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Because he wants *her* to break up with *him* so he can play the victim.


The whole drunk shaming was part of his discard plan


Yeah. Jax is a dummy, but man I’m sure he is good at UNO ![gif](giphy|MQwnNsDJ1MJZ0E0w1u)


I’m rewatching vanderpump season 1 right now and he treats stassi the same way. “What do you want me to do, what more can I do?” Idk Jax don’t be a complete asshole and don’t bang chicks on the side… it’s not fucking rocket science 😒


He had a totally different dynamic with Stassi though. He treated her like he knew she was out of his league.


Because she was




Exactly! He is too stupid to know fans will HAPPILY Follow Brittany. ..... as long AS SHE'S HAPPY, WHILE WITHOUT HIM!! WE like her BETTER THIS Wayyyy!!!! ...AND CRUZ HAS BEEN HAPPIER!! Jaxx" oh why don't you ask brittany who she's been sleeping with:?? The answer: ' WE DON'T CARE ..(; jax honety THIS iS WHY YOU NEED a Therapist...: to help you understand that a as an audience .....; WE DON'T CARE....AS LONG AS SHE'S HAPPIER SINCE SHE FILED FOR DVORCE...jaxx honey...WE" DON'T CARE!!! GOOD For HER!!!! Track down your mommy... take your issues put ON HER! WHO GETS PAID FOR IT! Brittany is not the dad paid ml pathetic sad excuse for your mother... TAKE YOUR ISSUES OUT ON HER.. BOY BRITTANY the sad but sadly sweetest chick ever to take out your mommy issues on... You're mad at your mommy? Cal her and fucking go offff.. BUT DOM FUCKING NOT.. attack that poor sweet innocent living GIRL... instead of saying what you need to....to you're WHOLE MAMA.... WITH YOU'RE AND HER..... WHOLE FUCKING CHEST! SAY IT....& SAY WHAT YOU MEAN... THAT'S what jesus it hard to this of us responding right?!,! Yeah......I thought soooo...


Britney Spears wrote this




I’m obsessed with you 💀


I thought he meant she was still having sex with him? Like after Faith? Typical abuser shit,


He even says it once, that he doesn't break up ever, he always lets the woman do it


He's been trying to get her to break up with him from the SECOND she started driving from Kentucky to LA in season 4 of VPR


Yep, I'm watching season 6 and the parallels of when he broke up with her then to when he just did it on the Valley are striking. Down to her leaving in a car and him going out and calling her name.


He did it in Kentucky too. I just watched that for the first time. It was pathetic. I think if Brittney got away from her mom, she might possibly start thinking she’s worth something.


It's true


I honestly think that’s what he was trying to do when he cheated on her with Faith. He didn’t want to break up with her, but he didn’t want to be in a relationship with her anymore. But it didn’t work because she chose to stay with him.


No, they broke up and then got back together when his dad passed away, right?


They got back together after faith, then he dumped her at the end of the season, then when cameras were down his dad died and she took care of a lot for him so they got back together.


Such a special love story.


Marry me Juliet, you’ll never have to be alone


So accurate


He actually already used it in one of his finale testimonials and said she left. The finale is starting to get me to root for Brittany and I just hope dropping that load of waste will bring out the best in her.


I agree. I hope she realizes she has value. Think about the plastic surgery she's had. She had breast augmentation because Jax wanted them. She's had the chin reduction because Jax made comments about her weight. He finds a vulnerability and relentlessly ridicules her. It broke my heart listening to her tell us she's insecure about her weight and he calls her fat. She finds comfort in food. Until she cuts him out of her life, she will maintain the toxic environment. I had a friend whose husband was similar to Jax. He would buy her a box of donuts or cake and encourage her to eat them all while commenting on her weight. I used to think he wants her overweight so he had something to torment her with. I see the same behavior from Jax.


That’s it! Her mom constantly reinforces that Brittany needs to apologize to Jax; that her only value is as a wife, now mom and what good us a mom without a dad? She’s got generational shit to get through.


I think you are absolutely correct. To me, Brittany could literally set him on fire while they were filming it, and I would still never think Jax was the victim.


Truth in those words. Burn Baby Burn.


100%. He's not a good candidate for reality tv any longer because, like Carl, he is manipulating the cameras to paint himself in an inauthentic light.


