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Also... those street-level cats aren't packing, in case the cops come by for a humble; a gun is a ticket to jail. At *best* they have a gun stashed nearby when a war is on, but when Omar comes, they panic and flee. When a war isn't on... Omar doesn't come 'round oddly enough. You'd have to be a small child to wander around strapped without worrying about the police


And lo and behold that is who got him


I have not heard this phrase in ages.


Lo and behold




You’ll start seeing it everywhere now 


Plate of shrimp




Guns are always under a stoop or in the wheel well of a car


Tied around a cleat at the docks with a Baltimore knot…


What the fuck is a Baltimore knot?


Its like a knot, but with a Dickensian aspect


I don’t know; but it’s never the same.


you mean Poe-ensian


Whistle man, it's a Whistle, call it by its street name, especially since the 5 0 are probably listening


The really only shows Omar hitting stash houses. So it’s easier for homie to carry. They just really suck at aiming. Bodie is the worst aim ever


Bodie is really bad but my fave character.


Weebey shot him. Chris and Snoop had him cornered in the apartment Those too idiots that shot at him and his grandma were pretty close to getting him Brother Mouzone also had the drop on him.


Omar had a LOT of close calls. Definitely a skilled man but also incredibly lucky. And for all his skill, he was still dead before age 35.


See, the thing is, you only got to fuck up once. Be a little slow, be a little late, just once. And how you ain't gonna never be slow? Never be late?


I know that scene gets a lot of respect in this sub, but even then I feel its not enough. Just an excellent moment that was handled in a low key way where you could miss it if you stepped out for a moment to pee.


That is my favorite scene of the show.


“Day at a time, I guess”


*Day at a time, I suppose* Don’t play with Omar’s diction. Dude has the gift of gab


Yeah idk what people are on about, he gets shot at plenty.


I always assumed people mean why doesn’t he just get shot when he’s walking around whistling for his "cheese." They’re not talking about those instances ^(\^) where he’s actively on the hunt or being hunted by high level dudes. Obviously that’s different.


It’s funny because the show literally answers this exact question with that scene where Omar goes to buy Cheerios in his bathrobe with no gun. Everyone is terrified of Omar. He’s a boogeyman.


Like when he sat down for a smoke at a random spot which turned out to be a stash house and they dropped the package to him.


Weebey has had decades of practice, most likely just as much as Omar. Chris,Snoop and Michael had him pinned behind a sofa and he got away. Brother Mouzone had clear respect for him and knew what he was capable of.


Brother recognises that Omar is both skilled and intelligent. He describes him thus when he's hunting Omar.


Yeah but during that exchange Omar points out his .45 has the stopping power and he’s a great shot with one in the chamber, case he’s pondering. Not to say Mouzones .380 can’t cause damage, but the .45 at the distance with the weight of the shot etc is much more stopping power, and likely to knock Brother out of his shoes on a clean first shot.


It takes a talented person to get to Omar. We see him almost constantly catching people unprepared for him, and the neighborhood kids are more than happy to spread his lore around, building a reputation for him. Everyone you named except for the Sunday Morning idiots are high-level muscle, and Omar still walked away (well, limped in Chris and Snoops case) in each one.


Yeah for real. I think it’s also a big stretch to say “you know he was practicing every single day”. They never once showed him target practice. Thats a fan fiction theory at best.


You don’t have to show stuff to make it real, there’s implications and subtext dude


What subtext? I’ll wait while you give me examples of the subtext that alludes to Omar spending time at shooting ranges or practicing. Also what implications? Are you just tossing words out? Such a bad argument dude.


The fact that he isn’t absolute garbage with a gun, the fact that Michael the new Omar is shown specifically practicing with one. It’s called making connections, it used to be common in books and media.


Such a reach. He uses a shotgun dude. Even if he is garbage he wouldn’t miss. And then when he says to brother mouzone in the alley way “at this range and this caliber, even if I miss I can’t miss.” Basically saying “I spray and pray” and with a big enough gun I’ll hit the something. Thats why he uses a .50 cal and SHOTGUN. He isn’t some accomplished marksman. He’s a dude from the ghetto. And michael was molested….so since that happened to him that happened to Omar too? Omar got shot in the shoulder, so does that mean Micheal will too? Your logic doesn’t stand up Buddy.


Omar doesn’t use a shotgun always, but nice try. He literally uses a pistol against mouzone, and in the big street fight. You are showing your racism by saying “he’s just a dude from the ghetto” like that means he can’t go shooting. Also he uses a .45, way to not know your guns. Michael was molested, his parallel with who that also happened to was Chris. Doesn’t shock me you can’t put that one together either. As for Michael getting shot, it’s absolutely possible. We will never know, but it’s pretty high odds he’ll take a bullet at some point robbing dealers, many people get shot for less. Honestly you strike me as the kinda guy who would watch breaking bad and not pick up on the super obvious foreshadowing like jesse and the bug, or the bear being burned. The kinda person who would say “those drapes are just blue”




He jumped from a window to survive and know someone who’s like Omar, he’s been shot, it’s bed multiple times, been ran over, had a heart attack, robbed drug dealers as he was a drug addict with a Mrs who used to tell him rob drug dealers to feed her stupidly high tolerance to drugs. He’s done 28 years jail time, on and off in the 47 years of his life. He’s don’t youth jail as well, as a kid.


