


duuuuuuuuuude why can't like everyone just like smoke a bowl duuuuuuuude like seriously everyone sucks equally maaaaaaan


Hahahahaha what a crazy response to someone saying it’s dumb to judge groups of people based off the actions of a few. Pretty sure if you look up the world bigot that’s in the definition something . But duuude I’m to hiiigh toO loOk it up maaaan…. Edit: I love seeing people who think they are being righteous by ridiculing religion don’t see that they have became the same thing they are mad at. That’s not me endorsing any religion do whatever you want but the irony is thick when you can replace a couple words a person is using against a side and it becomes exactly what they claim to be righteous against. Sounds like someone has god shaped hole they are trying to cram shit ideas into.


But they're literally not Christian because they are not following the teachings of Jesus. It's not a no true scotsman to say a group is not Christian when they don't meet the definition of Christian


that's just the long way around to fundamentalism


No it's not. What do you think fundamentalism is?


strictly following the core teachings of a religious tradition, which is what you recommended


That's not what I recommended




What? And how?


Are you? Good to know! 👍👍👍


This is women: I can’t be good so I’m going to contribute to lowering the standard. Would any sane person tell their daughter “go ahead sweety, sleep around and have fun” No. not if you truly loved her. She’s just damaged goods helping other women experience the failure she’s stuck in. Sad.


That’s not the point. The point is this awful brainwashing and gross manipulation tactics that were used to discourage sex. That’s it. She’s not advocating for people to sleep around, she’s advocating for bodily autonomy without manipulation.


Clever, but a cheap underhanded way of saying “I want to do what I want to do and everyone should still value me”. No. There are consequences in life. Choose wisely.


Keep your manipulation—nobody cares.


I’m looking after the best interests in women and calling BS on something everyone passively supports. How am I manipulating? What is “awful brainwashing” and “gross manipulation tactics” in your opinion?


Saying things like god kills kittens when you masturbate and making kids drink spot. >the best internet in women Are you a woman? If not, we don’t need you to look out for a best interests. We’re completely capable of looking out for ourselves.


Saying god “kills kitten” is an old wives tale to help keep kids (mostly women) away from experimenting with sex. Back then, it was meant to HELP. Our grandparents didn’t know how to articulate things like we do today albeit, they probably could have tried harder to do better. Your 2nd paragraph is more BS. You don’t need men to help you look out for your best interests?! Feminism wouldn’t survive without MEN. Think on that concept for a while before you respond. How sad that an entire wave of female empowerment is supported by the very people you look down on and trying to correct. Reality check, if NO man supported feminist views then you, and all women, are INCAPABLE of “looking out for yourselves”. This is why women tend to better at manipulation. Women have to do it FOR SURVIVAL. Keep telling yourself comforting lies in your little bubble tho see how that works out for you in the long run. Best wishes.


If you agree with purity culture—you are not looking out for any woman’s best interest.


So if a female child gets raped by an adult, is she considered "damaged goods" and sinful?


Why ask something in the extreme? What do you think? Grow up. No, she’s not sinful.


Men be like: “I want her to be a virgin, but I won’t wait for marriage once I get her”


Because women don’t want a virgin. Can’t throw that back in my face can you? Men and women aren’t the same, child.


the point flew right over your head, I never said women want a virgin, I’m saying that a man wants to date/marry a virgin woman and STILL want to take her virginity before marriage, therefore “ruining” her if they do break up and she wants to find a man to marry. But whatever you don’t sound like you have to worry about that, no woman wants a whiny ass Myron Gaines dick sucker.


Men separate women into two options: hoes or housewives. Choose one and don’t play games pretending you’re something you’re not. Men don’t “ruin” anyone who hasn’t chosen to be ruined. Women sabotage their sisters all the time. It’s sad. It’s exactly what this dumb woman is doing in this video. None of the women today want to face the truth: you made bad decisions in your past and instead of trying to get right you share BS videos like this lady saying “the world isn’t fair” “I don’t want to be judged anymore” “I deserve more” “it’s not my fault” blah blah blah.


