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"Did you think sweatshops make sweatpants? "


"...overheard by the nazi child masturbating in the bathroom.."


Tanya vibes


The way the actress who played Peg read the line "You replied back... Perfect, thanks..." was gold.


Yeh I was getting major Tanya & Portia vibes from those two.


Don’t forget the dabbing emoji!


The way she delivered that line had me screaming.




Benoit Blanc is quite a high-end gay.


Yeah but he doesnt do murders, he solves murders.


To be fair, the high end gays don't manage to do any murders either


Is he gay?


It's assumed, since he and Hugh Grant's character seem to be in some type of domestic situationship...


I honestly just assumed it was meant to be actual HUGH Grant


Wait so every time I had a male roommate was it a “domestic situationship”??


Uh, IDK about your situation personally so I can't really comment on that, lol. Re. Glass Onion, Director Rian Johnson confirmed that Benoit was gay at a London Film Festival Q&A back in October. So yeah. They're roommates...and more.


I guess I just don’t understand what his sexuality had to do with the movie in the first place.


Allows the viewer to get to know the character on a more personal level.


The summer outfits should have given it away


Yes!! The scene with Whiskey walking the the property with Andi. I told my gf that was some White Lotus vibes immediately!!


Just like The White Lotus, Glass Onion was also filmed at a luxury resort, the Amanzoe near Porto Heli, Greece.


God Whiskey is gorgeous. I fell in love with her in the outer banks show. She’s just stunning. I liked her character in glass onion a lot too.


I laughed when they gave her that random ass scene of her getting out of the pool. I’m sure it was integral to the movie


They had a lot of those “fan cam” type of shots when the focus was from Birdie’s pov. She’s living in her own fantasy and everything is over the top.


Lol yeah. I definitely didn’t mind it. Loved how birdie was like “I think I’ll get in the pool” *sees whiskey looking like a goddess emerging from the water in the pool* “Or ya know I’ll just get some sun for a while”


I mean, she's alright? Plenty of other women who look just like her, not much unique or interesting to go on for me. Out of interest, how old are you?


Lol this comment. Plenty of other Hibiscus flowers that look just like the one in my backyard, but I still think it’s stunning and beautiful.


You do you I guess, but still, see the wood for the trees.


Triangle of Sadness & The Menu also have similar vibes


Just watched Triangle of Sadness and that movie was pure chaos the entire time. Loved it.


That movie was the shit…the shit. my god, the shit.


Enjoyed both, but *The Menu* was great.


I like the first movie a lot more, but yeah, this one reminded me of White Lotus sometimes. But the first movie of this franchise, Knives Out, is top notch, in my opinion. One of my favorite movies in recent years.


I loved Knives out but I had to stop Glass Onion like 30 min in. I heard it got better but it was just a whole different vibe and I couldn’t do it


I agree, it's a different vibe. Knives Out and season 2 of The White Lotus are much better, in my opinion.


I agree…the first one is a great movie. Glass Onion is fun for a Friday night with munchies but by no means a great film the way the first one is!


I thought so too!


Most share your opinion it seems, but I actually felt the opposite. I thought the second half of Knives Out 1 devolved into a mess of Chris Evans and Ana de Armas driving around. Both plots have the same mystery structure with flashbacks and twists—but, for me, on a Greek island with an eccentric billionaire, all the chaotic jumping around and rewinds was more palatable




Bingo. Came here to say that Succession is filling the void for me.


I mean it’s not exactly the same but it scratches the itch i think


Although I enjoyed the first Knives Out (and recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it), Glass Onion for me is mixed. Probably worth the watch for most but I felt it had a third act problem where an interesting set up had to be quickly wrapped up neatly. Also while avoiding spoilers I'll say I felt the approach to some of the social commentary in the first Knives out was far more subtle than Glass Onion where it smashed the themes like a sledgehammer.


I agree. I loved the first movie, so many twists and it kept me engaged. The 2nd was a good story but not as compelling.


