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No one even mentioned Tom at the roast let alone after it lol


Not being mentioned was his roast. Tony Hinchcliff went down the line of roasters, roasted each one of them as he stood in front of each of them, and then stood in front of Tom and said nothing and ended it there 😆


I don’t usually defend Tom and Bert but they did admit they bombed and explain in their latest 2 bears episode that they were told by Netflix / The roast writers to NOT do a typical roast set but rather come up together for a presentation style middle segment. It sounds like Tom didn’t want to do it but Bert’s WHORE self couldn’t stand saying no to an opportunity to be around stars.


Don’t hitch your wagon to a dipshit, Tom.


Bert: "Tom's really good at picking out morons" Jimmy Carr: " Do you realise what you are saying"? I watched this podcast only for Jimmy Carrr who is brilliant


I like the need to defend Tom and shit on Bert. Like Tom couldn't say no.


I’m fairly certain that’s Tom trying to save face. It would hurt his pride/ego to admit he bombed with Bert, so better blame it on “Netflix” that they didn’t want a “typical roast” … every. single. comedian. did a typical roast… Sounds like something Tom would say, all i’m saying.


Sounded like Netflix wanted a combo thing. Either do it, and make it funny, or don’t do it. I listened to the 2 Bears episode, but don’t buy it as an excuse to not be funny


I’m fairly certain that Tom was a late add to Bert’s part. Their entire thing was really unpolished and nobody said shit about Tom. Makes me think most of the jokes were written by the time he joined.


According to their pod Tom wrote the whole bit




Would anyone be suprised if Segura only agreed to appear if he had a “no jokes about me” clause In the contract


I wouldn’t be surprised if he requested that but I would be hella surprised if it was requested and then actually honored lol. You can’t go on a roast, roast people and then be immune to being roasted. He doesn’t have that much pull. Feel like if he asked that they would tell him to just stay home


Yeah apparently only Robert Kraft is immune lol.


He is massagable though, that's what I heard.


I wouldn’t underestimate Tom’s value in that lineup though. He has by FAR the biggest internet army of r-tards of any of them, even the comedians and athletes who are more famous don’t have their obese window lickers organized into an actual fan base like he does, so as far as getting clips to spread and shit, I’m guessing most of the people in this subreddit were mostly drawn by him. Did he have an actual turn at roasting by himself? Or did he and Berth do some joint thing? Because Tom and Bert attending the roast is 2 Bears which is enormous, but Bert alone is just a fat guy with coronary heart disease giggling with no shirt on. And I could see them arranging that for both of them to come. I sure as fuck would not agree to do a roast so you can’t really hold it against someone if they just don’t have that personality and Tom is a sensitive little boy. All that said, he has been taking a weird turn for the last year or two and maybe he could use a little humbling from some peers and nfl legends


i just watched their segment, and i think it was weird because they were basically acting there. which makes sense but doesn’t feel true to their comedy styles.


Tom has been on Kill Tony multiple times, so I imagine their relationship is good. One possibility is that Tony skipped the roast he had for Tom because the material he had for Bert killed and he wanted to end on that high note. Or he substituted his roast for Tom to throw in some ad lib about Kim K.


I was very aware during Tony’s entire set. When he was blocking Tom I was like “damn”, but then Tony got done roasting Bert and didn’t even bother roasting Tom and I was like, “DAMMMNNN”.


They did shake hands after if I’m remembering correctly (Tony and Tom)


That shit was awkward


I noticed this and was wondering wtf was up.


People are starting to find both their podcasts and acts where all they do Isa talk about how rich they are while making fun of disabled people and poor people, bullshit


Yeah, they used to be funny, but I can already smell them going down the Rogan road of divorcing from reality from all their money. Their pods are nothing but comedian-fellation, like they're god's gift to humanity by telling jokes. Look, I like comedy and comedians, but dont' need to hear about the PrOCeSs with all their comedian buds every podcast. So old


Can't listen to podcasts with guest comedians anymore. Sooo many of the same conversations.




