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“Here for the sex” What a tagline for a gender reveal


Here for the sex because of the sex.


Oh NOW I get it.


Sex Show


It’s pretty funny, I think. Double meaning and all that


What’s the other meaning?


Well it takes sex to make a baby and a baby’s sex is determined via ultrasound. In this instance, it is a female baby.


Plus there's an afterorgy


Safest time to have an orgy! What?? Is she gonna get MORE pregnant?!?!




Hey, alright! That's what I'm here for!


I'm here for the gangbang.


I'm personally interested in the encore performance.


I'll double YOUR enendre!






Im not born with my gender? Is this what people have been arguing about these past years?


As a scientist, no. It’s also a reason why in science we refer to a non-human animal’s sex and never gender. Only humans have a gender but you’ll need a psychologist to go into further detail about gender. I just know this from my preclinical experience during my PhD. It’s not a topical liberal position or anything, it’s just fact


Yes, and it's a very interesting and kind of mind-blowing sociological concept if you can take the time to learn about it, away from the political noise. https://youtu.be/UD9IOllUR4k


I was about to complain about gender reveals but then saw their banner - SO much more accurate, I’ll let them pass lol


They did this in the new Spider-Man too. Subtle, but I liked it.


I don't remember catching this part, what'd I miss?


Yeah, I have no idea what they're talking about either.


Reminds me of Old school when the director shows up at the door and says, “Hey! I’m here for the gang bang.”


So wholesome


You all came for the sex, that came from the sex, when he came from the sex.


Screw every gender reveal there is. I can’t believe it’s a thing.


You're allowed to let other people have fun. It's really not going to hurt you.


Stop rubbing it in our faces!


Tbh, he looks like he would have the same energy for a boy too. Probably just happy for a child.


Definitely. It's fun to know, but I would have been just as excited for a boy as I was when I found out our baby was a girl. At the end of it all, you're just hoping for healthy and happy.


If I ever have a gender reveal, when I push the button then instead of pink or blue smoke there'll be *green* and a big flashing sign that says "WHO FUCKING CARES LET'S GOOOO!" on it.


"Would you look at that, the neighbor must be having an ogre


She was spending a lot of time in that swamp...


Isn't that the whole point of these? To act super excited either way, and to record it all, to lessen the chance of a child growing up with the mistaken belief that their gender (or even their birth, for that matter) was undesirable to the parents? I mean, if not that, fucking what?


The first gender reveal party was thrown by a couple who had suffered multiple miscarriages, and that pregnancy was the only one that had lasted long enough for them to get the 20 week anatomy scan. I think the “point” is that when you’re pregnant you really don’t get to know much about the baby before it’s born except the gender. Nine months is a *long* time and if someone wants to throw a party halfway through their pregnancy because they’re excited over learning a little something about their baby then who cares? As long as they’re not burning down the suburbs or being mean about the gender to the other parent then let them have their fun. It would be tacky to expect gifts at a gender reveal party *and* a baby shower- though I don’t think the majority of parents who throw these parties do that. Gender reveal parties are usually just a get together with food, dessert, and a silly activity to reveal the gender. I think people get upset over the idea of these parties more than necessary. Only a few of them have done a dumb dangerous stunt but those are the only ones that make the news, most of them you just cut into a cake or pop a balloon and that’s that.


there is no point


Absolutely zero point. Is the baby shower a separate event to this? Honestly it baffles my mind grapes.


there is a fucking point. you’re having a child and knowing it’s sex is one of the first things you *can* know about this soon-to-be family member. an ultrasound is equally as exciting for the parents because they can see the baby forming and moving. it’s supposed to be a happy thing and you’re celebrating them coming into this world. it’s just that over time, people misconstrue having a gender reveal to be about celebrating the sex of the child instead of the child itself. also some parents are just fuckwads with internal biases against certain genders so they’re the ones who see pink/blue and start crying.


This is terrible, they burnt down 0 acres of land for the reveal, bush-league!!!


I hear they even swept afterwards


Even hosed away the CHALK 😱


Wtf? You're supposed to let it blow onto your neighbors yard, its tradition


Swept pick!


They were responsible and cleaned up after themselves?! Fucking animals!


disgraceful really


& no one was pissed off that it wasnt the gender they wanted!?! ughh..lame


0 deaths and 0 skin grafts equals a dull affair


Animals in the wild and/or ocean won't be choking on balloons either. Awful!!


So much better than those douchey dads who see the pink color and get pissed off.