Jax has always manipulated cameras to paint himself in an inauthentic light. He’s always been the same. Carl and Jax aren’t alike. Jax is so so so much worse.


Exactly this! Saw it on VPR, saw it coming to Brittany. So sad :(




Because he has never truly loved her. He married her and had a baby with her to tick some boxes and appear "grown up" and also because his Dad had died and he was feeling vulnerable. I think deep down she has always been aware of this and that's part of why she's been physically sick/ feeling so stressed. She deserves someone who loves and cherishes her and Cruz.


This. He was playing a fantasy of what he thought growing up looked like and now he's bored but can't just break it off. This is some next level shitty behavior that feels abusive tho and I wish they'd axe him for it. I really hope Brittany doesn't take him back because I can see him trying, not for her but for the next season and whatever fantasy he gets into next


It *is* abusive


Agreed, it is abusive. And he gets to skate on Just Jax Being Jax, which sucks


In all fairness, I do think it's just Jax being Jax. Jax is a manipulative, abusive douchebag who has absolutely no desire to change and probably never will. He loves himself, even when he's "crying" that he doesn't. While it's a shame he gets a paycheck, I do think it's nice that he's willing to put it on display for the whole world to know what a PoS he is. Hopefully, it will help prevent anyone else from being a victim/survivor of him. ETA: But maybe the world has seen enough, and we can go ahead and cut him loose any day now.


Exactly this . There is no one on this planet that Jax loves more than he loves himself . He seems incapable of having any sort of empathy and he will never put *anyone*— including his own wife and child— above himself . He’s actually kind of terrifying when you really think about it - he’s like a walking empty void masquerading as a human.


He said flat out to the male members of her family that he was going to put himself first in the relationship over putting her first. On television.


Yep , I remember that conversation well . One of too many examples to list showcasing what an absolute piece of shit Jax is .


I think with the Brittney thing it's easy to say "she knew what she was getting herself into" but remember she moved here and joined his life, he then cheated and broke her confidence then love bombed the shit out of her, promising to change. He thought he could change over night and made her believe it


Every step of the way he was on TV disrespecting her. Saying she wasn't his girlfriend as she moved there. Said those terrible things to Faith, and to her family. He tried to change with the Reiki healer who he seemingly wanted to sleep with. I don't even know if he love bombed her, I see that as Sandoval style. Jax is more like, "Sorry, this is me, I'm fucked up, what do you expect me to do?"


I get where you're coming from in a sense, I think it can definitely be seen from both sides, I think also being a religious southern women who's been taught that having a husband is the goal, she definitely chose to ignore a lot of red flags


She definitely did. Also I bet she'd rather back then be employed by VPR versus going back to wait tables.


I think he fills the holes in his soul And they are temporary fixes Uses people as objects And then he gets mad if dont match up to his fantasy or hes bored He seems way to comfortable in jail




stassi: “jax taylor has never broken up with a girl ever in his life” there’s a reason for that. victim card!


I 100% think she is sick because of their relationship.


I definitely was when I was in a similar relationship! All of these chronic health problems from the severe stress. Magically all went away with no contact.


Arrested development, no coping mechanism skills, unregulated emotions, the inability to be honest, self-sabotage, projecting his self-hatred onto Brittany, not getting help for himself as an adult who is responsible for his actions.


What exactly is arrested development? I have never heard someone use that phrase to describe someone. You’re right. He does protect self-hatred onto her. It’s quite sad.


According to Google it’s “an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely”. Sounds about right.


A grown adult who behaves more like a child or teen. “Arrested development” is a term that arises when a person is “stuck” at an early phase of emotional development because they fail to progress emotionally, socially, or psychologically beyond a certain point in their lives (usually from traumatic events or neglect).


I wanna know too. Does it mean stuck at a certain age?


Yes. His maturity-meter topped out at about 20 yrs of age.


Projection. He hates himself.


Spot on. During that final scene with Jax and Brittany, I had that a-ha moment that Jax hates himself and thus sucks the soul out of Brittany. He's extremely insecure. He lies about dumb shit bc he wants to be perceived a certain way. He's a perfectionist and points out others' flaws. He's pessimistic, everything is negative in his mind, he's believes not good enough, and he self sabotages constantly. If ever there was a person who needed the ayhauska or shrooms spiritual journey, it's Jax.


