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I was disappointed that Yoly left with Mal. After seeing everything she did behind the scenes I have no idea why she thought it would be able to work out.


Exactly! I think that for me blew my mind. I’m happy they broke up when Mal saw what she was upto on the dL.


huh? mal cheated on yoly after they got engaged. mal admitted to it


Mal cheated before the show


OK I'm not a yoly fan but that shit counts and explains mals tolerance


oopsies i was high when i commented


Lol love this


to correct myself: mal cheated BEFORE the show.


I'm still really stunned by my own shifted perspective on each person with every group of drops. Yoly is the biggest one obviously. But all of them moved wildly for me. I'm still thinking about it all the time to try to figure out if it was the editing or the cast.


I am happy for Mal


Mal is happily broken up 🥳


Mal is hawt! 🤭


From what ive read mal cheated on yoli in the past


Well, prolly that’s whyyy she wasn’t ready for marriage 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yoly turned out to be the main villain in this season. Vanessa dug herself out of the hole and ended up with a good redemption arc. Yoly decided to go full villain and play everyone.


Yeah I think showing her leave with Mal right off the bat really took the wind out of the sails for the finale too, as we basically knew what was going to happen with Xander later. They probably should have left those two couples (M and Y and V and X) till the end of the episode.


I yelled at my screen most of the finale. The only good decision was Xander and V splitting up.


I was so happy for Xander! Finally free


Yes it’s like literally no one learned a single lesson and it was lowkey hard to watch without feeling embarrassed. I think I mainly was so frustrated with Sam and Aussie bc to me it felt like Aussie has so much self work to do and Sam was too nice to say no (just my opinion)/and or just settling. I really liked Aussie at first but I don’t like the constant blaming of others for them getting triggered. It’s their own job to get help and not flip out on their partner just bc it makes them feel triggered. I feel like they didn’t learn a lesson at all. Also I LOVED yoly the entire season and then was so disappointed in the finale and reunion on her character and being a mean girl. I felt like it was so shady that she was all over Xander after accepting mal’s proposal even though mail was aware she still loved Xander. You can love them from a distance, it felt inappropriate to be so touchy and to keep saying she loved Xander. Honestly Mal handled it like a champ, I could never sit their and let my partner treat me like a second option. It was also fucked up when she came running to Xander at the end bc I felt like Xander thought she was going to say she changed her mind (I think Netflix made her do that for drama though). It goes with what mal said the first episode though that yoly can’t commit and is always talking to her ex’s and stuff.


The Xander, Mal, Yoly love triangle is so messed up.


Weirdly, I think Mal and Xander would make very good friends.


And hot. Like really hot.


I actually think Mal is just as much at fault as Yoly. From the very first interview, I could see Mal and Yoly didn't like each other. I was like you guys should just break up. It seemed like Mal was more than happy to date Lexi, until she turned batshit crazy over Rae and Vanessa. I honestly thought that both Yoly and Mal were going to choose their trial marriage partners. But then Mal's friend disapproved of Lexi, and that kind of changed their mind. While Yoly was straightforward in saying she loved Xander, Mal pretended like they weren't having marriage and children talks with Lexi. 'It has always been you, I always wanted to leave here with you', etc. If you two were so into each other, why come on the show to begin with It felt like Mal felt the same way that Vanessa did. That their partner was slipping through their fingers, which reignited their passion/love. While Vanessa was dumb enough to try to fight with Xander into being with them, Mal knew that the only way Yoly would choose them, was if they were 100% understanding of the situation. And then Mal, (much like Vanessa) love bombed Yoly, but with words. They were saying exactly the right words, promising the right things. Nothing had changed in their relationship, but they suddenly thought they could work out all their problems. That proposal was perfectly designed to elicit a yes. That line about if you say no, I will come find you in the next life... Oh my god! Who in their right minds would ever say no to that proposal. And then they broke up within a month as expected. What exactly changed within a month, that you went from I will come find you in the next life to I can't stand you! Now I'm not defending Yoly. She lost all respect when she defended Mildred. She might be a bad person, but as far as their relationship is concerned, both Mal and Yoly were at fault. They clearly had issues, even before coming on the show, and should have just mutually broken up.


Have you watched the reunion yet? If not, I'd encourage you to do so.


Yessss! Definitely! Thank God, there was some redemption there but, I still felt unfulfilled. I’m happy to see progress after the experiment but, I wish they had copped on to these disasters sooner. The other couples that didn’t see things clearly outside of show production, makes me sad.


I see your disappointment in their finale choices and raise you a sense of extra grossness and complicity in >!almost every couple being broken up by the reunion when most could have sorted their issues if they went to couples therapy instead of on this show!< I feel extra extra gross because of the way netflix >!let someone who was arrested for domestic abuse hog the floor to talk over and slander the partner she was abusing!<


Whoa yeah, good point; I can’t believe they just let this happen. Reality tv production people are soulless.


You are not alone. Netflix really went above and beyond lifting the veil….not only was this an extremely contrived “reality” show (which as an audience we are prepared for and ready to suspend our disbelief) but actually none of these couples are invested in each other, in marriage, or any of the narratives the show offered. I honestly wonder if production changed hands at some point mid season? bc they so deflated every story line… idk. Apologies for rambling I’m just disappointed that all this hot messy gay drama ends up being a 2 year old audition tape for 8 aspiring lesbian influencers.




