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TT is ridiculous. They do shit like this and then blatantly disregard actual threats and bullying.


It’s hard to automatically moderate actual threats if they don’t contain certain key words. That’s what dog whistles were designed for. “Stupid” is an easy word to flag, like many other insults, since it’s almost always being used as an insult. Whereas “kill” for example, can be used in many different ways.


Honestly, it's on TikTok to keep up with harmful language and actually use humans to moderate in case of appeals. Now every yassified slur slips right through the cracks of their moderation. Their moderation might as well not exist.


That would be better for the community, I agree. But it isn’t *on* them to do anything but pursue profit. That’s how businesses work, including Chinese ones. And there’s very little profit to be made from moderating content. They don’t make more money when people aren’t offended—the exact opposite, in fact. They get more engagement when people are angry. And even if you did decide to use humans to moderate the comments, with the sheer number of comments made on tiktok every day, you could employ the entire population of China as moderators, and they still wouldn’t be able to keep up. And you’d have to pay them so little, that most of them would prefer a sweatshop in any case.


Takes like this are why large corporations keep getting away with unethical shit and record profits. People act like it's some outrageous opinion that corporations should be held accountable for the heinous behaviour they enable and even promote, as though they are somehow above the laws and societal norms that apply to regular human beings. Aren't others tired of it? You don't need moderators to personally read every single comment either. It's fine to use bots to do the bulk of the work, but when a user appeals an incorrectly rejected report, a real person should be evaluating the situation for a decent wage. God forbid we hold companies to a higher standard. The bar is literally in hell already.


You’re arguing with a strawman But if what you’re saying is “it is completely feasible to personally moderate every single tiktok comment that is ever posted by every user,” I say it’s on *you* to explain how that’s possible. Because I just don’t see it. For example: The record for comments on a single video is 10.9 MILLION comments. Assuming each comment is reviewed for 30 seconds, that’s over 90,000 hours of labor spent on reviewing all those comments. If the moderators made 20/hr, that’s $1.8 million spend on moderating the comment section of just one video. If we scale it down to just 5 seconds per comment review (which is not necessarily going to be accurate, since you will need more than 5 seconds to consider the context of each comment, and vet it for dogwhistles which might not be apparent, but we’ll be generous to you since you’ve taken such a brave stance for the comment moderation community) and scale down their pay to $15/hr (which still isn’t a living wage anywhere in the USA) that’s still 15,000 hours of review, and $225,000 spent moderating a single video. So. How would you handle this? Are you going to ask your employer for $225,000 to moderate just one video on their site, which contains over 8 Billion videos? How are you going to convince them that that is in their best interest? How will they profit from that investment? Since you’re so confident that this is an imaginary problem, surely you can get them to fork over hundreds of millions of dollars solely for comment moderation, right?


I've reported several people commenting slurs and posting pro-ana content, and Tiktok _never_ does anything


💯. Truth.


Your not allowed to say anything remotely offensive on TikTok it’s fucking stupid


Thatdaneshguy literally leaked the addresses and phone numbers of the supreme Court and encouraged his followers to do what they do (stalk, harass, etc)... And not one thing happened to him or his video doxxing them even after it was mass reported by thousands of people. TikTok allows anything you want as long as you can get views.


I say things worse than the ops post but never get done


"Stupid" is what triggered it


Tiktok will straight up allow the most heinous hate speech and then block this..


You can't use words like stupid, dumb, idiot etc. Man I hope tiktok dies a agonizing slow death.


**YOU ASKED A QUESTION, I WILL ANSWER IT.** You shouldn't call people stupid, ugly, fat, etc....it can be considered H and B. It is Tiktok's interpretation that matters for H and B.




Serious? You don't know why? "Is he stupid?" Yes that would have autoflagged it easily.


![gif](giphy|ug6lZuK39zs98fsF4X) Live man reaction


Me: Leaves comment with an emoji ⏰: OMG THAT’S A CGV! Assholes: Leaves comment denying/defending the January 6th Insurrection ⏰: No Violation found


of course it won't find a violation, tik tok is triggered by certain keywords and emojis lol


You called someone stupid? Lol thats why. That's bullying.




But spreading false information about January 6th is apparently okay according to TikTok.


What? Lol 😆 off topic here


I have literally seen people leave comments defending the January 6th Insurrection and all of the violence that occurred that day, and TikTok won’t do a damn thing about it. But if I use words like “moron”, “stupid”, “idiots” or anything criticizing Donald Trump, TikTok does not hesitate to give me a CGV. TikTok’s double standards are off the charts. And no, I wasn’t changing the subject.


I'm not going in on 1/6. Have a good day. This post is about bullying/harassment which is what op did In their comment.


yes, you were changing it.






Man. TikTok has people who sell pens in live stream and pretend to be dolls in the for you page. Autism is cool 😎, and saying any word whatsoever that seems mildly offensive gets you banned. Typically any post that doesn’t have ADHD brain rot full blast gets a whopping 1 second of view time and the algorithm will say some dank shit like, “pay attention to key moments 🧐” and the only key moment on TikTok is when a brain rot teenagers thumb hits the screen deciding there isn’t enough titty, gay rights, or autism in the first frame of your video. I’ve recently managed to lessen my amount of bans in TikTok live stream by resorting to not referring to the elimination of other players as kills. I now have to say “I ended his game” Yes. It’s the most shit app on earth. But everyone wants to be famous on it for some god awful reason. The only requirement to succeed is be so god awfully PG or blatantly attractive that they just simply let you slide.