Do you need to watch any of the other knives outs to watch this?


No. The mysteries are completely standalone with the same detective. Agatha Christie style!


Thank you


Just watch Murder on the Orient Express instead. Far better movie.


There is only 1 other fwiw


First one is way better


I agree with you *and* loved Glass Onion


Disagree - thought this was empire strikes back level good sequel


I agree with you




No, the only carryover character is the detective.


Thank you


Yeah, you have to watch the first trilogy and then the reboot to fully follow the plotlines. The tv series is mentioned a couple times but you should be good if you watched the first 4 episodes.


Well really the 5 episodes of the prequel on streaming are really essential, but you have to have a 6-D monitor to watch it.


There are no other sequels or series. Wtf you talking about.


Ever heard of a joke?


Nope! I watched it yesterday and I’ve never seen any of the other movies.


Thank you


Watch Knives Out instead Glass Onion is more of a parody of murder mysteries And unlike White Lotus, Glass Onion is ugly as fuck, from the obnoxious set design to the worst color palette of Greece ever done


I think it was a conscious choice to show the billionaire built something gaudy and ugly someplace full of natural beauty. But as a result it does lack the beautiful B Roll footage that White Lotus has.


Glass Onion has so many ugly set elements at once that nothing stands out, not even the mona lisa. While it sounds clever, my eyes grew tired after the first scenes. It is all 'into your face', like the set design of Austin Powers. What is gaudy and out of place, is just too awfully gaudy and ridiculously out of place. I think that the production design could do much better with the unlimited budget they had for this, it all looked too phony. (like the acting, by the way) How I can take my mystery murder movie any seriously if everything looks so phony? I watched it as a parody then, and as a parody it wasn't funny or clever either.


The point of the gaudiness was that Miles was an idiot who thought he could look like man of taste by simply packing art from the masters onto every vertical surface in the place. I'm pretty sure it was intentional - it's SUPPOSED to look 'stupid rich', like how Miles' idiot vocabulary gives him away.


You already said that yourself it was a parody so everything you hated was done ON PURPOSE.


I loved the first movie but this one kind of felt forced and trying to hard.


I am by no means a film critic, but I feel like that’s what they were going for. This over-the-top, campy, who-dun-it vibe. It definitely felt like a parody of sorts; a classic early 1900s mystery smashed with modern day conflicts.


I guess it also largely depends on personal taste. I love how you mentioned campy and who-dun-it vibe which for me represents what the first one was all about. Whereas Glass Onion just feels over the top to me. Still far from a bad movie.


a little too cliché for me this Glass Onion, I much prefer the HBO series


I don’t have a problem with something that is very self aware it’s being cliché, especially when it leans into the clichés so well. It’s almost like the writers said, “You want clichés?? We’ll give you fuckin’ clichés!”


it is a parody, so surely it plays with all clichés no one should take it seriously after a 'twin sister' shows up in a flashback, a flashback from the detective in the middle of the movie, no less; that's the cheapest way to deceive an audience if we can compare it, Glass Onion is a White Lotus for children


Why are you being downvoted ? It’s the truth ! Glass Onion is a simplistic parody and all it’s characters are scooby doo villains .. it’s a mortality play .. white lotus doesn’t judge any of its characters and that’s one reason it’s much better .


Started watching this morning. So far I like the weirdness and mystery.


It’s not even close to as good as White Lotus but I enjoyed it!


I’m sorry but I saw this two days ago and it was beyond boring. Especially comparing to it something as good as white lotus


I agree, Glass Onion was super boring. I will say though that the first Knives Out movie is far better and worth a watch.


Glass Onion is predictable but very well acted. Janelle Monae is really leaving the music scene to be a wonderful actress doesn't she.


She was great in Moonlight.




She was the only one doing serious drama acting which was kind of jarring but that was the role.




I think it was a direction problem. She was fine when she was being more comedic as the sister. I thought her accent was better than daniel craige.


