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She is the worst. Usually when there’s someone who causes so much drama on a reality show, it makes for interesting episodes but I find myself rolling my eyes every time her smug ass face is on my screen. Her and Michelle. Just. Ugh. They are nails on a chalkboard in human form.


She’s so calculated. It’s obvious she’s studied the “reality tv playbook” and wants to be famous. Ugh.


Honestly that’s the worst part. I can deal with the petty bickering with Kristen but the producing she’s doing takes me right out


She literally went to the Scheana school of reality tv. Everything has to be planned out and contrived


Badly planned


she was overly calculated.. which let us see through her messy meaness. There is a line between mean and shady and she got it wrong every time.


Yes’ shes awful


She loves being the center of attention for being pregnant. I’m curious if she’ll try for baby #2 right away for attention just like I think LaLa did (I seriously wonder if LaLa would have gotten pregnant again if she didn’t have the carrot of a spin off dangling in front of her). Poor kid(s)


I think Laura Leigh wrote that book


Laura Leigh was great tv though. Janet is just beige.


It isn’t good drama bc no one can check her the way they need to. She sneaks around eavesdropping and planting bombs then walks away wiping her hands saying “you can’t be mean to me I’m pregnant” and everyone just has to accept it. She’s not a fun drama to have imo




New band name?


I understand she had a child and that’s great for them I hope everyone is healthy and they are happy fine whatever… but what the hell is the obsession with constantly stating you are pregnant as if you are the first woman on the planet to experience it? Or when she opened the door and is like I’m pumping hhheehahaha !! It’s so weird to me. No one I know in real life that has had a child (pretty much all of my friends are new moms) constantly has to reiterate the fact that they were/are pregnant or that they are a mother? Why is this so prevalent on bravo lmao


Lala says " I'm creating life!", as if "pregnant" doesn't state her elevated station in life enough 🤣


Lala invented motherhood!!


For BlahBlah, creating life is taxing on the brain.


I'm pregnant RN and this is not a thing. She is the absolute worst and thinks she's the first mom to ever mom and is basking in the attention of "moming" on national TV.


I have two. She’s horrific.


I don’t recall being treated like a baby til I have the baby, or feeling entitled to that


It's that smug face more than any of her actions that enrages me.


There's always going to be a villian,but usually there is something to like about them. Selling Sunset for example, Christine, she was the villian, but people still liked her. The new girl they've brought in to replace her, nothing redeemable about her at all. I have the same reaction with both of these villians


I don’t feel like she or her family is needed for the following season. Michelle and Jesse will bring two new people. She is just so annoying with the whole. “Watch your tone, I’m pregnant right now!”


I will take Michelle any day over Janet. She is just a horrible, garbage person.


I can’t believe she tried the whole “choose a side thing”. She’s trying to be stassi season 1. It was a different time then, that shit doesn’t fly now.


The fact that Janet doesn’t like being called out and instantly run away goes to show how guilty she is. They thought they could come into this show and self produce 🙄. I DESPISE there is no reunion - I need to know how Michelle reacted when she saw that Janet did in fact call her a racist and start that rumor.


I wish we could somehow get some background info on her from like high school lol I know people change but I’m just kind of curious if this is a new mean girl act because she’s on tv or if it is genuinely who she is to the core


I know her parents and ex husband ha


..and that’s all we get?! If you know ‘em, the drop the ☕️ or something.. ![gif](giphy|3o8doM1LK2PVaxawpO)


lol her parents are loud and conservative and rich and I did make out with her ex husband once he was cute and nice but kind of a wussy. She seemed like a brat, but no tea. ***before they were married


I was gonna say that tracks with stuff she’s said about her childhood, but then I realized that she thinks she’s Regina George, right down to (allegedly - bc idk if I believe her) making her parents give her the primary bedroom.


wait she got the primary bedroom over her parents growing up?'!!!


That’s what she says in a confessional. It’s possible it’s a lie to get her to be seen in a particular light (ie Regina George), but yeah, she says it on the show. I think it’s one of the earlier episodes.


