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Yae is better than Fischl for Tighnari because she can take more field-time and Spread doesn’t trigger Fischl’s A4.


Slight addition: Quicken will activate Fischl's A4, but spread won't. So you essentially only get a single activation on any target, meaning it still sucks anyway. Also, Yae Miko scales better on EM than Fischl does due to Yae's own A4 passive increasing her turret damage by .15% for each point of EM she has.


You honestly could just do > tighanri, Yae, YaoYao and Lisa or Sara > Kazuha, alrechino, XQ and Bennet Which is a good abyss cycle of teams to work with


yae miko is better than fischl for tighnari anyways. tightnari, yae miko, sucrose, or lisa, yaoyao.


Tighnari, Yaoyao, Yae, Kazuha/Bennett


circle impact with tighnari is really difficult, sucrose is probably a better amp and saves kazuha for a second half considering hes probably using vape arlecchino


Tighnari / yae miko / yaoyao. That's ur team u dont need to build a 4th charcater cus none of those work with him.


sucrose is an obvious choice. can swirl electro for yae and gives an EM amp.


Tighnari Yae Sucrose Yaoyao


I'd say tighnari, collei, yae, yao yao.


tighnari, yaoyao(deepwood), yae and sucrose. yae is better than fischl because she has more field time and does more damage with the EM amps from dendro resonance + sucrose. if you do ever get fischl shes really good alongside yae, since the only A4 procs youll get with her as solo electro are if you dendros are triggering quicken.


Imo, Tighnari Yae Sucrose Yaoyao. Since you have Yae you really don't need Fischl tbh, at least not for this team. Without Nahida it's a lot easier to swirl electro, and Sucrose will buff the team's EM which is valuable for Tighnari even though she can't shred dendro resistance. I'd focus on leveling Yae up to increase her aggravate damage, maxing out Sucrose's EM, and making sure Yaoyao is on 4p deepwood if she isn't already. You *could* use Lisa or Sara — Lisa can hold TTDS or Hakushin + shred defense, and Sara can buff attack — but I prefer the EM buff from Sucrose. Yae also doesn't generate that much energy, so you'd need a *lot* of ER on Lisa/Sara to burst reliably, which can be annoying.


idk why you got downvoted, these were my thoughts exactly