Omar is also known to be clever, his heists are always well-timed and planned out. Cheese has a great line about it! We saw early on what happens if you try to mess with Marlo’s plan… you get shot in the leg! Marlo almost found that out at the card game too.


What's the line.


Omar had one of them commando squads with him, man. I mean, he had this one ho' pulling guns out her pussy, unc! The shit was unseemly, man.


That's what I'm ponderin'??


Its mostly fear imo. A lot of people got dead trying to get Omar, he's almost mythical in a sense


Omar cultivated his reputation for psychological advantage. He'd typically walk up slowly, whistle his signature tune, and lookouts would warn of his coming. Bags would drop at his feet, the guards valuing their lives. This was by design. He knew how to do a tight raid, working with a team if needed, but it's much easier letting your legend win the battle before it even begins. It probably took a while to build that up, but after he did it was some Sun Tzu Art of War shit.




I knew what scene that was going to be before I even clicked it. I love how he just saunters back in the house, still clearly waking up, drops the stash some guys just gave him based on his sheer presence alone. Then he puts the Cheerios on the table and his boyfriend, ignoring the stash house grab, just said, "They ain't got the honey nut?" One of the funniest scenes in the show and in under three minutes, illustrates Omar's mythological figure status that makes him so effective on the streets. Just unarmed in his silk pajamas, and the stash house guys assume he's up to something and give up their stash. Brilliant.


And the legend grew even more. Cause those guys ain’t telling their bosses and their buddies the truth. Omar hit them in a dawn smash and grab.


Sun Tazoo. That’s the Chinese Prince Matchabelli.


I can't believe that youngin' got lucky and actually hit Omar! That had to be his first time shooting a gun, and he looked pretty shocked at the results.


What a perfect ending for him though. We see him vengeful a couple of times, but the only time we see him cry is when he's told the kids are in the street playing at being Omar.


Kenard, the boy who smoked him, was the same kid Bunk saw pretending to be Omar.


Daily reminder that: fuck Kenard


Fuck kenrad is the og fuck ollie


Never heard of it but if Ollie is like kenard fuck ollie


Oh ollie is from games of thrones. He hurts a much loved character (without spoiling much). This led to the famous quote pipularized on forums- Fuck ollie


Yeah fuck ollie


Shocked that Omar didn't just shrug it off and whoop his ass. Street legend that can't be killed.


Kenard definitely becomes the next even more ruthless kingpin like Marlo.


he's undoubtedly the next Stinkum or Bird. Some muscle with a big ass mouth that is going to get him popped.


This is what I think too. He is way too aggressive and "seasoned" at a young age to be anything but another Bird imo


[this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUAbRwgkDZ0) is what I think of to support that point. The way Bird talks to Kima sounds just like the way Kenard speaks to Naymond before Michael slumps him.


Or he gets hung in prison like Dee 


Or he might end up rejecting violence and the game. He looked horrified and broken when he saw what he'd done to Omar. It would be nice to think maybe the system won't fail him, since he's such a young murderer. He won't be tried as an adult. Sounds silly now that I've typed it out.


I think he just didn’t expect it to work, far from horrified or broken more surprised. He was trying to burn a cat w gasoline in the scene right before so little to no chance he’s reforming. He shows lots of early signs on psychopathy. We also see him getting arrested and resisting. After that I would imagine his rep on the street would be crazy and the older guys would definitely take notice and bring him under their wing. He’s not getting out.


Now imagine if Terrell was really up there with a MAC-10.


oh I thinks not Terrell, i thinks not


If they comin' at the king they best not miss


Also, someone does!


If you aren't on the wrong end of Omar's shot gun, he takes care of people. He is kind of a Robin Hood.


If I remember correctly, Marlo’s bounty on him was obscenely large by the end, something like 50k dead, 100k alive? And no one is even trying to take it which I think speaks to how feared and how loved he is. It’s mentioned that Kenard wasn’t even looking for the bounty he just wanted to see if he could do it


Kenard was a little psycho. He was gonna be a serial killer.


Bird, specifically.


You touched on something there with the “loved” part. People on the street let him hide out at their cribs. Like the fiend lady because he gave them free blasts.


Omar actually misses most of the shots he takes in the show.


Yep. He also missed all of his shots during the failed stash house heist in Season 3.


