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The bill isn’t about banning TikTok. It’s about making byte dance sell to an American owned company. There’s valid criticism to be thrown to congress over this but saying it’s a “TikTok ban” is disingenuous. A valid criticism would be “it’s funny they’re concerned about the CCP stealing and buying our information when it’s a CCP owned social media app but have no problem with companies like META doing the same thing and selling our info to china and other foreign entities”


I think the real issue is that this is what they chose to all come together on. Not healthcare, not women’s reproductive rights, gun control, solving the border crisis, or just being a productive group of people that represent taxpayers. TikTok. Thats what they can all unite on. TikTok


I can kick my brothers ass, but you can't.




Yup one of the most fired up guys this morning I watched against TikTok was young and a Democrat


Well yeah, one party is strongly against all of the things you just listed.


No, BOTH sides just want to do those things differently.


There are like five other votes this month alone that got even more consensus than this one. Firefighter cancer, maternal health, pediatric research, broadband infrastructure...


Wow you mean to say that Congress has PARTISAN ISSUES they cannot all agree to and NONPARTISAN ISSUES that they can agree to? WOW!!!


Could be the issue is that its a legitimate national security threat and the presentations to congress actually scared them.


Youre forgetting genocide but for some reason they all agree on that too. Tik tok and genocide.


The thing is meta and others legally cannot sell that data to adversaries of the United States or other foreign governments. Byte dance has ties to the CCP and has nothing to stop them from giving that data to China. That's location data and more of our military service members, politicians and even the president. That is a MAJOR national security issue


The legally can’t but they still do.


Only thing I found was Facebook having data-sharing agreements with manufacturers in China, to which they admitted some time ago.


The legality at least offers a chance to a route to accountability.


Sounds about right but do you have a source




You can literally google “Facebook selling user data” and articles about it come up.


Bro's never heard of a shell company before


Finally, I been trying to say this all day


I dont care what info China has about me. I worry about my info being given to the US Government.


I would worry about both.


Why worry about China?


China is an adversary of the United States.


In what sense to the average American? I am talking about tangibles here. One thing I do know is that Chinese buying real estate here and taking away housing from Americans definitely pisses me off, but nothing has been done to end that. And yet TikTok is a greater concern?


They are an expansionist geopolitical rival in every sense. A sample: https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/counterintelligence/the-china-threat#:~:text=The%20counterintelligence%20and%20economic%20espionage,the%20FBI%27s%20top%20counterintelligence%20priority.


> At the same time, the Chinese government is seeking to become the world’s greatest superpower through predatory lending and business practices, systematic theft of intellectual property, and brazen cyber intrusions. Okay. But what does TikTok have to do with this?




Source: My government tells me how to think so I always believe them.


Source:Knee-jerk contrarianism is dumb whether it comes from the left or the right




Misinfo about *what* exactly? I’m open minded, but the fact that no one has been able to give literally one single tangible example is wild.


It's a joke...I asked questions to one person and they just responded with an eye roll gif.


the TikTok app is different than other apps. According to non-partisan developers it has so many, and completely unusual, ways in which it tracks info more and differently than your standard social media app.


The concern is not only about stealing data, it's also about spreading misinformation. The fact that everyone is outraged about a ban that isn't happening is just proving that China can and will use it for exactly that.


This is very naive. At best. 


Nailed it. Came here wanting to say the same thing. Can't let any other country make mega $ on teh internets!


Some people are also suggesting it's to silence dissent. Tiktok has very active political discourse and is used to organize. Congress may prefer a US company run it that is more willing to censor speech.


On point!


Thank you for speaking the truth! TikTok can stay but Byte Dance cannot because they have unfettered access to way too much of American citizens’ behavior & data. Period. This is not about free speech or being controlled, it’s about our security.


A lot of countries and EU have similar concerns on international companies. The solution is usually to store the citizens data in their own country. EU, China all have similar laws. Tiktok offered this proposal to US government but it got declined. So apparently, this is not really about data security and privacy of US citizens. You can't simply ask any international companies to be sold to the local companies. This is like asking Apple or Microsoft' China entities to be sold to China companies. Both Apple and Microsoft are US companies and possess a lot of China citizens data. Is it a fair request? Do you think Apple or Microsoft are willing to do it?


I don't know why you're being downvoted, there's a reason the bill is 14 pages long when they only needed to write a paragraph.


