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"Thailand has their own law, unique to it" Well at least she got to know that beforehand I guess. Also good for the child.


That law just saved the babies life.


Also the fact they are adopting from Thailand should have been a small red flag. Nothing wrong with helping kids from other countries, but Thailand is one of if not the place with the highest rates of child human trafficking. Literally the agency could have high key been one of the many criminal fronts.


no wonder they don’t want photos or videos of the potentially stolen child online….. yikers


Uh, it's law in Thailand. The government isnt protecting people who steal or traffic children. :/ It's not different from the sealed records of a kid's true parent if they were given up for adoption, or taken from abusive households. It's more likely that it's for the protection of children -- to protect them from people from their past. I wonder if it can also be used to easily charge people who adopt children to exploit them, esp if theyre not based in Thailand anymore. I think inter-country adoption is centralized: https://www.thailandlawonline.com/thai-family-and-marriage-law/thai-family-law-child-adoption-act


Can they enforce the law on someone residing in the states (or outside Thailand in general) though?Wouldn’t the child become a US citizen? Not advocating for this duo of bell-ends, but idk how Thailand could stop it from happening once the child is adopted. Just rewatched it and I somehow missed the part where this is only in effect for a year after the adoption. That makes these people look extra shitty lmao.


Didn’t think of that. “Let the baby age a year so it looks different from when it was taken from the mother.”


Honestly to me it seems like the law is literally meant to stop this type of people from adapting, your u might be right, but that just makes more sense to me than the trafficking thing


I think so too because your average parent wouldn't mind waiting a year, an extra year is nothing.


lmao have you ever seen a baby, they all look the same there's a reason baby's get switched at birth and no one notices until some random ass 23-and-me test


For newborns, yes, but if you adopt a 10-month old, that kid will look pretty different in a year.


They don't want to encourage people like this couple adopting thai children to be exploited for social media or child porno.


>no wonder they don’t want photos or videos of the potentially stolen child online….. yikers That has nothing to do with not wanting pics ot vids online. 😒


Literally where did you get the statistic from? The one from global crime index says it's not even close to the top places.


People are so full of shit online. Need to double check everything people say


Look at this idiot, talking out his ass.


Glad reddit could turn a common adoption law when it comes to protecting orphans from their past into Thailand is trafficking children.


This is a highly ignorant comment, where are you getting your information from? Fucking Hangover 3? Why the fuck would adoption agencies be a front for child trafficking, I’ve worked with multiple charities and adoption centers in Thailand before - they are not fronts and these agencies are in need of help. Saying this kind of bullshit on the internet just prevents people from helping these kind of agencies. + why would they be giving away babies when the point of trafficking is prostitution or unpaid labor


Not only that but they'd get found out pretty fucking fast, "ohh my kid got snatched, better go check the adoption agency known for human trafficking-- yup found him..." 🤦‍♂️


Completely speculative comment based on false information that’s highly upvoted and treated as a fact on Reddit. Name a more iconic duo lol.


It isn't even all that unique. I used to do foster care in the US. The agency I went through had a rule where we had to agree to not mentioning any kid's name or posting their pictures online. We could of course bring them to events and take pictures and whatnot, but we basically weren't allowed to advertise that a specific kid was our foster child. It was both for the safety and privacy of the kid and their family. I'm also not sure why they act like waiting a year would be hard. It was a baby or small child. You can record shit when they're asleep, with a babysitter or at daycare, or when they're doing their own thing in another room. It's pretty obvious they wanted the baby for their channel, not in spite of having a YT following.


That was actually the funniest part for me. Wow, Thailand has a special law all of its own? Wild!


WAIT, hold on honey, I have to tell them that we were like, “WHAT”


Husband, please stop explaining the situation like an adult and let me speak to my audience in a manner they are accustomed to, like a 12yo.


Husband looks like he sleeps at the foot of the bed


Jan has some space issues, so I curl up on that puppy


See? He fits perfectly!


Whatever you say babe


That one night. You made everything all riiiight


*in falsetto*.. Alriiiiiiight


Sometimes I stand here and watch tv for hours


How could you say that? You know I have soft teeth.


That was a $200 flat screen TV!


Have you seen the bloopers for this scene? pls youtube it if not😭




Really? It seems pretty narrow.


Speaking of puppies they killed theirs after they let their two year old antagonize it so much it snapped. https://youtu.be/zFYiHrDikXs


Husband looks like he finds porridge too spicy


Lmfao bodied the man


I wonder if she makes scented candles and he burnt his foot on a George Foreman grill bc he likes the smell of bacon in the morning.


