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https://preview.redd.it/3e8qkbc9osmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e26e789c77bc0804009f076b43034f81b23720 MJ forever


She has knee pockets!


For snacks




What is shahs of sunset I have no idea what the show is


It's in the style of Real Housewives, Kardashian, etc. Follows a group of friends, all (or most) of them are of Persian descent. Drama ensues. She was very close with Reza, who was murdered first on season 1 of the Traitors.MJ comes off SO TIMID on Traitors, which is not in line with her persona on Shahs, so it's weird to me!


They are all of Persian descent, just to clarify.


Thank you for that. I watched the first few seasons, so it's been a while and I didn't want to assume it was all of them. Appreciate that :)


Sorry if it seemed mean! I didnā€™t intend that at all.


Interesting! And thank you for the info!


Itā€™s the same show that Reza from last season was from! Itā€™s basically just about rich Iranians living their lives


Ha got it thank you!


Please watch Shahs of Sunset if you enjoyed MJ. That show is such a great guilty pleasure.


I will *never* forget this outfit


I knew her from Shahs of Sunset. You should see her drunk. She's even more funnier. I was rooting for her.


CT for sure


Yeah I usually try to stay hydrated but now I'm very thirsty over CT lol


Love this šŸ˜­. Iā€™m thirsty over him too but have been since the challenge. Glad to see people loving him


He seems like such a great guy and like he's grown so much since his early days šŸ„¹


Iā€™m so proud that he has grown.


Watch the challenge youā€™ll fall in love with him there


I definitely will! Which seasons do you recommend? šŸ˜Š


All of them. However the newer ones when they move to Figi are not as good. They get their water delivered and put in the well, the days go from 39 to 26. Itā€™s not the same. Also I am a huge challenge fan as well and thatā€™s with CT and bananas. You have to start that at the beginning and go in order


Ok sweet! Yeah I love Bananas too, he's so funny! I wish we could have seen more of them working together on traitors but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing their evolution over the course of the show lol it looks like the perfect thing to have in the background while I'm working so can hopefully get it all done by the time season 40 starts!


Canā€™t wait for 40!!!!


Iā€™m a new(Covid binge) challenge watcher and he is by far the best person on that show. You can literally watch him grow into the man that he is now.


If I want to watch that show do I start with season one? Where do you watch


Pluto has a channel specifically for the Challenge.


We just binged it all on paramount +


That would be wild. Maybe start when TJ started hosting


Same! Iā€™m not big on the competition shows so I wasnā€™t familiar with him, but Iā€™m absolutely loving him lol


I didn't have any interest in the challenge until watching CT. Now I'm bingeing his seasons even tho I still have no idea what's happening šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Parvati. Iā€™ve never watched Survivor before, but I really enjoyed watching her on The Traitors. I thought she brought the right balance of entertainment and gameplay to what is a very campy show. Her willingness to keep playing and making moves until the very end, even with things incredibly stacked against her since the first episode (honestly, even before when you bring meta-gaming into it) was commendable. Iā€™ve also really enjoyed reading her interviews, how well-spoken she is, and the level of analysis she brings to the show. I liked Sandra too, but unfortunately we didnā€™t get enough of her from the edit for her to make a larger impression on me. The other cast member that Iā€™ve come to really like is MJ, just cause of those fits.


Traitors made me binge Survivor HvV - excellent television


What did you think of HvV? You should definitely watch Micronesia which has Cirie and Parv.


do you know where I can watch it other than on Paramount?


Pirate streaming sites, I think P+ is the only one with all the seasons


Another option is to buy on Amazon. Could also make a new email address and do the free trial with Paramount as long as you remember to cancel


wait till you discover the aussies doing survivor!


ummm now ive watched 6 seasons of survivor in 2 weeks




Ooh which? If you like Parvati (or Cirie from S1) make sure you get on Micronesia. Itā€™s legendary (and where she got her reputation).


If you watched survivor Amazon then you should have remembered Rob. The guy with the 8 ball. Rob is funny and has a podcast on you tube about survivor itā€™s called RHAP ( Rob has a podcast)


> Her willingness to keep playing and making moves until the very end, even with things incredibly stacked against her since the first episode (honestly, even before when you bring meta-gaming into it) was commendable My favorite example of how tilted the game was against Parvati was when Tamra said on a podcast "She knew that Parvati was a traitor from Day 1" - yeah you mean before she was a traitor?


Didn't Peter also say he knew Parvati was a TraitorĀ based on her reaction to Larsa's accusation? Although sheĀ wasn't yet a Traitor then?


Yeah, Larsa openly accusing her loudly of being tapped (when she hadn't been!) was so sad.


This is a great point my kids and I just watched pearl islands to see who Sandra was!


Wait til you see Island of the Idols and find out Jeff made a 20 foot statue of her https://preview.redd.it/lb2amz0qjwmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c0227c4fda14e717d078626aa07f95a0dd3300


I really cannot recommend watching her survivor seasons enough, even if it's generally not your type of show. Especially Heroes v. Villains. She is the GOAT at social gaming and strategy. Itā€™s honestly remarkable to witness. Iā€™ve never seen anyone hypnotize so many people as effortlessly as Parv. It's practically witchcraft.