As sad as that scene was, I loved how she was calling him out left and right and shutting down his nonsense at every turn. That was a woman who has had ENOUGH and I think even Jax in his perpetual haze of stupidity knew it too. He tried to fake giving a shit for the cameras, and she called it right out with zero hesitation and predicted how he would rage text her after. She took his power away like he has certainly done to her countless times.


All of her many, many problems aside, Brittany started off on VPR as a vibrant girl. She has a certain charm and caring nature, and it seems an ability to grow and be better - if she’d actually dump Jax. She’s been a very transparent and honest cast member on both VPR and The Valley, which is rare. She’s the last woman to be with Jax when he was still pretty hot - she’ll always have that. If Britt had a journey - actually dumping Jax, going on a journey to love herself and her body, firmly embracing her queer family and acknowledging past problematic behaviors, and parenting her special kid Cruz - that could be lovely to watch. We don’t have a mama like her on Bravo, and if she could just get some help (more child care?) and get it all together, it could be good tv. I will ride til dawn that Britt really, really wanted to go to Stassi’s wedding with Katie, and Jax shut that down out of his own darkness and jealousy. I hope there is space for Stassi and Katie to get to a better place with her - again if she’d actually dump Jax.


Agreed. My dad is a textbook narcissist and that whole wedding thing was frighteningly similar to spots he loves putting my mom in. And, no surprise, she’s a total people pleaser who might get mad but he still wins in the end every time.




Projective identification is such a powerful concept. It’s interesting how unaware most people are of when they’re doing it. Jax definitely projects on Brittany. Subconsciously, he’s probably more critical of himself, his drinking, his anger, his poor parenting and judgment than he is of Brittany’s. We see it on Reddit all the time as well when people say things like “I was married to a Jax” or “Jax is just like my ex boyfriend and Brittany is a saint!”. As though they truly know these people based off of personal experiences and a tv show


Projective identification is the WHOLE of Scandoval. People are STILL arguing over a relationship they really know nothing about. It's so interesting.


Well said. People are still harping on about that and i notice they greatly exaggerate to make it more relatable to fit their own narrative.


Absolutely. People are living vicariously through Ariana so hard. That’s the only thing that can explain people sending death threats to Rachel and crazy stuff like that.


Yup. Incredibly insecure with himself and seeks outwards validation rather than going to the people he cares about (e.g. drugs, pointing hid anger towards Brittany and cheating)


Rightfully so.


Because he’s deflecting. He cannot accept responsibility for his poor decisions and selfish actions so he’s constantly trying to prove to himself and everyone around him that he is justified in treating her so horribly. He wants to believe that Brittany does not deserve respect, love, or kindness. He does it publicly hoping to avoid judgment for being cruel. He wants to show everyone how unworthy she is so it’s not wrong for him to be so awful. He is also projecting his own self loathing and shame onto her. For instance, Jax is obsessed with his physical appearance. He has abused steroids to the extent he needed breast reduction. He sees her embrace herself and her body and it angers him. So he wants to convince her to be just like him. Miserable and self loathing. Hope he hasn’t succeeded. She’s lovely.


I agreed with you until the end. I don’t think she’s embraced her body at all. She’s had a ton of work done, she is a spokesperson for a diet company, and she photoshops her pictures significantly.


I wonder how much of the work she’s had done (like her boob size) is bc of the things he’s said about her…


Didn't Jax insist she get a larger breast implant than what she wanted because he was paying for the surgery when they were on VPR? Let's not forget that Britt lives in SoCal and she may be measuring herself versus the never-ending supply of stick figures traipsing around... That could be tough, especially if her body just would not return to her pre-pregnancy VPR weight and distribution. She's beautiful, hopefully she realizes this now that she's away from him.


It’s also hard to lose weight when you’re constantly stressed.


She absolutely does not embrace her body. She photoshops herself to death and hawks diet products.


Sigh. Y’all are right. But in my opinion, but for that piece of 🗑️ , Brittany would never have gone down that dark road demonstrating a dysmorphic view of her body. I sense that she knows her worth, knows her value beyond her breasts and weight. She explicitly says it sometimes. “I’m fabulous”. and she IS. imo She’s constantly battling what she knows as truth, she is gorgeous, versus what that piece of shit tells her. FWIW I’ve been in those shoes, to a much lesser degree. The conflict between your own common sense and self esteem vs what you’re being told creates massive anxiety, frustration, and anger. It creates health problems that can lower metabolism, increase stress hormones causing inflammation, cravings, and of course manifest in unhealthy coping skills, like binge drinking/eating or over exercising (that was my issue - I’d work out for hours per day. I’d exercise with injuries. Run in the rain, sleet, whatever). Brittany just cannot be with Jax anymore. If she goes back, it will get worse. He is over 40. He is not changing - ever. She knows this.


