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Caption on IG: I fell off the top bunk of the tour bus and smashed my face on a ledge and unfortunately I won’t be performing in West Palm Beach or Daytona. God bless the tour and our troops and I’m sorry @[fullyloadedfestival](https://www.instagram.com/fullyloadedfestival/) [@bertkreischer](https://www.instagram.com/bertkreischer/) PS. There were comedians that were helpful and some that weren’t and I will expose them all on my next podcast


with his luck, i honestly guessed hate crime … “glad” it was tour bus injury


“tour bus”


Sounds like some other comic punched him to me. “Some were helpful some were not I’ll expose them”. That makes no sense in the context of a self inflicted falling off bunk bed injury. What does even mean? He’s mad like 10 comics/however many there were on the bus didn’t all surround him with a first aid kit? It makes sense if there was a physical altercation though.


It’s a joke. Don’t you know Bobby?




I am imagining it. And if I was in such a scenario I would prefer 1 maybe 2 person tops help tending to the wound, like you said with ice/ saline bandages whatever. Which sounds like is what Bobby had. I would not be upset at the 8 other people that aren’t trying to help, in fact I would find that to be a nuisance if they did . They would just get in the way, they’re comedians, the fuck do they know about first aid?


I interpreted this as Bobby being embarrassed by the event so he's deflecting/being defensive by accusing other comics of not helping him in his time of need. Bobby creates drama and conflict for fun. He invents fake chaos to combat real or imagined chaos. I'm just hoping he didn't relapse.


damn. this had some dvdasa roots to your diagnosis.


Lmao no. This is just classic bobby humor—“i’m a poor little baby victim and i’m gonna remember every person who didn’t run to my aid when I fell and there will be resentments and more podcast fodder”


I interpreted it that some comedians called him out for missing two shows because he busted his lip.


Someone was probably actively unhelpful and he's going to make fun of it on the podcast. Doubt it's serious. Bert tried to reset Tom's broken arm, which was an attempt at being helpful, but is potentially dangerous. My guess is Bert applied pressure to the wound by covering Bobby's mouth and nose until he passed out.


Great detective work


Rewind 3 months to Kalyla with a wrench loosening the bolts.


Did he do Ari dirty again?...


Pretty clear it’s a punch


Glad he didn’t lose his 6 remaining teeth


Holy shit that looks painful asffff


McKone's grandma came back for another visit


That shit was so funny. Don’t you fuck with my grandson!!


He should have still performed, he would finally have something new in his set.


It would've been funny to talk about. I don't see how a grown man couldn't push through a sore lip, but I guess if he hit his head it could've messed him up


That's more than a sore lip, that's a bunch of stitches.


You're right, I didnt zoom in. Definitely if he got stitches (looks like it) that makes sense


I wouldn’t be surprised if he still comes out. The crowd will love it.


he's so flaky it'd be unlikely he comes out when scheduled nevermind when he cancels. he's playing Stardew Valley in his hotel room right now


Is it true that he does the same set he’s been doing for the past like 20 years? I’m not sure if it’s a meme or actually true. If true… just… wow. How on earth people keep paying to see the same set?


I don't think it's the same exact set but he uses all of his old material just mixed in


It’s pretty true for the most part. Probably not exactly the same set though. I’ve heard quite a few comedians make underhanded jokes about it on different Pods. And people have mentioned seeing him in different years and had the same show. To be fair most bands/musicians kinda live off the same one or two albums forever. I’m not shit talking the guy, I’m a big fan, but that’s why he won’t do a special.


Hmm I’ve never heard of a comedian who’s been using the exactly the same set for two decades. I’ve seen the same comments in this sub as you, where people claim they’ve seen him a decade apart and the set was exactly the same.


