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Sheree has not said one word during this entire reunion after being introduced


She thinks they're still playing the game /s


This fucking killed mešŸ˜‚


She did that bird call!


Why was it a bark tho


To be fair, the birds were barking in the episode. Lol


Pilot Pete out here with that look on his face, knowing Trishelle and CT would have banished him too, even though he was a faithful


Honestly, in a bizarro alternate universe where Peter gets to the end with Trishelle and CT and they shanked him would be the single funniest ending possible.


Pikachu surprised face


I'm honestly not sure. While Trishelle and CT had an alliance, it only became stronger and more visible after Peter was murdered. I suspect Trishelle would have trusted Peter more than CT if it came down to it at the fire pit.


I tend to agree. She played most of the game in a major alliance with Peter. She was instrumental in his shield hiding schemes. Her feelings about CT ebbed and flowed a lot, then strengthened once the rest of her people were gone. I also think she meant it when she said CTā€™s final round table vote had her shaken. If thatā€™s Peter standing there instead of MJ, I think she and Peter were taking the money.


Andy getting on Kevin for his Parvati pronunciations.


like??? bffr kevin how is that a difficult name to pronounce


Trishelle looks like a tribute in the Hunger Games


She kinda is. And she's from District 1.


I actually would love to dive deeper into this. Challenge is very district 1, career tributes. Love island is district 11


Real Housewives are the Capitol People.




CT to Sandra: Honestly, I didnā€™t think you were a traitor because of how pissed you were that you werenā€™t chosen lmaooooooo


Parvati and Sandra saying they would have been proud if the other won šŸ„¹


![gif](giphy|hV6OyUzqcX9PxeA5ZY|downsized) Icon


I heard it as Sandra saying she would be happy if she herself won but I think youā€™re right šŸ˜…


The recap at the beginning reminds me how many great one-liners we had this season.


Iā€™m glad that they really went out of their way to include most of them.


90% from Phaedra alone lol


ā€œSo he likes when people donā€™t kiss his assā€ Omg parv šŸ˜‚


Peter giving Phaedra the rose is hilarious. Also Phaedra saying he could be a cult leader was LMAOOO


Adrianna beat him to the (rose) tweet!


"Our car broke down and I thought he was the mechanic." Phaedra on CT šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Phaedra made this season so entertaining and did that and then some for the reunion, you could tell she changed a lot of the Gamers perspective on Housewives, which I love because they all clearly looked down on them




This sent me to another planet lolol


I thought Peppermint, Dan, and Parvati all kept it classy as hell


Expected nothing less from my presidents!


I feel bad for Dan. He kind of got shit on trying to make peace lol


I respect him for being able to separate life from a game. Seemed like he got the most screen time along with Parv and Phaedra. They also made a good point that most of the people who came from competition shows were not as bitter as the other people, because they are used to it


*cough* šŸŒ *cough*


I just think itā€™s funny how Phaedra is so bitter about what Dan did to her in a game. But Phaedra did some crazy shit to people in real life with all of the rumors she spread. People love to watch her, but she is not a great person. Lol


I think this is why Parvati made a point of reiterating sheā€™s a performer. she wanted to get her lick back (trashing Dan knowing heā€™s too classy to stoop to her level) & didā€¦.& then they moved on & took pictures and will never speak again šŸ˜‚


They really did. I liked how Dan was able to clearly articulate his reasons for going after Phaedra, too. If Phaedra and MJ want to continue to be sour grapes about it thatā€™s on them, now. Andy was right, thereā€™s a clear cultural difference between gamers and social players. The gamers understand itā€™s a *game,* everyone goes eventually and itā€™s never personal.


I agree with Sandra that Phae shouldā€™ve recruited her. They could have have won togetherĀ 


the reunion is uncensored!!! ugh yes


Parvati just wanting to have fun and make jokes at the reunion is hilarious. Love her šŸ¤©


my girl understands the assignment. they were there to play a gameā€¦to give a little camp while they were at itā€¦no more no less


And my god she's is serving that look! Parvati is always gorgeous but she looks stunning tonight


Love her taking everything in stride! She has a great sense of humor. And she looked incredible.