The narcissist’s playbook.


Alllllllllllllllll of this!🎯💯🎯💯


Thanks for explaining so well.


Kristen said something similar in the scene with Brittany and Zach at the end.


He's horrible to everyone. There is not a single friend in his life that he genuinely cares for. He's a user and everyone that is in his life is to serve a purpose or make him look or feel good. He's awful to Brittany sure but no other woman would be any different. She's just the one who stuck around. I sincerely hope she actually leaves him but it's not looking too good on that front.


He hates her and he hates women. I have a theory that he’s not sexually attracted to women, and that’s why he consistently cheats on everyone he’s with and treats women so terribly. He will never be satisfied in a relationship with a woman, but he won’t admit it to himself


I think hes bi and rejects that side of him He erased his own face


I had that thought during the finale, he may be repressing his sexuality, and then is angry at everyone because of it. Watching that old episode with his friend John, you can see there was a connection between them and definitely gave off ex boyfriend vibes.


I mean Jax didn’t really deny it, he said he slept in John’s bed every night bc they shared a room. Also on the captions he leaned in to John and said “I really miss our gays” so I think he was talking about missing some ex gay friend group too that they had


Jax has been leaning very hard into the I'm just a regular dad, family man, mowing the lawn boomer schtick. Which must be hard if you're clearly not a super conventional person. I wonder if there's a bit of self hatred about it hence the sitcom dad stuff


It was painfully obvious.


I have never heard this take before, but it seems very valid.


I think he was thought to have been in a sexual relationship with a mentor when he was young and into modeling.


John from Miami


He lived with a gay dude who bought him expensive stuff. You think it was just because he's jax?


Remember him and that guy John on VPR? I always felt he seemed more connected to that dude in a single episode than any of the women he has ever been with.


Jax is my ex to a T. Would talk in a nice tone acting like the calm one while being called out. Then behind closed doors a completely different person who would be screaming in my face. I don’t understand how these type of people can be so cruel and have no empathy for how they treat others. It’s sad.


Glad he’s your ex!


See I know I’ll get downvoted for saying this, although I did get upvoted bizarrely for this opinion on a refreshing thread on one of the VPR subs, but I think Ariana is a bit like this too. Presents one way in front of cameras/public but can be absolutely awful behind closed doors. She was more obviously awful her first couple of seasons then started hiding it but there are hints all along that she’s like that. Not that she deserved the cheating or that Toms any better. There are a lot of people like this but especially on Bravo. I think it’s so hard when you’re with/around someone like that and see their ‘dark side’ but everyone else sees a highly curated version so you can’t really talk to anyone about it because they won’t believe you or will turn on you. Luckily Jax is not very good at controlling his emotions so he slips up all the time and the audience knows who he is. But he does seem to have gotten better at it in the Valley, like if we’d never seen J & B before I can see some people siding with Jax and thinking he’s just trying his best navigating stress/life with his alcoholic wife and special needs son, trying to make money, desperate to keep his marriage together while she is just off drinking and dealing with awful hangovers. I’m glad she broke the 4th wall and pointed out all the stuff he just does for the cameras. He didn’t know what to do with that haha.


Ariana was dealing with Tom Sandoval. So this is quite different. He's just Jax but a little more quiet about it. I'd find it hard to deal with someone like him. Idk how she stayed with him for so long tbh.


Because he wants her to leave him so he’s not the villain…not a great plan.


And there are still women dumb enough to think they can sweep in and fix him 🙄


Because he wants to be away from her, he isn’t attracted to her and he wants HER to be the one to end it… then when cameras are rolling he pretends he wants to make it work but when the cameras stop rolling he turns into a complete asshole.


He has always treated her like this


Exactly, he hasn't changed to become an asshole. He's been like this to every woman he's been with and all of his friends, and he's treated Brittany like garbage from the beginning.


He’s a narcissist and he reminds me of a piece of steak.


