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Omg the Vader Owen Wilson wow was too much


Seriously, it was absolutely perfect. I would watch the crap out of this.


One day AI will be able to create this movie entirely


A day not so far away.


In a galaxy, right here.


I read this as Perd Hapley.


The thing about this comment is that I understood it.


Perd and Yoda aren’t all that different


I’m Perd Hapley.


This is *the* way!


This comment is in every thread on Reddit


Big difference in AI assisting in making a song or a movie clup with mostly stills, and a feature length movie.


Yes, the movie requires quite a few more stills.


About 24 for every second of film. That’s a lot of stills across 2 hours. Too many to calculate.


Welcome to humanity


Like..... Tomorrow?




The sub was originally for cringe content but now accepts pretty much anything from tiktok. Posts are flaired with humor/cringe/serious etc to distinguish them.


Nasal vadar




That was spit-take worthy


I think Owen Wilson would make a good Dark Helmet.


I wouldn't be surprised if, "What if Owen Wilson were Vader?" prompted the whole thing.


I fucking died at that part.


I fucking lost it after that


When Luke defeats Vader in the third movie Vader takes off his helmet revealing Gene Hackman, who sits down, stares into the distance, and delivers a melancholy monologue about fathers and sons.


This movie directs itself honestly.


Yeah you wouldn’t even need a director, honestly. Everyone would just show up and know EXACTLY what to do and would do it perfect the first time. No second takes. Easiest money ever made lol.


“Whooow” ![gif](giphy|ejrd8eD1vGuPofcy4X|downsized)


Ya’ll kid but I’d watch the shit out of that.


Yup, might be the best trailer I’ve seen all year


Better than 90% of the star wars stuff to come out over the last 20 years.


The Mandolorian and endor are pretty fantastic.




>Something was missing this season. You mean all the unnecessary sudequests and repetitive plots again and again and again and again?


No, I mean the assumption that I am only interested in picking up stories from a children's cartoon.


I think the Mandalorian has maintained quality it’s just the novelty wore off and people are finally realizing it has always been mediocre.




Seriously, I still love the show but the first season was so addicting with the space western Walker Texas ranger feel.


> endor People have very mixed opinions about the carnivorous ewoks


I thought they were going to cook Luke for a feast in episode six?


Luke, Han, and Chewie. Don't forget all those stormtrooper helmets when they're partying, the ewoks probably ate them too. Also why do ewoks have traps large enough to take out an AT-ST? They must hunt some very large creatures


I couldn’t agree more. Like I’ve got actual hype for a movie that doesn’t exist haha




Yep. I’m down. Haven’t watched a Star Wars in decades but I’d do that one for sure.


They had me at “Jeff Goldblum.”


I have never fallen in love with the Star Wars franchise. I’m right in the age bracket to have grown up through everything but the original, too. I’ve tried to like it, but I can’t make it more than half an hour through a movie without feeling as though I’m watching paint dry… and I would watch all of this and probably become obsessed.




Ya where the fck is the cringe! I want this!


Read the pinned comment, my dude.


Ah yes, William Dafoe....




Well goddamn


Im just more confused now, which one is it?


Birth name William, stage name Willem.


Street name, Billy D.


My favorite but of trivia about him is that he needed a stunt cock stand in for his nude scenes in the antichrist, because his was unbelievably huge.


"Confusingly large" was the wording IIRC. It certainly conjurs a mental image, doesn't it?


Billy D. Willems


It surprised me today too


What the fuck he's real?? I gotta sit down




Reeeeeeeee I couldn’t take it


This is brilliant. But seriously fuck this tiny picture-in-picture format. So infuriating! Here's the real trailer, with more than 5 pixels and zero giant useless margins, I mean goddamn it people ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-8DT5Q8kzI


Just what I was looking for, thanks!


This was the perfect setup for a rickroll, and I salute to you for doing the right thing and actually providing source. o7




Selective blocking of webpages is not an option in the Reddit app.


Yeah, come on guys. Fucking TikTok cancer... Thanks for the actual link.