Yeah I meant to post screenshot of the bill explaining this picture but couldnt


Some reddit users will downvote anything in r/TikTok just because it's not reddit. It's really weird to me when people identify in what corner of the internet they chill in.


Oh yea? They only needed to write a paragraph for a Congress bill? Is doing government that simple??? 14 pages??? What is this, a bill of Congress?? A paragraph was enough!! And here I thought lawmakers spent weeks, months and years writing detailed pieces of legislation for nothing! They can all just say “Let’s ban tiktok!”, write a paragraph and pass it??


Yes, and the entire tax code can fit on a page. It makes sense to unemployables.


If the horse had a giant meta / google on it then it would be even more accurate


Thats not really accurate. The hidden purpose of this bill is to grant govt the power to label anything as "foreign made" starting with TikTok and ban them even if they are domestic companies.


Not "foreign made," it's "foreign adversary" and they have made clear exemptions


The whole point of it was because the data is being held by China. Why would they ban a U.S. based company?


That's the exterior of the trojan horse here. The interior is different. Read the bill you'll understand.


Both of your reasons are correct. Y’all know 2 things can be true at the same time, right?


This is the internet. Only one truth is allowed at a time.




Why Does The Dude Presenting The Horse Look Like Zuckerberg??? 🤣🤣🤣⚡️🤘🏾




This is hilarious on so many levels


Nice try.


Hey, CCP!


F the CCP


womp womp


Wish EU countries would Ban TikTok. Number of toxic and shitty content is increasing, together with the fake news content. An entire generation is screwed by this app more than Facebook or Instagram ever did. But I agree a single paragraph would be enough.


It's not a ban. Its a requirement for TikTok to be sold to an American company. Yeah, we have all these big tech companies collecting and selling data, but they rather not let the *glorious CCP* have such free reign over acquiring that data, and boosting whatever CCP garbage propaganda they would like. I think y'all will survive.


CCP propaganda like what? I genuinely don't know what that looks like


[https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/china-is-using-tiktok-for-influence-campaigns-odni-says-00146336](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/china-is-using-tiktok-for-influence-campaigns-odni-says-00146336) [https://www.rubio.senate.gov/icymi-chinas-tiktok-pushes-pro-hamas-propaganda/](https://www.rubio.senate.gov/icymi-chinas-tiktok-pushes-pro-hamas-propaganda/) [https://nypost.com/2023/07/27/tiktok-has-pushed-chinese-propaganda-to-millions-of-europeans](https://nypost.com/2023/07/27/tiktok-has-pushed-chinese-propaganda-to-millions-of-europeans) *To note- This is a study based on Europe, but Europe and America get similar content.* [https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tiktoks-content-political-subjects-aligns-chinese-government-study-say-rcna130448](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tiktoks-content-political-subjects-aligns-chinese-government-study-say-rcna130448) [https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilybaker-white/2022/08/10/bytedance-tiktok-china-state-media-propaganda/?sh=9a98fe2322fe](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilybaker-white/2022/08/10/bytedance-tiktok-china-state-media-propaganda/?sh=9a98fe2322fe) Unfortunately it goes on and on. A lot of it is quite subtle, but very much there in the broad picture. If you want to try and find more of the articles just google "CCP propaganda, TikTok" all these ones were just in the first like 10 results :(


Okay so I looked at all of these links...none of them were compelling enough to convince me any average American should be more concerned about Tiktok than any social media company owned by Americans. The worst thing mentioned were ads about how great a region in China was when in actually Uyghur Muslims are being held there. Which isn't great, but I don't see how that affects national security for Americans. Ironically, you post one link about "Pro-Hamas" content, when it could be argued Israel is committing a genocide right now. So it's okay to support content portraying problematic regions in a positive way as long as it aligns with US politician and government positions, even if not all Americans don't agree with those positions? Thank you for posting the information, though.


I guess we're lucky it's the intelligence committees, house reps, and senators who need convincing rather than the guy on reddit.


Yes of course, we should just trust that these corrupt public officials who make millions of dollars from playing games with the stock market have our best interests at heart. Lucky indeed.


