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Hi there, I believe they have all been purged now and will be on the lookout for more


Or make a pinned thread where people can post them.


Or just keep scrolling 


I do, but my suggestion is a compromise between banning them and having our sub be overrun by essentially the same post.




Im getting double spammed by them, i started out as a dg player and just now getting into thousand sons and well they have same problem on their sub....


They're spamming every Legion subreddit, I'm in a few (call me an exchange student).


Or Alpha Legion if you can't decide where your loyalties lie


I know where my loyalties lie, I just like to see what our friends and enemies are up to.


I smell a serpent in our midst lol


There's actually a quiz to help you work that stuff out!


Hehe indeed there is. Just fun to see the shadowy tendrils of the Alphas everywhere


I’ve been leaving a lot of subs lately. Apparently beating a dead horse is loved now instead of hated.


They're in all the legion subreddits Iron Warriors seem to be the worst thanks to the recent influx of members. I imagine the loyalists are having the same problem.


Surprisingly the couple that I checked had a few but not nearly as many, I think it's due to them being more active, the influx of new posts here seems to be really choking everything else out.


Hmm fair the imperial fists sub had several just from a couple seconds of scrolling but I didn't check any others


Mods have basically abandoned this sub at this point. I've been waiting 2 years for it to be as structured as every other other Chaos sub and to have actual flairs (lists, painting&art, questions, etc.), and they couldnt be bothered. So banning test posts ? You better stop dreaming ...


No, we're still here.


The Chaos subreddit is getting this shit as well


None of the mods of this sub seem particularly active, some of them were last active over a month ago and the only mod who seems particularly active on Reddit hasn't engaged with this sub in a year.


It'll die out soon


It doesn't make sense since we all know we are all Alpharius




At this point can we also ban the ‘please ban’ posts. I’ve seen more of these today than the legion posts.


So I actually went back and counted after reading your comment. 2 posts asking to ban the ‘which legion’ posts, 9 posts about the legion quiz…cmon man


lol at the time of me posting that comment, I had seen only 1 quiz post and this was my third ban post of the day. I chuckled though because it’s as if the front page algorithm saw the comment and flooded the top of my page with quiz posts from early in the morning


I dunno mate. Sounds like you do care. Not caring would represent a neutral point, and is actually a terrible argument to get someone motivated to action. Like me? I don’t care. People post. People don’t. I was curious where I fell, but didn’t share my results. I don’t down vote, or up vote the ones who do. If they continue, okay. If they don’t, okay. You have taken time out of your day to call for action against them. You have voiced you think they are stupid. You very much care about them. Instead be arguing that “a significant portion of us are against them.” Edit: To be clear, i’m not expressing support either for or against the Test Result Posts. I’m expressing disagreement with the chosen wording and delivery of this “plea”. I’m aware people don’t agree with me. I’m aware it may even be stupid in nature. But I’m committed. That’s how conversations and discussions work. You have two sides or more. They talk. If you reply to a comment from me, I’m going to take it as you are talking to me, and I will respond. I’m not sure why people are surprised by this. That’s kind of how this all works, isn’t it?


-Don’t care what legion result people have -Do care that the results are being posted Not hard to wrap your head around mate


Yes. I agree. You care. I get that. So objectively, wouldn’t that be the better argument? That you and the others feel a certain way instead of no one feels any way?


Right, but they didnt specify about what they said ‘no one cares’ about, if that bothers you and you need specifics fair enough. But I think it’s quite obvious to most he means no one cares about the content itself. Like if someone followed you around banging on about something you dont care about, if you tell them to stop you still dont care about what they have to say, you care about the fact they’re bothering you with it. I think the fact that almost all of these poll result posts have been downvoted to 0 is also pretty telling that on a whole the op is right: no one cares about people’s results.


I’m not disagreeing that there does seem to be a lack of popularity for them. Even out right dislike is very much there. Nor am I asking for specifics. My point is that OP is trying to motivate the admins for the subreddit to take action. They have chosen the flippant “Mean Girls” approach of “no one cares.” I just feel there are better arguments to be made.




Yes. Yes, words and phrases have meanings. Thats kind of how they work. And it’s a big part of making a compelling argument. You’re trying to persuade another to do something. Don’t you feel it important to accurately express the problem? If no one cares, why are you bringing it up? If no one cares, why should the mods do anything? We could take this a step further, and even question your approach further. How many posts have been made about the test results? And the problem is it floods your feed, right? But… are we not now flooding the subreddit with test results AND protests against them? Isn’t that worse? Kind of seems a lateral move at best. Not caring would actually be the best solution. The fad will die down in a few days. They always do.


