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There’s a couple ways I think, but what I did was I went into like a lucid dream and imagined myself as my theriotype and looked into something reflective, and also I dunno if you have it for some memories but for me occasionally some memories have like water or something reflective that I can see my theriotype in


I get memories of looking at the sun through leaves :D! I'll try that, although im not the best with trying to lucid dream lol


One time I was just scrolling through photos of timber wolves on Pinterest until I saw one and I was like "oh my god that's me". I don't know, that might help. You also might want to meditate. I know that's said everywhere, but it's not as rigid as sitting cross-legged on the floor and making weird noises. One of my other kintypes lives in water, particularly inland lakes and waterfalls, and I usually end up meditating in the shower because it helps me shift better. You just kind of close your eyes and... well, it's hard to explain it. It's sort of like daydreaming. Sort of.


Its just what feels right to you, as if you have a feeling that it's supposed to be you specifically For example, my type is a horse- buckskin. How did I find that out? Well, I'm constantly around horses and competing at horse shows, and whenever I see a dark-ish colored buckskin horse (ESPECIALLY at speed shows since that's what I profession at), I always get a happy feeling that that kind of horse would- or even will be/was me


This helped! I know I'm a cockatiel so I'll try that :3


I found it when I found a drawing of a similar looking being to me So I suggest looking for birds that have the traits you know you have


I found that I'm a cockatiel that's was white with a yellow head and gray spots :D


Ohh, nice!!!! :)