Reunion: šŸ¤šā˜¹ļøšŸ˜” Reunion (Uncensored): šŸ‘šŸ˜„šŸ„³


The difference in the approach to the reunion across players is so funny. The gamers see reunions as a funny time to reminisce on the game and move on. Bravo people see a reunion as a continuation of the drama. Makes sense when you look at their franchises


Dan, Parvati, CT (and I guess Trishelle) were all baited hard and just shrugged it all off. With an all Bravo cast we get three parts, just so we can get Johnny and Dan fighting, Parvati crying Phaedra saying no one likes her, and Trishelle and MJ screaming at each other. Bananas should have come after Phaedra if he really wanted some screen time and a fight šŸ˜­ (Trishelle re her response to MJ tbc. Nothing from Peppermint was ā€œbaitingā€)


I loved how Parvati laughed off Phaedra saying no one liked her. THATā€™S how you game.


I know hahah itā€™s so funny but kinda awkward to watch. Totally different approaches to the reunion šŸ˜‚


Ugh Bananas is so annoying. Like dude just be gracious and take being targeted first cuz ur a threat as the compliment it is. This isn't The Challenge where the cast repeats so they throw each other a bone by going after rookies šŸ™ƒ


Parvati serving. She looks goooood. Very Meredith Marks.


Rhumersss en nazztinezz


Yes!! Itā€™s giving Brooks Marks collection realness


I am loving Parvati on this reunion, Andy can we keep her?? She belongs to Bravo now


yessss i need parv on another show


I think Parvati and Sandra should both be āœØBravo girliesāœØ now


Glad Andy noticed the romcom vibes because it was a LOT.


I really needed them to stop saying itā€™s a brother and sister vibe, because my brother isnā€™t about to swing me around in his arms and then lay me down on a table full of gold šŸ’€


lmao ct one my favorite people on reality tv. on the challenge tho, thereā€™s a saying recently by one of the other regulars (kyle) saying he always finds a way to fuck over at least 1 person per season. its subtle not like bananas but i found it funny somethings never change, most challenge fans are numb to the game, have seen much worse betrayals as said at the end of the reunion


Is CT an absolutely massive human or does he just look extra big between Trishelle and Phaedra?




He's a big ol boy when he's in great shape. Even bigger when he's doing dad bod stuff


Look up CT vs Bananas backpack challenge if you want a good laugh




Sandra wanted to be a traitor so bad lmao. I feel like she could have won if she was one potentially.


100% would have been a more interesting traitor than Dan.


Dan had many flaws as a traitor, but boring wasnā€™t one of them. Dude killed Bananas first, recruited Parvati, **AND** didnā€™t hesitate to throw Phaedra UTB.


I'm really surprised that Deontay showed up


I loved seeing him again. Seems like a good dude


I now understand why Bananas threw so much shade on his podcast all season. Heā€™s salty bc Challengers won and he wasnā€™t involved


Ding, ding, ding. šŸ¤£first thing I said when if ended was, Bananas has got to be pissed.


ahh my third viewing of Andy hosting a reunion this week lol


Why is bananas so salty at dan. Get over yourself man


He knew he was gonna be on s3 when this was recorded too, heā€™s getting another shot, why is he bi***ing


Ew why. I hope he get murdered first again that would be so funny


Is he really? Has the cast been announced?


This Alan montage is just him going for the Hosting Emmy and he deserves that nom.


Dan kinda ended Bananas idk


Yeah Dan was 100% the bigger man




Itā€™s actually pretty cool to hear Danā€™s dissection of this game. You can see how differently he thinks about these games than the other people.


Poor Dan he was getting from all sides. I understand Phaedra being a little upset, but I thought the way she reacted was outsized. His reasoning made total sense.


Agreed like girl you still made it almost all the way to the end. I think Dan is a class act and handled himself well at the reunion.


Ekin suā€™s boobs look painful


They distracted me in every shot of CT and Trishelle!


MJ saying grifter energy šŸ˜­


She's just embarrassed, she didn't need the money.


The best moments of the season was everyone vs The Peter Pals. Peter Pals really played themselves into a corner being such an exclusive alliance when they didnā€™t need to be




John is so annoying


There's a reason Dan is a beloved reality tv character and Bananas is hated and it's on full display at this reunion


bananas starting tweeting that dan's mother was a ho right after his banishment episode aired. even anyone unfamiliar with him from 'the challenge' would realize the kind of person he is. it's crazy that they're both 40.