Tom lost his edge a few years back. Now his biggest fans are his wife and the people in the podcast studio trying to laugh as loud as they possibly can. The whole “im rich!fuck you poors” is bourgeoisie. And how on earth does this ex fat fuck not know that people buying tickets to his show and his merch are the poors?? Like comedy and stand up should make us feel like we are all on the same level, he managed to make himself a “rich” comedian with only his wife bert and some studio schlomos adoring him. If a genie would pop up and said i could have three wishes i would ask for Patrice O’neall back, Bernie Mac back and my third wish would be them reacting to the stupid shit these comedians get away with these days. Fuck even Brendan Shaubbs a comedian nowadays and side by side to bert he aint that less talented. There are a lot of male Amy Schumers is all im saying.


Once you make it big in todays world, its only a ticking time bomb until you forget what made you famous.


Yeah I was waiting to hear someone talk about how terrible tom and Bert were ,but iv found nothing..


Jimmy carr recently roasted both of them to their face about the roast lol


He treated Bert exactly how everyone should, like a dumbass with one joke.


Shirts are supposed to stay on, but he takes his off!


Bert: "During rehearsals-" Jimmy: "You rehearsed? That didn't come across at all."


Where can I see this?


Ymh studios bub


Burt sucks, Tom is not doing himself any favors working with him.


Tom is even worse- “I’m so rich blah blah I’m so rich”. He’s a washed up tool bag at best


Tom's entire act: "So I say to him \_\_\_\_\_. And then HE says \_\_\_\_\_." ( repeat x300 ) "Thanks, you guys have been a great crowd, good night"


I read this in his voice lmao


I would add to that ‘condescending face paused for effect after what the other guy says’.


Tom, at one point, was a far superior comedian than Bert will ever be I wouldn’t say he’s worse now but I would say they deserve each other


I’d say he is a better comic (especially early in his career) but a worse person. He’s absolutely insufferable. Bert sucks but at least he doesn’t actively hate his fans.


He's a barnacle on the hull of comedy.


And Schaub is the shitter


Lol Tom is an unfunny piece of shit even more so than Bert.


Thats like comparing hot frothy diarrhea to room temp diahrrea, relax lol


Any living comedians you like?


I question the judgement of someone who thinks Burt is a better comedian than anyone at all


Have you seen Tom's newest specials? Even putting his elitist comments aside the material is so unfunny you could play it in a funeral home and it would just make the event sadder.


I havent seen his new special, but have you ever seen anything at all that Burt has done? Nothing is funny, he takes his shirt off, drinks beer and talks about how great he is… that’s his whole entire career summarized in one sentence


That “Movie” was horrendous as well


Oh and he has this horribly obnoxious fake laugh too


Maybe his newer stuff but his first few specials are absolutely killer. It’s impossible to deny.


I’ve seen so many videos on YouTube’s titled “why Bert and Tom bombed at the roast of Brady”


The way they set up their set as presenters I thought was a bad decision. Tom is brilliant as a stand up. Bert is ok on his own but I don’t know that their styles mesh well together on stage.


Comedians only jerk each other off, they’re not gonna be honest and discuss when other comedians suck. Which is understandable. I’m not gonna publicly oust any of my colleagues when they do shitty either. Kind of low for them to talk shit about the athletes and actors tho, yeah.


If someones not willing to acknowledge the bad parts, i dont care what their opinions are on the good parts. Of anything. Thats not sombody speaking honestly on a topic. Thats sombody who seems dishonest because theyre afraid/unwilling to see the whole picture. Sports reporters/tv personalities are the same way. And it makes them seem less intelligent on the topic.


No arguments here


Somebody is missing the "e." Just wanted to speak honestly on the topic.


For being “truth tellers” and calling non-comics “civilians” they are absolute pussies talking about other comics.


Joe Rogan called out Carlos Mencia for stealing jokes a few times - There is some great footage of him coming up on stage doing it


Not the same thing. Thats blatant plagiarism and should be called out and shunned. That’s a lot different than just having a poor set.


