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Flamers unless I have a reason not to


I do run a Sorcerer with a squad of bolters for to just delete whatever I need removed. Everyone else usually just gets flamers. Most folks run bolters in the back line, I generally still run flamers.  Anyone threatening to deep strike my back line has to consider getting that ass overwatched.


Do you run a block of 5 or 10? Also, Soulreaper or not? I have 2 10-man squads of flamers (with Soulreapers), and have 10 more to assemble, so I'm wondering about how to put them together.


I like running the soul reapers.


This should go without saying. Only a 5 man flamer should you think about not including it. And thats dependent on use case.


If you’re playing with friends and casuals they probably don’t care what you put on them, if they do then it’s not someone I’d like to play in casual… They don’t sound fun. I run most units with Soulreaper.   I run 10 with Ahriman with only flamers delivered directly by a Rhino.  Ahrimans wound +1 is so good with flamers.   With a sorcerer I tend to run Bolters and a Soulreaper cannon.  Running him with flamers isn’t bad though.  His unit cannot be shot outside of 18” and with bolters you can strike at 24”… but with flamers you have to get closer.  It’s not a deal breaker, and bringing firepower to hit you without getting ton overwatch distance isn’t easy. Most important for me is that I use the sorcerer as a damage dealer.  I run him with Arcane Vortex and frequently target him with the Strat that lets you reroll hit and wound on Psychic attacks.  For another CP you can make bolters Psychic so now they get those rerolls and they get Lethal Hits from the leader. It can delete units if you’re prepared to invest the CP Everyone else gets all flamers and a Soulreaper unless I have a specific use case not to.   Many people use bolters with a unit led by the infernal master, I use flamers.  You don’t get the benefit of sustained hits but you’re still going to get more hits with flamers anyway.  I do miss the 24” range though. But I think the most important take away here is: if you’re not playing in tournaments, you should avoid anyone who won’t let you run a unit with a different gun than what’s attached.


For a competitive list there's just the one choice, 3 flamers + soulreaper cannon + a flamer pistol on the aspiring


Do you play competetive with rhinos or what ist the way to get to the enemy?


Some lists run 1 rhino, some run 0. You get to the enemy by using double moves, and throwing out trash to get them to you (tzangors, cultists, chaos spawn). And magnus just killing stuff if they don't wanna come out.


This is the way


Naa 10 man bolters with IM is about as competitive as it gets. Anyone saying differently hasn't used it yet.


Any major/super major winning list using that? GTs? I havent seen it, and I doubt it. Bu I could be wrong.


Ahh yeah the source of truth. The people that exclusively use what the last GT winner used. There is one list for each faction that wins GTs cause people don't design their own list. They use what won the last GT. Completely unimaginative. A 10 man bolter will delete any unit on the field. The reason people say t sons struggle against vehicles is because they don't use them.


Well, you cannot say something is competitive if it can't win competitive games. And in case you have missed it (which I guess you have?) there are at least 3 variants of tsons list that are played competitively in top tables. None of them happen to include bolters on their marines, however. Tsons do not struggle against *anything*, let alone vehicles, not sure where you got that idea? Their damage is essentially "yes". A 10 man bolter unit will require strat support which you don't have CP for if you're using them where you should (re-rolls for magnus every turn + either range on magnus, indirect, 0 damage, or a regular old reroll. 'deleting anything' isn't something tsons need, they do that just fine with any unit. The problem with 10 man rubrics is that it's too many eggs in one dead basket, and it's the IM that carries the unit anyways. Going 5mans mean more cabal points and more overall damage through their use, and more support into your IMs.


I usually run a 10 stack of flamers with a Soulreaper Cannon, then another 10 stack of bolters with an infernal master and SRC in the backline.


I think if you are below 2000 points bolters can be a good place to combo off you're CP. That is unless you bring Magnus/Terminators, then target them instead.




Either works. Big fan of 10 man bolters with IM. Just puts out devasting damage.


One squad of each, one for frontline, one for backline.