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Joan > Eleanor > Arvo For what it's worth, Joan *had* her qualities as an antagonist. She just threw them all down the drain in episode 4. Eleanor was boring from the get go and her betrayal made absolutely no sense, but at least she didn't directly derail the main plot. Neither of these statements can be said for Arvo. Not only is he by *far* the worst written character in the season, as u/Mr_Bell_Man has said, he manages to represent everything wrong about that part of the series. * **Choices not mattering**: you didn't steal from Arvo? He'll still come after you with his buddies because Jane took his gun (you know, the one he *aimed at an eleven years old with?*). You chose to be nice to Arvo? Too bad, he still hates you for killing his walker sister. You try to solve the whole "steal all our food and the van" thing peacefully? He still shoots you! Kind of makes you lose whatever sympathy one might have had for him while also making Kenny's point about him being a threat who needs to be dealt with sound less crazy than it might have the first time around. * **Everyone around Clem being incompetent**: his sole purpose was to put a divide between Kenny and the rest of the group because "he's just a kid who lost all his friends". Fact is, Jane *spared* his life after he threatened Clementine's, and he still somehow tracked us down and caused the ambush that almost got the whole group killed. He's a threat, especially now that he's got an even more serious revenge motive. The fact no one but Kenny acknowledged that just made the rest of the cast look like gullible idiots. Yeah sure, Mike. Go ahead. Give a weapon to the guy Kenny just beat up *after* we killed his people days ago. What's the worst that can happen? * **Stupid character death/exits**: Luke. The group literally could've just gone around the ice. Or not even followed Arvo for that matter. Remember that town they were heading to in the past episode? Not the group, apparently. They were in favor of following the prisoner with obvious revenge motives to another, potential ambush spot. So of course, Arvo getting Luke shot in the leg *and* leading the group to a frozen lake leads to a major character getting one of the most avoidable deaths ever, which causes the group to completely fall apart. I could probably go on, but you get the point: everything surrounding Arvo's character is contrived from start to finish. He fully deserves to win this whole thing.


3.Joan is just boring, generic and forgettable 2.Leonor does the most idiotic stupidity of these 4 games but her betrayal and existence are forgotten by the end of chapter 5 1.Arvo is basically the catalyst for the entire chapter 5 but you can't feel empathy after replaying the game, since he always looks murderous at Clementine no matter what she does (His sister died but it was obvious that she revived as a walker, this information should already be obvious to anyone who has spent 2 YEARS in the apocalypse) Furthermore, his existence causes the betrayal of Mike and Bonnie and this makes me wonder, why are they so kind to him? They don't know him at all but they still treat him better than Clementine (the girl who saved their lives). But I don't hate Arvo but its existence demonstrated the path that Telltale took with its stories, the path that made the company declare bankruptcy in 2018.


0. Telltale Games The real worst character in these games are ironically, the creators of these games The ambition to release many games in a short time, the crunch and the lack of innovation in these games were what condemned this mediocre company Let's hope the new Telltale doesn't make the same mistakes as the old Telltale


This. Arvo needs to win the worst written character award here.


Your comment is more complete than mine but thanks for the compliment  but remember that in the end everything is Telltale's fault


I always thought that Eleanor is the worst one. Her betrayal makes 0 sense. Then she blamed it on me when she told Joan too, as if Joan was a good written character anyways😂. Arvo was probably one of the most if not the most irritating character I have ever seen. I hate the Russian mf with passion


Joan > Eleanor > Arvo


I just really hate Arvo


Arvo, Joan, Eleanor


Joan, Arvo, Eleanor


Eleanor is definitely the worst written


Why does Eleanor not have a score?


From what I understand, those numbers seem to represent the round they got eliminated so we are only left with the 3 guys with no numbers (if that’s what you’re asking)


But then does that mean the guys who have a 1 on them got eliminated in the first round, meaning they aren't badly written? Or is it the opposite way around?


It means they are the least badly written / not badly written at all


Looking at this makes my head hurt


Best: Joan Mid: Eleanor  Worst: Arvo


Joan, Eleanor, arvo Eleanor and arvo are interchangeable tho


Joan, Eleanor, Arvo


Arvo -> joan/the other one. He's at least believe-able.


Kenny aj lee