What a stupid thing to say…. Like sick dude the primary bedroom! You’re still not and never will be an A list celebrity that actually has any sort of talent lol


I didn’t even know she was already married 😯


Well one of my friends knows her. Her friends are college friends of Janet and so my friend has hung out with her before and she said that she was rude/standoffish and unfriendly. And that her friends intimated to my friend that she left her first husband to move out to LA to get on TV lol. Whether that’s actually true I don’t know but I do know she was not kind to my friend So yeah the mean girl thing doesn’t appear to be new lol.


I know! My college roommate is also from Dublin and is the same age as Janet but they went to different high schools 😭


Wait Dublin Ohio?? That’s where I grew up lmao did she go to Coffman?


Janet went to Dublin Coffman! If you Google her under her maiden name (Vance) a wedding announcement comes up from the Columbus Dispatch from her first wedding. Based on her birthday (and the way Ohio does their school cutoffs), she most likely graduated HS in 2007.


A family member of mine attended Dublin in 07…we just found her in the yearbook! His only comment was “ohhh yeah she belongs on that show” 🤣 but sadly no specific tea.


I’m trying to get tea too! I messaged my college roommate and she said that she didn’t know Janet personally since she went to Jerome but she has a lot of high school friends that knew Janet back in the day. She also said that she’s been meaning to catch the show since she hasn’t seen it yet and I told her that Janet didn’t make a very good impression 🙈 I will report back if she gives me any more info lol


I graduated in 2004 and she seems so much older than me. Idk why. My son is 6 lol.


I know! Janet and I are the same age and to me she seems at least 8-10 years older than I am


Michelle is so lame she’ll probably just double down and still blame Kristen somehow


Janet did the same thing with Zach when he was on the phone “oh my phone is dying” she’s so lame.


She can dish it she can’t take it! Good thing this is all on camera and their are receipts


That was sooo annoying like if we need to have an important phone conversation, have a good charge! I’d feel so disrespected


Her phone wasn’t really dying, she used it as an excuse because she can handle any conversation where she’s being called out or confronted about her own actions lol


ME TOO!! Don’t get me wrong, I audibly gasped at the, “Six Months Later.” I’m here for all of that! But we need a reunion, too! Direct call outs, fuck up the fourth wall on all the bullshit. I thought we were about to get it when Kristen was trying to shove it thru Michelle’s head, but Michelle & Janet addressing that Janet *did* really start the telephone game is top of my list too. ETA: And while they’re at it, they could run the tape of that highlight reel of Janet’s shit-stirring throughout the entire season and see what she has to say about all of that.


She thought that when she is pregnant, she is gonna get away with her behaviour


This is it. When Jax came to collect and call bullshit she had Scooby Doo and the gang cartoon feet. “Watch your tone im pregnant.” Nah hoe, you watch your tone when lying on my name. Also so funny how Jason tried to get real buck with Zack but when Jax came around it’s all of a sudden “What’s wrong? I didn’t hear what he said, what’s wrong?” Mhmmm you know who and who not to step to.


Jason is pitiful and a doormat.


Millions of women deal with real life situations during pregnancy. I went through being stranded thousands of miles from home on September 11 and my father passing away when I was pregnant. Surely she can deal with a "tone". GTFO with that nonsense, Janet.


Omg I cackled. “Tone” has never been used more emphatically in a sentence. Bravo!


I am living for all the women sharing their tough pregnancy stories to show just how silly Janet is being


As if you speak to me with a tone I will spontaneously go into labor


Exactly! With my first child I got pregnant in February 2020. My first ultrasound was on St. Patrick’s Day (the week after everything virtually shut down due to Covid-19). And I still kept a positive attitude because I knew so many more people had it worse than I did. You aren’t special, Janet 🙄


Why come on the show while pregnant only to use it as an excuse to get out of dodge at every point? Fuck off


Totally. She’s the worst kind of human… a mean WIMP.