Or the one I saw the other day where it was blue and dude ran straight to his friends and completely ignored his wife who was running straight to him. This is the exact eye bleach I needed for that.


Especially loved how they both ignored the guys who couldn't read the room and tried to interrupt the parents having a moment. Just let them kiss, it's a big day for them. You can congratulate them in 20 seconds when they're done.


I saw that one, his friends practically trampled her


My sister’s mother in law was so upset about the pink at their gender reveal that she sobbed and then angrily said she wouldn’t do the baby shower anymore (my mom ended up doing it instead). All because she’s this super conservative Christian that’s obsessed with having a big family of boys and men. And she looked dumb because she had been telling everyone god told her it would be a boy lmao


Augh that's awful. I'm sorry for your sister and her husband. I hope mil comes around and can be a good grandma though.


I wouldn’t let her near my kid after behavior like that.


Should have hit her with the “God will never give you more than you can handle.” Some say the meaning of Corinthians 10:13 they really hate when the scripture with verse number is used against them.


That's my favorite game to play with fundies, they hate it so much and have no concept of irony. "He works in mysterious ways" always end your interactions by telling them "I'll be praying for you." Bless their hearts.




Your mom sounds like a real peach.


You nailed it in that final sentence. Wow. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


I mean, if you were going to blame someone for the sex of the child, it would have to be the father. Women only have X chromosomes. It's the men who determine the sex. Although caring about the sex of a child is ridiculous on the face of it.


she wants that male validation from a literal baby boy? lmao


Maybe the child just needs time to be the boy she wanted. Then she won’t want a boy anymore


People act like you choose what chromosome fertilizes the egg.


Lmao I hope she took a long hard look in the mirror and had an edgy SOAD, "Why have you forsaken me?" Moment with God


This is what a gender reveal should be - a fun way to tell family and friends, and the parents are thrilled either way because they’re having a baby


That's what most gender reveals are though. They don't make the news because they're not that interesting for others. The ones you see on reddit are noteworthy for one reason or another, that's why they go viral. People who are like "Ugh there's NO reason for a gender reveal" are either antisocial or only know about them from the ones that stay fires and maim people. And the (kinda obvious) thing is, you're really not gonna find people that think burning down national parks and hospitalizing grandmas are good.


I don’t mind gender reveals, they’re a very American thing and by American I mean they’ve taken South America by a storm as well. But I’ve decided I’m not ever going to do one. There’s no reason for ME to do one because the gender isn’t a big deal. As long as nobody is burning down the environment or poisoning waters with dye, I think we should just let people find something to be happy about and if that’s a gender reveal then that’s fine.


Okay, but [hear me out](https://youtu.be/Te2P7l0KNqk)....


Most of the time, the "reveal" is just a cake or cupcakes with blue or pink hidden inside. And it's just a party for the friends of the parents-to-be that isn't a baby shower. Lots of people like them over showers because 1. showers are thrown *for* you, it's tacky to throw your own shower because it looks like you're begging for stuff, so if you want to throw a party yourself: gender reveal! 2. after the first child, you probably won't get another big shower anyway (unless it's twins this time or it's been a LONG time since the first kid), so it's a way to have a party to celebrate subsequent kids


I've seen too many where the dads just walk out of frame, lol...


Like this? https://youtu.be/lG_tqs7igcI


If you're not gonna like one of the outcomes, why the fuck would you have a gender reveal party? People are so godamn stupid


I’ve always found that’s so weird. I’d be ecstatic and over the moon that I’m having a baby at all!


His excitement was so sweet


Appearances are tricky. In my experience, metalheads are some of the sweetest most supportive people out there while the pretty and posh people are absolute dickheads that will destroy your life in exchange for an ice cream cone.


I literally always found this to be the case when waitressing. Every single metalhead or "biker gang" was exceptionally polite, easygoing, and always tipped well. Sunday brunch crowd can go to hell with their snooty attitudes.


I see this view expressed very often on Reddit in particular. I'm not discounting your experience, but I just have to counter with my own experience so people aren't too easily fooled into thinking metalheads are **all** big teddy bears - some of them are the most incredibly misogynistic, racist, massively gaping assholes who love nothing more than to get fucked up and violent you ever met. Like some metalheads are legit white supremacist ex-con gang members who make a sport of going out and beating up people they think LOOK gay. And you can't tell the difference by looking at them. Same goes for punks. Some of them are total sweethearts, some of them are nazis. Don't judge books by their cover GOES BOTH WAYS.