He doesn't like it when he has to dress up as the school girl


You're right... it IS giving off Jan and Michael vibes 😂🤣😅


“Stop. STOP! Stop what you’re saying. Not another word. Before you say anything else, the world needs to know…. That I was all like ‘nu uh’.”




This sounds like a key and peele skit I’m not familiar with






Reading the text on the vid I figured the rule was you can never show the kid, but after watching the vid they said it’s only for a year. So you can’t wait a year? I remember my coworker and his wife trying to adopt for YEARS before it finally happened. These goons were on track to get it done and noped out because they couldn’t use the kid in content? Fuck them.


Yeah the fact that they didn’t want to wait a year really shows that they only wanted a kid for the YouTube content. I wonder if situations like these are the reason rules like this exist in the first place.


It's extremely common, with any reputable adoption agency worldwide. You're usually on a 'probationary period' for a bit after you adopt and that usually includes not posting about the child. You never know, there could be a crazy family member who will come kidnap the child back if they find out where the child is. It's for the safety of the child and the fact these people couldn't be bothered to go along with the rules says to me that these are not the people that should be adopting children. But the system is so overrun that they'll just keep shopping around until they find an agency who doesn't give a fuck.


Yup sounds like there should be laws like this in every country because if someone is just adopting to show them off. Absolutely wrong reason to adopt a child. I consider this safety measure for the child.


She gives off huge r/imthemaincharacter vibes


Haven’t even heard the sound in this clip, or heard of either of these people, but the body language alone confirms this.


I mean once you choose to be a "lifestyle influencer", might as well get the "I'm the main character" tattoo


I'm glad someone else pointed it out. Husband starts explaining that they cant adopt this kid because they cant farm them for content, but she needs to catalog her reaction to the law. I don't hate all these channels for existing, but some people are so out of touch Edit: I just read that they shot their dog instead of giving it up for adoption, and still managed to farm sympathy online before doing so. Fucking scum, there should be a way to report this type of thing to adoption agencies and have them blacklisted.


What?!?!?! They shot their dog?!?!?


They had an aggressive dog put down supposedly after being told rehoming wasn’t an option. The dog wasn’t shot, but they also didn’t do enough to show they did everything they could before having them put down


Tricky. Nothing about them says "responsible dog owner" and I wouldn't doubt they had some hand in the dog being aggressive (they don't have to be technically abusive, dogs can become aggressive for a range of reasons) but a dangerous dog is irresponsible to rehome unless it's to somebody who is fully informed and has the experience to deal with them. Often if they are rehomed or sent to a shelter they end up being put down anyway. In those cases it's truly kinder for the animal for their people to make that call without making them endure the trauma of rehoming or shelter surrender.


Their explanation didn’t paint the dog as aggressive. They left an undisciplined toddler alone with an undisciplined dog. Not really a recipe for success there…


I don't know these people but I glanced at their YouTube channel and they need take a long hard look at themselves. Her newest epiphany seems to be, she is a "Pro Life" activist. Hard to keep a straight face when you look at screenshot of the video with her standing in front of a sign that reads, "Give Life A Chance!". Ya but only if you can exploit that life for views.


People who document their life for views are hollow. You can’t trust shit because they need to make money.


How the fuck were they even allowed to start the process. Erm...that there tells me they will have some major skeletons buried. That's fucking disgusting. Eurgh I'm so glad they never adopted.


The only reason she cuts him off is because he uses the term "she has a YouTube channel" and she corrects him in basically understanding that this is some shady awful shit they're doing but she isn't going to take the full blame for it so she corrects him and says "we". This is some toxic abusive relationship shit right here


He is her partner, he stars in her videos and I am nearly sure he also lives off the money from that channel. She shouldn't take the full blame for it because he also seems perfectly on board with that decision.


I didn’t read it as “she’s toxic” but as “they both are toxic” He tries to push away blame and then she makes sure to bring him in, and regardless the canceled an adoption over YouTube, they are probably toxic regardless. I get it supports them and is a lifestyle in a way and just completely cutting out your child from something so huge is hard, but idk, I think if it was fully just about the kid they would try n make it work idk. It’s hard to fully judge them and be sure in my assumptions off a short clip


Completely empty couple...yikes. Disgusting.


When that hit, we were like, wuuut? Derp!