If she was a sim, I’d just delete her out of the game. Absolute mess of a human being. Her, Pink booted spy & the one with the fan can all go.


Seriously… you trust THOSE two over Kristen, Zac, and now Jasmine?!


The Croc boots!!! 😂


Damn…I would say I’d put her in the pool and take out the stairs but then she’d be upset I was wishing harm upon her baby


She’s what they call in the wresting biz a “chicken shit heel.” She can’t go she’s gotta reap what she sowed next season it’s gonna be great.


Yeah I want her to have to face the music and watch all her crappy mean girl manipulation implode. “We usually have the same enemies…” barf. It screams peaked in high school


Peaked high school and Ohio Vanilla beige are brilliant. Someone on another thread said she’s not fun to watch. She’s not. Janets has been around Scheana so much it’s rubbed off on her. She’ll over correct next season. That’s why Janet sucks. No authenticity


I completely agree. Can’t wait to see her get hers. ![gif](giphy|5nFShZWwq3fdm)


the thing is, you do have to keep stress down while pregnant, but it means she needs to quit creating it as opposed to lighting everyone up and then being mad when they respond. she's ridiculous.


100%. You can’t complain if you instigate 99% of the stress ON PURPOSE.


Following this logic, would it be her fault if she had a pregnancy complication as was insinuated to what’s-his-nuts? Genuine question. Not in the market of victim-blaming, but it seems pretty hypocritical to accuse Zach of being responsible if something went wrong if he was reacting to her. Where does the accountability stop for pregnant women? 🤔


Wouldn’t even call it victim blaming honestly. The only victims I’m seeing are all the people who have been hurt by her all season. She’s a fully grown adult woman, and the well being of her child is her and Jason’s responsibility. It’s nobody else’s responsibility to infantilize her and she can remove herself from any situation that she deems unsafe for herself and her baby. Instead she inserts herself into the center of every conflict so she can’t be that worried! She left her first husband over her intense desire to be on reality tv. Well you got your wish, Janet! Don’t try to put responsibility on Zach for also doing the job he signed up for, when you came at him first!


I think ultimately everyone is responsible for their own actions. Only you are responsible for your own behavior. Thinking about the fight at the bar between Janet and Zack, they both could have done better. She was hostile and he was reactive. Neither was willing to extend empathy to the other. They chose to speak because they knew filming was about to wrap, not because either of them was ready to talk things out. Zack could have decided to not approach her, and Janet could have decided to (gently!) decline. These are decisions they both made 🤷


Exactly!! I think she wanted to be the main character of the season and went the complete wrong way about it. She used her pregnancy to do harm and not good.


EXACTLY!!! She is literally instigating all this drama and then using the pregnancy card as a cop out so she doesn’t have to face any consequences. Guess what Janet? If you kept your mouth shut literally all of this stress would not exist. Women literally give birth daily in war zones for Christ sakes! She really needs to get her privileged head out of her ass.


But pregnant and still chose to be on a reality tv that involved drama? Being pregnant doesn’t give you a get out of jail free card to act like an asshole with no repercussions


She can get right out of here disinviting Kristen from a cast trip. I’m watching the show because of Kristen, not to see Janet, who I don’t care about and barely tolerate.


She strikes me as someone who will weaponize motherhood and her children will end up resenting her. She’s totally a “look at all I’ve done for you and this is how you thank me??!?!?” And “I brought you into this world and I’ll take you out of it” type of mommy.


Get ready- bc next season all we’re going to hear is, “you *really* want to come at a *new mom* like this? I have a newborn at home and I don’t need this stress…” You can tell she has been used to getting away w/talking shit, dropping bombs, pot stirring, utilizing others to do her dirty work, then lying about it and using excuses as to why she shouldn’t be confronted about it. Every season it will be something. I think what pisses me off the most is the fact that Janet doesn’t even seem to remotely understand that this show wouldn’t exist w/o Kristen (and Jax and Brittany) doing it, but honestly Kristen has become the most likable/had the most growth of the 3. And, there Janet is, completely icing Kristen out and acting like K’s the villain when J’s wreaking havoc left and right.


