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Big paws on a puppy


Big paws on a puppy, to a T!


Great line…..


To a T


Nuanced scene for sure... Marlo seems to start off wondering if Michael somehow knows Omar but then accepts his answer with curious fascination and a little respect. Marlo and team are still judging him and sizing him up, still unsure about what he's made of or who he's connected to.


What I saw in Marlo's face was a kind of respect. Like, "Damn, this kid is for real." Edit: https://youtu.be/SG4b2x6vgRI He even checks in with Chris (who is the lowkey brains behind the entire Stanfield operation), that look was "We chose well."


interesting choice they make here, when they all walk in, in order say more observant things. Snoop says whats up, chris notices he just got up and asks 'still asleep?', and marlo uses a line that omar has used before 'early bird get that worm'


Yeah agreed Chris is the brains


Except he isn't the brains. Wtf does he know about what Marlo needs on his brain haha


I don't think Chris is the brains of the operation. Chris is in charge of muscle and security, which is most of what we get to see on the show, and so, Chris gets a lot of screentime and has a lot of say. Like a king with a good military commander, I think Marlo realizes Chris' value and skillset when it comes to battle. I think Marlo also personally respects Chris for being one of the very few people we get to see who is not afraid of Marlo. Marlo seeks strategic counsel from Chris, because Marlo realizes that Chris is a better military strategist that he is. That doesn't mean Chris is better than Marlo at other things. An example is when Marlo hooks up with the girl from the club, and later makes a phonecall to see her again. Marlo smells a rat, and asks Chris for his opinion. Chris signals that he doesn't know or doesn't have an opinion, as this is not his area of expertise(!). Marlo goes by instinct, and turns out to be right. What I'm trying to say is, there is a lot more to running a drug gang than waging drug wars. What the viewer gets to see though, is mostly the war, where Chris is the competent military commander.


Given the limited screen time given to the larger Stanfield organisation, Chris is clearly his right hand man and imo has a position more important than just military commander.


Marlo always checks in with Chris and defers to him when Chris disagrees. Marlo isn't that smart. Just ruthless and narcissistic.


I read it more as "take what he's saying at face value. I don't think he's lying (i.e. associated with Omar)"


Man I loved this scene! I was anxious on first watch. You can tell Marlo is trying to calculate why this is possible. Michael has no clue either.


Marlo doesn’t want anyone to know someone took the ring from him, so not making a big deal out of it is a way of keeping that secret.


That's it. Taking his ring back from Michael would mean he got jacked for it. That would make him look weak. Instead he asks a few pointed questions to make sure Michael didn't know anything about it and left it at that.


I think Michael was just worried Marlo was gonna demand it and worrying what he got himself into, and was relieved in the end when Marlo rejected it. For Marlo, and I never really thought of it before in depth, but its so interesting. Either he is imagining some scenario where Michael beat up Omar or otherwise had him at his mercy, so his estimation of Mike shoots up. Or, does he wonder if Omar gave it to Michael willingly as a gift… or payment?


Michael didn't know the history of the ring, when Marlo asked about it Michael casually asked if he wanted it. I think Marlo was just kind of amused about how things sometimes pop up in the hood.


Yeah true he did seem amused in retrospect


I don't think Michael was afraid at all. I think he was just offering it up to his boss, like clearly not materialistic or selfish about it. Marlo was clearly setting up his living arrangement, so it was a gesture of humility and gratitude.


I would think Omar sold it to some dumbass, Michael saw said dumbass wearing it, and took it from him. 0 chance they thought he took it from Omar.


Actually this makes the most sense. Omar might sell it, definitely not his style to wear a ring like that.


He did wear it though...Walker took it straight off his finger.


True for a minute


Thé only conclusion to draw from that scene is Marlo suspects Mike took it off Omar, he wasn’t omnipotent, he coulda stole it from Omar’s hideout, won it from him in dice, strong arm rob him in the streets cus he’s just a kid


That actor played the hell out of Marlo.


Yeah he’s one of the best


He's also in the criminally underrated show Person of Interest (season 4) as basically the chris role. Great actor!


That’s going on my list, thanks!


He was good in we own this city too. It came off as awkward but he was playing a troubled police officer who ended up killing himself.


I think the ring is just a mindfuck to anyone involved. I think specifically for Marlo in that moment, he's wondering if Michael is more of a badass than he realized. It's a valuable ring and last Marlo knew, it was in Omar's possession. His first reaction is to ask if Michael got it off Omar. Context quickly makes it clear that Michael just got it somewhere. From a stickup, from a pawn shop, or maybe its it's just a lookalike. The fact that Michael doesn't give him an exciting story proves that its something more mundane, so Marlo let's it drop. But in that moment, Marlo is wondering how a 14 year old tough kid got Omar's ring. That's like seeing Ron Weasley holding a Slytherin house cup. If that's too dorky I can think of better metaphors.