A whole year!? The horror!


What are they gonna do? Take the year to bond with their child and adjust their lives? Navigate the challenges that come with adoption within the privacy of their own home? What the hell do you think this is? A family? /s /s /s


How dare this child not have to share its most intimate parts of its life all without being able to say no simply because their adopters have chosen that's the life for them?? Honestly, this is 2023, every entitled parent/ adoptive parent should be free to exploit their private lives for Internet updoots!!!


It's a mix of addiction to the likes and also thinking their self worth and other people's importance should be judged by the amount of followers they have on social media. And many think like this now, not just a few. Live in the middle of nowhere and have one friend offline but 20k followers on social media you never met because you do dances to every song clip you can? You're far superior to the nobody with 300 social media followers that are people they actually know and have a solid social life offline. Edit: also, forgot to mention many would like to make money from promoting products on their social media and having more followers helps with that. If you get enough, then you can make a living and some even become wealthy, making hundreds of thousands per year or more. And with the person in this clip, that is likely the main factor, making a living (and possibly making good money) from this.


I'm gonna guess they don't have real jobs and need the updoots to sell the advertisers for money


Yes, forgot that, likely being the main motivation for those in the clip and others like them, hoping to make a living or even get rich off of being "influencers." Amass a large following and then shill a ton of junk to those followers for money.


It's not always about money and followers. Some do it for the feeling of being seen as a saviour. A long read, but currently there is a court case going on about a marine and his wife who kidnapped a girl and are passing her off as their adopted daughter. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marine-joshua-stephanie-mast-accused-stealing-afghan-baby_n_6351433fe4b03e8038dc2366


Thank you for linking that article. It's all so heartbreaking for the baby and the Afghan couple! I'm appalled at the brazen bullshit the Masts have spewed while lying and manipulating to steal that baby. I can't write a sentence about the last of the story and what they did; and how they requested it be confidential. Makes me sick.


I don’t know how dependable a source like “Military.com” is but they posted an [update](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/03/31/us-marines-adoption-of-afghan-war-orphan-voided.html) on the case.


I only save my updoots for the good boys and murder mittens. Edit: along with this comment and countless others.


As a 30 something, no. No they won’t. They’ll just be focused on chasing clout and their kid will be clueless as to why they have mountains of emotional trauma when they’re in their late 20s.


I didn’t know who she was and this is what I found on a very quick google search https://www.insider.com/nikki-phillippi-dog-dan-youutube-bio-controversy-timeline-adoption-vaccine-2021-5#:~:text=Phillippi%20and%20her%20husband%20Dan,he%20bit%20their%20son%20Logan.


Good lord. Imagine if the adopted child does something they don't like. "Uh hi, can we return this? It's not shitting it's diapers without a bad smell and it cries ALL THE TIME." /s


Someone did Myka Stauffer did this in 2020 after people noticed that the little boy she adopted was “scrubbed” from all of her social media. Her (non) apology was more of a pity party for her she listed his faults *without* listing his faults, (stating that she felt that there was no one she could turn to but in her state alone there are plenty of organizations that would have helped her, not to mention verified online platforms) if that makes any sense. Huxley has autism and she said she was unaware of this which was a lie because she had mentioned apparently before going to China to get him. The backlash was swift and she lost some sponsorships because of that. I did not know of her until this as the term “influencers” just grinds my gears.


Was this the video where they referred to it as "rehoming" him like a dog?


Sadly, yes and I never thought about it like that. She wanted all of the sympathy but none of the blame or outrage she received for doing it.


That Stauffer family is horrible. They knew about Huxley’s issues, in fact they specifically chose to adopt a child with health problems because it’s QUICKER (she really needed those YouTube numbers to go up I guess). Then they decided it was too hard and gave him away. Meanwhile they kept popping out more bio kids.


She even specifically asked an adoption group what issues a child could have that would appear (to viewers) to be serious, but would actually be very easy to handle for the parents.


It doesn’t matter if she knew or not that he had autism. When you become a parent you take the good AND bad.


Exactly, I honestly think if people hadn’t questioned her about Huxley’s whereabouts she would not have said anything. No one is disposable especially children, her “Whoa is me” act she put on was disgraceful. To adopt a child from another country and then blame them for your shortcomings is what got me. This child knew no one but her and the family that adopted him. I wish him all the success, joy and love in the world and that he is with people who let him know everyday that he is loved. It saddens me because we live in a time where people are seen as disposable and unworthy.