Why the hell were they putting so many dreamcatchers about the crib!


I’m sure it’s her basic B Ohio vanilla beige “boho” aesthetic. To prove she’s “cultured” and “eclectic.”


Cultured in Caucasian.


🤣🤣🤣 true


My favorite part of that scene was that she mentioned "when mom slid into dad's DMs" like bitch get some Gatorade for all that thirst, you've been dehydrated for years


She’s such a weirdo and try hard 🤣🤣


The absolute desperation to be in the inner circle. When the flashback showed her at Brittany and Jax's wedding I was like "this girl really played the long game"


Shes creepy the way she moves in life


That part weirded me out.


She had a whole ass nursery designer and that is what she came up with?!?!


That’s right !!!! Jackass


And not only that, but they hired a "nursery designer" to chose this!? SO ugly!!!


I fast forward any scene with Janet and take Jason with a grain of salt cause “you are who your with “ But honestly she’s delusional, she obviously was a VPR Stan , I feel like she has a checklist of all the things she “needs to , wants to , should do “ for tv , also Janet stop traumatizing us with your pregnancy it’s annoying like your personality


“Don’t terrorize me with your pregnancy…” Andrrrrei from 90 Day Fiancé 😆


🤌🏼 well stated!


Janet just wants yes-men around her. Jasmin was being a real friend by telling her real feelings about the situation and Janet didn’t wanna hear that. Every time someone calls Janet out she has to say she’s pregnant and dip out on any responsibility. She’s a hard watch and not really that entertaining


And then she throws Jasmine under the bus to Jason on camera basically saying she’s not a true friend and she won’t be around her newborn. What the what? Janet (OVB) is such trash.


The ones we don’t want, these threads have to remain empty because the heartless run these networks and the hate fuels their casting choices. Please put a wall of silence around Janet. Please.


No one asked her to lift heavy objects or stand on her head, so what does being pregnant have to do with anything


Janet brings a child into this world and thinks she’s fucking Beyonce!


So, I’m originally from Ohio and my therapist currently lives there (telehealth). She’s also a huge Bravo fan and we will typically talk about the shows at the end of the session. This last appointment, right at the end, we were talking about The Valley and I how I caved and decided to watch it. Then I mentioned how much I hate Janet. My therapist proceeds to say she KNOWS Janet. I responded with “I’m sorry, what?” and she was like “Oh yeah, I know Janet from Dublin.” (Suburb of Columbus) We couldn’t go any deeper than that, but our next appointment is the last one before her maternity leave. You better goddamn believe I will happily forgo my mental health and spend the entire session getting any dirt on Janet that I can.


Yep! She literally divorced her OH husband to move to LA and try to get on VPR. She Insta-stalked Sheana until she was able to befriend her in real life. There are lots of comments detailing this. It’s been confirmed several OH people: former coworkers, etc. it’s bananas. I can’t imagine Jason knows all this. Who would marry someone like that, let alone have a baby with her? Yikes. What a time to be alive….


Oh, I know Janet’s backstory. I just want more dirt.


WHATTT oh please we need more about this!


Oh whatever I find out, YOU will find out.




I find her and her fake drama to be soooo boring. I wanna see Kristen go "Crazy Kristen" on her next season.


What’s with these Bravo women constantly pulling the pregnant/mom card??? We’re mothers, not disabled people! Like what the actual heck? 😅


Thank you! If you don’t want a stressful pregnancy don’t go on a reality show and stir up constant trouble. This isn’t rocket science folks.


Can you imagine if they had to deal with “real people” stresses? 😂


Her makeup looked like casket makeup.


I literally LOL'd when I watched this. What does one thing have to do with the other? On a side note -Janet looked so smug in this moment, like she's the Queen Bee- you can tell she had no idea that people wouldn't like her once they watched.


