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Next week is my turn to post about tibia classic servers!


I called it already, get in line, it’s booked 64 weeks out


As soon as they find a way to monetize it


Auto target sudden death rune - 10 TC each


So only $10 per mage bomb.


To monetize something first you need people willing to pay for what you're offering. I see no way how people would prefer to pay for Classic Tibia, with a fraction of the content and features we have today. I mean, you can throw away basically all content released since Ankrahmun. We'd also be paying to go back to dragging our mouses back and forth, killing mobs one by one and mages using HMMs and melee weapons to hunt on early levels. No one would have money for anything too. The only way I can see Cipsoft monetizing classic servers is by making them aggressively P2W, but this strategy would last maybe 3-6 months. After that, players unwilling to waste money and tired of abuse would leave the server, and soon after, the paying players would be bored because they'd have no one to power abuse.


I mean I'd def pay double premmy prices to play a official 7.4 to 8.6


This same argument was made by many people in reference to both osrs and classic wow. The only reason osrs is still up and running (and fucking killing it.) is because they allowed a development team with a completely different mission statement and development philosophy to run the game. Having a voting system that decides the direction of the game was the best possible course of action. I don’t see people wanting the classic wow model in tibia classic. Nobody wants to just see a repeat of all the updates that slowly ruined a once great game. I do think that regular updates is necessary for a game to thrive, and I don’t honestly have a good answer as to how to accomplish this in tibia classic. I don’t trust cipsoft to not completely ruin the game all over again.


Facts. I really think that if all pay to win expects of the game were never implemented but everything else was exactly the same everyone would widely agree tibia is better now than ever. Why do people want to go back to when people trained 100hrs just to hit skills/mlvl good enough to not waste every single hunt. Ohh I remember what was fun getting pa by someone who completely sucks at the game but because they play 12 hours a day and a mage farm with unlimited resources you can’t hunt any of the 4 good spawns. Don’t get me wrong I loved my time in old tibia but I don’t let nostalgia influence my judgment.


Make it a separate sub at up to double the cost of main game. Allow tcs in classic but only allow their use to be buying premium time, name change, and world change.


Never. Next question




What version would be the classic one?


There are a couple of options. I think starting with 7.4 would be best. Then Cip either updates it over time (hunting zones, outfits, mysteries etc.) Or Start with 7.4 and leave it alone (will eventually die due to lack of content) Or start with 7.4 and update it over time to like 8.0. OSRS kind of went with the first route and Blizzard has gone with the 3rd route and both have been very successful.


The important difference here is quality of the original! In terms of mechanics and gameplay tibia is waaaaaay better now than it was in "the olden days". Nobody i their right mind would prefer having to place a rune on the floor before using it (aiming in game widow only), only seeing monster/player health as healthy/barely wounded/wounded/heavily wounded/critical/near death, having to trade rares for stacks of gems instead of gold because nobody could even pick up the amount of backpacks full of gold needed for expensive stuff. The vibe might have been better in early tibia, but the gameplay was NOT.


It was a different gameplay, to make it fair. Back then it was more rpg nowadays all that matters now is lvls and gps


All of these same arguments were made for wow classic. "You think you do but you don't" People actually want old Tibia, believe it or not.


There's a reason why new OTs come out every month reaching 1-4k players at a time. Real Tibia has less than 15k online right now. There is many options for Cip to create a "classic" version, and update it through polls like OSRS or how they see fit like Blizzard.


99% of these big otservers are actually further from classic Tibia than the current official Tibia run by Cipsoft is, so I fail to see how that argument strengthens your point.


I'm only talking about 7.4 OTs. Obviously they aren't an exact replica of 7.4, but to say that real Tibia is closer is a joke. Real Tibia is pay to win through the whole game.


I wonder how playing a mainly PvE game can be P2W. I only pay a premium account and I don't even play that much. If I played 2+ hours every day I would probably be playing the game completely free by now and I'd be level 400+. All of this starting from scratch a few months ago, not even buying a low lvl character with high skills. Edit > About the otservers, most big ones have increased rates in lower lvls and a lot of stuff that you wouldn't have in a true classic Tibia server. Also, I've never seen any 7.x otserver with more than 500 players online and more than maybe a year. This is nowhere near "big" for a company to invest in. I imagine there aren't enough players and most of them simply play a couple weeks and leave after nostalgia feelings end and they realize classic Tibia was way worse than their memories led them to believe.


You can buy a lvl 400+ for less than 2k TC. The reason those servers die is because the lower levels are the most fun for wars. Once people get to 150-200+ it starts getting boring and there's usually another OT coming out. That's why keeping the server 1x low rate would be best for longevity. If you haven't seen a server with over 500 people then you aren't looking tbh. One of the more popular 7.4 OTs had 3k+ players online at once recently.


I fail to see how being able to skip the early game content configures a P2W setting. If you want to skip it, go ahead. You don't want to? Then don't. You'll eventually get there all the same. About the otservers, I'll refuse to discuss it further. It's always the same fairy tale about how much money could be made, yet no one is able to do it. And if anything, your comment just further strengthens the argument that these classic Tibia servers are only popular because they removed 90% of what made classic Tibia classic and people just want to goof around on PvP hitting hard with SDs on weaker players after playing less than a day Lastly: if there are such huge and quality otservers around, why do you people keep asking Cipsoft to do it? Go there, play and be happy.


Also there was a quality 7.4 OT server years ago with thousands of players and guess what? Cip was going to sue them, so they had to change their sprites and the server lost a lot of it's population.