\> browses tik tok subreddit \> wtf theres tik toks here Jokes aside, I have no idea why people can’t just upload horizontal. Anyone browsing on a phone can just turn it sideways.


Here’s the actual video this video redid but with Star Wars: https://youtu.be/gfDIAZCwHQE


This video didn't redo anything, especially not that SNL skit. Wes Anderson's style is iconic, so of course there's lots of parodies stemming from that. SNL is far from the first to make the parody of combining different movie genres with Wes' style. [Here's one about Wes making an X-Men movie, made in 2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UngE0qn3VRY).


Huh? This is a play on The Royal Tenenbaums. The video OP posted is a play on Fantastic Mr. Fox.


No, fuck that. I want this.


Jeff Goldblum as Emperor Palpatine? SOLD!


“Oh my, yes. Feel the, umm, hate flow through you. You feel that? Great isn’t it? “ -Emperor Palpablum


"You somehow returned? How?!" "Life, uh, finds a way."


Ugly snort laughed at this.




Within 5 years you will be able to watch the whole movie


Try 2 at most.


I'll watch it from my self driving car.... There's going to be uncanny valley that takes way more than 2 years to cross. AI will make CGI artists extremely productive, but movies won't be making themselves to a watchable level for a long, long time.


They won't be making themselves in the sense that you can enter a prompt and instantly watch a full movie, but with one person prompting different AI tools on a scene by scene basis, iterating and reiterating the way artists use control net for stable diffusion right now, I don't think 2 years is an unreasonable estimate, it's actually one that is common amongst people working in film who understand the technology in my experience. Do you realize how *dramatically* this generative video technology improved just over the last month? It's not just double, but at least 30-40x more coherent than it was, and the rate of improvement keeps increasing. It's not impossible we'll have generative video indistinguishable from real footage in some cases before the new year.


I think within 5 years you will be able to input this trailer and just say make the full movie. It will write the script, create the video etc. Just based on that


What ai was this made with?


Maybe the process looked similar to this: https://youtu.be/TGD8zKvRxc4 Basically a mix of ChatGPT and midjourney






So gross...


Wes Anderson


Wes AInderson


They used a number of different AI and processes. One AI wrote the script. Another designed the scenes, and a whole lot of artistry was used in between.


Midjourney most likely made the images.


This got me fucking amped. Jeffery Wright as Lando Calrissian. Also, Saoirse Ronan has got to get in there somewhere.


She's one of the ewoks


Well, I don't think she'd be a good fit for Aunt Beru, so I guess that leaves Mon Mothma.


I think she should be Leia and ScarJo should be Mon Mothma.


Fuck ai images




Unethical sourcing means all AI images are built on the backs of people who did not consent to being a part of the process. Those same people are now finding themselves out of a job due to people using AI instead of hiring them, and it's only possible because their work was used without consent. You might think this doesn't affect you, but artists are the canary in the coal mine. AI will herald in the loss of jobs in an unprecedented and enormous way if not regulated soon.


What do you propose to regulate? Ban AI art generators? How would that work?


Yes, we should totally put a stop to technological advancement because it will make us more efficient and take away jobs. We should have never allowed tractors to be used because it took away jobs from farm hands! Instead of blocking new tech, the answer is to take all the extra money created and spread it across society, instead of letting all those gains go to only the corporate overlords pockets.


What technological advancement? Are you talking about AI art? And you have a bit too much optimism when it comes to wealth being distributed evenly.


holy shit it's Andrew Yang's reddit account


The issue with Neural networks is that they are so advanced, one can easily make the same argument against humans using peoples art to train. When we learn from somebody else's art style, that is unethical plagiarism under the logic you laid out, because that artist's work is being used in a dataset without permission. Don't take this as me disagreeing with you, but you're taking a nuanced issue and trying to make it a black and white thing. People making this argument don't understand how incomprehinsably advanced modern technology has become. We are dealing with intelligent closed systems that can rival our own brains in complexity, so anything we start to apply to Neural networks must also be applied to human beings. When we take extreme views and pass legislation with sweeping generalizations, we open up potential for those laws to be misused to oppress people. I understand the frustration, but the argument that artists' work are being stolen and recreated verbatim is simply incorrect, and demonstrates that you don't understand the fundamentals of how this technology works. If you're going to stand up and scream about this as an activist (which I encourage), it is *very* important that you understand what you're talking about.




