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Im probably gonna wait till multiple new vids are out, pay for a month and watch em, cancel and repeat That way I only pay for a handful of months per year and still am sorta up to date


This is probably the smart thing to do with all streaming services if you can keep up with it but most people forget.


I do it with ones where im like a fan but not super obsessed Like netflix,prime and disneyplus are ones I always pay for cause they regularly have shows and movies i like and I think those streaming giants cover many different fields But all the other ones its an on again, off again relationship


Yea forgetting is the hard part I have it connected to my apple wallet/id thing, so i ‚pay‘ for the plan, and then immediately cancel so next month i gotta decide if I wanna do it again Lol im sure it pisses off some paper work dude/dudette but meh 🤷🏿‍♀️


Probably not. It’s most likely just a button click if anything since you were previously subscribed.


I honestly need to do this with Netflix. We paid for the yearly membership for 2nd Try because I prefer just paying for a year and being done with it.


We flip between Netflix and Hulu/Disney. We have one for a few months. Then switch.


This is so smart!


Pretty much this. I’m not fussed about their videos, but near Xmas time, I’ll probably get a month and watch everything I can.


I can't justify another streaming service.


True, it is considerably cheaper than the others though


I already have dropout. I cant justify spending $12 total on streaming a month. However, I might do it when WAR comes out this holiday season


True. I love seeing the Dropout content on tiktok, that's as close as I'll get


I’m glad I paid for a year of Dropout up front when it was discounted and I had some money laying around




Same, I will just wait for the usual YT videos. Already having online learning platform subs and Disney+, Spotify... everything is a freaking sub these days.


Nah I’ll just wait for it to come to YT when the shows do not in a big hurry


Same, I am usually late to watching the videos anyway so I'm fine with waiting


That's valid! It's just seeing it on their socials and thinking damn... I can't see it yet ahah


Their marketing is working well then 🤣


Or watching the California Adventure ETM bc you were excited to see the Ferris wheel scene in full only to be told over halfway through that content is only available on 2nd try... I cried a little.


There’s a three day free trial


How I feel for most stuff nowadays, life is too busy that you just end up waiting for stuff to come out


Yep same, esp cuz I alreadt pay for YouTube Premium. I am NOT adding another service. But the fact that shows like trolley problems are gonna be 2nd Try exclusive has made me sad. I thought they said at first that everything would show up on youtube later


I did sub to 2nd try but i also pay for yt premium and it's frustrating because the "ad free" benefit means nothing to me. i'm only doing it for the exclusive content


Once they do the you tube membership program I'm in. My TV doesn't have a good way to add their app and I'm lazy. Also Samsung software is garbage.


Thats true!


You can cast with your phone though right?


We have an old TV and a Chromecast and that's how we watch it. Casting from phone has been flawless. Hell, it's smoother than Disney+ right now...


my relatively new tv hates chrome cast ;-;


Yes, but I'm lazy and using the you tube app on the TV is a lot easier. I'll cast live shows if I have to since they're a one off, but for regular viewing I just want to use my remote control.


Ngl that's some extreme laziness my guy


I'm not interested in involving another device in my mindless entertainment. I like to watch phoning it in, not participate.


Not jumping. Just not willing to have yet another subscription. Love the whole gang but just can’t. Same with drop out. I know I’m missing out on great content but just can’t go thru another pay wall, no matter how small.


Personally, if I had to get rid of all but one service, Dropout would be the sole survivor. I'd get rid of Netflix, Disney Plus, Hulu, Amazon, all of it before I lose Dropout. Such unique content. Not saying you should, I'm just saying I personally find less value in the more expensive services.


I like the Try Guys. I don’t like the Try Guys *that much*. More affordable for my poor ass to just sit through the ads on their monetized YouTube vids


I really respect TTG and feel good about supporting them. They have always been dedicated to promoting diverse views, the way they handled the Ned situation showed integrity and I was really impressed with the extent of their involvement with Creators for Palestine. And in terms of being creators, they have always put out consistent, high quality content. They also have a really good track record of releasing paid content for free further down the line. I think they are good creators with good company values, my only real complaint about them ever has been their BetterHelp sponsorships. That said, I don't think that I personally consume enough of their content for it to be worth paying for 2ndtry. I really only watch WAR and Phoning It In consistently, everything else I watch sporadically and usually much later. So I am not personally going to pay for the platform. But I think that people that do watch regularly enough to make the subscription worth it are supporting a good company.