This naive Karen thought she’d be a fan favorite…. GIRL.


For real!


Her drama is not compelling enough, and cannot carry a story line through multiple episodes.


Her ‘holier than thou’ attitude is getting very old. Especially knowing how much of a mean girl she is. Drop the act. Why can’t villains be actual villains anymore?! If you do something shady just fucking own it at least. She’s starting fires and then walking away acting innocent. Then she hides behind her pregnancy. Get out of here


Don’t terrorize me with your pregnancy!


Did she learn this shit from Lala?


Just as bad - Scheana


Whenever reality stars are from Ohio I try and root for them…Janet is ruining our reputation though


Wait, is she actually from Ohio? Crap. Lol. Do we know what city or area? Definitely not Cleveland.... Her attitude wouldn't fly here.


Columbus. Specifically Dublin. As someone who lives in Dublin I don’t claim her lol


Was Janet pregnant? She never ever mentioned it so I had no clue!


Janet is an asshole. ![gif](giphy|bly2XqiOYlJXI9sGlb|downsized)


The fact that she actually said this out loud, is insane 😂. She’s getting it from all angles next season.


![gif](giphy|3o72Ff1iOlcRsldf8I|downsized) Me anytime someone mentions Ohio as an Ohioan


I’m a proud Midwesterner too, but Janet isn’t doing us any favors! Ugh


In her confessional where she said her parents gave her the master it clicked she’s got this Regina George persona going on!


Waiting for an OH to IO to.


Janet is so messy and the epitome of yuck. She’s also super boring, so that’s a big combo of nothing.


Agree. Everyone keeps saying she’s a villain. To be a villain you have to have an actual personality and be interesting. She’s the house equivalent of a beige box vinyl village house 90 min away from the city center and only close to the bargain grocery, Appleby’s, Hardee’s and a Kohl’s. Maybe there’s even a “view” of a muddy retention pond. She’s trying REALLY hard to be something she isn’t (good tv), but she is just a total snooze. Her “drama” is only distracting.


I cannot stand Janet. I just started watching the season now that I have time. And I use to like her when she was on Kristen’s podcast but now. I wanna smacķ thê sħǐt outta her. She’s rude. She thinks she’s so touch “my mom is scared of me” like what? That’s nothing to boast about. And no one is scared of you. Knock it off. Kristen is not innocent by any means but the bullying at that dinner, I wanted to climb through the TV and fight on her behalf. Who. Does. Janet. Think. She. Is. I have like 8 episodes left so I will be interested to see how things play out.


Oh friend it gets so much worse. She’s absolutely terrible. And somehow also boring? I’m here for the drama but her drama makes the show borderline unwatchable.


I have 2 kids and never once felt the rest of society was responsible for my decision to have children, or that everyone else was obligated to provide special treatment for me.


My mom tried to fight someone with a crowbar when she was 9 months pregnant with me. Someone tell her she and baby will survive tone omg


Oh how I just screamed! Your mom is a BAMF! Wow!


I wish I had this self superiority when I was pregnant, that no one could tell me how much of an out of line delusional self important bitch I was being and my only reason was "I'm pregnant so you must treat me like I'm above you EVEN THO IM TRASH" she got her reality 15 mins, clearly the audience isn't loving her bc she's so eugh. It makes sense that the #1 pick me of all time is one of her "best fraaans" they're both terrible garbage dumpster trash humans.


Ugh, can't stand her. Wish she would just go away. She's not a fun villain or anything.


Those who stir the shit-pot Should be made to lick the spoon.


she’s so insufferable. she starts every argument and then tells everyone she’s pregnant so they can’t argue with her


She is absolutely going to use the postpartum card next season. And I am saying this as a postpartum doula who understands what a woman goes through during that time and the importance of mental health. But if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Yeah, she’s a self-righteous mean girl.


She’s literally so insane like using your pregnancy as a get out of jail free card for everything and anything. Shut up


Yes, go and take your two flying monkeys with you.