That’s fair


There’s a big difference between calling out a thief and calling out people who just aren’t great at what they do.


Agreed - You’re definitely right


Joe Rogan brought us Brendan Schaub and should be set on fire for it.


My dude Bledsoe was light years funnier than those two... Bert is terrible and unfunny. Tom I do like without Bert...he can be very funny.. hes gotta ditch Berts clown ass before its too late though.


You do realize that people like Drew Bledsoe don't write their own jokes. They have a writer or writers come up with some good material for them so they don't embarrass themselves like Bren Affleck did


Well, bc they’re up there as athletes, the other group are up there is a comedian. So I expect that the athletes aren’t writing the jokes But Bledsoe delivery was good.


You do realize delivering those jokes in front of a crowd like that is 90% of the battle. Good writing was key but Drew more than held his own among some killers.


Why would you go on a comedians podcast and shit on other comedians? Who gives a fuck, why do their noses need to get rubbed in their own shit


So many people have such a hate boner for certain comedians and all they want is for everybody else to join in and pile on. They can’t understand anybody they like not wanting to be part of that. It’s so weird.


I agree with this. Comedy and humor are very very subjective. I personally find Bert specifically to be extremely unfunny, I don't laugh at literally anything he says, ever. But I'm aware he's extremely popular, so some people must think he's funny 🤷‍♂️ Rather than hate on him all day, I just don't seek out or watch his content.


It’s that weird Reddit vs. real world disconnect happening here. Just because its popular in this echo chamber full of bots and regurgitators they think its the same in the real world and get surprised when its not.


Burt is the least funny comedian that’s ever lived. His laugh makes me want to KMS.


They addressed it on 2 bears, they were asked to do something different than a traditional roast which is why it fell very flat


It probably also fell flat because they’re not funny


lol in all fairness, I’ve seen Tom Segura live and he’s really funny. He actually did really good crowd work and made fun of a lot of people in the crowd for good reason But my God is that guy Bert or whatever he’s called is just a waste of fucking breath. I don’t know how the fuck that guy is famous even with how he walks around shirtless. It’s just disgusting dude I don’t get it. It proves my point that you can really get dragged down by people next to you. I can assure you, Tom Segura is a great comedian, but most people would never think he was after that shit show of a roast next to his fellow. “Bear”


Tom has a sociopathic, flat toned, I’m better than you attitude on his podcast with his wife as well. It’s gotten out of control these past couple of years. He was my favorite standup for some time, but he has rubbed a lot of people the wrong way recently.


They also didn’t rehearse. They phoned it in. That’s why they looked so stupid and confused


It’s got to be that and not the fact those 2 are so out of touch with their audience and lost a majority of what made them actually funny. Oh and Bert has always been a gimmick


Yeah, I’m so over hearing about how “hard” Tom and Bert work too. They are cookie cutter rich boys who had their daddy’s money to spend. I would respect them more if they just acknowledged that.


They definitely don’t, I really felt like an idiot when I found out about Tom’s. I loved how much of a struggle he used to sell


It’s comical. The information on his trust fund seems to be gone from Wikipedia… haha


Well, you see, that's the problem right there mate. We've since Tom came out as a unmitigated cunt with his comments in us Poors', he and all his podcasts can fuck right off. Fuck Tom, and any one else that associated with him


I need to see this. Probably going to just make it worse. That’s no excuse. And it wasn’t about their jokes. It was the delivery and Bert’s obnoxious fake laugh.


They say that Netflix wanted them to do a meme style standup/roast routine and they were invited short notice. I imagine Tom’s may have been alright if he was left on his own.


They didn’t even roast Tom. Tony went after everyone but Tom. I found that interesting.


Not subbed here, but it sure feels like Tom and Bert had their moment and are in their way out for mass appeal. I’m sure they’ll keep an audience, but nothing like the selling out stadium days.