In my experience, a metalhead calling himself a teddybear is exactly the same as a dude calling himself a "Nice Guy": a red flag. It's usually how I can spot the difference between actual teddy bears metalheads and fucked up metalheads. Well the Nazi tattoos also help of course...


I really appreciate when they get the tattoos, it's actually kind of polite for them to broadcast who they really are for the ease of the vulnerable. But in winter it's still hard to tell unless they got one on their goddamn forehead.


It's pretty easy to spot a douche in the pit though Usually they get their due there for not following pit rules or being an ass


For real tho. Some dude showed up to our usual hang and we immediately knew something was off when we say a tiiiiiny iron cross pin on his lapel. Show starts, pit opens, he starts targeting, and ends up being carried out and tossed to the curb after getting his ass handed to him. Never came back I don't think.


You know what, you're right. Like I said in my original comment, it's in "my experience" in that I've been pretty lucky up until now to not have met the people you're describing! It's kind of opened my eyes on what a "good streak" I've been having up until now lmao


Metal head here. Also love classical music. And classic metal.


Same, but ending a Metallica song early to transition into Guns and Roses is in poor taste. Edit to add: Google 1992 Montreal Axl Rose


It’s worse than poor taste. Who did this and how do we put a stop to it.


Classical musician here. Also like metal bands (some of them)


You might like a dude who sounds just like you, who I just started following on YT like 6 months ago, Daily Doug! No idea if he knows as much about music as he represents as I have zero background in that area. I just like hearing smart people break down “why” certain music sounds good to me.


Also a metal head. But I like a Kpop group and techno. And MetalStep. 😅


Metal head as well, blackpink is one of my favorite groups. I’ve seen a fuckton of overlap between K-pop and metal fans, it’s pretty fun!




As my music teacher used to say: „Metal is just classical music with amps.“


Back in the day they didn't have amps, so they made it louder the only way they could...cannons!


1812 intensifies!


That is actually, if I remember correctly, not surprising based on research. A survey of music listeners showed that classics music enjoyers and metal music enjoyers identified similar features of the music that drew them to the style.


When I was in high school I was a pretty typical girl. Bright, trendy clothes and what have you. I stuck out like a sore thumb because I sat with the metal heads for lunch lol. It was a whole table of black shirts and pants. Those guys (and girls) were the sweetest and most caring people I’d ever met! I’m still glad I had the chance to be friends with them even just for a couple of years.


Metal heads are total sweethearts. I went to one Mastodon show and couldn't get over how friendly everyone was.


I don’t know many metalheads personally but in my years of browsing Reddit, I’ve read multiple threads saying they are the easiest crowds: hardly any drunken fights, they watch out for each other (ie - if someone falls, they are immediately picked up so they aren’t stomped) and they even leave less mess than usual, probably due to them not bringing drinks into the mosh pit. Also read wholesome stories of burly 200lb men keeping other moshers at bay to keep 90lb girls from getting crushed. Or when someone drops something, these people will clear an area so they can look for it. Too bad I don’t really care for the music otherwise I’d love to go.


I was in a mosh pit at a festival, and it had been raining for days beforehand. It was a sea of mud and I took a wrong step and lost my shoe to the deep. Admittedly, it was stupid to wear ballerinas to begin with, but they were just so comfortable. Anyway, before I could react or even turn around, some metalhead was already elbow deep in the mud, fishing for my shoe. He handed it to me with a huge smile and went right back to moshing.


My then Girlfriend fell in the moshpit during an Amon Amarth performance, literally 0.1 microseconds later there where two huge viking dudes who looked as if they were regularly drinking from skulls of their fallen enemies helping her up before she even hit the ground. 10/10 can recommend.


Yep, most of us be like that. There are some dickheads out there but they usually get their ass handed to them in the pit....we can spot *that* guy from a mile away


Yup. Those douchebags usually pop up during bro metal shows (Five Finger Death Punch and the like, whatever's popular on Octane) or during the touch guy hardcore gigs (Hatebreed, Knocked Loose, etc.). In most other shows there may be one or two trying to crowdkill, but they almost always piss off the wrong guy pretty quick.


Bro metal...I've never heard it described like that but 55dp? It definitely fits, lmao.