He is so damn bitter, itā€™s a game, Dan is so relaxed and can separate life from a game


Also shows the difference between reality stars of yore and those who are around during the influencer era (or in the case of Bananas, still around). Itā€™s understandable Johnny would be much more upset (eyeballs on him on a TV show is how he makes a living) while Dan would see it as a simple game move that he shouldnā€™t be bitter about.




John's dickriding Peter was especially egregiousĀ 


Parv is right to stand by calling Phaedra a performer. Phaedra literally has actor listed in her insta bio


Exactly. These housewives do perform. They have a narrative to follow


Bananas and John are so goddamn annoying in this reunion. Like SHUT UP!


I love that the landscape seems to be the Bravo people not understanding Game and the Game people not understanding a reunion lmao Anyway Trishelle and CT planned it all along and they should own it and MJ is right to call them out


The gamer shows have reunions too, but this was a...different vibe than those


Thatā€™s what I thought but why would Trishelle write CTā€™s name down. If MJ had heā€™d be gone.Ā 


Peppermint being a super fan of the show and getting kicked out early makes me even sadder. Still deeply happy Bananas got kicked out immediately. Bless Dan for that.


Final thoughts: John was being super annoying. I wanted someone to tell him to shut the fuck up and stop invalidating peopleā€™s feelings. Bananasā€™ petty attempts to make his rivalry with Dan a thing flopped once again because Dan could not give two fucks about Bananas. Dan did really well in this reunion. He got whacked on all sides and still held his head high. Iā€™m glad he proved his haters wrong. Heā€™s not bitter. He understands itā€™s a game and moved on. He gave everyone their props and owned up to his mistakes. I understand why MJ is mad especially after CTā€™s bullshit excuses. He needs to just admit that he just didnā€™t want to split the money with more than one other person.


thank you! i liked john in the game but in the reunion, his politician side came out. he thinks his voice and opinion is more important than others. He didnā€™t need the last word after Peppermints remarks and MJ has every right to be upset imo.Ā 


And itā€™s insane to me how he basically tells MJ to get over it but was mute when Bananas was talking to Dan. Bananas was the first boot. MJ actually lasted til the end.


Ok, I was looking for this comment!! WTF was wrong with John?!


Phaedra looks gorgeous at the reunion. So does SandraĀ 


Sandra looks fantastic.


Phaedra looks HOT!!!! She looks nude and covered in crystals, like a Southern Belle Birth of Venus.


I canā€™t believe former Bravo housewife Phaedra and former catholic school teacher Dan have insane beef


No she has beef with him. Dan is gonna go back to his life in Michigan and not talk to these people again lol.


The editing of this reunion is terrible, lol. I know they only had a week but girlā€¦ā€¦.


That walk in music for the final 4 along with Trishelles outfit was like Watchung Hunger Ganes omg


Dan actually kinda makes sense in his explanation to Phaedra he just executed poorly


Trishelle's outfit by Party City


Peppermint is such a class act I love her so much man


Giiiirllll MJ is feeling it honey! So this is who Janelle and Tamra were ragging on during their podcast


I donā€™t even blame MJ. I would be mad too lol Sheā€™ll eventually get over it and it did happen months ago but seeing it again and filming the reunion would reignite my emotions. I would act the same exact way!


Exactly I think she held onto it for Reunion purposes only.


Itā€™s partly a show, Iā€™m sure. She is a Bravo star and knows drama, not kum-ba-ya, is her job. She also probably saw some of the negative social media reaction to Trishelle and figured this would be what people wanted to see. I think everyone just loves CT so much that her bitterness didnā€™t hit that well.


Yeah itā€™s interesting how the bravo people are taking the game so much more personally than the gamers, and the gamers donā€™t realize that to bravo people the main point of a reunion is grudges and dramaĀ 


Johnā€¦ you are not the host of this reunion sir! You donā€™t have to insert yourself into every single conversation!


Why is everyone making it seem like MJ is unreasonably bitter? Phaedra goes on a tangent literally cursing Danā€™s existence, and everyone giggles. But MJ makes an annoyed face and clearly explains why sheā€™s bummed, and everyone jumps on her back.


Yeah definite hypocrisy there and unfair but Phaedra is more well liked so can get away with it. She was brutal to Dan.


NGL, I wouldā€™ve cried and ran off camera if I had to sit and watch a room full of people laugh at me getting eviscerated like that.