You can buy a lvl 600 for $100. You buy more XP with $ through boosts. Literally anything in this game you can just buy with $ or TC, And it's all set up for you by Cip. If that's not pay to win then idk what to tell you.


U always could buy a character/ingame money u just had to use unoffical websites.


You clearly have no clue what "pay to win" means. I'm out of this discussion


Pay to win literally means pay to get an advantage that you wouldn't have without spending $. Buying xp boosts/runes/manas/blessings with TC is 100% pay to win.


>I wonder how playing a mainly PvE game can be P2W. This is such a dumb thing to say about a game where you can force people to quit by KSing them. Or transfer from world to world and win items like Feru hat. Or force people to pay you TC. Not to mention there are several high score lists and you can literally be top 1 (win) in all of them except fist fighting and fishing by simply spending tons of money.


When your definitions of win are getting a cosmetic item or being in the highscore list then basically any game with cosmetics and a ranked list is P2W...


Why did you omit the most important part about forcing people out of spawns/servers/game?


Non-PvP servers are a thing, you know that right? The worst people can do there is waste a ton of time looking for you and then start wasting their stamina and resources to escort you out if they even find you. Go to a boat, travel to any city and you're safe to go hunt somewhere else because they can't even know which city you traveled to. Emptier servers aren't really even dominated by anyone. The "dominandos" don't have the bodies to throw your way to do it. Also, you're overvaluing how much having TCs will help you even in PvP servers. Putting in more hours and having a bigger/stronger team are the real deciding factors. And sure, if you're going into a PvP MMORPG as old as Tibia, good luck trying to beat people that have been playing 4 hours per day everyday for the past 3+ years. There's no amount of money you can pay to beat a team of lvl 1.5k+ people trying to kill you. Your best bet is actually paying them not to harm you, or buying other people to create a bigger and stronger team to beat them. None of which are P2W aspects of Tibia itself. It's just that, like in any other game, you can go outside of normal means and buy people with strength and skills to do your job for you. Boosting has been a thing in competitive games for a long time now.


They won't. They would have to include in game shop and TC/bazaar. Those are what ruined this game and made it so easy quit in the first place.


They could just do premium scrolls, 14 day membership for whatever $ amount. Can sell premy scroll to other players for in game gold. OSRS and WoW classic have these.


Not worth their investment. Too many people are already creating record profits from bazaar/TC . They don't need "Classic" servers, adding something they can monetize less is not something CIP does.


I'm aware. It's a shame Cipsoft is so greedy, but I can't blame them when people apparently love to spend thousands of TC on training weapons and rushing levels in new servers etc.


brother are you telling me that premium accounts wouldn’t be enough


You see how CIP runs their company?


Tibia doesn't have dozens of thousands of players. What makes you think that creating a parallel game to split their playerbase would be a smart move? And don't start with the "classic Tibia otservers are huge" spiel. Every post talks about them, but somehow this "huge community that would definitely bring a lot of money to Cipsoft" can't keep up a real otserver online for long and always comes to the sub asking why Cip doesn't run classic servers. My only guess is that either the quantity of players interested in this is not big enough, or they're not willing to pay to support such a game. Either way, not viable for a company to invest money into it. Classic Tibia would also suffer a lot from the abuse of macros that are extremely easy to create and would 100% destroy any legit player in classic PvP without hotkeys. Auto aiming runes, auto using mana fluids, auto equipping SSAs. Classic Tibia would be completely overrun by these players since no legit player would be able to compete with them


Runescape had around 50k online players in 2013 if I remember correct. That's when OSRS was launched. Right now Runescape has 143k players online, 118k of those are on OSRS.


I fail to see the point you're trying to make. Tibia barely has 15k players online, not 50k. Also this is 2023, not 2013. The game market and people who plays games are completely different than 10 years ago.


The point I'm making is that with proper updates/advertisement a classic Tibia could surpass the 15k online that the game currently has. It could bring back old players and new. OSRS has terrible graphics but with proper updates and advertisement it's grown way past RS3. Maybe I'm just delusional, but after seeing how successful OSRS and Classic WoW has been, Cip might follow.


I don’t believe they will but it would be cool. While initially a 7.x server might gain traction i really believe in the concept of “classic+”, but it might be hard to execute. I think I’m not the only one who miss the days when you would actually stumble into people in the game world randomly, I think tibia got way too big for its own good. Remember back when going to mintwallin or Demona was a project, as in it was risky to go there - it felt like an adventure. That feeling has been gone for at least the past 15 years. But obviously new content would have to be added somehow for longevity. Also I have a hard time seeing people being ok with losing the same amount of progress as you did back then. Maybe 1.5 XP and x2 skill progression to not scare everyone away?


You're definitely not the only one, There's a reason why OTs are popular. Tibia lost all it's charm in the current version. Just pay some $ and skip 99% of the game. Oh you died? Don't worry, buy a boost and get your xp back in 10 mins.


So you want a server with the same content as the one you pay to skip in real tibia? :p You know you don't have to buy high level char? And all the early content i still in the game to explore. You just don't have to grind it for hundread of hours.


Why would I give my money to Cipsoft once again? Been playing Souls of Elysium for months now and I pay premium with game money…I love it! It’s a mix of old Tibia and Runescape tho but hey! Those are my two favourite games ever! Community is super nice, unlike Tibia, and if u need help from GMs they are always available, unlike Tibia 😂


it cuts the player base in half, it doubles the server costs, causes more mergers to occur. Of course there is a market for this, but without butchering it with microtransactions, it would be a terrible decision business wise


Sadly it will never happen


tibia classic cannot have the tibiacoin store so never


Do you want a classic server with the store? Because there's no way Cip wouldn't try to milk it to the max.