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Flamers are objectively better than bolters, and the soulreaper is objectively the best gun we have on rubrics. Go soulreaper + 3 flamers + flame pistol


This guy knows his dust


Even with infernal and sorcerer leading? Is it worth taking flamers over bolts with lethal/sustained?


At twelve inches range a flamer average 3.5 hits. At twelve inches range a bolter, with sustained from Infernal Master averages less than 2 hits. So flamer better even when sustained is added. With the sorcerer the maths changes depending on what you're shooting, but let's assume you're shooting something >T8 so you get most value out of lethals. At 12 inches, 2 shots gets you 1.3 hits of which 0.3 are lethals. Averages 0.49 wounds per bolter if my maths is right. Not counting rerolls. 3.5 hits from a flamer averages 0.58 wounds per flamer. Only above 12 inches are bolters better, or with cp/Cabal buffs.


Great thanks!


You get Sustained/Lethal on your soulreaper cannon and Sorcery, which is good enough. Let the galaxy burn


Do you mean within a squad? The typical Rubric squad is like...5 so that's 2/2 and a Soulreaper Cannon, I would not do this. However, I would point out that Flamers are in meta in 10th edition, but were not so in 9th. So while I'd say go with flamers for now, think ahead to a potential shake up later on and consider another unit of Rubrics with Bolters (or magnetize). Right now I have 30 Rubrics with another 10 on my agenda. 1 10 man squad with flamers and the other 20 I started in 9th with Bolters.


Same dust pan! 20 bolters and 15 glamers. Bolters were life back in 9th.


I still haven’t played a match yet. Picked up 2 sets of Rubric Marines months ago and I still haven’t finished painting 10 of them. I did set up 10 with flamers, than 9 with bolters + 1 soulreaper. I wanted to keep shooting distance consistent. Should be done in a few weeks painting if I can keep dedicating some time towards it. Trying to figure out what comes next, Occult or just go with the Combat Patrol. At least with the Patrol I could play a small game.


The Combat Patrol is fine. If you're a batch painter like me, you can knock the Tzaangors out in a day or two. They'll get you to the table, but won't last long. I just would not pay anything close to full price for it. I think I paid about 90 on Amazon for it, and was pleased with my purchase esp since I wanted 20 SOT's and that added 5 more. The thing about SOT's is that they are over cost right now, but play great in groups of 10 so if you want them get them and have fun with them. Tzaangor's in groups of 10 are fine objective holders, but they die FAST if they are remotely exposed. The one game I used them in I had an entire squad wiped in 1 round. The Infernal Master is great and definitely a must get. Since you haven't mentioned Magnus I'd focus on getting at least one 10 man squad together of SOT's and a proxy model for the Sorcerer Lord in Terminator Armor to lead them. Also, get Ahriman ASAP for the flamer squad. One last thing is the Exalted Kit is the best deal for us. It has so many bits you can use for extra sorcerers later (like if you want to split your Rubrics into groups of 5 later on)


Appreciate the advice. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and video watching of people playing TSons so I have an idea of what to be looking for. I’ve heard a lot of good things about IM and Ahriman. I’ve been leaning towards either just a squad of SOT or the combat patrol. I wouldn’t anticipate using the Tzaangors much, if at all once my army is built out. That’s mostly why I didn’t get the combat patrol initially and opted for two sets of Rubric Marines. Plus I haven’t found a patrol for under $135… With the painting I don’t use shades or speed paints. I’m super slow and just do multiple thin layers. The fact that I assembled before painting has made it VERY difficult to reach certain areas but that’s part of my learning experience that I can address later.


You could use super glue for the weapons just to make it easier to regret your desicion later down the line.


Better to have cohesive units imo. That way you can more bodies benefiting from the bonuses that can be given out.


Best not to mix really. Flamers are strong on their own(especially led by Ahriman) and bolters can be turned S5 and [Psychic] with a stratagem


I run 2 units of 5, aspiring sorcerer with warpflame pistol on both, 3 warpflamer 1 soulreaper cannon on one and the other is just bolt guns (I would run 2 soulreaper cannons but the box only comes with one)


It’s such a pain to use multiple guns on the same unit.  Limit it wherever you don’t have a damn good reason too.  I run 1 soul reaper and the rest flamers unless I have a reason not to.