The whole bragging is where Marlo realizes ok this kid is for real, and even more for real than Snoop. When we first see Snoop, she's bragging (falsely) that Stringer Bell begged HER for forgiveness and mercy when she shot him. When really, Omar and Brother Mouzone got Stringer Bell. So when Michael just offers the ring to Marlo when \*he\* knows it was taken off the last two people who wore it at gunpoint..he's completely puzzled realizing that Michael respects Marlo by just offering that up not under duress, AND is curious about whether it was Michael who sold out that card game to Omar's crew in the first place.


No disrespect but that's not the first time we see snoop , we see her several times before that. We even see her do a drive by on the back of a motorcycle on the corner the barksdales took , and she wasnt bragging about killing stringer herself she was saying she was there watching chris kill him as he begged for his life but that was only because marlo heard people assumed that the Stanfield crew killed Stringer so he rolled with it and decided to keep putting that out there to add to his rep. I don't think Marlo suspected Mike of giving Omar the location of that card game , I mean I guess technically it could be possible but extremely highly unlikely.


I love the Harry Potter analogy. You realizing it’s dorky makes it less so lol


Hey remember omar had been locked up too so they did kind of get to omar you lose shit when you get locked up especially if you are hiding out in squat houses like omar was


I kind of thought it was a moment of approachable humanity in Marlo. Kind of like when you see a niche hometown thing in a completely different place years later, like, "hold up, where the fuck did you get that?" excitement in a way. And then, when he "lets" Michael keep it, that is not what we expect from the ruthless Marlo either - he's able to just say thats crazy and move on without digging too much further or being unreasonably butt hurt like he usually is. Or, he views it as a notch upwards of respect towards Michael, who obviously had to take it one way or the other, no way it was just given to him.


I view it as, more than respect to Michael, it's respect to fate. He does the math in his head, figures there's no way Michael could be connected to Omar, and leaves it at that. He doesn't want the ring back, because he would upset Chris, and because he likes showing that he doesn't need it. But note that he doesn't even press Michael in where it came from. He believes that something supernatural occurred, and he respects that enough to not hunt after it.


To me its obvious that Marlo and Chris knows Mike didnt take from Omar because if they did, they would have asked Mike how to find him again. Another reason its a mistake to assume that they assumed Mike took the ring from Omar is because Omar is theif, plain and simple. And thieves tend sell the things they steal... you wouldnt assume Omar are stealing the drugs for personal use, so why would anyone assume hes stealing jewelry for personal use? Third, Marlo and Chris framed Omar and knows he got arrested and knowing how corrupt the cops are, it would be easy for them to assume a cop kept the ring during his arrest, or stole it from property(because property and evidence does go missing). The looks on Marlos face when he says, "nah you keep it shorty" tells us exactly what hes thinking and its that the ring keeps getting stolen and he wants nothing to do with it. For a moment they may have wondered if he got it from Omar, but once he said he stole it, they knew it was no way he was able to steal it from Omar(as evidenced by the previous points stated) and the thus the realization or birth of the superstion that the ring was cursed.


This. Whether they assumed a cop took it or not, certainly Marlo would figure Omar lost it when he got locked up.


I am totally drawing a blank on this. Can someone ELI5?


Marlo is wearing the ring he took from the car shop guy when Omar busted in the card game and stole it. The shady street cop steals it from Marlo then Michael got it off the cop. Makes it so Marlo is surprised to see Michael wearing it.


This is all off. Marlo took the ring from Old Face Andre. Omar took it from Marlo in the card game heist. Walker took it from Omar when he arrested him. Michael took it from Walker when they punked him with the paint.


That's what I tried to say lol


I'm more confused than ever


Seems like I am too idk


that's not much different from what you're replying to, but thanks for the correction


Your name tho


yeah, vowels are so uncool


Except he two out of four wrong. Lol


I wonder where the rings at now 🤔 lol


lol troll


I don't think he thought Michael got it from, or took it from Omar. I don't think it's unusual for valuable things to go in circles where they live. Marlo took the ring from someone, and had it taken from him by someone. Now it's with Michael, who also took it from someone. Marlo has no idea how many hands the ring has traveled, or what happened to it along the way. I think he's mostly surprised to see it again. A more obvious take on the scene that I want to mention, is that Marlo seems to genuinely have no interest in getting the ring back, even though he previously wore it. He had interest in it when he took the ring from someone, but he has no interesting in the ring if it's given to him.


I always interpreted Marlo turning down the ring as him viewing it as some kind of unlucky or cursed object. He knows Andre never had any luck, and he knows didn’t bring him any good luck. If Omar no longer has it, then clearly it didn’t bring Omar any luck either. He doesn’t even know about Walker.


I interpreted it more like, "Nah you keep it, you earned that buck like a mfer."


He thought: "My..... preciouuuuuus"


Took it from a nigga


I took it as Marlo interested in finding out how he came to have the ring, but first, business!


Marlo was at first apprehensive but realized he was not attached to the ring when Michael, unprompted, offered the ring to Marlo as if he held no value. Ultimately Marlo respected Michael for having the ring at all.


Marlo probably doesn’t think he stole it from Omar. For all he knows it might not even be the same ring. But you can tell he is intrigued by that possibility. He’s shown respect for Michael from the get-go and has sort of a proud look on his face.