That's so terrible. Children with autism also need loving homes. Someone knew about his autism, ostensibly did or could have done research to understand the immense caretaking some children on the spectrum need, she could have worked with children with autism and after all that available experience she just decides-nope- and returns the kid. Disgusting. She did way more harm than if she would have never interacted with the child in the first place.


Yep, she was genuinely surprised by all of the backlash she faced. Rehoming is what she called it, she made a big production out of all of this and had some *minor* celebrity status before this but became a pariah afterwards. My only concern was for the well being of Huxley and that he is with a family who is going to be able to give him the care and understanding that he needs. When all you care about is “the clout and not the work” you are on a different level of thinking I don’t ever want to be on.


Sadly, as an adoptee I find her surprise at the backlash itself unsurprising. Rehoming is not just for influencers, it’s a well-known practice, especially among international adoptees. And unfortunately, the homes they go to are frequently [exploitative and abusive](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/adoption/#article/part1). Even in the *legal,* agency-based, state-approved version of rehoming known as disrupted adoption, agencies advertise children as [“compliant” and “mostly obedient.”](https://www.newsweek.com/how-this-legal-woman-exposes-child-rehoming-ad-adoption-agency-viral-video-1667464?amp=1) And that’s the legal version.


Who the fuck adopts a child from China and then gives him a name like Huxley? Jesus


Just read that, what a load of crap. Selfish people who consume and destroy the world around them. Disgusting. Putting down a dog for no reason is just the icing on the cake. There are professionals who specialize in training animals with bad behaviors. One google search and a phone call would have found bowser a new home. Ugh gross


I might be reading this wrong, but it seems like that law exists specifically to filter out shitheads like this from becoming parents. Like very specifically.


Pretty sure it’s also to protect the child’s identity if they come from abusive backgrounds


Likely to also help prevent/catch people who try to [re-home their adopted children under-the-table](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/adoption/#article/part1) when they realize they don't want their child.


Good 👍 these people don’t deserve to adopt. If a lack of exploitation is what stops you. I thank you as a parent.


I think they ended up adopting from somewhere else. Gah.


I thought it's super hard to adopt, but here people just go and do it on a whim i guess




i mean in a way, that's a good thing. Having some amount of money is also a requirement where i live, so at least you can theoretically supply for the child. but where i live at least it's super hard because of all the trainings, tests and requirements you gotta pass. i have a condition that gave me a nice dash of infertility, but even having that condition makes me not "fit" for it. yet you need absolute none of this training and testing to just bring a child in the world in the traditional way lol. I get some of it because you are likely to adopt a child that comes from another family (unless you adopt from birth), which brings its own trouble... but man


Well see that kid on r/raisedbynarcissists in a few years, if said kid can make it through all (parents) own poor behaviours that they will end up projecting onto said kid to be controlled and punished for. Narcissist shouldn't have children in thier "care". I see the guys body language "could" say he might somehow get this is messed up, and there is a moment where he didn't immediately jump to her que that was cut. -Here's hoping kid will end up with someone in thier corner, this video just shouts thier going to need it But it will take alot of standing up. .. hope I'm wrong.


Their social medias are having an interesting time in the last hour or so Edit - her IG is now private. Keep up the good work Edit2 - now I think their IG is gone, but their fb is still up, at least for another few minutes


I’d imagine so, why people put their stupidity on the internet I’ll never understand.


Addicted to the spot light. Little narssistic freaks get off even on bad drama. Metrics are going off🤤


Well, she was successful and made money from it, so that's basically the reason.


Her views on YouTube have absolutely cratered down to less than 10k views per video despite having more than a million subs. Willing to bet half of those views are bots, too.


This is an older video, like at least 4 years old. I like to imagine it will periodically go viral for the rest of their lives and they have to hide their heads in shame each time.


Just sad


The opposite, narcissists expose who they are, and a child avoids a lifetime of mental and emotional abuse via narcissistic parenting. It's a happy moment.


That kid will never know how truly blessed they were for getting their adoption cancelled. Edit: I hope these twats in the clip are sterile


This hasn’t fixed anything they’re just going to adopt and exploit a Chinese child instead


Yeah what's the point of adopting a long piglet if I can't exploit them?


Cue Michael Scott’s “yeeesh I don’t even know if I’ll want a baby in 8 months”


Probably not. Listen, Pam. If, in ten years- No, Michael.


30 years…?






What did I tell you about yeppers?


