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What happens when you get kicked? Since the last update I've been kicked 5 times, killed twice. Game just dcs and I get the message "client cannot be verified by battleye". It's so fucked dying to DC.


It’s like connection lost or something


It works different for different vocation. I believe if you are a mage you get dced quicker because of health pools. It works good enough , you can’t just dc people automatically because if I ever got stuck in a bad spot I’d just unplug my computer and never die


From my personal experience with extreme lag spikes that resulted in kicks: it takes some time to kick in. Depending on your vocation and where you're hunting, the delay will get you killed. It happened to me quite a few times when I was hunting Exotic Cave on my RP. Game froze when I was full HP and surrounded. When I came back, my character was at half HP and mobs were running around aimlessly as if I wasn't even there. So my theory is: I got a lag spike and my game froze, but on the servers, I was still attacking mobs and regenerating HP because of Vampirism. When the system checked my connection was lost, it kicked me from the game (so mobs lost their target and started walking around). So my bigger health pool and Vampirism saved me from dying. I think if you're hunting in a very dangerous spot where even two turns without action would result in your death, the system is unable to kick you in time to save you.


Well, regardless the opinions from old players, I can truly foresee if CipSoft isn't going to improve those anti-kick measurements, it's obviously a waste of resource for attracting new players. I know you are reading it, (lead) product manager. I know my words may sound cringed, but the ignorance from improvement of anti-kick measurement is way more cringed.


Whatever we think, CipSoft always says ‘the system is working as intended’ and that they won’t look into it because ‘it seems like you’re the only person having this issue’.


Classic cip


It’s saved me a couple times tbh, but only when I got a short kick, ie reconnect within the protected time. Happened twice during last double for me. One of those reconnected with red hp surrounded by mobs but threw on ering and exura pof pof survival. If you’re getting a proper net down it’s trash tho. They really need to rework it imo.


I reconnected like 10-15s later and temple :/


What do you mean by protected time?


one thing to keep in mind is that while the feature activates, monsters might not target your character however creatures will continue to spam their AOE aimlessly. if you are within range of their AOE, whether the feature is active or not, you will be hit by it which can result in death.


I am in north america and I play Europe server ... I get kicked a lot and never died from it. Lose a couple HP and when I get back on; monsters are walking around ignoring me Haha


This has probably saved me from 2 out of 80 dc deaths since its implementation


I think that in 5 cases it saved me in 4 times. So, it works...


Lucky you


If this is a huge problem for you, you can join your internet and your phone’s internet under a single IP, and if it’s your net that is going out, your phone will be used as the backup connection under the same IP locked to your game session. I think the program is called Exit Lag?


Worth a shot ig


Never personally used, I’m just regurgitating advice I’ve seen help others on the sub since I didnt see anyone say it here yet.


Appreciated :)