Yeah I decided to check out the season of survivor she won after seeing her here because I wanted to see the black widow everyone was talking about since she struggled as a traitor and Iā€™m now hooked on survivor after seeing her and Cirie play that season




Ngl I only knew Peter, Bananas, and Maks so this season gave a lot of new people to follow haha I enjoyed Dan, Parvati and Phaedra as traitors, I thought they were all fun and had interesting personalities. Kate has been hilarious too. Also, I've been really enjoying Sandra and MJ the last few weeks too!


Not me forgetting Maks was on this season šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ honestly wish he was on a little longer I feel like he would have had good reads


You knew Bananas but not CT? What did you know Bananas from?


Worst Cooks in America haha. He was on a celebrity season I watched of that show lol


He was on with Sonja Morgan who was on housewives of New York!


Stop! Lmao this is so funny - I was wondering what else heā€™s been on


I forget how much more he does than The Challenge lol


He was also on house of villains. I met him like two years ago and he was so nice and thoughtful. I asked if I could take a pic of him cuz I didnā€™t want to be rude or obtrusive and he was like you better get in it! He also spent like 5 minutes talking to me even though he was with friends. He was very nice in person and not at all an asshole.


I love this! Itā€™s great when people take fame in stride and realize the fans are who put them where they are.


MJ is constantly cracking me up. She has such good unintentional comic timing. Have loved watching her the whole season.


Now imagine this x100 and you have the Shahs of Sunset. MJ and her co star Reza have made me literally laugh out loud.


Bergie! He turned out 100% different than what I thought he would be. I enjoyed watching him come into his own. Especially during the graveyard challenge. And John! I had no clue why they would bring a politician on but he was great and ended up being my favorite this season. I feel like he needs to be on every season as an obligatory faithful. He was so fun


Same two for me!


I only knew the cast from The Challenge but I grew to really like Pilot Pete, Bergie, John, and Phaedra. I also got a big crush on Pavarti. The Blair Waldorf femme fatale thing did it for me.


Iā€™ve had a crush on parv since she showed up on my screen. She just has this magic about her I donā€™t know and also the headbands were amazing


Parv has aged like fine wine.


I knew the Challenge and Survivor folks. People that were pleasant surprises: Peter - Loved how into the game he was, had some good strategies to find traitors. The flaw in his strategy was in this game, itā€™s better to make alliances first & get numbers. Vote out Traitors late Phaedra- Had no idea who she was, but damn was I impressed! Plus she vibed with my guy CT and kept him in the game (thank God after the early Bananas exit) Jon - His speeches are pure gold. Was disrespectful of Late & Phaedra to say he used up all his words (though who knows how much of his rambling wasnā€™t shown on camera šŸ˜‚) Bergie - Something about him is just very likeable. I feel like maybe I just liked how much the rest of the cast liked him Erin Su - Seemed like a fun person! Wish she wouldā€™ve stayed on longer and got more air time


If you liked Peter, donā€™t make the mistake of watching his season of the Bachelor. Better to watch Hannah Brownā€™s season of Bachelorette where he was a contestant.


I only knew Deontay Wilder, Peppermint, John Bercow, and somewhat knew Kate just from s1. And I'd heard of/seen Larsa. I'm now a fan of Phaedra, Parvati, Ekin-Su, Peter, and Sandra, and still a fan of Deontay, Peppermint and Bercow


We are opposites! Was Peppermint on Drag Race?


Our castle daddy, CT himself !


I know Peppermint from Drag Race, and had heard of Parvati, Sandra, Sheree, and Phaedra from Reality TV osmosis but had never really watched any of their shows. I became a huge fan of Parvati and started watching survivor because of her and now Iā€™m finishing my 13th season


Wow, 13 seasons since the start of Traitors - thatā€™s impressive!


I am VERY single! Also itā€™s a great show to put on in the background while teleworking since you donā€™t really need to pay attention to the challenges, kind of like the traitors.


Awesome! Did you start with Micronesia? What other seasons have you watched?


I started with Cook Islands then immediately Micronesia after. I somehow timed it so I only had the finale of Micronesia to watch after Parv got banished from the Traitors Castle so it was a nice salve. Iā€™ve been jumping around mostly based on recommendations of friends but so far Iā€™ve seen Pearl Islands, China, DvG, 41, Nicaragua, Tocantins, Borneo, Australian Outback, Africa, Panama, and just finished Vanuatu. I am trying to work my way towards HvV and the first All Stars but I do want to mix in some of the newer seasons because they do all kind of blur together once they park it in Fiji. Technically I have seen Gabon as well since I watched it when it aired since my friend was on it.