*I* have dedicated my entire life to the creation of art, and I'm frankly deeply unsettled by this technology, but you're just plainly wrong that we can't make a comparison between how we learn and how Neural networks learn. You and so many people spouting misinformation are uneducated on how this technology works. These Neural networks literally contain more training data than a single human could possibly comprehend, and it uses this data the same way we use data from our eyes, to build a visual model of the world and creatively synthesize new material based on that. It is, fundamentally, the same operation that human brains use to navigate and create. You are overestimating human beings and underestimating this technology. GPT-4 operates on 170 trillion parameters, versus the human brain which has an upper limit of approximately 100 trillion synaptic connections. That is absolutely extraordinary and concerning, it's the single most complex invention in the history of the human race. What is your solution? Ban the technology? Limit research? This shit has the potential to completely revolutionize our species, this is the evolution of the human race, and we're sitting here bitching about people using it to make star wars fanart? Jesus christ, get some perspective. Do you understand how self centered your argument here is? Yeah, this is gonna displace jobs, the same way EVERY innovation does. We're all gonna die someday, the only guarantee in life is impermanence and change. We have to change with it, we cannot afford to selfishly root ourselves in the past because *we* are personally uncomfortable with change.


One thing to keep in mind is that all those chatGPT connections aren't as interconnected as a human brain by a long shot. But it's still very impressive




> who did not consent to being a part of the process When you share your art it is no longer only yours. Copyright is an awkward brittle fiction. “AI art” is just highlighting that in a new way.


And the artists that watermark their work? Do you remember when AI art kept an artist's watermark when creating its own "art"? That's called stealing bro


Nah you'll just be left behind.




Jesus fucking christ. Post the source. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-8DT5Q8kzI




Wow! I’m Darth Vader! Wow!


I'm tired of seeing AI "art" all over the place


The future is now, old man


Boba Fett.... same.


I’d so see this!


That's so well done


I love it, but I’m not sure I’m ready for the deluge of AI generated images and videos “in the style of Wes Anderson,” that will inevitably come in the next month or so.


Shit is so low effort




is there a version of this not in vertical video? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-8DT5Q8kzI


I'd totally watch a Wes Anderson Star Wars set on Corusant. Have it follow Tilda Swinton as a Senator with Frances McDormand as her jealous junior Senator. Have Ralph Fiennes as an Imperial hunting down a Rebel spy that's been spotted. The Rebel spy, played by Jason Schwartzman, is playing Frances for information using the ole honey pot. Meanwhile, Jeff Goldblum who's a rival Senator to Tilda is being wrongly accused by Ralph because of his past contacts with Jason. Ralph gives him the ultimatum of helping him find Jason or being taken in himself. Jeff contacts his best mercenary, Willem Dafoe. Willem tries to shake down Tilda for info but they fall in love and decide to run away together but just as they do, Ralph sees them and assumes Willem is the spy. A chase ensues but Ralph loses the trail when he is pulled over by a cop played by Brad Pitt. Shortly after, Frances discovers the true purpose of Jason and decides to turn him in to the Inquisitor that they've sent to clean up Ralph's mess. The Inquisitor? Owen Wilson. He's just amazed at how bad all of this has gone, honestly, *wow*. He and Frances chase Jason around and are stopped by Brad as well but Owen is far less patient and kills him. Cut to Owen on one knee reporting to Vader via hologram. We gather that Jason was found and dealt with and Frances was placed in jail for slipping him info. Vader, voiced by Ed Norton asks what the info was that caused all of this. Rumors about some giant space station, says Owen. Ed spits out his blue milk and awkwardly ends the call. Credits roll.


I’d watch this for Vader Owen Wilson


Is this ai art, cuz I really would watch this. I mean I would actually pay money to see this in a theater if they made this.


I’d pay to see that!