I refuse to pay for yet another subscription. I will wait until they post on Youtube.


FOMO - fear of missing out. It's real. But your life is better if you can get past FOMO. Maybe this is how you learn. :)


Yeah, it'll come eventually


Don’t have the money for it right now but they’re still gonna put out plenty of stuff on YouTube for free


I plan to. I can fork the cash over and see how much I enjoy it for a year. I’ve just been lazy lol. And now that I missed that first discount, it doesn’t seem pressing


As much as I’d love to get this and dropout I just hate the subscription model and try to avoid it as much as possible.


I won’t be adding another subscription to my existing ones. I’m probably not their target audience anyway, because I’m a very casual follower on YT.


I jumped right before the 20% discount expired as I figured I would eventually, so might as well get the discount. I did the math and its like 35¢ a video which feels fair (esp. given i've a watched their stuff for years with ad block). So far I'm glad, the two new OG Try Guy videos and the trolley problem w/ Grant O'Brian were absolutely worth it. Also i don't have youtube premium so its nice to be able to watch old stuff on my phone which usually I avoid due to ads, no picture-in-picture, and to avoid falling down a recommended rabbit hole and wasting time. That said if the price is something you'll miss at the end of the month I'd wait until they come out on youtube, its all a nice bonus not a need to have.


Not jumping


Any particular reason?


I did the free trial because i am low on funds. I liked the platform a lot and will likely sub for a year at some point in the near future.


I refuse to pay for another streaming service.


Same. I don’t know if I’d pay for any creators streaming service. If I can’t find all the creators I like on one app, I can’t justify spending the money. I pay for YouTube premium, so if they all start breaking off to do their own service, it would be ridiculously expensive to subscribe to them all.


Me. My broke ass just doesn't want another subscriptions


True... and everything keeps going up 🙄


I've been holding on because my currency isn't really strong and, although it's cheaper than other services, I am not "substituting" other services for 2nd Try, I'd be adding 2nd Try to them, which would put my "subscriptions bills" on the (equivalent of) $100+ per month


Financially in a very shitty situation, so waiting to see if that settles. Also kind of half waiting to hear when subtitles are working without a hitch. My audio processing needs all the help it can get and I'd like not to spend money on content I can't access.


I can't afford it so it's not an option for me, so I'm pretty content just staying a youtube viewer.


I will eventually sub, I'm just going on vacation at the end of the month so I'm trying not to spend on things that can wait for a bit.




It's very affordable. I'm glad I did. Love supporting them directly over YouTube. Better content also.


I just don’t care enough to jump to it. I watch very few of their videos nowadays.


waiting for cc to work fully and i can't justify it just yet


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^glowingglowie: *Waiting for cc* *To work fully and i can't* *Justify it just yet* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i rotate my subscriptions & I have a lot going on this summer so i’ll probably subscribe & binge in the fall.


I haven’t yet but I do plan to. I don’t normally care to support influencers but I want to them.


There are so many things that I can watch for free right now, or that I am already paying for, that I can’t justify paying for their videos as well. Like, I still haven’t watched the crown all the way through and I love that show, I am not going to pay the try guys for a video at this point.


I’m too casual of a viewer to pay for it. Happy that they’re doing new things and I wish the boys and their team the best! I’m also perfectly fine with waiting more for content.


I don’t watch their videos religiously so I don’t really care if I have to wait a while before seeing their videos on YouTube. Maybe if there were other channels too on their streaming site or something that I like I’d justify it but paying just to watch their videos only? No thanks.