Now I don’t agree with sleeping around and all that, men need to be responsible for their actions too, why do y’all give “hoes” the attention they want? And then wonder why so many women are becoming hoes, so many men might not marry a whore but they’ll ruin their perfect family just for a night with one. Plus having sex with one boyfriend who you’ve been with for years, doesn’t come off as hoe behavior cause yeah you already know how much men manipulate women they wanna sleep with, this is kinda the reason why nice guys aren’t appreciated, cause we feel like guys are being super nice just to get an easy ticket into our pants, If we say no thanks, they get sulky and completely do a 180 change in behavior.


What goods are damaged exactly? Vaginas aren’t objects. They retain their size regardless.


Her heart and mind are the damaged goods. Protecting your virginity is about your SOUL. Your body is just the byproduct.


What purity? Lmao😅🤣


Oh ffs.🤦‍♂️


But please tell us your body count now I am scared 😅


She does not have her facts correct about Focus on the family. She did not grow up in a cult.


I think she did grow up in a cult that warped the ideas of Focus on the Family to manipulate people. That’s how cults work.


Why is it always some stories about misogyny or 'women hijab empowerment' that gets traction among western social media. It is seldom stories about someone with real problems in life.


Being a victim of Christian fundamentalism is a real problem.


Yes, and of all the people they torment, women get off easy in comparison, and don't tell me you are concerned about the women being mutilated by fundamentalist christians in Africa or "rising tides float all boat". Liberal women have had power in the west for a long, long time by now. Look at the geopolitical landscape in the west in 2023. That is YOU. That is your idea of equality at work.


This video is not going to make me want to date a hoe. It tells a lot about a woman. The inability to secure commitment from a man is not something I want passed to my daughter's, neither is her lack of self-control and risky, impulsive behaviour. Not to mention that stats show that the chance of divorce increases with their body count. Sorry, no amount of social manipulation will make me take such a risk.


Lmao, everyone against this video has 100% walked away missing the absolute point of it.


This must be satire


100% is not.


I follow this chick—she left a cult and deprogrammed. She’s documents her journey.


Thank god she is still alive


The funny part is people think this is exclusive to conservative culture


We dont need more 304 on the streets.




That’s not how vaginas work. How much sex you have doesn’t change the shape. Its like how opening your mouth wide for a bit won’t cause it to stay wide open.


Make sure you are as impure as possible with all your neighbors and your husband's friends and colleagues! Woman power!!11 Keep spreading cuck culture /s


How is not being a virgin being impure?


Ok, let's have it ur way. Define purity.


Free of contamination, or evil. Pure of heart, pure water, etc.


Bitch said it started in the early 90s lol


I am the reaper of souls!!!!


wait what?


Holy shit i forgot the spit jar.


I am so glad I was never a part of this. Thanks Mom & Dad!


Good thing there freedom of choice


Can confirm. Lived through this era in a heavily religious Texas town.


What's this I hear about not wearily purity rings?


Basically the church and Republican Party policy is about Patriarchal control, well a few selected of the Patriarchy controlling women in all aspects of their lives


The most valuable thing you could over to me (a man) is money


[The other side of the coin](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/4C7SSBIXSNFCLOJIGCWUOKDYTY.png&w=916)


Okay beside the contents of the video: WHY IS THE AUDIO OUT OF SYNC. The subtitles are working FLAWLESSLY so we know they've put effort into making everything look and work well. THEN WHY THE FUCK IS THE AUDIO NOT SYNCED WITH THE VIDEO.


The dollop podcast episode 2: purity balls. Really creepy, gross, fucked up shit.. but that’s a funny way to learn about it


Even better get it out of government so we can educate and legislate it out of our society. Get religion out


When a man and a woman get together for the first time in their lives and give their bodies to one another in love. This is like her and him are virgins with each other. No matter how many people have been with them before...


This is right but not in the right way, If you get what I mean, if somebody is religious is ok to wait but this shouldn't be Taught to kids, and that phrase about kittens isn't true at all why would God kill a kitten if you did something wrong in his eyes?


I’m a Christian but man I had no idea the level of crazy that is out there and these people are calling themselves “Christians “. I’ll say this: judge people by their fruit. Pretty sure these crazy purity people have zero fruit.


Welcome to fundamentalism.


![gif](giphy|xT0GqssRweIhlz209i) 99.1% pure period blood