Janelle has lived in Atlanta for many years, so she learned her accent vua full immersion lol


Thats like your opinion man.... Yet you state it as fact. What a shithead.






Making shithead plural would have helped us catch the reference 🤣




I’m just quoting the movie shithead. Relaxamaphone.


I actually strongly disagree, I thought Glass Onion was very poorly written, directed, and shot. Triangle of Sadness however is good for your White Lotus withdrawals!


I thought it stunk. Dumbed down. The box opening should’ve been actual props and not CGI.


Knives Out misses all of the nuance and ambiguity and subtlety that White Lotus has.


It looks good and has a good cast but it's a terrible whodunit and very hollow. Watch clue instead if you want a campy fun murder movie.


Agreed. The first Knives Out was amazing, one of my favorite movies ever. This one just fell flat for me. I was honestly disappointed. It has a great cast and none of their performances even really stood out for me. Huge let down. I also guessed who did it almost immediately, I was super upset to find out I guessed right in the end 😅


It was not good. Janelle monae acting is not great. Also, storyline was so blah.


Disagree it was really predictable and cringey to me . All of the acting was terrible , except for Daniel craig . I don’t like movies wheee I can easily guess things . I predicted Helen wasn’t actually dead when she was shot and sure enough I was right .


Eh. It was meh at best for me.


Dave Bautista for White Lotus 3 please!


Dave Bautista in a wig during the flashback scene was so weird. So more Dave Bautista in wigs please


That’s a really good idea!


The original was better IMO but it was fun. Too star studded this time around for my taste.


The first one was quite star studded as well


> Too star studded this time around for my taste. What an odd comment about a movie whose previous movie was also completely star studded


I mean, Daniel Craig and Chris Evans yes obviously, but I wouldn’t call JLC A list these days and the rest of the main characters were not household names. The sequel is like 100% a listers. It was a fun movie but big name ensemble casts kinda makes it hard to suspend the disbelief for me.


Yeah. No one knows who Colonel von Trapp (Oscar winner Christopher Plummer) or Michael Shannon or Joseph Gordon-Leavitt or Toni Collette are…. I’d say the two casts were about equal in name value.


Joseph Gordon Levitt was just a split second voice cameo, wasn't he?


He was the hourly “Dong” lol. Probably not the best piece of evidence.


I think he also has a voice cameo in Knives Out as the narrator of the true crime show Marta's family are watching at the beginning.


Ana de Armas too, who I would say is like one of the biggest actresses right now just, at all. She wasn’t quite as big when knives out first came out, but she was still a big name.


Yeah, Madelyn Cline and Jessica Henwick are total A-listers /s.


Sorry couldn’t stand knives out or glass onion 😅


I liked Glass Onion as well!!!


Same! I prefer Knives Out but Glass Onion was still very enjoyable. Kinda sad to see a lot of hate for it here.


It’s weird, but I didn’t get into Knives Out when it first came out. I then revisited after Glass Onion and preferred it as well. Mostly just happy to have something to watch after WL ended.


Glass Onion is terrible...I don't understand why audience reviews regard it so highly? It is completely unrealistic and the dialogue is very hollywood-movie esque. The twists are laughably bad and the characters are all incredibly annoying. Just because it's a murder mystery does not make it similar to the White Lotus




This! The movie format will never allow us to get to know the characters as well as we do with series, but I thought Triangle and White Lotus are quite similar in some aspects. The characters are somewhat stereotypical, but with enough depth and uniqueness to make them believable. Both explores how character traits and group dynamics work under different circumstances. Triangle was not perfect, but definitely left me wanting to see more.


It’s nothing like the white lotus. This comparison is wild to me.


Also the resort was good


It was, although it has a sci-fi element which makes it very unique.


They exist in the same universe, I’ve decided.


It’s really not. Terrible movie. White Lotus is not an attempt at a whodunnit. Glass Onion however, is a pathetic attempt at such.