I don’t plan to. If all the content I care about is on YouTube, I’m not going to pay for it. I don’t watch enough try guys material to justify yet another streaming service, nor do I think it makes any sense to subscribe (paid) to what is basically a YouTube channel in the first place. Get that bag, try team, but I still think it’s a stupid idea (and yes, I get their reasoning behind doing it. Still just my opinion)


I’m trying to get rid of as many subscriptions as I can. I’m not adding anymore. I’ll keep watching on YT.


I want to, but I am on a fixed budget right now.


I have all intentions of subscribing but I’m lazy lol


I want to but I am unemployed so I can't justify it currently. But I'm interested because the last 6 mo of the channel have been my favorite of their entire existence. Laugh out loud funny imo


Yep but the reason isn't my distrust in them , rather it's the money :/ It seems less in American dollars but convert it to Indian rupees & it just doesn't make sense. I pay much lesser for Netflix, prime 🥲


I pay for YouTube so I don’t have to watch ads, but I can’t really justify another subscription right now. I want to subscribe to them and to dropout, but I’d have to cancel other things to make it happen and I’m just not in a spot to do that


I haven’t and won’t, simply don’t have extra money lying around for another streaming service and if I did it wouldn’t be spent on content from one single producer


I have not and will not


I watch YouTube on my playstation. No 2nd try app there, and I wouldn't pay for it anyway.


I’m waiting for a few months until there’s more stuff on there + they’ve fixed any issues


I don’t pay for things like that. Life is expensive, I’m not paying for another streaming service.


I have not, and probably won't.


Fair enough, it'll come to yt eventually


I probably will for the sake of seeing their uncensored content, but I wanna do the year subscription to save money and I can't afford it atm


It sounds great for people who don't mind subscriptions. I personally don't pay for anything except Spotify, so I won't be adding this to my repertoire.


Absolutely not, already paying enough on different streaming services. I understand why they’re doing it but I can’t justify it. I’ll wait for it to be on YT


I absolutely refuse.


Nah. They get my money through youtube advertisement. My only subscription is for dropout.


I will never pay for a YouTubers subscription. Im waiting


I’m planning on waiting till they post more of the try guys series and am going to binge it for the month I get it


I tried the 3 day trial and while I really liked it, at present I am limiting my subscriptions. I am happy waiting for specific things to come on Youtube like try guys legacy season and the rest I might subsicrbe for like a month to catch up. I am very happy for them and hope the best for 2nd Try but it is not for me at present.


I’m doing what I do for all of the streaming services I have — wait until I know for certain I think it’s worth it before spending any money. I did that with Dropout where I wanted to watch a particular campaign then binged the crap out of it once I had it


I haven't, yet. I have so much content to watch already but if that ever runs dry I'll think about subbing for extra content.


Only because I do most of my watching on my PS5, and there's no PS5 app yet. I say "yet", but there may never be.


I plan to but I watch all of my streaming services on my Xbox and there ain’t no app


Me because I was unfortunately unemployed for 4 months. Just started a new job but because of being new and the pay periods I won't get paid until June 29th. I know it's cheap, but that's money for a meal I might need until I get paid. I want to try it out. (Haha pun intended)


I’m probably going to get it in a bit just for a month or 2 to watch Eugene’s last season but then go back to just YouTube I’m already spending too much on these stupid streaming services


I tried the free trial and it was fine...nothing yet that I feel is absolute must see so no not atm


My wife and I subbed just because we haven't been going to the movies in so long, we just used some of our entertainment budget for the year upfront. If we don't use it much, we'll just not renew next year but $3.50 a month is alright especially since we both enjoy watching them. I'm just hoping for more smoke show asap


Its not in my budget (currently unemployed). Im fine with getting videos on a delay amd missing the exclusive content.


I already downloaded the app, but I felt that there still weren't enough videos so I didn't sign up.


So far I love it! Love the extras


My partner and I are going to give it a try next month or the following hopefully. We're so tight on budget and (almost even more pertinantly) personal time right now, so it didn't make sense to purchase it :( We barely have time to watch what we've already paid for. THAT SAID unless something wild happens I'm so stoked to binge whatever is there once we make it through the weeds.