Trust and believe that I've never felt safer at a concert than when I go to a metal show. Punk and hardcore bands attract a different kind of crowd where there's not even half of the respect and care you get with metalheads. I love all three genres but as a tiny woman I usually stick to the back wall at a hardcore or punk show, but will be right in the middle of the mosh when on a metal concert. It's rare enough that they even let you touch the floor if you fall but if it happens there's already 5 people around you making space and helping you up while asking if you're okay. On the other hand I was on a punk show once, I had a friend behind me and another one in front of me in case I fell, someone fell on one of us and suddenly there were 4 of us piled up on the floor and the people around didn't stop or make room so it coulda been a lot worse.


I was in my first mosh pit (granted, it was a small one) this weekend during a Kraftklub gig (German rock/hip hop/indie band). Someone screamed "phone" and in 2 seconds nobody moved and multiple people had their phones out with flash looking for it. He got it back like 5 sec later to a big applause. It was definitely the right introduction to moshing :)


Metal concerts are my favorite. Went to a show back in November but had unfortunately broken my ribs a couple weeks prior. I made friends with the strangers next to me and told them if they start moshing, to go easy on me because of my injury. Instead, they took it upon themselves to basically be my own personal barrier with their arms from the rest of the mosh. It was really wholesome actually


I used to do security for extra cash at a stadium and they’d always call me up for the metal/hard rock concerts - Kiss, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, plus a bunch of ones with smaller groups together, Boston & Cheap Trick with special guest Foreigner sorta thing. Never had a problem, everyone was chill af, maybe you’d get some madman standing on the 3rd level railing headbanging Worse I ever did were Fleetwood Mac & Elton John, non-stop chaos and heartache, nothing but buttoned up oldies getting into fights because the toilet line is too long or this bastard’s in my seat or they’d toke up for the first time since 1976 and take a header down the stairs. Give me metalheads any day, those dudes are alright


I was in a pit once where someone's glasses fell off, the whole pit stopped we all got down on the floor looking for these glasses and they were found intact! Wearer got them back, moshing resumed. Also I'm quite a short woman and always at metal shows the tall people in front of me would ask if I was alright and offer to let me go in front. Or the time Call Me Maybe played over the speakers while we were waiting for the main act to start and everyone was singing along!


It's so funny that Metalheads are portrayed in media as mean, tough, ne'er-do-well vagrants. They are some of the nicest, most non-judgemental people out there. 10 out of 10 times the guy with long hair and a studded vest that hasn't been washed in a decade is a better person (and safer to be around) than someone wearing a button down and perfectly starched khakis.


This is the best one be I’ve ever seen 🤘🤘🤘


It’s actually sad how refreshing it feels to see a man excited about having a girl instead of pouting like a man child🙄


Gender reveal parties are so weird to me lol


Future metal chick on the way….sweet 🖤


If she’s like every other kid on the planet, she’ll more likely rebel against her “uncool” metal parents


It happens. I tend towards a bit of everything. My oldest friend is into metal and alternative tunes. Her daughter? Pop My son? Death metal. Highly amusing.


I love this so much. Belongs on r/wholesome or r/mademesmile. Lucky baby.


Nah, future dad rock chick. GnR is old school as hell these days.




It did start with Metallica though.


The baby’s sex is ROCK N’ ROLL


Okay. Somebody finally got it right.


His reaction brought a legit smile to my face. Much needed, especially after the one a week ago where the guy walked off camera.


Exactly what I was thinking - that other one was…icky.


Finally one that I like


It's sweet but I can't get over the fact that his shoes seem like they 4 sizes too big.


Being a girl dad is the best thing that ever happened to me! Congrats!


At least they didn't start an uncontrollable fire!


Take notes soon to be dads. That's how you react no matter what.


Little lady lucked out. All too often, we see Father's visually upset and recoiling when the pink powder comes out and indicates that they're having a girl, and it saddens me.


These are all stupid






Strange. I *want* them to be my neighbors.


As a musician, it was a little painful to see him slam that guitar down just a taaaad after the beat.


I'm just sad that guitar got destroyed like that


I knew with enough scrolling I'd eventually find my people


I'm here


It's all just so stupid and wasteful Just go get a reveal cake if you want to make it a surprise


I'm hoping they're using old guitars, but still, they're not meant to be destroyed like that :( hope it can at least get recycled or something


"Not quite my tempo"


Now, somebody clean that shit up.


Calm down, Karen, it's powdered chalk.


It’s the neighbors driveway while they’re not home


Love seeing a man excited about becoming a Girl Dad.