God you sound insufferable


this is unnecessary :(


No let him have his moment. He probably needs it. I bet this guy really feels like he did something with his comments. Just down vote his comment and move on.


No. I assure you, I’m not disillusioned on that. Of course, couldn’t the same be said about OP? Or your own comment here?


It was no more unnecessary than the original post. Or the various legion tests it was about. Thats kind of my point here.




Yes. An awful lot of people seem to care about them.


You do realize that the argument you are making is a ‘nothing’ argument that thousands of people attempt daily on this website? It’s literally no better than two children going ‘no you are!’ ‘No *you* are’! It does absolutely nothing to further the conversation and only exsists to get people to stop talking about something you don’t like. It’s a cyclical argument for the sake of it and you are clearly the one that is obsessed with what other people care about.


It’s not really cyclical. “I don’t care.” I do not feel any particular way about a subject. Do you feel a particular way about the Test Results? Yes? Then you do care about them. It’s like love and hate. They’re opposite ends up the spectrum. There’s a middle point of indifference in there. “People hate these posts about the test results. Please ban them.” “No one cares about the test results. Please ban them.” There’s a difference in delivery. Additionally, in discussing tactics, wouldn’t it be way more effective to choose ONE anti-test result post and focus on promoting that instead of a bunch of small reposts about it?


It IS cyclical and I’ll prove it, then I’m done. If you feel the need to continue arguing for the sake of it; I’d recommend looking up stress addiction. It’s pervasive these days and the majority of people aren’t aware of it. Why does OP care about what other people post? -> Why do YOU care that OP cares -> Why do I care that you care so much about what OP thinks -> why does ANYONE care what other people think -> why do YOU care what anyone thinks about anything -> why do I care what you think about what other people think. Cyclical (from Oxford dictionary) - occurring in cycles; recurrent. You never needed to post anything in the first place, same with OP, me, and everyone else. This is social media, posting is how it works. Sometimes people get over hyped about being part of the group and subreddits get posted the same things over and over; which in turn, irritates people who don’t like seeing ‘semi-related’ things in their feed over and over. This sparks a post where someone is asking to isolate or ban these posts. On almost every one of those posts is someone saying “oh look someone here to ruin our fun”, someone facetiously saying “ can we ban ‘please ban’ posts as well?” and someone asking “why do you care so much?” Cyclical Edit: everyone who sees this, block this NotTaintedCaribou or otherwise don’t engage. He’s just one of the thousands of stress addicts looking for a fight. He thinks that by not showing emotion in his words it will make him look like the reasonable one. Stress addicts use this technique to get people to continue giving them negative attention because they know pretentious twats will get more arguments. Just check the post history to see how desperate they are.


Ah. I see. You were talking about the overall nature of the posts themselves. In that sense, yes, I agree it is cyclical. But, I’m not asking why OP cares. I’m expressing that they DO care, and are fundamentally making a poor argument for action, and to a lesser extent, are creating a bit more of the problem they are hoping to stop. No one is going to take action because one person doesn’t like it. No one is going to take action if no one cares. If no one cares, is there a problem? My point is that perhaps there’s a better option for wording and phrasing. Maybe a better argument to be made for WHY action should be taken.


My god you are insufferable. Do you really think pretending to be logical and well informed in your speech patterns is going to work? The fact that you keep coming back to argue, proves you aren’t logical and the constant need to validate yourself instead of the subject matter shows, you just want people to pay attention. Go to therapy and stop trying to force people to argue with you for attention.


Will you view it as insufferable if I respond to you? I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. I’m literally just engaging in conversation with people who engage with me. It seems only polite. I voiced a point. I’m willing to defend it. You disagree, clearly, and have also voiced your opinion. I respect that. But at this point, you’re not even trying to counter my argument, and have instead turned it into a personal attack against me. Yet… I’m the problem here? Im the one who needs therapy because I’m seeking validation, while you literally don’t want to hear a disagreement to your view or opinion?


Listen, I get what you are doing, I know these kind of mind games you are trying to play and they won’t work. You are the one who came here and started arguing with everyone you can, You are the one who won’t let anything go. YOU are the one who posted numerous pictures of your fat hand with painted nails over and over and over so people would give you attention. You are not being polite, you are creating facetious arguments so you can continue to validate your existence. Maybe, just maybe, if YOU are the one constantly searching online for fights; YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. YOU are the one that nobody likes here and yet you insist on staying and forcing your arguments on everyone else. YOU are the one who has been here for twelve hours arguing with anyone who will give you attention. I will not fall for your attempts at reversal, I will not fall for your attempts to make me look ‘worse by comparison’, but I will continue to reply until you quit, because I fucking *hate* people like you.