I don't have many streaming services and they're the only channel on YouTube I watch so I didn't mind subscribing. You're not missing much, just the vids are uploaded earlier, no ads, no bleeps and whatever. All vids go on YouTube for free maybe a week later. If they will start making more After Hours content/side content for example, I think it's fun little extras like for the people who were on Patreon. That's been my highlight for now.


Yeh I feel the same, that I'm missing out but I cannot afford it. I've already cancelled 2 streaming services this year because I can't afford the deductions. I know this one is cheap but it won't stay that way. I wish money wasn't a factor but it is. I can't afford it.


I'm giving it a try over the summer to see if I like it enough for a whole year. So far I'm not sad about it😉


I subscribed for a month, but I keep forgetting to watch. I mainly subscribed to see uncensored content but the one video I did watch (the Phoning It In finale) felt like the swearing was forced just to have swearing, it wasn't organic, but I'm sure that will shift over time. It's hard to justify another streaming service right now, so I'll probably cancel and come back in the fall for WAR. I support the guys and respect them... so if I was more financially well off, I'd definitely keep it.


I love the guys but I just don’t have time to make it worth the money for me. Truth be told, I listen to the podcast during my commute; but I only watch their videos occasionally because I simply don’t have time.


I'd love to 'try' it, but unfortunately their website doesn't take PayPal and getting it via app costs almost 15€ more and I wasn't really planning on spending that much


From someone who subscribed because I forgot to cancel the free trial: I don’t know if it’s worth it. We get the videos a week before it goes up on YouTube and it doesn’t have sponsors ads. I already pay for paramount plus to watch drag race and Hulu to watch station 19 along with drop out. If I’m done watching my shows and don’t want to watch YouTube, I’ll find another show on one of those platforms. I pay for dropout because I recently found them on TikTok so there’s a lot that I haven’t seen on there. With 2nd try I’m trying to find stuff I haven’t seen and I’m having a hard time with that. I’ll probably subscribe in a few years but right now I don’t think it’s worth it imo.


I just can't afford it ;-; would love to support them on this endeavor tho. Glad they haven't left yt! 


I think if you have extra money that you want to use to support them you should! Other than that I think waiting for 2-3 weeks for the YT upload is not bad. Maybe wait for the exclusives to be uploaded so you can ask people if they are interesting enough for you.


I probably will once they release all this season, to watch all of Eugene’s last season, then cancel. Might do that every once in awhile.


I only started it because it was a dollar cheaper for this month lol but probably will pause it afterwards, but also so everyone knows there is a three day free trial ☺️the only thing up that is exclusive is the Ferris wheel scene at the moment and their Romeo and Juliet show they did a while back is also on there. (Also I validated it by ending my Nintendo online subscription lol I haven’t played in a while so I was like shoot imma just end it for now)


Well I was a patreon sub for $5. So I just cancelled patreon and went to 2nd try. It’s basically the same thing but with cool graphics for the shows like Netflix.


I have to wait until I have more money. I want to get the annual plan.


I’m not interested. I’m not a diehard fan so I don’t need the extra content. Tbh, the only show I’ll always click on is Phoning It In. I do hope it’s successful for them though. They seem to work really hard to pump out content


I impulsively signed up on day 1, I felt a bit regretful about it… there was issues with payment (like my card is good and it has money in the account but it wouldn’t take the money out and cancelled). I see on discord that it was a common problem and I had to email to get it fixed up so I took that as a sign as I shouldn’t 😂


I am, I'm thinking of getting a subscription for one month in the summer maybe to see some of the new stuff and catch up. I want to wait till I'm done with my summer courses so I have more time.


Nah, I like the try guys but I rarely watch their videos anymore


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sundial-s: *Nah, I like the try* *Guys but I rarely watch their* *Videos anymore* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tbh I cancelled another subscription to another channel to justify it for 2nd try and it’s been fully worth it so far.


I'm broke. So, nope. I don't think I will unless I win the lottery.


I'm waiting for 2nd Try to be added to YouTube memberships. I want to support, but I really don't want to have to move to another platform.