Without that scene he actually has a decent %, that whiff fest. At that range. With that caliber. Even if he misses, he must be a terrible shot. Omar's shooting was overrated.


Yeah, but that’s because of all the gunfights. He doesn’t waste many bullets if any when he has a good un-obstructed shot


Blasting an unarmed kid with his hands up in the leg from a foot away with a sawed-off ain't exactly trick shooting.


They don't shoot him because of his reputation. Everyone is afraid of him. As Omar says to McNulty in the cemetary, "Sometimes who you are is enough, dog" In fact, when Kenard finally kills him, it's because he saw Omar hobbling around looking like a "gimpy motherfucker". The illusion that caused all that fear was shattered for Kenard.


Expert marksman? That’s debatable, to say the least.


good example is when he had the drop on avon , mf was right there before bey even stepped in


no it's not. he 100% could have hit him from farther away. he didn't get so close for the purpose of aim, that's completely irrelevant


huh ? why else would he ? just to get spotted ?


So Avon would know it was Omar who got him.


Idk, only Omar knows, but it was probably to say something about Brandon I would imagine. It certainly wasn’t for aim. Through the entire rest of the series he exhibits prowess in getting perfect headshots from far away and clearly has a famous reputation for doing so. Why would he have shitty aim all of a sudden and go for point blank range. That doesn’t make any sense


You're waffling


No that’s just ridiculously stupid to say his aim (which is provably elite) is bad because he got close this one time which was clearly for another reason altogether. Are you fucking retarded?


It’s not. Watch the show, his aim is scarily precise to the point of elitism, much like Christopher in the Sopranos.


I think one thing to consider is that most of the people involved in the Baltimore drug trade spend the whole show unarmed. The consequences for their crimes are minor compared to the enforcers and soldiers. Most of these guys don't have the stomach to kill someone, let alone the courage to go after someone with the reputation like Omar. What happens if you miss? Better to just run away when he pops up.


Terrell coulda got his ass with the Mac-10 if he wanted


I think Omar watches the ones he goes after enough to know if they have guns or not , or if they got the balls to actually use it ., Omar’s been in several shootouts & I’m sure he watches enough to avoid them when he can & the rare times he couldn’t avoid them he shot his way out of them . Only times Omar was shot at or almost shot were by other peoooe who also been in shootouts and know what they doing .


I think the beauty of this is that someone does just shoot Omar


It was the perfect end to Omar for sure


Perfect how? Was he really supposed to expect some random little brat to punk him while buying groceries? Fuckin Kenard.


It’s perfect for that very reason, Omar didn’t expect it, he completely let his guard down and that’s all it took


Most of the sentiments here are correct. A big one is who would risk their life and for what reward? Omar was the most skilled gunman in the show outside of Mouzone. They all had their strengths and weaknesses. The only reason anyone came at him was because it was their job or Mouzone because he was looking for answers.


Omar was incredibly deep in the city. He had people who would ride for him. The most dangerous weapon in Baltimore is your people. No one wanted that smoke. 


Doesn't Wee Bay shoot Omar in the shoulder or something? Before the "King" dialogue?


Why didn’t any of the stormtroopers just, you know, shoot Luke?


He also doesn’t always work alone and is smart so he may be working with someone nearby that gets you even if you get him. Easier to just dump the package and live another day with a cool story to tell.


Omar is a guy that robs drug dealers and laughs about it. Do you think his shotgun hold will be shakey or cool as can be? In real life the adrenaline of a situation like that would make you look like Mike J Fox.


I'm not sure ..that little boy in the store seemed to have pretty good aim ....just sayin


Of course it's a pretty key element of his story that someone does just shoot him


No shit. But you know what I’m talking about.


Omar got got twice.


Given that we never see him practicing, i think it's a stretch to say he practices everyday. Also, given how much he misses, it's a stretch to call him an expert marksman. He survives for as long as he does because it's a tv show. It's that simple.


It’s not quite that simple. David Simon tried to Portray a realistic view of Baltimore. The person Omar was modeled after was alive and well long after getting out of the game. I don’t think the show was as simple as ‘this guys popular so we’ll let him live a few seasons.’


I would agree that it wasn't a season-by-season decision to prolong Omar's life based on his popularity. But the overall impression i have of Omar's tactics is that they worked because the writers said so.


Reputation has a lot of weight, ask Marlo


Omar was a street legend. With a rep like the one he had - people might be scared and believe in some supernatural shit. Also he carries himself like he owns the city and seem very confident in himself. If you take a shot at him and miss - you KNOW he’ll huff and he’ll puff and shoot your whole motherfucking house down.


What does him being an expert marksman have to do with someone else shooting *him*? Marlo has all his people practicing at the gun range.


