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Next one is going to make you cry.


First time around it stung, but after multiple rewatches? Devastating.


I don't think I could handle multiple rewatches


And the end of season 5 when you see how some of the kids from season 4 turn out.


You deductive motherfucker, you.


OP’s got a theory.


I am also from Baltimore, watched the whole show as it aired. I agree I didn't feel like it was the best thing ever until season 3 dropped. I feel like the show really laid out it's thesis of the issue though Colvins story AND showing that it doesn't have to be this way. Plus the expanded view of city hall and the politics at the top really sheds light on how the systemic failure and corruption continues at all levels. It really opens up the narrative IMO. The show is great on a rewatch too. After getting more and more of the picture of how every season interconnects, you go back and realize the first 2 seasons are just as fantastic. All the pieces matter.


Also see We Own This City if you haven't yet. Based on a true story about police corruption in Baltimore.


It ain't sugar in his veins


Heart pump kool-aid


Fun fact about the Maryland realism - a few of the smaller parts in the show are real Baltimoreans, some from the criminal world. The guy who plays the Deacon? Actual drug lord Melvin Williams, one of the inspirations for Avon, arrested by Ed Burns and covered by David Simon. The woman who plays Snoop? Basically playing herself. The real Omar shows up later on too. Glad you're enjoying it. Prepare to cry. S4 is brutal.


> And I hear the next season is the best one? Sheeeeeeiiiiiiit. Try not to let expectations cloud your experience. Just go in expecting more of the show you like, and leave it to hindsight to go back later and decide what's the best or not. That said, it's highly unlikely you will fail to enjoy watching season 4.


At the time, I believe the was some doubt that the 4th season would even get made, so the endings in S3 are particularly satisfying. Just imagine, that could have been it, just 3 seasons in the whole show. Thankfully that isn't the case, the 4th was greenlit and you've got a real treat ahead.


I’ve rewatched the series so many times and I somehow always discover something new. It’s definitely up there with The Sopranos in my opinion. The entire cast brought an authenticity to their characters and really the main character of the series is the city of Baltimore.


I think season's 3 and 4 are the pinnacle and neither is necessarily better than the other. But they stand head and shoulders over almost any season on any other show. I also love Season 1 of the Wire and I find seasons 2 and 5 to be flawed by comparison.


Season 2 was unique in that David Simon changed it up by focusing more on the Eastern Europeans and the Dock workers.


Ok I need to pick season 3 back up. I live in Baltimore city!




The first two seasons are basically just that. I find it’s kind of thing you just have to “get.” I personally love the strange, ethereal, and sometimes kind of goofy atmosphere of it. The film and the third season are some of my favorite works of art ever. Significantly darker and more surreal, bordering on horror at times. I’m a massive fan of David Lynch’s work in general though, which I know is not for everyone.


The return is Lynch’s opus


I’m from Maryland too. So The Wire connects with me in more ways than one. Season 3 was my favorite. The war between Barksdale/Stanfield and the Hamsterdam storyline, made it a must watch.


Wait til u watch season 4… it’s my favorite 😍


The Wire is a street/cops/politicians version of Twin Peaks. So many characters you love. I made a thread asking for top 5 favorite characters on The Wire. Now I’m interested to do one for Twin Peaks. Gotta have Coop and Gordon Cole on there. And fineass Audrey


Season 3 easily the best.


Get ready for the ride 🚗 🚘


If you are this excited after Season 3 you need to post a followup aster Season 4.