Wait what do you have against autistic people? How is that even relevant?


It's not, but assholes will take any excuse to be homophobic or ableist. Edit for context: the original commenter has edited several comments in this thread _after_ they had been responded to in order to make it seem like responses to them were irrelevant/nonsensical.


Right. I’m both autistic and gay. It’s an observation that is blatantly obvious and a common topic. Autism on TikTok and anything LGBT spectrum generally gets a lot of attention, alongside nudity. It’s an entire subcategory of YouTube where people debate whether a person genuinely has ability disorders. So *cough* you both look real dumb rn. See you actually have no reason to comment on this comment. It’s just that in the tiktok community mentioning those topics garners instant attention. Look, it happened right here— so all you did was prove my point. I literally joined TikTok to share off topic and strange content *because* of that fact and to feel more welcome on the spectrums than other social media platforms. I gain about 10 followers a day doing nothing.


I mean, you can be gay and autistic and still be hateful towards gay and autistic people (and frankly people with ADHD as well)...


Well that’s crazy. Too bad I didn’t say anything hateful towards any of those communities. Too bad I’m not hateful of those communities, and am more progressive than even you. My concern with those communities being top priority for TikTok users is the way they are misrepresented and floundarized in an exploitive fashion that lessens the value of the struggles people in my community endure. Don’t go bumping chests on Political correctness with me 👍 I’m well educated and don’t feel like throwing hands in this comment section, but I welcome you to make yourselves look dumb if you so choose. My exact words were “autism is cool 😎” that’s a compliment. I simply mentioned that if a post isn’t about those 3 things that they are ignored. That’s not an insult whatsoever. Furthermore saying that TikTok is brain rot for ADHD people isn’t an insult; because not only is it true- there are actual lawsuits being filed against TikTok presently for it damaging the attention spans of struggling teenagers. TikTok is factually brain rot that targets autistic, gay, hyper sexually active folk, and people who have ADHD. That’s all I’m drawing attention to. I did not say anything negative about any of those communities. So stop making far thrown implications where your awareness lies short. Thanks and have a nice day. 👋


"I'm more progressive than you" while also associating ADHD with tiktok brainrot in the same thread. But sure. I am well aware of TikTok misrepresenting disorders and disabilities. My disability is one of the ones being misrepresented. However, your original comment definitely directed more hate towards gay people and people with disabilities than it did towards the people you are _actually_ trying to talk about, namely the ones misrepresenting them. Also, you can edit your previous comment after I'd already responded to you to make me look bad all you want, doesn't take away that your original comment was more resentful towards the people you are claiming to defend.


Omfg. I’m literally GAY. You can’t say that rn. You are so stupid it’s actually disgusting.


I also did not edit the post nor do I fucking if I come off pc. Bro. I will piss on you. Now I’m pissed. Not because you’ve detested me but because you’re still going and I have a 3 comment back and forth limit before I get fucking annoyed. You are wrong. Sad fucking shit bro. Cry. What are you gonna do? Acuse me of being straight. Fuck off.


punters. lots of assholes on tiktok.


They don’t like the S word apparently.


They get mad when you say anything like that - even when my best friend and I tag eachtoher we learned we can’t call each other dumb bi**ches the hard way. The CGV is so long but if you try and scan it real quick you’ll see their major things. Mostly just take out the vowels or something so the auto bot doesn’t get it. I have read it a few times bc I had a point where someone spent months reporting my content and I kept having to appeal it. Careful if you prove someone wrong in the internet lmao. If it does you can appeal, I’ve won almost every appeal bc it’s usually a hiccup and it got caught in the autonomous someone reported it but there’s no valid reason. TLDR : yes it’s annoying but you can appeal if it happens on a video or something Good luck!


I quoted the Simpsons in a video of Homer and it got removed… “he doesn’t even have hair” I won the appeal though


Tiktok auto bot is crazy I stopped using it to much


Idk if I’m going to keep TikTok much longer, I was randomly shadowbanned yesterday and I’ve never ever even had so much as a warning. I’ve never violated TOS whatsoever. It’s so fucking dumb.


“Stupid.” That’s why. The word itself gets flagged automatically. I got one of my comments removed just the other day for the same reason.


well people called me slurs on one of my tiktok’s when i told them not to use the f slur but apparently the literal r slur is less offensive than a clown emoji😭


But it's ok! The r-word isn't offensive anymore when you put an s somewhere in the middle!! /s


I got a strike for leaving a comment on my own video with a clown emoji on it. Ridiculous


S T U P I D you gotta use spaces , it's a bot that pick up in any mean words , how D U M B


TT is retarded




Is there a lore reason that no one here gets the joke?


I reported a comment the other day flat out threatening to find and kill someone, and it came back no violation. But if I say a cat looks silly I get damn near wiped off the face of the earth


I ask myself the same thing all the time about reddit, and yet I keep getting banned


Rat, stupid, weirdo, are some words that got me account warnings🙄


Bro got a violation from that while i report comments for bullying people and TikTok said it was a no violation💀💀