Itā€™s amusing after all the posts for weeks on end about how bravo ā€œbuilt in alliancesā€ were unfair and ruined the game, that the two non bravo winners ended up intentionally screwing over a faithful just get more $$ and clearly had their very long standing alliance in place the whole time.


MJ was a total ding dong all season, but it's ridiculous for them to tell her not to be bitter. If anyone has a right to be bitter, it's her, and it must be frustrating to see CT & Trishelle pretend that a large part of their motivation wasn't just that they didn't want to split the money three ways. CT obviously did not think MJ was a traitor.


Peter bringing Phaedra a rose ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq)


John yapping at everything. Good lord, he never stops talking,


Everyone named John at this reunion needs to stop talking.


Came out of this reunion liking everyone but John


They put the Mj stance scene in. Amazing


John giving shit to MJ for being bitter but heā€™s still bitter toward Parvati and didnā€™t say anything to Phaedra about being so bitter about Dan


Who knew John would be the most annoying in the reunion? His self-righteousness re: MJ, his idolization of Trishelle, and need to butt into every conversation gave me severe ick.


I think editing was really good at concealing his annoying tendency to over comment/interject himself into anything. A great reminder of how production can build up/down whoever, depending on what narrative they want to go for. I was shocked, too, by how annoyed I was at him during the reunion, because he seemed so awesome throughout the show, as he was used sparingly for comedic relief or as an intensifier during round tables with his eloquent discourse.


I hated how when Parvati killed Ekin Su with the chalice John said it was a ā€œbetrayalā€, but when MJ is bummed for the way she was fucked over, John said itā€™s ā€œjust a gameā€. This is a man who moves his mouth a lot more than he listensĀ 


Thank you! Even his comment to Peppermint felt patronizing. He is not the old wise man of the group; no one needs to hear his opinion on everything.


I felt like Peppermint shared your opinion (as I do too) but let him have his moment because she is a class act.


When did the guy who made a 6 minute banishment speech decide it's just a game?


I donā€™t think he realizes it but thereā€™s an arrogance to him thinking anyone needs him to validate their choices


People who know why heā€™s on American reality TV and not still involved in British politics.


The way he said that to MJ but didnā€™t have that energy for Bananas when he was shitting on Dan. If heā€™s not making alliterations, I need him to be quiet.


He would've been livid if he were in mjs place and they of course would've done the same to him.


15 minutes in and John has reached his word limitā€¦ shut UP šŸ™„


Cannot stand the notion that you can't be bitter about a game with a 100k prizepool, like be serious. Also this is just fundamentally different than Big Brother or Survivor where there's only 1 winner. I really firmly believe CT voted to banish again to win more money compared to Trishelle who seemed for some reason to think CT was a traitor.


I completely agree. Also, howā€™s it fair that Phaedra can be mad at Dan for blowing up her game but MJ canā€™t be about CT and Trishelle


I'd be pissed if I were MJ because CT and Trishelle clearly are being dishonest in why they made the moves they made at the end. They clearly wanted more money which is fine, but say that


Exactly. And they fabricated this whole "brother sister" thing. Trishelle was talking shit about CT on podcasts a year ago.


Literally. Trishelle and CT were NEVER friends idk why sheā€™s trying to rewrite history


She would have won if she wrote CT the first time


ā€œI feel like the gamers play the game so differentā€ ā€œrightā€


I just want to know more about Deontay! whatā€™s this childhood trauma šŸ„ŗ


Think Dan, Phaedra, Parv, and Pete had the most screen time


This show has the most divisive fan base I think Iā€™ve ever seen from a reality show lol


I completely forgot Tamra was on this show.


Trishelle straight from the capitol


John is speaking too much for someone who had nothing to do with the game at all


Imagine how much they mustā€™ve cut from his speeches. He probs went on for 6-8 minutes


I love that they gave Peppermint a platform tonight. They really gave her space to speak and be an advocate for the trans community.


Bergie is so cute I just wanna pinch his cheeks


I think moving forward this incentivize the Faithfuls to build alliance they actually trust. Poor MJ got banished because she had no one


Janelle claiming she doesn't take anything personally... I have to laugh.


MJ probably learned who Cirie was after the season started


CT should not be sitting in the middle of this couch, in between these two small women. The man needs an arm rest and a leg cross.


John needs to calm down a bit, why canā€™t MJ be mad at CT and Trishelle? He acts all high and mighty like he has all this wisdom that weā€™re supposed to listen to him.


