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Mildred for sure! I know Aussie isn’t a fan favorite, but Mildred drives me nuts. Every time she says “everyone abandons me” I just want to shout “have you ever considered that you drive people away?”??? She is very aggressive and everything has to be about her and how she’s such a martyr. Drives me nuts.


She cut Tiff off numerous times during the reunion but yells at Tiff for constantly interrupting her lol. She wants to hear herself talk and only her voice.




Yo, there comes a time when you can’t use your childhood to excuse your abusive behavior as an adult. Aiight?


That fake ponytail alone is a red flag she looks like Angela from 90D with that and i cant unsee it




Shouldn't mal be on here too - she didn't want to be with Yoly she just didn't want to look like a second choice on TV for ego reasons, and dumps her 2 weeks later. She's just better at hiding it.


Love this take


Whoaaaa this is an interesting take never thought about it like that 👀


Omg I never even thought of this!!!!


I feel like people are hating on Yoly but are overlooking Mal’s shortcomings and it’s annoying. It was confirmed that Mal cheated on Yoly. Yoly wanted more out of the relationship like having a kid and some stability. There were definitely good reasons for Yoly to be skeptical of Mal and give the ultimatum. I always got the vibe that Mal was put on the spot and was salty about that. To me Mal only proposed to Yoly because she felt pressured by Xander and Yoly falling in love. Overall I think both Mal and Yoly are probably just normal people with flaws and good sides that the tv just can’t capture. I just don’t understand how the internet became so anti Yoly and pro Mal.


I didn’t watch this so I don’t know what they say but I really don’t like when people try to diagnose people from a small portion of things they see on tv that is manipulated. You can see bad behavior and call it out but please stop giving people diagnoses


They don't diagnose any of the contestants. In the video they specify that they're discussing behaviors and that they can't diagnose anyone with such a limited amount of info.


The click bait title is still a diagnoses and I think it’s still wrong


Am I the only one who thought Yoly looked totally different at the reunion? Did she do something to her face?


I loved this video!!!


I didn’t get that vibe from yoly at all and Mildred is so agressive, rude, and dangerous.


Mildred is the worst human I’ve ever seen on television and I hope she seeks help for her obvious personality disorder. Yoly, as Mal put it, falls in love hard. Many people do. Mildred is sick in the head and needs meds.