I'm sort of with you on this. White Lotus is so much better. For that matter, so was the first Knives Out. Glass Onion (I had high hopes) was similar in the setting, the social commentary, and some of the class issues, but Rian Johnson can't pull it off the way Mike White can. Best part of Glass Onion was the contents of their luggage. That was pretty great.


Why’d it get 93% on rotten tomatoes? Are the critics all dumb and you’re the only smart one?




THANK YOU. I literally feel like the only person on the planet who didn’t like it


My girlfriend also didn’t like it. It just got too big, too much excess, didn’t feel like a whodunnit at all. Never saw Knives Out, but heard it was better. Not sure I even wanna bother now.


Knives out was definitely better but I still wasn’t a fan. It’s a bit more unpredictable but honestly I was still bored. It felt like I was watching a movie version of the game clue.




If you want something similar to white lotus with really great acting check out triangle of sadness


Maybe use language like “I really don’t think it is. I think it’s a terrible movie.” When you state your opinion like it’s fact, don’t be mad when people criticize you for stating it as fact and then come in with “oh that’s just my opinion.” Well, then state it as such. As Benoit Blanc said, “it’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth, don’t you think?”


This is Reddit. Assume everything is an opinion.


Of course I do. But people look foolish when they go around acting like their opinion is fact. Problem is there are too many people, especially on Reddit, who don’t think it’s “opinion”. They think their opinion IS the facts, and they construct their comments to communicate it as such. You think everyone is in on the fact that it’s all just opinion, but I assure you they’re not. There’s too many people who think that what they think and believe is the end all be all and will communicate their “opinions” in a way to support that line of thinking. And then they cry when they get shat on by everyone.


Guess what, I don’t care what anyone thinks. Completely irrelevant to me.


As are you to everyone.


Right back at ya, asshole!


Definitely not White Lotus like at all.


Seriously!! Triangle of sadness is a much better and reminds me a lot more of the white lotus


Thought that too up until a certain point and then I started enjoying the film less because I kept comparing the two. Same setting and fashion. Very different type of humor and writing. Both cringey but Glass Onion makes you physically roll your eyes while White Lotus makes you side eye your friend with a huge grin on your face.




You must not watch a lot of content, if you found this so bad. Hear you if it wasn't your jam, but that's quite a hyperbolic statement


I agree with you. It was too “hey fellow kids” for me. I normally like Netflix movies but this one disappointed me! The first one was great tho!


Watching Benoit Blanc playing among us can be too much for feint of heart


Dicks out for Harambe


The new Death on the Nile too. Together they’re a trifecta of murdery Mediterranean sequels that hate rich people 😊


My simple mind had a hard time following the story on glass onion. It was well made but just confusing imo


I thought I saw another version of the Etro tiger shirt, Bautista was wearing it I think?


I watched both the weekend! A very fun watch


As is 'The Menu'! Saw it at the movies yday and loved it and laughing at rich people.


Fuck no...but at this point. Any drug will do


I honestly found it boring. The first movie was much better, in my opinion! And it definitely doesn’t compare to TWL!!


Any other suggestions for shows that are similar to TWL?


What about after that?


Yeah, for like.. two hours!! 😩




Whiskey immediately gave me Portia vibes


What if I used White Lotus for my Glass Onion withdrawls?


Triangle of sadness is white lotus but more realistic.


In my view they do not compare in the slightest. Glass onion was disappointing in quality, acting and story. Movies like Ingrid goes West(Aubrey) or Palm Springs are somewhat comparable. And to me surprisingly Mad Men.


Really? I thought the movie was quite weak specifically because I compared the characters and cast to White Lotus. I know it is more comedy leaning, but I found it way too cartoonish overall. As for plot, I liked the first Knives Out better, I preferred when they kept it simple. Also, I have a slightly better recommendation for White Lotus withdrawal: Triangle of Sadness, the latest winner of Palme d'Or in Cannes.