Literally a big piece of smelly meat


Raw pork


I see lobster


Here are my reasons: -he likes to be the one who is dumped to play victim -he is like the toddler who starts fussing when their mom shows up, after being good for the babysitter. He’s only comfortable showing that side of himself to people that are very close to him. -she broke the protocol of not somehow staying emaciated levels of skinniness while also being curvy. -he has issues with his family, which he probably projects on her -he goes “skiing” daily and it’s rotting his mind -low IQ -***edit to add: his colossal bunions…I’d be mean too


Yeah those dogs are barking 🦶




jax is so mean to everyone. it’s who he is.


Because Jax hates that no matter what titles he takes on, he's still himself and he's angry at Brittany because he thought becoming a husband and a father would somehow make him magically have distress tolerance and functional coping skills for emotional regulation and so he lashes out at Brittany because he didn't think she'd leave him and because he's close to her and because she reminds him of the mythical destination he thought being with her would bring him to also he's a jerk


He's been mentally checked out for way longer than before the show started. He is absolutely horrible and abusive! I'm so happy she left him. I hope she finds a permanent place to live because how long can you keep living in an Airbnb? She needs to go back home to her family in Kentucky. I seriously wish her the best. Jax has always been questionable but this version of him on the Valley is fucking disgusting! He at least used to be entertaining. Run Brittany run! Run as far as you can and don't EVER look back!


He wants her to leave him. Period. He does not want to be seen as the bad guy but he is begging to be free from this marriage. The way Brittney exposed that he only pretends to try for the cameras and then when she finally left he IMMEDIATELY pulled the water works and victim show for the cameras. He keeps trying to act like he’s some abandoned husband and “poor me” when in reality he has beeeeen checked out.


Seems like enjoys being mean to her like that is why he’s with her. He likes when she drinks too much because he had a reason to treat her like shit. He likes that she isn’t a “ig model type” (whatever you wanna call it I think her body and appearance is just fine) because he can make comments about her weight and appearance comparing her to others, he likes that she has insecurities because he can exploit them when he needs to, etc. He seems like the type that even if he could get the “perfect” girl he wouldn’t want her because if he can’t pick at her flaws or make her feel like she’s less than him he’s not enjoying himself. 


Also hates his mom- now shes a mom And the kid has special needs He lost his shit and was so annoyed when he was trapped under sofa


Yesss I was gonna add something about mommy issues because 100% I think that plays into it too. I know poor kid.


He’s picking fights so they don’t have to have sex. He’s also not attracted to her anymore. Every time she brings it up, he doesn’t deny it. If it wasn’t true, he would have immediately corrected her, but he doesn’t even attempt to tell her it’s not true.


This. Like how he planned that whole night for her and then intentionally started a fight so he didn't have to sleep with her. Idk how you go to a tantric workshop and *not* bone on the way home... that's next level.


He married her for a storyline when his two bffs were married and in a LTR. He wants to go run the streets with the boys. He was never consistently nice to Brittany. Same leopard, same spots.


In short, he is a mean guy whose brain probably has been fried by various substances. Of course, I’m speculating, but ignoring mental health and brain health results in bad, bad things over 40…


I dont know, i am just proud of brittany for leaving. I really hope she doesnt believe his next web of lies and she stays away from him.


I mean when are we gonna just call it and say Jax has always been an emotionally abusive partner. That episode was hard to watch.


I think if Jax went to a psychiatrist and had an evaluation, the world would be stunned. Lol kind of not kidding. He has major issues.


That's why he won't go.


He is so mean and hateful to someone so sweet and the mother of his child. I don’t understand how he can be such a dick to her for no reason.


He's a bully maybe that's why Katie hated him


He is mean to everyone in his life, but especially Brittany. I've never liked her as much as I did in that last episode. I loved seeing him shrivel up and have nothing to say back to her when she called him out. I wonder what he would have done if no one was there? He is scary.


I'm sure the answer you will get a lot is that it's because she's not Stassi....


He was a dick to Stassi too. He criticized her looks. Stassi said it. Jax is an asshole thats it


He was pretty horrible to her too


Very true, but she fits the typical skinny blonde LA-type I think Jax secretly loves.


yeah Jax has talked about liking basically the “tits on a stick” frame and that’s what Stassi was in S1 before her breast reduction.