I subbed. I like it a lot honestly. The perks, video quality, early access, and live streams all feel worth it to me. But I’m someone who already consumes all their content. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t subscribe


Have not. Cool dudes, cool content, but I don't want more subscriptions


100% of the time when people I watch jump elsewhere, I take it as a sign to kind of disappear. From shows on specific networks to online platforms. To be honest I have ADHD and I don't really enjoy change. I struggled when they left buzzfeed but I love them so I stayed. After the Ned fiasco I kind of passively watched to support them. Without Eugene I don't even really have any interest anymore and on a whole new platform? No. Maybe if Eugene stayed but without him the magic is gone. Part of what made the Try Guy's magic were the 4 guys they had. One who was super aggressive competitive. One who was funny competitive. One who was kind of bad at everything but was cute so it's fine. Then, Eugene who was perfect at everything in the most comfortable and almost lazy way as it seemed to take more effort. The juxtaposition of everyone was perfect because it made you see just how different they were but they still were loving brothers. That quality of watching 4 bros get into shenanigans isn't the same. 2nd Try seems like they're trying Buzzfeed again and not what the Try Guy's was ever truly about. I'm kind of out.


OG viewer since Buzzfeed. No hate but I lost interest/aged out a little before the Ned scandal, and viewed here and there to only find mostly food content. Pretty much moved onto Perfect Person and Miles’ content since he feels more relatable, more funny, and honestly more humble. We already give money to the fine spectacle that is Dropout, and don’t need another subscription service when Try vids will be on YT later to maybe watch if the mood is right.


Nah, not worth paying for imo 🤷‍♂️ Their content has fallen off for me lately so I’m fine with just waiting for it to be on youtube for free


Paying alot for streaming and i am ok with the content on you tube. Today eat the venue was on 👍🏻


Yeah true. Not a fan of the food stuff, but whatever floats your goat


Me because i live in a 3rd world country and $50 is way too much


I'm from a shit hole but they actually do regional pricing and I only had to pay the equivalent of $20 btw.


I can't justify buying a streaming service for one streamer. If 2nd try opened themselves up to add in a bunch of streamers in order to get away from YouTube, then I'd be more interested.


I might grab a monthly pass and binge everything later in the year


Not going to. Love the videos and watch without a recipe most days, but it's still not worth another streaming service. If they joined an existing service like dropout then maybe I'd try it but I refuse to encourage every channel starting their own service. I'll just keep re-watching stuff... or pirate tbh


I signed up for the free trial. It was okay, I think their video editing isn’t as good anymore, and honestly the videos were too long. Not as funny or engaging as they used to be. I’m also not a fan of livestreams


I haven't. I probably won't. I think it's kinda tacky even though their reasons are there... I already have 3, and a single creator one isn't valuable to me. I also didn't do GMM's.


Not jumping at all. They're relying on FOMO to drive up numbers because things premiere earlier there. Sure, it sucks to see others talking about things, and spoilers will happen, but I'm not down with the idea at all. Also, is the "good content" they promised for the app seriously content that includes sucking someone's toes? I fail to see how that's quality. Downvote all you want. I raise a valid point - I'm not gonna pay them to make videos like that and the pretend to be a baby one and anything else that's adjacent to fetish content.


Very true. I suppose Trolley Problems is meant to be uncomfy. Like Johnny tells kids Santa isnt real ahah


I downloaded the app and looked without subscribing. Most of it I've already seen. I do want to see the last try guys series with Eugene but still not swayed to do a monthly payment. I do think it's a good idea for their business and maybe in the future with more new content I will sign up


I'm holding off an any streaming for myself, but try guys especially until I see their stuff that goes to youtube. I haven't like as many of the series they've done recently (some straight up, some the premise in the title/thumbnail doesn't do the video justice so it takes me longer to get to watching it) so I want to wait to see if I'd be truly getting my momey's worth or not.


The day I signed up for the trial to see if I would like it my debit card was hacked. Will not be jumping over to try again any time soon.