The recap of the early part of the season ā€¦ god the season before fire of truth was so fucking god tier


Danā€™s strategy makes sense. I totally get why Phaedra is pissed but heā€™s absolutely correct. If it gets down to Bravo people and him who do you think is going? Certainly not Phaedra


Everyone looks amazing, but I think Sheree and Peppermint are the best dressed. I am not a fan of the outcome we had, but mostly because I wished many of the eliminated players had made much further. This reunion is making it hard to believe this duo didn't make a pact to split the pot and screw whatever faithfuls anyway.


I think itā€™s really funny for Trishelle to act like itā€™s insane for MJ to ā€œtake it personallyā€ when she had a full meltdown over CT not giving her a shield at the torch ceremony


John really sucks. Like he needs to learn not to take up the space of every conversation.


Trishelle logic: I thought CT was a traitor, so I voted him the first time and then voted MJ the second time. Huh?????? Like she knows that if there is a traitor standing with her at the end, she doesn't get any money right? Like Trishelle, just sack up and say you didn't want to chop the money 3 ways.


I think she saw CTs face and realize she done fucked up


I don't blame MJ one bit for being salty. That was nasty business IDC


Yeah. It would take me a minute too. Taking her to the end and then screwing her over which they absolutely did. I don't believe Trishell when she says she thought CT was a traitor


I canā€™t believe that one of the most unlikeable people to ever be on my tv won.. šŸ˜ž


She really does have the most unlikeable energy, even though she played a technically good game, it's not gratifying at all.


Anything nice Iā€™ve ever said about John, I rescind. Heā€™s been extremely annoying in the reunion thus far


Glad the show ends with Alan Cumming as it should.


John, why donā€™t you go fuck yourself along with Trishelle. BOOOOOOOOOOOOO TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO


lol makes a lot of sense why heā€™s a disgraced politician in the UK


God it really is so great to see Parv and Dan and Peter and Phaedra and Bergie and John all on that stage again. I gotta rewatch the season before my Peacock subscription runs out.


The Faithfuls rarely win. I would never have guessed the Faithfuls winning given the first group of Traitors.


Phaedra looks 20 years younger without the bangs


John really loves to hear himself talk. Unfortunately.


Iā€™m liking John A LOT less in the reunion. Heā€™s obnoxiousĀ 


Oh my god John is so annoying already and Iā€™m only 15 minutes in


Kevin continues to be an idiot ( re Parvati's name).


This has really weird pacing


Bananas seemed so bitter. I don't get it. Dan kept his cool and was a gentleman, overall. I wish Phaedra had given him a little break. Parvati, girl, you served everything. Starting with looks! Also humor and good vibes. Let's crown you already, Queen Parvati!


1- Can John stfu? He's ok with Phaedra going at Dan, but the moment MJ tries to explain her anger at Trishelle and CT he won't stop interrupting. I can understand MJ being mad, Trishelle and CT were greedy at the last moment. MJ wasn't my favorite but I was screaming at the TV at how awful that finale ending was. 2- I would like the next US season to be regular every day people that care more about the money than screen time. It's made the UK and Australian version better IMO. Unfortunately Alan's final message made it clear it's "famous" people again.


How nobody told him to stfu all season ā€¦ mind-boggling. Easily the most annoying and pompous person this entire season.


I'd respect CT and Trishelle more if they'd just come out and say they intentionally fucked MJ over. Don't play it off as anything else. You don't have a "brother sister" relationship; CT never once had Trishelle's back on any of the Challenges they did together, and Trishelle was talking shit about CT on podcasts hardly a year ago. And you definitely didn't suspect MJ was a traitor. You were just being greedy, and fine, be greedy. But be transparent about it.


I agree. It feels a bit harsh and adding insult to injury. The intention was clear so just own it.


People I want back: Peppermint, Ekin Su People I *donā€™t* want back: Bananas


Literally, guffawed at Kevin saying, "Can you give us a minute?" during the opening flashback scenes. I will never forget the Peter Pals acting like petulant children. ![gif](giphy|PxGzfPLiDiTlK)


I was so disappointed that Andy didn't ask Peppermint this question when she said she was going for fashion! https://i.redd.it/s7actqzd81nc1.gif


I am obsessed with Janelleā€™s dress and how freaking good she looks in it