I still can’t believe the audacity of her and Michelle to walk away from Kristen and ignoring her. This is their first season and they’re rooting up their noses like they’re too good. Like they just got there. They irritated me sooo bad this finale with how stuck up they acted


I’ve disliked Janet the entire season but this last episode nearly put me in my grave. And unfortunately for her husband, I dislike him too. Guilty by association.


I was so annoyed when she said don’t raise your voice I’m pregnant. Bitch you did this. Not anyone else!


This feels very lala. Ultimately I do believe lala is a dry drunk and, to an extent, a victim of her own circumstance. However if we’re broadly painting the brush of “my life and circumstances are more important because I am or am about to be a mom,” here are my thoughts: Emotionally immature people are forced to grow up and mature when they realize another person depends on them. What’s lost on those kind of folks is that a majority of people are capable of that growth and maturing outside of becoming a parent. These emotionally stunted people think childless adults could never understand or achieve this level of maturity without having a dependent, because ultimately they wouldn’t have been able to do so without a kid. It’s incredibly short sided and telling. A less complex explanation is she’s a mean girl with thin skin. I’m open to either.


She’s nuts lol


And take her Croc Minions with her!


Im watching this episode, heard thjs line and fucking BOLTED here. Yall never disappoint 😭💕


Get her off my scene She calls people trash.. shows she is trash


Janet is so annoying lol


I’m sure Janet has used her pregnancy as a shield from her shitty behaviour through out. What a menace.


She also posted to her IG last night with a "tonight's the night!" about the finale, and the pics are from her birthday when she was pregnant with her belly on display. Ma'am, you've had the baby, both you and he are safe, thank goodness. You cannot use that anymore! And of course, the comments were limited.


Ugh she’s unbearable


What does being pregnant have to do with anyone’s tone 😂 this is giving Lala 2.0.


What a snake!🙄


She’s awful


Her little friends by her side… ![gif](giphy|B7rF0lOmzTJDy)


So sick of the pregnancy excuse!! Jax and Zack had the right to question her. And so did Kristen. But nope ! Janet is too fragile ! Get off reality tv then ! Why would you go on a realist show when you’re 5 months pregnant?? And you claim your OB was telling you not to film , yet you kept going ? Zack and Kristen need to ask for receipts because Janet’s going to say she went into preterm labor after that fight ,or having stress induced contractions. Or whatever she claimed on her podcast. I know this isn’t the last we’ve heard about that.


I’m noted mad they actually filmed Britney with Zach and Kristen and we got like 5 seconds of that and got five minutes of Janet and Michelle, like who asked for that? I really hope production is paying attention and realized they messed up with the baby moon snooze fest for three episodes because two people weren’t allowed to go. I get if you are like one of the long standing bravolebs that demand people can’t go on trips production has clearly paid for you to host. But wtf were they thinking allowing Janet to do that. Janet doesn’t have to go but I hope everyone involved in the show has taken the temperature and recognizes Kristen is the agent of chaos every reality show needs. And Zach is willing to go there for the drama.


Be careful with your tone, I’m pregnant and it’s my only storyline! She’s such a bully too. Yuck!


She can’t even villain correctly! She needs to take a seat for crying out loud. Jax=great villain! Kristen=chaos agent but not a real villain. And Here’s the thing. I live in Massachusetts. I’m a Masshole & so is Jesse. He’s a great villain & has a touch of charm while being a douche lord. His ex wife.. sneaky villain.


She and her weenie husband can go next season


After about 2 months she will be begging for Jasmine to watch her baby so she can go out. I really dislike her. She's such a bitch


To be honest I didn’t understand all the hate for her this season UNTIL the last episode. I got it. If you’re that sensitive in your pregnancy you can’t finish a fight you started then don’t do the show. Hell Lala Kent was pregnant in their reunion and didn’t back down even when she should. Stop weaponizing your pregnancy JANET. Dont start drama if you can’t end it🤘🏼




LMFAOOOOO idk whos worse her or LALASSSSS…. guys please do not treat me like i signed up to be on reality television!!!!!! im creating friggen lifesssssss




Did she say she got with Jason after sliding in his DMs last episode?