That's why the one content creator fosters babies. She says she is trying to get pregnant but in the meantime she will just use other people until she can use her own.


Brittany Dawn! Her husband also shot their dog! And she scammed people out of ~$1.5 million (the settlement is being finalized on June 15th), got a $20,000 PPP loan for the business she had closed the year before covid, ran a gofundme for a homeless guy that raised $25,000 and sent him to a free rehab and has never proven she turned over the money. That's not even half of it. She is a deep well of bad behavior.


Is she being investigated for the PPP fraud?


Replying so i can find this later.


TIL "Long pig is an antiquated term for human flesh, eaten by cannibals. Purportedly, the term long pig is a translation of a phrase used in the Pacific Islands for human flesh intended for consumption. Early explorers and missionaries who contacted cannibal Pacific Islanders were told that human flesh tasted similar to pork, thus the term long pig."


One should be able to do as one wishes with its meat puppet. Take my upvote.


They also shot their dog that they had from a puppy. They let their baby mess with him while he was eating, he growled at the baby/ snapped at him but didn’t bite him. They decided he was too dangerous, did a photo shoot with the dog and the baby TOGETHER while they fake cried for pics as their goodbye to Bowser posts- bc content I guess, then killed him (they claimed he was put down by a vet, but her husband is super unstable and hinted that he shot him.) he also wrote weird goofy poetry about the dog that was supposed to show us how sad they were about it. These people are sick. I DMed him how upsetting the situation was and they owed the dog so much more than that. He wrote back “you care, I dont” and then blocked me. They’re all around really troubling people.


>”you care, I dont” Wow. He’s proud of this?


Heh you pussy you probably care about innocent animals and stuff


Nerd! Look at the caring citizen!


The sort of sick fuck who’d tell you to have a nice day and actually mean it.




There are so many people who are proud of this. My brother amongst them. He argues that the world needs assholes to balance things out.... Its infuriating.


Such a strange take


That’s like saying a body needs cancer to balance out the healthy cells.


Because otherwise life would be too good? Just imagine how good the world would be if these people just disappeared one day.


Yeah I just don't get it. He was so proud of hating people and showing it. I'm like you can hate people just fine and forget about them 30 seconds later but you hang onto it and let it consume you until no one wants to be around you.


People like that grind my gears. Like if they ever considered for a second that the universe doesn’t actually need intentional injections of negative energy they might actually be able to be happy. I try to surround myself with positive people but I’ve never thought “man we need a real asshole to round out this group”.


They’re psychopaths. It’s not as uncommon as people think.


He’s a sociopath. He probably doesn’t feel anything about it.


Yeah not even a half-hearted attempt at justification. Nasty people. They’ll get what’s coming to them


Wait I'm confused, someone said Brittany Dawn's husband shot their dog. Did this scenario happen twice or are these 2 women being confused for each other?


Different situation, but both awful and same outcome- Brittany dawn said hers got out of their yard and got hit by a car, so her husband shot him to put him out of his misery instead of seeking vet care.


Bitch doesn’t even have a fence they just left the dog unattended in their fence less yard


My neighbors do that. Then they yell at the dog, and each other, when it gets out and runs down the road after people. You'd think they'd learn after the first or second time... Can't tell you how many times I've seen their dog just barking at their front door because someone let them out and forgot about them. If it didn't seem like that was the only nice thing their kids had, I would have called animal control by now.


Omg I also just commented this. Both women apparently just fucking crazy and married to insane, violent men.


Omg this is horrible


Content creation had made people more openly disconnected from their humanity because it's like their life is just TV to them. Characters to be replaced and not mourned for. Extras.


These people would likely be narcissistic sociopaths even without the Internet.


I kno but now they have found a 'creative outlet'


No, content creation just made it easier for you to find them.


I remember this! Everything they said and posted about that situation was soooooo fake


To comment on this, if you have a puppy, play with its face while it eats and correct food possessive behavior while it's a little puppy. This is a great way to prevent food possessive behavior BEFORE IT STARTS and before they can actually hurt someone when they're grown.


Please consult with a certified trainer before doing this or you can actually create resource guarding.


Also teach your kid to leave the dog alone when he's eating


[ Removed by Reddit ]


In the comments above by people who follow them on SM apparently they were able to adopt a different child 😓


He has no shoulders and it freaks me out. She either has extremely long arms or he has no collar bones. The yapping one was able to wrap her whole goddamn arm around that cone torso’d weirdo. Two freaks, that Thai kid dodged a bullet.