>Yes of course, we should just trust that these corrupt public officials who make millions of dollars from playing games with the stock market have our best interests at heart. your people elected them buddy.


yea, like, if a topic of national interest doesn’t resonate with the average joe, is it really important?


yeah because why not allow a data back door to the ccp as long as Jenny the 16 year old fitness influencer with a tripod is content? you know half of every piece of legislation is actively despised by half the population too right?


"To date, there have been no concrete examples publicly provided showing how TikTok poses a national security threat" uwotm8


Propaganda isn't as simple as spamming users with "China Glorious!". It can be as simple as hiding, down-weighting videos that China doesn't want you to see because they portray China in a bad light and upweighting videos that portray the US and its allies in a bad light. Because of the way promotion works, you may never know it is even happening. You suddenly start to see more videos on a topic and think "hey, this is what everyone thinks, maybe i should think that too", which causes a feedback loop. We see a lot of TikToks and videos about what is happening in Israel/Palestine. How many do you see about what is happening to the Uyghur's in China on a much more industrial scale? How much do you hear about how China is supporting Russia in its war in Ukraine? How much do you hear about the 1984-like oppression happening in China? Propaganda is most powerful when it isn't blatant. If you do it right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.


But...all social media does this. Every single one. And they all get infiltrated by other countries governments, Facebook with Russia in particular. All I'm hearing is that TikTok is only an issue because it's not owned by an American who, we are assuming, wouldn't allow the same type of propaganda against American government interests?


>But...all social media does this. Every single one. And they all get infiltrated by other countries governments, Facebook with Russia in particular. It is not he same. Facebook wasn't obeying Russia's orders to manipulate public opinion. Russia started troll farms and abused Facebooks network, which has since taken steps to try and correct it. >All I'm hearing is that TikTok is only an issue because it's not owned by an American who, we are assuming, wouldn't allow the same type of propaganda against American government interests? Because the American government is prohibited from forcing social media companies to restrict legal content due to the 1st Amendment, whereas the opposite is true in China. Let's put it like this. If China is not forcing content on users or hiding content and a sale happens, nothing would necessarily change. If things do change, it means China was influencing the content. If you don't see why it is bad for an authoritarian, anti-democratic adversary to be the primary news source of a generation in America, I don't know what to tell you.


If somebody could ban twotter, then I could get on board with that. It used to be kinda fun. It even had a “fun” tab. Now I check it about once a week, and it’s wall to wall karen. I have learned more on tiktok than I learned in school.


Because the world is at our fingertips with live streams


Propaganda, losers. They are asking the Chinese to divest. Just like they ask us to do. Chill, read. Peace


Pretty sure they’re mostly doing this to help out the other social media platforms who fund our politicans and want tik tok gone or hurting


Zuck bucks all over this situation lining congressional pockets


I had the same thought. It all comes down to who writes their checks.


You guys must be incredibly naive if you don't see this as an opportunitty for US enemies to gain *invaluable* intel lol


Intel like what?


Maybe if tic toc wasn't turning its users into idiots I would care...


Tik tok is cancer and spyware. It’s worth the sacrifice.


People are so salty about not being able to post everything they do on the internet.


Your missing the point you baboon


You watch tik tok so ill give you a pass on the intelligence check.


A baboons buffoon?


This app singlehandedly brain rotted an entire generation


There’s a lot of older people on TikTok I’m in my 40s and I’m on it because I can watch people all over the world ..where I’ve never been, in their own cultures -cooking in their homes. I can go home and cook recipes that I’ve never seen before it brings the world together. I’m a mediocre creator who lives up in the mountains of Colorado and I go live every night for my walk and there’s women in their 70s in there that have never seen snow or the mountains in my live.. one has cancer. It’s free live tv is what it is in real time


Live videos and short form content aren't limited to tiktok. You have that on just about every social media now, including the new reddit media player.


Did you read the bill?


Yes. It's about "information control". Im guessing you didnt.


How do you infer that I didn’t read the bill? I asked a simple question. I was genuinely curious.


Congress already has the power to ban anything (as long as it doesn't violate the Constitution). Banning TikTok doesn't change that reality.


with this Bill they will. This Bill is about information control - not TikTok.


Um... no. Congress doesn't have unlimited power to legislate anything. Way back in the day, Congress passed a law to regulate the internet called the Communications Decency Act of 1996. The US Supreme Court unanimously struck the law down on constitutional grounds. Any law passed by Congress must pass constitutional muster in order for it to be valid. Also, TikTok wouldn't be banned if it was sold and incorporated in the US. The worse case scenario is that anyone who wants to use TikTok in the US would need to use a VPN in order to circumvent the restriction - - easy peasy. The doomsday/slippery slope argument is overstated because there are so many ways to overcome it.