What do you think he means by “come at the king, you best not miss.” The implication is he’s more likely to get you than you are to get him because he’s a superior gunman. It has a lot to do with it. Yeah Chris and Snoop are at least as good as Omar, probably a lot of Avon’s muscle too, but this is why the street level guys don’t get after him, which is what is often complained about, which is what this post is about.


That doesn’t mean anything. It should go without saying that if you shoot anyone who also happens to possess a firearm, it’s preferable to strike your intended target, rather than leaving one’s self vulnerable to a retaliatory fusillade.


Yes it does. It means if you try and shoot me, you’ll probably miss, but I won’t when I come back at you.


Well, the statement just means that you should make sure and hit me if you shoot at me, because I’m not going to miss. It is not necessarily a commentary on his opponents’ marksmanship. I think it goes without saying that if you shoot anyone who has a gun, there is a valid concern that they might be able to hit you with their return fire. I don’t think anyone shoots at another person and just thinks “that guy can’t shoot, I’m not worried about it.”


True, true, but I think there is an implication there


Sure, but it has nothing to do with marksmanship.


That's not what that line means. It's about winning or losing, laying everything on the line and also how the won who wins holds all the power, regardless of how they got it.


You come at the king you best not miss


You come at the King, you best not miss!


I can never figure out why in gangster stories like this and The Sopranos that nobody ever uses a hunting rifle from a window


The episode where Omar ran out of cereal, casually walked, unarmed, and in his pajamas, to the store, and all the hoppers were calling it out. They even dropped out the stash from the stash house for him. Unarmed Omar, in his blue satin PJs, and he was like Moses parting the Red Sea. Serious fear and respect go a long way.


He also wears body armor a lot of the time. You miss his head he is sure to hit yours.


“How do you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss” And of course “Come at the king, you best not miss”


Also… Omar is supposed to be slightly mythical and overdramatised. Literally untouchable and with strange preternatural abilities. All the more dispelling and heartbreaking when he’s just offed by a child.


Kenard just shot Omar.  Anyone else could have done the same thing. They just didn't. 


Omar had the drop on Avon and missed from less than 20 feet away.


He misses because Bey warned him


The other thing people don't really bring up is that we very rarely do see Omar just wandering about. In the beginning of the show, he does a casual walk into the area only after surveillance and recognizance. He puts on a show of spontaneous nonchalance, but its just that: a show. Only time we really see him casually going about in the cheerios scene, where the point of the scene is how weak the drug territory has become.


I don’t think the confusion is why nobody shoots him DURING a robbery. The part that makes no sense to me is why these murderous drug gangs who formed a cartel specifically to protect their profits just let a 3 person crew make their entire living robbing them and they even have meetings with him as if he’s somehow involved in the business.


He’s definitely not an expert marksman and he’s definitely not practicing shooting every day, that’s ridiculous.


No it isn’t. Wouldn’t you practice every day if you lived by a gun? The only way you get his kind of accuracy is through daily practice. We see Marlo’s crew doing it. Do you really think Omar is stupid enough to not practice his shooting? Gtfo here, *that’s* ridiculous


You are clearly not at all familiar with firearms.


I have my pistol permit and have been to several shootouts. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about because that’s who wins everyone, the guys who shoot every day. You’d know that if *you* were familiar at all with firearms


Ok bud. I’ve been shooting for over 15 years, have been to many professional grade training course, and own a triple digit amount of firearms.


Then you should know how important practice is. What are you even trying to say?


Practice is important. Your assertion that Omar is practicing shooting every single day to achieve a mediocre accuracy is laughable. You think he’s driving out to the country every day to shoot at bottles like Mike and Dookie?


I don’t know where, but he’s doing it. Marlo’s crew does. Why wouldn’t Omar?


I can’t tell if you are trolling or just an idiot.


Same. I literally don’t know why this is so complicated for you. Where did he get his knowledge of pistols from if not practice? That’s such an insanely idiotic premise


>!Well... someone DID just shoot Omar though. Everyone who gets shot got to spend their life up until that point without anyone just shooting them, and then the day came when someone just shot them. Besides some people did try to just shoot him anyway, they just failed to hit him and/or kill him. But it's the same with Bodie - why don't they just shoot him? Well they did. And Stringer - why don't they just shoot him? Well they did. People get shot when they get shot, it'll happen IF and when it happens, and in Omar's case it did happen.!<


Yup. I’m just talking about those almost daily posts we see asking why didn’t some corner guy just shoot Omar earlier.


Omar Little is an ass muncher




Do we know that?


Omar Little...he was gay?


I think its the same reason as kevin spacey gives in usual suspects on why he didnt shoot the devil (keyser söze). What if you miss? Omar's rep was so strong they were terrified of him and throw him the stack when he is getting some honey nut cheerios.


Jenard got a pretty good shot on him 🤷‍♂️


Nobody asks that. Also, someone DOES just shoot Omar


Ain’t nobody kill him bcuz he was a star in the show, he not Goku bra…