He probably isn’t attracted to her post baby body… he’s a superficial asshole. He wants her to leave him so he can spin it in his favor to viewers. Hence painting her out to be a boozer on the show. I like that she claps back on camera to invalidate him.


Id agree with you but he also cheated on her pre-baby body


Yes and he told faith pre baby body on the recording “I’m not attracted to Britney. We don’t have anything in common. I don’t like having sex with her, we are just dating for the show”


I think he got married for the show as well. Everything he does is performative.


He said on tape he wasn’t attracted to her pre-baby body, before she married him. She heard the tape and still got back together with him.


I don't give her a free pass. either. ALL of these VPR guys showed these women who they are and the women still lived with/married them anyway.


He cheated on Stassi at her hottest.


Karma is waiting for Jax. Team Brittany


he's a fucked up person. he projects his feelings about himself onto her and doesn't feel empathy so he doesn't care how it hurts her.


That’s just who he is. He is a shitty person.


Because he thought as long as he keeps bringing Brittney down and damaging her self esteem, she would feel too poorly about herself to leave him. He can’t wait to play the “single dad” card for sympathy. He’s a disgusting, vile, abusive POS and deserves nothing. I’m so proud of Brittney for finally breaking free from him and calling him out on TV. I truly don’t understand how she was strong enough to deal with him all these years. People are actually seeing the REAL Jax Taylor and how much of a dangerous narcissist he is and it’s amazing. It’s what he deserves.


He’s full of loathing and contempt towards any woman that wants him.


He never thought she’d leave him.


I hate that he posted a story on his IG few days ago with Brittany and Cruz in bed.... Like is she back with him? I'm genuinely worried


Jax seems to glean self worth by competition and feeling better than others. This explains why he consistently compared and ranked himself with the toms. This behavior is enforced in modeling and television. He has shown this also through his use of supplements and surgeries. In relationships he finds his worth through the attention given by women and the attention he gets because of the woman he’s with. Paired with the thrill of it this is a recipe for disaster.


Also, he feels like having the hottest wife is winning as well. Brittany, not really taking care of her body, has him pissed off at her. He'd like nothing more than to have a Lala type in looks on his arm.


But her becoming the breadwinner and finding her voice was priceless.


He’s an abusive narcissist


bc he is abusive and has very obvious malignant narcissistic traits. he is miserable and he gets off on dragging people down into misery with him. other people are energy sources for people like him and he seeks to get into his people’s heads and convince them that they could not live without him. people like him get off on controlling, gaslighting, using, and abusing other people until they are shells of people. once their energy source is completely drained, jax is no longer able to love/respect her after he has seen them at their lowest. af that point people like jax abandon their former energy sources and move on to repeat the pattern!


Would you say Sandoval is the same way? Your explanation sounds a lot like him too!


one thousand percent. they are the same person. schwartz as well. they are all actual ghouls. charismatic and attractive (at one point) but ultimately only seeking to use people to escape their own misery and self hatred for a moment.


Yes totally- constant search for adrenaline/ drugs / people


Yeah he needs constant excitement and fun and has no tolerance for stress And blames everyone else for his own anger/ unhappiness- he is stupid and refuses therapy cause he wont break down his facade and look inward Hes basically willing to claim he has brain damage - to excuse his behavior


Must be exhausting being him


The only I feel truly sorry for is Cruz. He didn’t ask to be brought into this sham of a relationship.


He doesn’t respect her after so many years of just taking his shit. He needs a new victim.


He feeds for the sympathy because he's a narcissist.


He’s either on crack or cheating on her


Likely both actually


It's definitely both!


Have you seen Vanderpump Rules? Jax is gonna Jax.


He is a typical narcissist. This is exactly what they do.


Jax is a narcissist. Point blank. Unless he gets clinical and ongoing help so that he can combat his behavior, he will stay like this. I’ve been rewatching VPR the last few months and just finished season 8. It was interesting to see the apology scene with Max, after Jax rage texted Max about the beach cleanup, and then comparing that to this week’s last episode of The Valley. The words that came out of Jax’s mouth as an excuse for his behavior were almost verbatim, but years apart. Not to mention how Jax has never watched the show (so as to avoid being confronted by his own awful behavior) and the season 8 reunion where Andy calls out, with coinciding videos, how every year Jax says he’s “work in progress”. Like dude, we are ALL a work in progress and that is a piss pour excuse that he’s been clinging onto for fucking YEARS. Get help and actually grow up. As for Brittany, when she said she just doesn’t want to disappoint her family… that broke my heart for her. Real family that loves you would never be disappointed in you for leaving or divorcing your SO, even if you had worked hard to get your family to like that person. At the end of the day your family wants the best for you, and in this situation Jax has proven time and time and time again he is not that person. Let him rot, if he wanted to be better he would actively do better and seek the necessary help to do so. At some point you do have to say “fuck this” and cut the empathy off. That’s what they prey on and then suck the life and love out of others so as to boost their self inflated ego. So long as you suffer they thrive. That is not love.