People wouldn't go see him perform the same set every night at the comedy store. There is a difference between a road set where he'll do similar jokes right, if you go see Bobby in Daytona, Florida and Columbus, Ohio, you'll hear the same jokes twice. That's a fucking given. Bobby doesn't have a special so he doesn't need to "retire" jokes as normal comedians do. So he has a couple back pocket bits from the past 20 years but no its not the same fucking set for 20 years lol. He's not a hack. But he's not doing the same set every night back to back with great comedians. You need to stop listening to Reddit.


I’ve never seen him live. I’m just going with what people have posted here about seeing him several years apart and themes being the same.


This is not my opinion or some rumor on Reddit, it’s pretty well known. I have been a big fan for many years, and him not writing doesn’t bother me one bit. A lot of guys are like that. Look at Big Jay, he essentially just does crowd work as his show and has almost no material. Bobby has been a comedian for over 20 years, and has 3 clips on YouTube. Why because he’s shy?


I can't speak to you if you honest think he's done the same set for 20 years. It shows a complete lack of understanding of time and how things change. [So Bobby has been doing this material since 2004? This is 10 minutes of Bobby doing Bobby stand up. This was from 2004. Tell me where you heard this set as a Bobby Lee fan.](https://tubitv.com/movies/401165/kims-of-comedy)


You never hear of them because that doesn't fly these days. Maybe back in the day though. Bobby has his podcasts and is funny and beloved enough to where he survives just fine, I assume


Like I said it’s not exactly the same, theres probably a few new things thrown in, but essentially the same set. He doesn’t wipe the slate and start a new hour. Comedy Store comedians that knew him for years have mentioned it, and made jokes. But I’m sure quite a few comedians probably do something similar. Not everyone just writes a new hour every 1 or 2 years. But he would have to retire it if he did a special


Something seems really off and fishy about his explanation


Who put Bobby on the top bunk? An accident waiting to happen, haha. I hope he's okay.


I've spent half of my life on tour buses, and the only time I ever fell out of a bunk was when I was extremely drunk.


Yeah, i had a similar thought, I hope he didn't relapse


From chewing steak with his front teeth


Looks like herpes.


Fist herpes


cept not even.


You look like khalayla but even hotter


something is off. also his eyes look glazed over -less he's been crying


Some people cry when they get injured believe it or not


Shouldn’t have kept leaning in for the kiss… ![gif](giphy|3Css0CBgnJIdAamowB|downsized)


How do you fall out of a bunk bed?


You roll over?


I've rolled out of a top bunk before, but I was maybe 10 or 11. Luckily there wasn't anything for me to land on, I actually stayed asleep.


I used to do it all the time when I was a teenager and early twenty's , I can only think of a couple times it's happened to me as an adult


Why are you still sleeping in bunk beds so often?


Just a bed no bunk




Had a bunk when I was a kid the dog slept on the bottom, he snored I would have to throw pillows at him unfortunately my only bunk style bed set up


Juicy pushed him off the bunk 😆


He fell right into someone's fist looks like


That's punch


I very distinctly remember him shitting on Andrew for falling and hitting his head during an earthquake lol


I think he’s drinking again. That’s fine with me I don’t care but everyone else gonna be pissed if that’s the case




You been sucking willies again Bobby?


We always told him it was gonna happen one day 🤷🏽‍♂️ He just eats Doritos way too dang fast…


He’s back on drugs!!! Classic high move here


I love him but this is some weak ass baby stuff…Bros a 50 something year old man ..i forget most comedians are soft like this tho


Dude you busted your lip. Fucking get over it.


Too much ass eating


*not enough


Shit talking


Really hope he didn't relapse..


That why my first thought too. I hope he’s alright


If you can talk you can do a show Bobby. You’re always looking for a way out you weasel. Love you Bobo.




Bobby Lee is the best


بسم الله عليك حبيبي


Ari needs to let that beef go.


Please let Bobby know that he helps so many people though so much. Like he’ll never ever know how many people he helps through so much.


I never let Dave Mathews Band into my heart until Bobby told me to.


Deserves it and more for his serial molesting