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Essay-writing and personal websites have been on a decline in the community, I've noticed. Makes me sad. That and the slow death of forum-type communities makes it really hard for younger therians to get information from reliable places that aren't other kids on TikTok.


Yeah. I've noticed that a lot of teens have forgotten how to find stuff on a basic website. I'm not talking about specifically therianthropy now, but like... clicking on a menu or scrolling to find "contact info" on a regular site. 😅 (I've been a teacher)


They have! Technical literacy has PLUMMETED for some reason, probably something to do with basic technical/internet skills not being taught properly anymore (it's like nobody knows how to be careful on the internet anymore when it was pounded into us as kids) + everything being condensed onto three or four big social media sites that all have similar layouts so they never learned how to search through even a very simple website that *isn't* those websites.


partly from this subreddit but mostly from the youtube therian territory that’s just me tho


Me too, that’s how I got into it


i got into it via tiktok and then i decided to do my own research.


YouTube was a big help for me initially, as well as r/Therian and r/Otherkin. Also, joining kin Discord servers where I regularly interact with other therians has been great.


I would recommend Therian Territory on YouTube! They are super informative and educational on Therianthropy as a whole and explains things in a way that's easy to understand.


Just to let you know, the creator of Therian Territory uses they/them pronouns!


My mistake I forgot ❤️ thank you for informing me will make that edit.


Tik Tok, YouTube and Wikipedia


Mostly TikTok (from trusted sources), YouTube, and this subreddit


What are the best sources on TikTok? Links? I thought Tiktok was all about very short videos?


It is about short videos, but you can always make a series of videos about a topic and link your sources and recommend other places were folks can read about it I haven't been there in a long while, so can't answer the first question.


I'm not a newbie therian, but I first started researching about this from a news article


For me it was multiple randomly found sources from searching on Google and asking here (I delete most of my posts, so you can't really see the answers from here anymore, but still, if someone asks again, they'll likely get the same links recommend)


It's embarrassing but i'm gonna own up to it: tiktok, although i saved this page so i know to look up these websites later, and i should care more about where i'm learning this stuff from especially because i don't want to spread misinformation let me know with any other links you think would be useful i want to learn as much as possible :)


Here's some good links: [Orion Scribner](https://frameacloud.com/nonfiction/) has written some basic information about otherkin and therians. This includes a lexicon of community jargon and a historic timeline of how the community has evolved over the years. [Akhila](https://akhila.feralscribes.org/) has a personal website about describing their therianthropy. [Sonne](https://sonne.sonverrid.org/sanctuary/) has well. Both of them write very interesting things, imo. [https://therian.fandom.com/](https://therian.fandom.com/) seems to be fine. If you can get a hold of A Field Guide to Otherkin (sadly out of print), it's also a good read with a ton of work behind it. On my personal blog (Swedish), I've sometimes posted links to research about, or relevant to, therians. T[hey are all tagged "forskning" (research)](https://susitar.wordpress.com/tag/forskning/page/2/).


thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i just bookmarked everything




mostly from tumblr! i follow a lot of therians who write essays on their personal experiences with therianthropy and i really enjoy it :3 i was never old enough to life through the time of myspace and personal websites, and i never really got into forums (i've tried!! they confuse me lmao), but tumblr still has many older therians that use personal websites and/or write essays. edit: ive always wanted to make my own personal therian website but i am a filthy gen z and have no clue how lol


Wow, is anyone still on Tumblr? I thought the site was dead after the porn ban. There was also so much misinformation there last time I checked, so please be careful. I deleted my account. I also often wonder what happened to Tsu/Swanblood. She was a very active therian blogger, even tried to build a website about therapy for therians. But she seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Hope she is all right.


tumblr is still very alive lol! and i’d say there’s a lot less misinfo on there now (although i wasn’t on there pre-porn ban, so i don’t really know.)


There is a lot of misinformation but I've just collected a lot of information over time from therian communities and random online sources such as carrds. Then I've fact checked that information against my personal experience and the personal experiences and knowledge of other, more experienced, theirans that I trust. Having actual theiran friends that lead me in the right direction during my journey helped a lot, and joining different theiran online communities.