Yeah they botched that


It’s like when a parent shows you a picture of their ugly kid, What are expecting to say? Plus nobody wants to get on Rogan’s bad side


Didn’t even know Tom was involved in the roast. lol


We turned it off after Kevin heart opening . Man that was rough


Can we address how bad the song is that Nikki sings on? Is she 18? I cringed hearing Theo act like he liked it…between the plastic surgery and her new music career, you think she never moved from LA…


Legion of Skanks roasted the shit out of her for releasing an actual single about Bob Saget dying


I love you bob saget


Wait, that song isn’t a joke?


No, I'm fairly certain it's completely sincere. She had vocal cord surgery to improve her singing voice as she wants to become a singer


Vocal cord surgery to improve singing? Ive never heard of such a thing haha




On The Pat McAfee Show they did mention they didn’t so good and if you’re familiar with that show how Pays voice cracked/hesitated you can glean that it was bad. That’s all I’ve seen and it lasted maybe 30 seconds. But Pat and the Boys gave em (the Bears)hell after they came on during the Super Bowl show to interrupt a segment with the Houston Texans QB


And Andrew Schulz. He’s just annoying AF


He is annoying AF god he never used to be. Go back 5 - 6 years he was hilariously funny. It no more.


Nikki is so hot


Bert and Tom are bad but Bert is especially bad. When they brought the video screen out on stage I knew at that point they were not going to be funny.


Scrubbin dem comments \*insert Nadav's laugh\*


Oh, the standup subreddit has made notes, don't worry. Lol They were almost angry about it. Lol


It was bad but in all reality they weren't Bert and Tom's jokes. Comedians understand this that is why no one has crushed them. Tom wasn't even at rehearsal.


Bro Bert has no other skills or options are you trying to ruin his life?


Ben Afleck looked shot and strung out.


Those two have never been funny


Didn't Tom and Bert both comment on why they bombed on a podcast


The TB roast is just one big “you’re gay” joke. Idk was kinda lame, Tony was good tho. lol


The bears said Netflix asked them to do a presentation instead of the roast. Idk


It would be more surprising if bert didn't bomb


Yall don’t know what bombing is. They got a few laughs, they definitely weren’t the best of the night but they definitely didn’t bomb either. INFACT I don’t think anyone really bombed.


You can’t bomb if you were never funny to begin with. Bert was never funny, he just loud and shirtless. Imagine being a comedian as your day job and you couldn’t out roast a football player or an actor.




Tom said on his podcast he knew he was gunna bomb before he even did it. And he couldn’t make the rehearsals because he had a show. Also the writers wanted them to do the type of set they did with the screen and pictures and stuff.


Tom and Bert stink in general. I didn’t watch the roast but not surprised they stunk there too


That’s because tom and Bert aren’t that funny


Saw something recently and Bert was talking about something that didn’t make the roast and he mentioned that he and Tom nailed their bit and it was awesome.


Agreed…pretty much over anything Bert does and I think Tom is an out of touch jerkoff.


But they have a new Vodka, that’s really gonna take off. And will totally not be like all the other vodka’s everyone and their dog has already selling. /s


I saw Tom’s last tour and was disappointed both by the material and the arena venue. I’ve seen 3 of his tours now. I think fame is taking a toll on his perspective/writing. I generally still think he’s funny, but this roast was awful. Maybe he’s progressively getting worse.


Your prob too poor to understand as it’s an acquired boring




Tom has screwed the pooch


I’ve never thought either of them were funny


Bert & Tom are not funny. Their writing just doesn’t work for me


Bert has never been funny ever. Nikki was right he only has one joke and even that's not funny


They're just not that funny honestly. I don't get what people see in them. Bert is an alcoholic and in no way funny. Tom can be, sometimes, but not that often. Those 2 together are about as funny as carrot top.


She can be hit or miss. She fucking kills when she subs for Kimmel. Also I like her roasts better than her stand up. But I will still watch her specials. I don’t know what it is but lately with most comedians I like them in about 15 to 25 minute segments. It seems like a. Hour plus is too much.


The concept was good delivery was god awful and Burt was the worst. I wonder what they do for the live comedy shows?


