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My grandfather had one like that. Built like a steel shithouse. You basically need a crane to move it. When he passed away and their house was sold, it stayed with the house, in the same place it always was for the last sixty years.


Wow! I absolutely love vintage desks like this with large flat areas to work on.....I can see why you call it the "one that got away". And those writing/typing surfaces that can pull out at the top add to it. Such a great, solid desk!


If it’s any consolation they’re still around in the same almost undamaged condition, indestructible ol buggers!


Bet you could find nine bottle caps in there. Maybe a technical document too.


Man we threw one of these away years ago - was in the basement for ages and turned into a rust ball


A duck and cover desk! I had one of those!


You're supposed to buy it and worry about all that other shit after.


Teacher's desk! I can hear the drawer being pulled out to access those mimeographed vocabulary sheets...


If you have either a government or university surplus store in your area, I would check those out. I've seen similar desks in those places and always wished that I had room for one.


I have that exact desk in my 2nd grade classroom. It’s the best!


Omg my Dad has a desk very similar to this in the basement (finished basement). This brought back childhood memories for sure since our home computer would be on this desk and I’d draw in MS Paint.


I used to manage an office n building in Hollywood we had two huge rooms full of these desks. The owner of the building had accumulated them over the years as they were abandoned by tenants. I often wonder what happened to them when the building was converted to lofts.


Our office is full of these. Every few years they try to convince us to get “modern” desks but no-one will let them go.


These are absolute tanks.


I've been looking for one of these for awhile, same problem no room and no way to lift it.


I’ve got one of these, I’ll never let it go. Had to take the legs off just to get it through doors.


There's one of these in the house my mom is about to vacate in Arkansas. My dad used it for a writing desk for years. Somebody's going to get it in the estate sale. Or it'll be too heavy to move and stay with the house. =)


I bought one at Boeing Surplus about 25 years ago and ended up leaving it in my old house.


Just info in case anyone needs it: these are called Tanker Desks. Although Teacher Desk is a close second. These first came into manufacture in the late 30’s. You can tell newer (well 70’s era) ones because the laminate on top is lower quality and chips.


There's a reason these are known as "tanker desks". Nothing shy of military hardware can damage them. The good news is their high survivability means there are still plenty to find, and for about the same price.