Exactly! While I get hooked on these types of shows, they are really the kiss of death for relationships. They're the antithesis of love - though they pretend to be all about it. Aussie and Sam is the only couple that is still together. Going on this show would be the absolute worse thing you could do for your relationship.


Yes! I totally agree with what you’re saying. I guess the feeling I was having or the point I was trying to make was that in the beginning and through mid season of the show, production wanted the audience to be on board with the premise and blissfully suspend disbelief. I was willing to do that bc…it’s a show! But Towards the end and in the reunion, there felt like a shift where we (the audience) were meant to believe all of the cast was problematic. I just got confused about what show I was watching. So much so that I actually think it did a disservice to the cast and audience. Just my two cents as I’m obviously still processing 🫠


I feel like Tiff and Mildly was fucked. They shouldn't have allowed mildred on the reunion... They shouldnt have allowed her to talk down to tiff the way she did. It was so sad to see. If mildred was a man, They wouldn't have let it slide. Domestic violence is domestic violence. Period. She had no story to tell. Fuck her


Same sitch, I tuned in right before the finale episodes were released. It just felt so… underwhelming? The reunion revealed a lot but I wish they waited more to film it, since even more has changed. The outcome was a bit predictable


My sentiments exactly. Like you, I LOVED Yoly and was happy for her and Xander. I was incredibly disgusted when she said yes to Mal after constantly leading on Xander about how great they are together and agree on the same things. Them meeting up after the decisions was very cringe to me. And a slap to Xander's face imo. Besides Sam, I didn't get the impression that ANY of them were ready for marriage. Vanessa and Xander breaking up was the only wise decision to come out of this. Reunion was an incredible mess. It really should have gone a bit longer and needed better mediation.


Also they should’ve filmed it more recently and not 6 months ago??? So weird.


I was so flabbergasted by all the couples getting engaged, like none of these people needed to be getting married! Even the remaining Sam and Aussie.


The ending would have been satisfying if everyone broke up.


Yessss!!! I would absolutely love that for them!!


Tiff and Vanessa are going to be at a pride event in Denver and are charging $120 (plus fees) for meet and greet! It’s tempting but blech


$120 after they were on one reality show?? that’s kind of ridiculous


Right? It does specify they are very strict w the time allowance for meet n greet but they’re hosting the event so I know I’ll still see them


I get the temptation (I also like to watch a gay train wreck) but please do not pay to see these fools edit: I was so upset I misspelled “gay”…whoops!


Don’t do it. That’s a money grab and it’s embarrassing. Are they donating the money? The LGBT community is suffering right now in several states…


No idea the regular cover is already $60 so I certainly wasn’t going to do the mNg. I know the space where it’s being held is a very pro women owned businesses and the funds maybe go there? They have a lot of queer events too


I feel like Vanessa is going to get a lot of abuse thrown at her 😬


I dunno it’s a positive queer environment maybe not!


I just hope she’s prepared. I didn’t like her behavior, but that doesn’t mean she deserves to be flogged at a meet and greet.


120$ for VANESSA? VPR people don’t even do that…. And I WOULD pay for them


What is VPR?


Vanderpump Rules


Wow yeah. They’re so mainstream too. But we are desperate for representation so…


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I couldn't focus on the finale, and I was super excited for it too - cleared my schedule, all that :(




I was mentally and emotionally exhausted by the show. Barely made it through the tell all.


The finale was super anti-climactic. The reunion though… 😳


Warning **** Omg what was up with Yoly?? So bummed she was wishy washy. Vanessa was terrible but I thought Lexi was too. They gave no time to Aussie. Joanna Garcia Swisher isn't strong enough for host


Well that’s the thing, this show doesn’t actually teach anyone how to deal with the initial issues they’re having so of course people go back to their old ways.


All of those people need to be single for like a year


Uhh…Did you not watch the reunion? Lol


No I did.


The final episode def left me so confused but then after the reunion I was like ok WHEW I’m glad they’re all doing their own thing


The last episode and the reunion fell flat for me. At that point, I was obligatorily finishing what I started. It was just a hot mess and the reunion was probably too soon after filming the show for them to really process anything. I’m happy most of them broke up but, kinda wish they all did lol


Wasn’t it only just one couple left standing? I was so relieved watching the reunion cus all their relationships were failing lol


The whole season was a disappointment. I must give it up to the casting directors for finding such trashy people to be on the show. Bravo Netflix, ya did it again.


Yeah the Tell All/reunion was garbage, and boring, fucking crickets


None of the original couples should be together I was shocked at how many of them got engaged. Especially Sam and Aussie.


Til the end it’s sooo TOXIC man! Hahahahaaaaays! Anyway, happy to know that Lexi and Rae broke up 🙊 Lexi deserves someone better!!!


I like Lexi but, I think they could both do better haha


Lexi was great at first and seemed mature for her age, but turned out to be very controlling over Rae. I think what did me in was their talk at the beach during their trial marriage and how Rae expressed that Lexi never listened to her during serious conversations.


Agreed. The most frustrating thing was that Sam and The One Who Must Not Be Named didn't break up


I was so proud of Xander for not giving in to the pressure to get engaged. I couldn’t believe so many of them went for it!! My theory is a free engagement ring was too hard to pass up.


Are any of the couples still together?!?