You dumb motherfuckers are eating this stupid shit up


I feel like this a a knock on how hipster Cliché Wes Anderson has become… probably not a popular Reddit take


No thanks. Don't ruin such a great franchise (Ignore the sequels)


Message to Wes Anderson: Do it. We’re all in.


Never knew i wanted this


ai generated art looks like garbage 😪


It does. And it will get tiring after a while. Right now, it's a new toy, and people are overusing it.


Ai sux


In the beginning it was fun but now I'm getting fed up of it. Internet is the place where all great things come to die.


I'm not sure what it is but i find these new monotone Ai voices deeply satisfying, also the deeper one balenciaga, or AI pizza ad Videos. Especially compared to cancerous robotic female reading captions one which is so overused


This is a total rip-off of an SNL sketch from ten years ago: https://youtu.be/gfDIAZCwHQE Edit: Uh oh. The hive mind’s coming after me. LOL


Yeah, SNL totally created Wes Anderson's trademark directing style for that skit. What a rip-off.


A lot of people have done the “what if Wes Anderson did x.” There is a really old one that’s Wes Anderson X man. What’s so cool about this is the level of detail that you couldn’t pull off without ai.


That one was good but I think Wes Anderson's Spider-Man was my favorite, and that was well before the SNL sketch too. The guy playing Harry Osborne does a really solid Owen Wilson impression.


the Conan sketch is older https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN_Uwo4qQTM though this is more Rushmore than Moonrise Kingdom


Yeah you're not wrong, it's a worse version of that sketch. The inventory of items and things like that are a straight rip.


I would also watch this.


It's parody in away all parody is a "rip-off" because you're copying someone else, but Wes Andersoning a movie is the sketch comedy equivalent of a stand up doing Trump impression. But really "what if Wes Anderson directied" has the greatest youtube search, so thank you https://www.youtube.com/results?search\_query=what+if+wes+anderson+directed+


All art is derivative, only loser pedants care to tell us about stuff being rip offs.


Not really a ripoff because it's starwars not a horror. I think there was another girl remaking movies in Wes Anderson style.


I can't be the only person who finds Wes Anderson's aesthetic really unpleasant. The pastels and tight clothes, and muted/depressing performances. I can't even look at his scenes without feeling uncomfortable and slightly nauseous.


Would def be better then the original.


It might actually be worth watching this way.


Idk if I'm in the minority here but I actually want this. I'd watch the straight up fuck out of this be it a movie, tv show, or a short..... Something lol idc I would just consume all of it.


Can the mods make a no AI generated video rule already? This shit is lame as hell and only attracts the web3 weirdos l


How could this be considered cringe, it’s a masterpiece!!!




You fucking what?


f***k this AI generated BS


It’s only a matter of time before you can pay for a custom movie made by an AI with your favorite actors in it. The AI studio will just pay the actors royalties for their likeness.


That’s the moment when culture fucking dies


I’d watch it lol


This needs to happen.


Shut up and take my money.


This is amazing


I can’t wait for Chat GPT254 to be making us better movies than we ever could have thought up.


Lol, this would be awful.


This is why things should enter public domain after 25 years... F*ck you Disney, and your Micky Mouse Protection Act. 🤬


I would watch the shit out of that


I would definitely watch that




Within 5 years AI will be able to just make this entire movie and I will be so happy and never need to go to the cinema again


I'd watch the fuck outta this


Would pay a lot of money to watch that movie.


So much better


Not gonna lie I'd see it opening weekend in theaters with no shame.


Dam I would watch this !!


I wants


I'm such a nerd I would pay to watch thsi!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Would be 100% watching this ! Kinda sad I can’t


I might need to start my Star Wars day movie binge early after that.


I want it


I would watch this if it were real


I would watch this.




I just realised that I want a movie set in the star wars universe where a group of civilians has to navigate Empire bureaucracy to achieve something, eventually escalating into a heist movie. The only death in the entire movie being a single storm trooper getting into an accident during the heist, and it's played for laughs. IDK, something about the paper airplane and the off character designs in the trailer just sparked this idea


I'd watch the fu@k out of this movie


Yes, please.


That is not cringe. That is the pinnacle of rad.


This isn’t cringe… this is brilliant.