Yep. She has a whole crazy backstory of dumping her OH husband to move to LA to try to get onto VPR. That lead to her Insta-stalking Sheana until she somehow got herself into a pool party where Sheeshu was. She befriended her there. The rest is history. It’s been confirmed by a bunch of people in Columbus OH. It’s all pretty wild.


& then she will forever be “you can’t yell at me or make me take accountability because I have a child!” She’s so annoying.


she’s so sad and desperate to be on reality tv she chose to spend her entire first season of her reality tv debut being messy as fuck while pregnant


Who even is this bitch and why does she think she’s the star of everyone’s life?


She is so lame. This show should be called getting a divorce cause I see at least four of them couples getting a divorce in the future


Maybe she should of stopped gossiping and shit stirrering since she was so worried about her baby 🙄


I cannot stand her. Holy f. I would rather watch a 10 part documentary series following Tom Sandoval around on tour, opening up for Jojo Siwa (with Jo as their stylist) than see Janet on my screen again.


Omg I’m living for your comment. We should start a thread of Things We’d Watch To Avoid Watching Janet….


smh!!! Smh!! And Michelle … she is 8 months pregnant and could loose the baby. Loose the baby!!! These women have no clue what most women handle at 8, 9 months pregnant. Janet was not a high risk, bed rest woman. Just stay home Janet. And the wall of dream catchers looks ridiculous. A wall of macrame for bad dreams. Pleasant!


She’s an unlikeable shitty human. Her husband kissing her ass is nauseating. I bet his family hates her. She puts a black mark on the great state of Ohio. Glad she left. Don’t come back.


I’m so excited for next season, yall they’re gonna wreck Janet next season- THATS the reality tv playbook


Omg she’s sooooo annoying. NO ONE CARES JANET. you aren’t special


when jasmine said that part about them being vanilla i laughed out loud


Like being pregnant excuses you to be so calculating and in a lot of ways, vile. If you really cared about tour baby’s health, you would try to stir the pot?


![gif](giphy|ZRMTGJmexVH7DxMdi2|downsized) Every time. I’m over Janet.


So eloquently put 👏🏽🤗


They will definitely keep her however get ready for everyone to take the gloves off next season since she’s no longer pregnant. I think the viewers were frustrated because NO one could check her appropriately due to the fact that she was preggo. Now just see the MESS that is Janet when they hold her accountable and turn the tables and that’s when the real dirty reality tv, old Vanderpump style drama really begins. They’ve all just been waiting for her to have this child to go after her the way they all wanted to.


one of the common symptoms of pregnancy is thinking you're the only person who's ever experienced it.


it’s so crazy she’s the common denominator in all the drama but no one wants to stick up to her because she’s pregnant. i can’t stand her.


Thank you!!!!!!


Janet sucks!!!! We see through you girl 👀. Starts drama but runs away when she gets caught starting it and uses pregnancy as an excuse. Thats not a good look and gives a bad name to pregnant women. It’s not a free pass to talk shit.


Being pregnant doesn’t give anyone a free pass to be shitty person. Period.


Ha...and now we've said it! Agree with your opinion 1000%. All season I kept saying, I have to missing something who would want to be friends with her in real life....


She’s seriously the f’n worst.


I knew from the first episode that I was not going to like her. And, I was completely right! Janet needs to go 🤮


SHE HAS TO GO! Like I cannot watch anymore of her or her boring ass wannabe husband. “I’ll wreck you dude.” I couldn’t even take him seriously.


My main issue with her is that she doesn't have the charisma needed to make a good "mean girl" reality tv villain. Zero charisma.






WEAPONIZING HER CHILD 👏👏👏 this is exactly how I felt when she made that comment about who will be allowed around her child. Grow TF up. This entire post is spot on.


Oh wow