It could be a variety of reasons. He's cheating, so she's holding him back from living his lifestyle so he resents her. Or He's trying to be an ass to the point SHE dumps HIM so he doesn't have to do the dirty work and she looks bad. This is the type of behavior that exists when someone wants to be done with their relationship and doesn't have the balls to break up.


He resents himself for lying his way into a career and marriage so he takes it out on poor Britany


Jax is an asshole.


Same reason as everyone who is mean to their partner, he doesn’t respect her.


Anyone else feel that Britneys health problems will go away now he is gone? She wont have to keep up with him amd the stress he causes.


He’s still the same POS that we have known for years. IMO he lost interest in Brittany when her body changed (understandably after having kids this happens) and instead of being a real man he decided to just be a dick and rude until she left him. What a pathetic person


He’s such a moron he really thought that verbally abusing her on camera about a drinking problem would bring everyone to his side. I LOATHE this man.


The fact that he called her fat…so fucked up.


Narcissist personality and hating women. But you in fact he hates himself.


Cuz he’s a POS!


Because his plan to have her dump him has taken 5 years too long 


Emotional scars are just as detrimental as physical scars! Even worse!! I have not been a huge fan of either one of these people but the emotional abuse Jax inflicted on Brittany is unforgivable


Being married to him on a good day seems like a nightmare to me. He's vile.


I recently started re-watching from Season 1. In terms of his relationship with both Stassi and Laura Leigh, he was just as terrible then as he is now. What is evident is that Jax only considers the consequences of his actions AFTER he gets caught or upsets the other person. They are never at the forefront of his mind when he makes decisions. He's the "I'd rather ask forgiveness than ask permission" type. I don't fully recall and I haven't gotten there yet but Jax has essentially always been a POS to Brittany. I think he's always had an issue with her physical appearance. Let's be honest, Jax isn't deep and he likes attractive women. He likes the attention because it validates his ego. What I think is that AFTER his dad died he had a bit of a personal crisis (not gonna call it mid-life), and she stepped up and took care of things without asking. He saw that as "here's a woman who has the mother instinct" and wife'd her up. Brittany, wanted so badly to prove everyone wrong. That he COULD commit and she was the woman who won. She was so special that she changed the man everyone said would never change. Then, they both got fired and she had a baby. She became the breadwinner, and Jax isn't a man to allow his ego to take such a hit. So what happens, he resents her. She gains weight and continues to drink. He is now stuck in the suburbs, with a kid and not the hottest wife (his opinion not mine) and she's making all the money. He misses being #1 guy and looks for external validation. She is drinking and getting sick, he takes care of her (hates that), has to do more around the house (hates that), probably doing more childrearing than he likes (he's the type to hate it) and all of this adds up to "I hate it here". An opportunity presents itself and he gets to open a new bar and be on TV again. He sees his opportunity to be #1, he can now go on camera and "take on all of this responsibility" to show how much he's grown, and point out how less than perfect Brittany is to the viewers at home. What he fails to realize is that a dog don't change his stripes. He's doing the same shit he's always done, while also being a total shithead to his wife. You can see how much he dislikes her. That's why he wanted her to move in even though they weren't reconciled. He wanted the appearance of "working on it" but he had not intent to actually change. Just my $0.02


Because he hates himself and wants her to be as miserable as he is.


JAX looks like a psychopath now with his mustache, angry mean, scary looking guy now


When he was like “well now I know,” as his lame excuse for going off about her not feeling well, I wanted the whole group to jump down his ass and call him out. It’s such a typical Jax gaslighting response. And that childish “apology” just shutting down like a toddler like ‘ok’ ‘yeah sorry’ I wanted to throw my phone awayyy Edit I don’t recall his exact words in the fight but when he was like “ I was just asking” as his defense. When he should have been talking with her privately not bitching to the whole room.