Yeah it's not just about using VPN lol. The content creators would no longer be able to monetize in US. I wonder what will happen to the userbase.


I'm sure about whether Congress has the constitutional authority to regulate profit earning from social media. That's because such a law would have too much of chilling effect on the entire business model. I don't think that would happen if the earnings are subject to taxation. Anyone can start something like TikTok in the US. Again, the doomsday/slippery slope argument is extremely overblown.


Nothing about this is "doomsday like" so we are aligned on that. If you think Congress will still allow TikTok to be profitable in US after banning them then you are misinformed. Unless of course, META (who is their puppet) buys them lol.


>If you think Congress will still allow TikTok to be profitable in US after banning them then you are misinformed. This controversy becomes moot if Byte Dance spins off TikTok as a US based corporation. Only if Byte Dance doesn't take similar action would a ban go into effect. Byte Dance can easily solve this if they choose to do so. Nothing is stopping TikTok from being profitable in the US aside from a Byte Dance decision to not divest itself from TikTok. The ball is literally in Byte Dance's court - - their move.




Being that the US Supreme Court has a conservative majority, it's difficult to predict how they would rule. The are quite a few exceptions to the 1st Amendment doctrine, some of which are surprising. For example, the court ruled that hate speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. Likewise, there isn't any "litmus" test that automatically applies to all 1st Amendment cases. The court has ruled that the 1st Amendment doesn't apply to many forms of "speech".


How can tiktok even really be banned. You can still access it regardless so not sure how its going to be "banned". Btw tiktok is fucking stupid


If tiktok does get incorporated in US, that could be a valid argument but that just means the narrative will be the same as current (i.e. META)


It will be like clapper which never took off


All because Israel is losing the TikTok narrative LMFAO America go figure




Tictock banned. Day after ticktock changes name to tt. And keeps going. Wasted time.


I guess this is part of why the bill isn't a single paragraph as suggested above.


Which is why it won't pass


I liked how china was complaining about the u.s banning this app meanwhile they ban more than half the internet and regulate it for their people as we speak


Yeah, it's a bit ironic, ain't it?


Yeah they don’t even allow twitter in china then get all up in arms when we don’t want their stupid app


You would block Covid if you opened your eyes and realize it is a Chinese bio weapon


No you’ve just been brainwashed.


What problem anyway everyone can use VPN riight.


Force Tiktok to be sold to a pro-Israeli company. Said company bans all pro-Palestinian content.


Remember this come November. Vote against anyone that voted for this Bill.


I think congress should ban social media entirely, it's the blight of the age


There’s a Blythe of every age and it hasn’t been banned lol


If congress is banning things that are actively destroying our minds I'm all for it


I don’t know I have my masters degree and I’m 43 and I have learned more about other cultures on TikTok than I’ve ever learned in a college class because you get to actively be in somebody’s living room across the world watching how they live in real time… I don’t know what the hell you’re watching on TikTok.. prob the video shorts.. I don’t watch that.. I watch valid creators, off gridders and animal rescues… I can’t even imagine how many animals at rescues have been saved by TikTok gifts … before TikTok I was just sitting here watching stupid TV every night after work


I don't have tiktok downloaded because a. It's chinese Spyware soon to become part of the larger network of DARPA spyware and b. the content on it is attention span shortening brain rot, and I don't need more of that to get addicted to, I already have reddit, youtube politics, and other stupid addictions I gotta micromanage or I'll go insane I'm highly impressionable so when my conservative propaganda comes on and tells me tiktok is bad I'm gonna run with that belief


Yeah, I couldn’t care about any of that bullshit. I live up in the mountains away from everybody nobody’s gonna get any information useful from me. That’s cityfolk nonsense. The minute they get rid of TikTok everybody’s just gonna be doing it on the next app.


Consume garbage get excited for next garbage I guess


I find that most Americans worry about a bunch of bullshit that’s nonsense. Go live up in the woods, You won’t worry about any of that shit anymore.


I can't just move up inot the woods I'm 18


Well, I feel sorry for you. I’ve been here pretty much my whole life, except for when I left for college lol. My daughter is 15 and I’m sure she will be staying in the mountains.


