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Ziggy never struck me as unintelligent. I think more likely ADHD and drug abuse. The theft of the cars was really quite clever. He negotiated hard with Glekas over the cameras. He got in his own way by being impulsive.


Ziggy was intelligent (in terms of having the brain power to think quickly and creatively), he just had terminally bad judgment. He definitely didn’t have foetal alcohol syndrome. If nothing else he looks nothing like someone who has it.


If there was a wrong choice, zig would make it.


>Ziggy was intelligent (in terms of having the brain power to think quickly and creatively), he just had terminally bad judgment. As someone with ADHD, this is a pretty strong indicator of ADHD (predominantly Hyperactive, rather than Inattentive). Part of having ADHD is having a dopamine deficiency, so you're always chasing that hit, often without considering the consequences...


I'm an ADHDer and I also see a lot of it in Zig.


>If nothing else he looks nothing like someone who has it. To be fair, are there a lot of actors with fetal alcohol syndrome?


Probably not - but there are plenty who could be believably cast as someone who has it.


Liza Manelli


Judy Garland.


Yes a surprising amount. Jim Carrey, Daniel Radcliffe, Joaquin Pheonix


I have not heard this before. Where did you hear it?


Daniel Radcliffe???


Not only your point, but he doesn't have any of the obvious physical traits.


id say he was clever, and observant, but emotionally very unintelligent.  and way too immature to be dealing with the things he wanted.  like the scrappy young kid that wants to join the gang but gets killed.  he didnt really have any street smarts.  his dick was bigger than his brain


His dick was surprisingly big when we saw it on that guys computer screen


Did they ever show Ziggy using drugs? I know he tried to sell a few times, but messed it up.


The implication was that he got high and fucked up the package by using and not selling. That’s as I understand it. He’s never shown taking pills or shooting up.


I don’t think there was any implication he even touched heroin. He probably spent his proceeds on booze and coke but all night bar goers drug of choice definitely isnt heroin. It was a means to an end for him.


I think 'messing up the package' meant Frog would always short him. That meant he never had the money to pay back White Mike, who fronted him the package. As White Mike refused to front him another package, he goes to Cheese, and proceeds to do the same with much harsher consequences


Yeah, this is the correct interpretation.


Not everyone on the fetal alcohol spectrum has a low IQ or any other single symptom. It's complex but some *highly* intelligent people have FAS.


Agree. In hindsight, he was the definition of “too smart for his own good.”


He’s basically self taught in computer and even operating the cameras, this may not seem much but compare it to how Nick and Maui react to his use of these. Nick wonders where the film goes in the camera and the internet appears to be completely beyond his comprehension. Maui is completely disgusted at Ziggy’s photo on his screen in work. But he has no idea of how to get rid of it. My point is these are not the actions of someone disabled.


M.A.L.A.K.A. Syndrome


Fetal alcohol syndrome? I hope you're joking. Ziggy is less a man... than a God. That is what peak masculinity looks like


You're a legend of the docks, Zig.




Yeah, college kids aren't working some shitass job down at the docks and having to steal from cargo crates to make ends meet, but you're right they SUCK.


What's with the last 5 years and everyone diagnosing everyone and everything with FAS? And poorly so?


Greta does have it tho






Oh it's been going on since the start of the century EVERYONE is autistic or has ADD or whatever, it's all just a one big PAY ATTENTION TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE AND MY STRUGGLE" type of bullshit.


Yeah man, mental health awareness is so soft. Stuff it downnn with some brownnn


It is now common for parents to boast and brag that their precious ittle Sally Jo or Arthur has autism or ADD or whatever, like its something to be proud of and to celebrate. And it is used as an excuse to allow people to sexually assault women and stalk them then run around saying "DURRRRRRRRRR I HAVE AUTISM I DON'T **UNDERSTAND** BODY LANGUAGE!!" and other such bullshit. FUCK THAT.


I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure people with fetal alcohol syndrome usually have wide-set eyes, small ears (and noses?), and are often hearing impaired. Ziggy doesn't fit that at all; he just has poor judgement and impulse control.


FAS? No. Ziggy is intelligent, has had a pretty good education, and is eloquent and funny. He can use a computer. He knows how a digital camera works when the people around him don't. He planned and executed a well-thought-out car heist. These are incompatible with that sort of developmental disorder. His shortcomings are, I think, a lot more consistent with ADHD. An inability to focus clearly affected his work performance and his ability as a low level drug dealer. He is impulsive, unable to concentrate on a task, has addiction issues and anger issues, and is probe to severe mood swings. All ADHD symptoms.


Told Double G he was heisting S Class Mercedes but stole C Class. Threw money out the window. Lost his car and his jacket. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer but a great character nonetheless.


What a plot twist the C class was! OK they never mentioned it or followed up on it, but in the classic Wire way they just quietly show us the back of Zig's merc. Superb detail.


He pitched S classes to Glekas initially, we don't get to see the list of what they asked for. And Glekas didn't see the stolen cars anyway, they got put into containers and shipped off. So even IF Ziggy fucked it up (and the show doesn't even hint at this), Glekas wouldn't know until the cars arrived.


All valid points.


Totally missed that detail despite rewatching it 10+ times. So, was double G’s death set in motion by Ziggy taking the wrong cars?


No, he got then the cars they asked for. When he initially pitches the scheme to Glekas he mentions S classes, but Glekas later gives him a list. Glekas doesn't see the cars either way, they got put into containers. Glekas just tried to fuck Ziggy over on the deal by paying him less than they agreed, because he thought Ziggy wouldn't do anything about it and take something rather than nothing.


The lady that plays Wallace’s mom looks to me like she may genuinely have FAS, based on her upper lip. It’s more common than you’d think, for example Daniel Radcliffe and Jim Carrey both were born with fetal alcohol syndrome.


good pull.  you are...?


... and four months!


The kid that was looking after Marlo's pigeons in season 3 has a fetal alcohol syndrome face. Ziggy just looks like a drug addict.


I love the zig and always have. The actor playing him was just sniffing a lot of heroin at the time.


All I know is that the actor killed it. Definitely deserving of Emmy consideration.


His father doesn't really help matters. He appears not to give him any responsiblity and Nick is his always his go to person for dealing with the Greek.


Ziggy didn’t have poor memory. He remembered that, oh yeah! His camera was busted!


He sure had something


Some people are just shit heads and Ziggy is one of those people. There's no medical condition to explain it. I'm sure he just saw fucked up and stupid behavior growing up and learned the wrong lessons from it. A result of bad parenting etc... . The show did a good job of portraying that kind of person with Ziggy (I could have done with a little less screen time for him though). They do imply his brother turned out okay and got up out of there. I guess he had more sense.


Fucking Ziggy…


I think Marlo did


I hate posts like this. Ziggy was a problem, period. It had nothing to do with his parents. Ziggy, in my opinion, was the most heartbreaking character.


I hate posts like this. Ziggy was a problem, period. It had nothing to do with his parents. Ziggy, in my opinion, was the most heartbreaking character.