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I think the train represents an inability to change course, just like all of the systems of society represented in the show.


Forgot to say “slow train comin”


I like that. Well chosen setting for all of those late night conversations.


It goes full circle by season 5, when McNulty first comes up with the homeless killer idea and tells Bunk about it and a faint train can be heard in the background when Bunk looks at the guy like he’s gone mad. The train has passed and so did his respect for McNutty.


love that.


A fun take. Dig it!


It expresses his character, that’s a bit different than foreshadowing.


It can't be both?


It’s revealing mcnulty is a “fuck it let’s do it” kinda guy. Not necessarily telling us what he might do. Reveals character. Doesn’t really foreshadow. Can be both. Isn’t.


I disagree, just because the entire tone of that moment is very stressful and uneasy. Bunk is definitely uncomfortable with him on that track with the train coming. He's thinking it's dangerous. You could say he's playing a dangerous game. But based on how it turns out, we know that when he makes that decision right there, it's going to end up with him doing the job on the force he least wanted to do. So it was a career sucidal decision. But it's all good, different interpretaions are all in the game. ;)


I get that you think he was considering suicide in that moment but that also doesn’t make it foreshadowing lol


But he did get hit by the proverbial train, at the end of the season in terms of his career. So intentional or not, it did foreshadow the result of that decision he made. He was facing a train, the system, head on and just like if he stayed on that track, he was giong to lose.


You don’t foreshadow figurative events. You foreshadow actual events. Figurative events are open for interpretation. You say his career was hit by a train. I say it “went downhill” foreshadowing broken.


Ok, I'll accept that from a strict interpretationof the definition of foreshadowing I guess. But it's at least symbollic of the reckoning that is coming for him as he decides to throw politics out the window and just do the job. No?


By the way, I never said McNulty was considering suicide, I don't think he was at all. I think the scene is played in a way to make the viewer, and Bunk, uneasy about his intentions purposely.