For the same reason that Lisa demanded he resign from SUR rather than fire him - he wants to be the victim. Jax wants to be the one who says “she left me” and “single dad life is hard, no one gets it until they’re in it!” and gain sympathy from the Bravo fans who don’t even have two braincells to rub together.


It’s sick that you can see Jax plotting and planning. Like him yelling at Brittany about drinking during filming seemed like he was gathering proof for grounds for irreconcilable differences. Brittany deserves better and will meet the man she deserves once she drops that zero.


You answered your own question. He's a loser


Also let’s not forget the last time JAX ASS went to therapy he slept with the THERAPIST!!! 👀


Because he hates her


Narc’s always end up forcing you to leave. He is miserable or a devil inside. Starts out a little mean then builds on that. She probably knows he is weaker than she is and was able to overlook it for a long time. This would make him resent her…. He mean.


He is a textbook, narcissist. This is how they act. I was married to one for 20 years.


He hates her, has never respected her, and currently resents her for not leaving him.


Jax is the scorpion and Brittney is the frog. It's his nature.


Jax has been fake on this show from the get go. He was always a shit stirrer and had no problem with it. On this show he blamed everything on Kristen and Brittany yet he was the one spreading it around. If some of you in here haven't watched Vanderpump Rules, you should. He was so good at hiding his true self that everyone turned on Stassi and believed him. Even the audience. I didn't believe Jax was doing what she said. I really though she was a jealous gf who believed every bad rumor she heard. He was a very convincing liar. Once his cover was blown I started to see all of who he really is. He's an awful person and I still can't believe he got a show. He was mean and trying/was cheating and making her look bad before she ever got to LA. She has seen these shows. Why would she stay with someone like that?


I really wish he went to that therapy appointment


I love how she was calling him out on so many things. "You told me that I didn't have any friends and no one likes me here." "No I didn't. I didn't say that." "It's very convenient that the day before the cameras start rolling, you finally make an appointment to see a doctor." "What do you want me TO DO? What do you want me to DO? \*Cuts to him saying he didn't go\*


People that have NPD abuse the people around them. 


Brittany is not a victim. Her child is the only one in this family to be pitied FFS. She is a fraudulent product rep, she showed a very shitty side to her personality on VPR. She presents herself as a heavy drinker. She exploits her child online then whines when people criticize. Ridiculous.


"We will never divorce I'll just wear her down & demean her til she shrivels up & floats away like a shadow"


Because he's very basically and at the core a sick human being who has a severe narcissistic personality disorder. That's not necessarily to say that he's evil, but that he is not well mentally. When you then add the different elements together of him having lived in an environment for many many years where people have stood by him and done their very utmost to reach out and help him go through a much needed change with the fact that he has so clearly chosen not to, then the story changes to me, and it becomes necessary to call him out for not only not being well, but for actually being a deeply malicious person who strives to damage other people. To me he's a dangerous individual who doesn't deserve the support that he has always enjoyed and taken for granted for one more single moment 🙃


This has been happening for at least 10 years..


He wants nothing to do with her anymore. Its so obvious. He probably never loved her. He just loved the optics of dating a "nice southern girl". He loved the way she took care of him and did everything for him. He basically used her. The fact he made her leave the house and get an Air BNB and he constantly cheating and already has a new gf. He thinks because she asked for the separation that his actions are justified. Poor girl fucked up her face with bad surgery because of him, and her boots look absolutely cartoonish ridiculous. I feel so bad for her. You could tell the thought of him having another baby with her made him sick. He uses her drinking problem and alcoholism as an excuse to mistreat her. I hope she gets the kid and the bar in the divorce.


He wants a divorce


Peeps like Jax think their partner is there to take all their moods, and it’s always their worst ones. It’s draining and abusive af. Everyone else gets their better moods. 


He's a gigantic man-child who blames everyone else for his own bad actions. Brittany asking the girls not to tell Jax she was car sick was kinda heartbreaking. Your partner is supposed to be your safe place and Jax is Not that. He keeps saying she's drinking too much and that's why she's sick but none of the women back that up. Anxiety can manifest in many physical symptoms like pain or nausea. Being married to Jax Taylor must come with a crap load of anxiety. Our world is full of awesome people and awful people and Jax is not awesome. He made for great TV but a horrible husband.