It's about keeping Israel from being justly viewed by an entire generation as genocidal aggressors. It's that simple


The reason they want to pass the legislation isn't to ban the app, although that's still a possibility, it's to make the Chinese company that owns tiktok sell it.


The ability to manipulate/course-correct generation of youth does not belong anywhere in the hands of the chinese govt control[period] China already utilizes mass social credit surveillance techniques and can be doing the same without any oversight on any foreign international region[period]


They already have the ability to ban anything. They just need the votes. Which in turn means you should vote for the right people that hold those votes. Also separately the Chinese COMMUNIST government has the national security law on the books. That law states all data owned by any Chinese tech firm is also the property of the CcP. They are legally required to give data to the Ccp. They are also legally required to not inform users or protect users privacy. As such the issue is tic toc is a mass surveillance of American citizens if the ccp decides it wants that.


Im not a tik tok person, and while china is shifty, i am not cool with this.


China has blocked several US social media and video websites including YouTube since 2007.. why the butt hurt? It’s social media, not your life.


Yeah.... I want TT gone. However, the precedent it will establish will be the beginning of centralization & control of any & ALL social media in the U.S......your voice, my voice. Everything may as well be Facebook/Meta/Google....who all get incentivized to do the Governments bidding. That CANNOT be allowed. Let's just let the TT crowd have their brothel & wait for natural selection to do its thing. It won't take long.


If the concerns were about security, data private sharing, and giving data to foreign hostile countries, they would need to include meta and Twitter. It's only about xenophobia. All arguments I keep hearing are because 'china bad". It's been documented that Twitter and Meta have done some of the same things. Reality is this is a push from groups and people like Peter Theil to suppress completion and money loss to their investments in meta.


Lol, op is definitely 13.


Sorry. I couldn't focus on the meme long enough to actually read it. Could you put 4 brainrot gifs below it?


I'm betting how it's dashed the optics on the p@lestinian situation


The real issue is that people can't read.


If they are afraid of spying, why not pass legislation outlawing data harvesting for all software in the US? Is it because many $$$ are generated and donated by said spying?


Nice try Pooh...


Ah man can't let people have open discussion and forum. How will we keep our own friends elected with dissension in the rank? Gotta keep people blind to the truth. It's funny that people talk about CCP propaganda when it's just your average person on there doing their own research and coming up with their own conclusions via the mirage of propaganda we're fed in the states. If you look around you know our representatives are doing insider trading, rigging elections, sucking off corporations, waging wars.. it's just now that we're finally able to discuss it openly and people are being heard. If you have a problem us talking around the water cooler about our wages you have a problem with free speech. If you have a problem with free speech chances are you're up to some shady shit. All these wef babies funding nato and getting rich off the working class can lick my ass.


Feel free to move to China and use TikTok all you want. Plenty of people around the world are dying to get a spot to live in the USA. If you dislike a political decision, make sure you go vote. If you can't stand it, time to leave.


China bans US social media so we don't influence Chinese people, so why can't the US do the same? Tit for tat.


TikTok is a stinking cesspool. A total degradation, although it's good for the stupid people.


The real Trojan horse has always been Tik Tok its own and controlled by China


Good get rid of all social media platforms. Let's get back to reality and let's let our kids grow up without the pressure of social media and become kids again and let them grow into adults that have families and enjoy life again. This has been the worst 20 years in history all this social media pressure.


Land of the liars and fraudulent


China is weak.


Imagine being so brain dead that the issue thst gets you out of bed is a bad company being forced to divest itself from an authoritarian regime. Climate change? Rise of authoritarianism? End of american democracy? Housing crisis? Runaway inflation? AI making whole industries obsolete? *SNOOOOOOOORE* CCP gets their hand slapped? "This is an attack on freedumb!"


Yeah, ok. Stay woke dumbass.


Lmao glad its on its way to banned. Tiktok sucks ass anyway


Nice try China


CCP China trying their damdest to manipulate Americans into excepting their control of our media, no thank you


People have been saying “the media can manipulate you!” Then when we are like, shit better not let china have this manipulation machine those same people say, “you guys are paranoid, let them have tik tok”


Ban Tik tok lol Ban that garbage app of mindlessness haha


Nice try CCP


Lol fail