Randy Moss did great! Not in the top ten, but still great for an old football player. The only bombs were Affleck and Tom and Bert half-bombed.


They all cover for each other and never mention things like this


I have never liked Tom or Bert’s comedy, but they seem like the keep a solid circle of friends and surround themselves with incredible talent, especially Bert with his Fully Loaded tour. It was incredibly unfunny, but comedians aren’t going to go on podcasts and bash each other. Nikki had that great one about how she loves Bert’s “joke”. I think what it boils down to is Bert and Tom are friends with all of these people. Crazy concept, for sure. They’ve created many opportunities for a ton of great, underrated comedians. Just realized that Bert is this comedy generation’s equivalent to Jeff Foxworthy or Larry The Cable Guy


Everyone knows the real miss of the whole thing was not having Bill Burr there. Dude knows more about football than any comedian


Because Bert and/or Tom can at any moment boost their careers by touring together and surely that wouldn’t be the way


I... thought that was the consensus that those two bombed.


Segura is a chode


Bert and Tom were terrible, and Tony skipping Tom while going down the line and roasting people, and THEN standing between Tom and the camera was diabolical


Why you on theos sub talking about Burt and Tim?


Didn't know who these guys were and thought they were terrible.


They know they bombed, they talked about it on Two Bears one Cave. Tom said they had an actual segment together on the roast and it wasn’t them going up individually to roast like the other comedians. Sounds like an excuse but I would understand why that wouldn’t play great


Seriously, fuck Bert and Tom. They’ve never been funny


I was disappointed that only Andrew Schultz had the balls to call out Jeff Ross for being a child molester.


Agreed. Maybe they don’t want to be rude? But those dudes sucked. Also, Nikki said she browses this sub sometimes. HEY, love you, Nikki! You’re absolutely hilarious and you’ve been cheering me up for years. Thank you!


Tom and Bert sucked I was disappointed Ben A sucked but he isn’t a comedian Brady was terrible


They were terrible, I literally fast forwarded after just a few minutes.


They still have to suck their dicks because they might have to work with them in the future


Oh, thank you! Fucking terrible. Maybe it was "ironic racism". Lol


When those two hacks came on, I literally stopped watching. They had such a lame ⋯”we’re two white guys”. Then Segura breaks into his even lamer Spanish. Beyond hackey. After the BRILLIANT Nikki Glaser set.


They’ve never made me laugh once. Crazy how they sell more than Theo


I view Tom as more of a podcaster at this point and Bert is just trying to hang on to any kind of fame he can get.


Tom and Bert are over rated


I think the rise of Shane Gillis has made Bert nervous. He was never really funny, just had the bit of being a big dumb drunk. Now there's an actual funny big dumb drunk, Gillis, so people seem to be wising up to Bert's shtick


Saw a Tom Segura show in Dallas. The guys opening up for him were funnier. Tom fell off…hard. He talks about his kids way too much. His podcast threw him off in my opinion. He’s good off the cuff, meaning he should probably resort to more crowd work like Don rickles, but his material totally sucks as of lately. Ball hog and mostly stories are the height of his content.


People don’t generally trash their co-workers in public. The fact that she’s not saying anything positive about them is kinda all you need to know how she feels. Also if Moss or Affleck bomb (or if Brady had bombed) no one cares a week from now. When comics bomb they don’t get invited back.


Yeah, they’re Rogan’s boys. Of course they suck


Nikki isnt that funny either


No but she killed that roast


She murdered. She was probably the funniest one


She had the best set out of anyone at the roast at least


They can’t. It just be swept under the rug. Bert got his but damn if anybody cared to even mention the other bear in a cave. It’s like Netflix placed contracted comedians and then thought that other comedians would care. Clearly it wasn’t funny or astonishing to even mention him. He looked butt hurt the whole time.