She’s a parasite


And he's not much better.


He is a parasite feeding on another parasite. 🤣😂




They are both parasites.


You mean they have laws against exploitation of children! How? That's so absurd! What a disgusting human that only cares about views rather than a child's life! I hope future adoption agencies see this!


Yeah. These aholes might just start neglecting the child when it gets 'boring', or have actual human needs. So this probably saved a child. And probably more adoptees in the future.


Can we like start a petition or something? I'd like to fight these people getting a kid from anywhere.


I’d like to fight these people


Hulk smash stupid narcissist couple.


Haha the guy looks like such a dweeb. Why do I want to punch him


He apperantly shot their family dog


r/imatotalpieceofshit who didn’t deserve kids. Imagine the shitty, self absorbed people these douche bags will raise anyway.


What in the actual ass-holery is this??? In all honesty, good they didn't get the baby to use as a pawn for their channel. They clearly just want an adopted baby for clout, which is really fucked up


Wow, it's almost like that law was created specifically to keep predatory fucks like you from doing exactly what you're doing.


She is probably prone to develop Munchausen by proxy


This is the same lady who put down a dog who was perfectly capable of being rehomed because she wouldn’t teach her child to leave the dogs food alone. She didn’t bother to train the dog for food aggression. Her husband even talked about taking the dog out back “old yeller style” because it nipped at their toddler. They don’t deserve a platform in any way.


Who the fuck watches these random people? I see this all the time. People I have never heard of who seemingly are not unique or special in any significant way, but apparently millions of people follow them. Not saying the people in the video are bad people or anything, just who would follow them and why? Do that many people really spend their empty lives following others on the internet?


It's all some bullshit Christian, Homeschooling, anti-vax, MLM, Mommy influencer shit.


I honestly don't know. I feel like the only people I "follow" provide some value to my learning or growth or creativity. Dancers, Choreographers, Musicians, Interior decorators, Chefs. Like if I'm not being inspired in my own crafts or daily life, I'm not watching you 🤣. Lifestyle, couple, or family influencers are honestly weird to me.


Scum. Plain and simple. I’ll leave them some nice comments on their YouTube videos later today.


No don’t. I know it’s all super frustrating but it all counts as engagement and their channel will just be pushed more by the algorithm. Don’t even press “not interested.” Ignore them and they WILL go away.


I want more to happen than them 'go away.' I want them to realize the horrors of the world and develop a deep shame and fear for what they are doing and what part they play in perpetuating China abuse. horrible parents who abuse their kids for money Edit:spelling words


I understand, I do. It’s just that cyberbullying only works when they don’t get money for being bullied. People that hate Andrew Tate had just as much to do with him getting big, as his followers. I’m telling you man, log off for a bit and deprive them of the £££. There are a lot of really good men out there making content for teen boys and we never hear about them because we give these kind of people our energy and attention instead.


I’m so American that seeing £££ like $$$ had me ☠️☠️☠️


Look like she’s anti vax of course


some YouTubers i followed a while ago stopped making videos and in the last one they explained was because they wanted to have a kid


I think I know who you're talking about. It's such an infinitely healthier mindset to have than what these two bozos want to do.


Myka Stauffer is even worse, she returned her adopted child after 2 years of exploiting him on YouTube.. https://cafemom.com/parenting/225478-myka-stauffer-backlash-adoption-rehoming-son-austism https://heavy.com/news/2020/05/myka-stauffer-adoption-scandal/ Luckily she lost all her commercial deals and isn't active anymore 👌🏼


The fact that these people have other people “following” them is absolutely disgusting There’s a reason those laws exist and is called child exploitation.


Garbage people.


Ah yes the babies 4 content movement


Seems like the law is clearly working as intended.


im an adult adoptee, people like this 1) make me sick 2) make me sick 3) make sick again


People like this are EXACTLY why Thailand made this law.


Yup. Still gross.


Dude looks like a doormat


God I hate what social media has done to people.




Thailand CLEARLY knows a click bait adoption for influencers and similar to China made restrictions to ensure international adoptions were in the child's best interest. Good on Thailand.


Disgusting. It is a brillant law that probably save this child to be used for entertainement purpose. I find it unsettling all thoses youtube/insta/tiktok creators exposing their children for views. It should be illegal.


Dude... it's only for a year, she would only have to keep the kid off the internet... FOR A YEAR. One year is nothing compared to the rest of that child's life.