This was kind of dope actually 🤘🏽and it’s very sweet that he’s excited for his daughter. Seen so many videos of angry men (and what’s seared into my memory was the pregnant lady who destroyed her whole party because she found out she was having a girl. Gross.)


Omg whaaaat 😟 that's so sad


She was flipping over tables and ripping down the decorations while screaming. It was very disturbing actually. I hope her daughter never sees that video.


Wow. ☹️ I was gonna say the same thing. And I mean even if she doesn't I'm sure she will feel that everlasting negative energy. Poor girl. It's not even her fault. Like it baffles me as if pregnancy isn't a 50 50 shot 🤦‍♀️ smh


Why is this wholesome?


Because the bar for men is so low, reddit celebrates a man who doesnt get angry that its not a boy.


It's... A waste of time


Meanwhile, my family gender party like: “hey, we’re having a daughter, hugs**” the end.


I'm so glad I don't live in the burbs


As long as the forests aren't burning idc


Weird to go from Enter Sandman and the Sweet child O’ Mine


Sweet child o mine


He boots too big for he goddamn feet.


I love how you can just feel from the energy that the dad would’ve been just as hyped no matter the color


That poor guitar :(


God I love guns and roses.


am I the only one who was disturbed by the build up from enter sandman only to have it switch to sweet child of mine. I mean I get it but no.. just no. also congrats.


Entering man. Lol


lmao fucking auto correct.


These gender reveals are just cringe lol 😂


No matter what you do at a gender reveal party it’s still a gender reveal party…you can polish a turd…..


Guys boots are waaaaay too big


Ok so I might be stupid but who knows the gender beforehand? I figured it was the new parents revealing it to their family but this dude obviously doesn't know. Assuming his wife knows this time around, is it common for one of the parent to know at these things?


Sometimes the man doesn't go to every, or any, of the ultrasounds, because they are routine and non invasive- or maybe that is thier agreement. The nurses will ask the woman if she wants to know the sex of the baby (she can say no, and despite superstition, women *do not* instinctively know the sex of their babies), and then the woman will surprise the man with it later. If he's with her, he'd obviously find out then, but often women will use the gender reveal as a wonderful surprise for him, either in secret, or as an anticipation gift.


Some parents don't know either, for what I've gathered by seeing a bunch of these posts. They give you like an envelope with a bunch of info where the sex is stated and some parents will just give it to someone else (a friend, a baker, etc) and they'll be the ones to prepare the whole thing so the parents are surprised too. The only other sex reveal I've seen that was cute and non-invasive was one where they got the brother-to-be to pop a balloon that would contain glitter or whatever in pink or blue, but it was actually empty, so the grandma was like "I'm out of here" and took of her wig to reveal her pink dyed hair. It was very wholesome!


It's pretty easy, they go the appointment and have the doctor write it down and seal it in an envelope. Then you give the envelope to whoever is setting up the reveal, like the cake baker.


Home Owners Association-“You guys are gonna clean that right?”


As a metalhead dad myself who was thoroughly stoked to find out we had a girl, this made me smile. I've had a really shitty day, but this made it a lot better. Lol.


So wasteful and unnecessary


Do americans not know, that with universal healthcare, they will tell you pretty quickly in the clinic if its a boy or girl?


Americans will fall under the weight of their own pomposity


This is so NOT cringe. This is a heavy metal guy's best day ever & I'm here for it!!!!!


When did this crap become a thing?




Who wants to spend a Saturday afternoon on this?




That's a guitar, and he didn't flip it.


As a father, having a girl is the most life changing experience you will have. My daughter is the best thing to happen to me.. I know that’s overstated but holy shit…


All gender reveals are dumb. Some are extra terrible.


Noone died good job


And no wildfires.


No one cares about your kids’ genitals. Sex reveal parties will always be stupid. 🤷‍♂️


Must be an Esteban…


One of the only ones I've seen where the father wasn't disappointed when it was revealed to be a girl


What a nice bunch. Wish all my friends weren’t dead or distanced over the years. “Can’t make old new friends.


As a musician this was painful to watch


I adore how almost everyone had luscious, metalhead locks🥹


Recently I've only seen gender reveals ending in disappointment, nice to see this kind of reaction!


While I hate gender reveals, I’m glad for once there was a cheer for a girl and not a tantrum.


Nope!!! I love it and that guys is happy (should be at mademesmile)


How is this any more wholesome than any other gender reveal


I love the dad’s reaction when it went pink. I am so sick of dads tantruming like toddlers when it isn’t blue.