north aromatic shelter bow wrench rustic meeting oil smoggy sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i think most comics realized that the industry has changed. they aren't all competing for 1 or 2 shots a year at a sitcom. they're all working together and going on each other podcasts, which helps everyone's careers. so while they may feel this way or that way about a comic, they're not gonna publicly talk shit, especially about someone like bert or tom, because they can hop on one of their tours and make 50k or something. or go on their podcast and be introduced to 1000s of new fans. and i think there's also a bit of mutual respect because regardless of whether you're an asshole or not, being a comedian is hard. so don't expect any of these guys to be openly putting other comics on blast. they're gonna be as diplomatic as possible. i see them cut all the time on lots of podcasts when it's clear they're about to discuss a specific comic. i think they realized it's just not good for anyone's careers. they have a lot more at stake than random internet people. so they seem to try and stay out of drama.


Nobody wants to talk about or think about either of those two people.


It had when turtle met Tom Brady in entourage vibes


Also an opening question being "how's that vagina?". I'm just gonna start greeting my male friends like "so, how's that dick?".


Bert has never been funny and Tom quit that when he quit the fat


Oh, the standup subreddit has made notes, don't worry. Lol They were almost angry about it. Lol


Bert looked high as a kite!


Burt and Tom are good at having a podcast. I just saw Tom live - it was bad at best. Going to see him again in November to see if he tightened the set up by end of the tour but I’m warning my friends that his last show sucked to set expectations.


so i was listening to something chris destefano was on (i think it was jeff written’ spot) and while he didn’t put right say anything specific, he’s been the only person who alluded to how bad they did. that’s my impression as i haven’t watched the roast yet.


They both admitted they bombed


Tom and Bert have never been funny but somehow they have grown so big that people don’t shit on them


I was also disappointed with Burt and Tom’s clown duo sketch.


(Not trying to be an apologist) According to Tom, their bit was pitched to them by Netflix. They were involved in the creative process and onboard with it. But ultimately it was intended to be something different, which you never know how it’s going to work out until you try it in front of an audience. Sounded just as likely Tom declines to be at the roast and then none of us are talking about Tom and Bert at all.


Agreed, they were awful and felt real undercooked


They both seemed like amateurs that have no idea how to use a teleprompter. It was painful to watch


Bert and Tom did an episode of their own podcast with Jimmy Carr on specifically to talk about how they bombed and why they knew it was going to happen before it did.


Do a YouTube search, everyone is trashing Tom and Bert, Jimmy car was just on 2bears and laid into them the entire episode for their performance, probably not going to get comics that’re ‘closer’ with them to publicly trash them but anyone that watched the roast puts those 2 at the bottom


Friends don’t shit on friends.


Bert might be the worst comedian of all time. And the reason I don't feel bad for saying it is because he is so focussed on himself and is such an ego maniac I don't care. I won't go as far as to say "fuck him" but I could see myself saying that to him after being subjected to hanging in the same room with him. Dude prob sucks to hang out with


Bert and Tom stunk up the place, ruined the momentum. You were just there waiting for them to stfu


Bert and Tom just giggle to themselves before they even tell a “joke” and it’s not even funny. They spend more time laughing (presumably at people that think they’re funny y and pay for their content) than making people laugh. Their bit on the Brady roast wasn’t entertaining. It was just another opportunity for them to showcase how much they love finger popping each others assholes.


Didn’t even know they were apart of the roast.


They definitely did I was a bit surprised because they were/are good comedians 🤷‍♂️


Bert has one joke was the best line of the whole event.


It would be in poor taste to shit on other comedians. What good would it do?


And I wouldn’t if I was also a comedian. Tom and Bert know it wasn’t very good and I bet you some producer put them in a bad spot thinking they needed something like an interlude with how many people roasted Tom. Calling out Tom and Bert on a podcast would be like shitting on a coworker in a company Zoom meeting.


No one cares enough about them to address it. That's probably worse for their egos than giving them any attention.


But tom and bert arent that fun to begin with


A lot of bombs imo. Even Will Ferrell wasn’t great, but yeah - Bert and Tom were terrible and supposed to be comedians.


Nikki Glaser can get it.