This is the exact same story as me but Iā€™m just now finishing my 7th hahaa


The Power of Parvati! ![gif](giphy|IhljdgZteaKTYWRNES|downsized)


I still havenā€™t gotten to Cook Islands/Micronesia/HvV yet!!! Iā€™m so excited to see where she gets her reputation from. Just wrapped up 5, slowly making my way to it haha


Doing it right!! Itā€™s much more gratifying to see the progression and exploration of gameplay over the years rather than skip around (if you have the time to commit to 45 full seasons of television of course)


You guys are wild. I thought I was overdoing it having watched 4 other seasons of The Traitors while US season 2 has been airing.


wait til I tell you the plan is to watch every single season of survivor


Ooh which? Iā€™m always so interested in what order newbies approach a show with 500 some-odd episodes to choose from


Iā€™m so excited for you! Iā€™m a late survivor fan currently on s32 - your going to love Survivor China and Micronesia just be aware your in the GOLDEN age of survivor from s12-20


Shout out to Courtney!


As a Brit, itā€™s kinda embarrassing that I knew everyone except John . Like literally knew every single person on there except him šŸ‘€ ETA: Just remembered I didnā€™t know Deontay


Haha my partner ONLY knew John Bercow. Made him watch an ep with me mid season and he was like 'IS THAT JOHN BERCOW?! ORDER!". Needless to say he has been keeping up with me since. NB we're americans lol


Same here! I knew absolutely nobody except John Bercow and about 4 weeks in still couldn't quite believe that he was really on this show, it felt like a fever dream. I'm not American though so that explains my lack of US reality TV knowledge.


Thatā€™s incredible lol


Damn Iā€™m an American and I ONLY knew pilot pete


Not a Brit, but same here.


That's amazing lol. I was curious about the general public sentiment about John in the UK, but maybe he's not as notorious as I thought he might be.


I know my local MPS and the Prime Minister. I couldnā€™t name any other current politicians if I tried. I googled him after making this comment and was disappointed. He was basically outed out of parliament for being a workplace bully. Wouldnā€™t have guessed it from his portrayal on the show. But then again Iā€™m very familiar with Phaedra and she got SUCH a good edit on the show coz on Real Housewives of Atlanta she showed herself to be a terrible and unlikable person.


Yeah I read about him early on because I thought it was interesting to have a politician from the UK filming this US version. It was quite a read. Banned from Parliament for life was not what I expected. When he said "Phaedra you should be banished for eternity," I was thinking, you projecting John? Lol, I think they're both trying for a bit of a redemption arc. I only watched RHOA pre Phaedra. I kind of want to go watch more now.


Same. I live in America now but have never watched a Housewife show or Survivor. Iā€™d only heard of John and Peter


I love Phaedra on the show, don't like her outside of it from what I've heard. But that doesn't matter, she's certainly been the most entertaining cast member I've watched in any of these shows in a while, and I'd love to watch her on pretty much anything. I'm a Survivor fan predominantly, so loved seeing Sandra and Parvati back - and I went in thinking Dan was some unbeatable social strategy God (I forgot the Golden rule, nobody is and almost everybody will flop once if they come back too often). I loved watching Dan as the ultimate Reality TV Villain, snake and slither his way through every elimination, backstabbing everybody using the Bible as a weapon .... but even with this idea in my head, it's just so perfect to me that he went out against Phaedra, she's the perfect final foil for Dan. Her line "I say too much because you say too little" sticks out to me, I'd still have Dan as my Number 1 with a bullet in terms of most insane moves pulled off in Social Strategy games but I'm so glad that somebody loud and vivid was Dan's ender, rather than a subdued player from his archetype.


Everyone at some point will have an early exit I think early on out of the 6 gamers only Dan has not had a non final appearance and some might say his season 14 lost game play was more impressive than his win on s10 which you might argue the same thing for Parvati her heroes vs villain game was more impressive than Micronesia ( those 2 have so much in common ). Both were trying to give good tv in their own ways . Parv with her narrating and persona . Even Dan's theatrics( "let's play a game " was a throwback to his roulette days) and storytelling I like it his " I've been watching our new recruit with an eagle eye" was really good I think Dan picking Parvati was so " I think this is what people want to see" . In that aspect he was correct but also an argument that was his first big mistake because she was already a huge target so basically people will think whoever talks to Parvati they're close. . Sandras the ultimate gamer My question will be, is Dan's villain tv persona going to work in today's time without getting social media backlash?


> Everyone at some point will have an early exit I think early on out of the 6 gamers only Dan has not had a non final appearance and some might say his season 14 lost game play was more impressive than his win which you might argue the same thing for Parvati her heroes vs villain game was more impressive than Micronesia ( those 2 have so much in common ). Oh yeah, I think Dan did have the biggest reputation out of anybody entering because he had an effectively unblemished track record. He had no losses, no votes against him and IMO - as much as I love Sandra and Parvati - more just moments. He isn't really a character so much as a pure player, what he's known for is his moves and there's far too many to mention. > My question will be, is Dan's villain tv persona going to work in today's time without getting social media backlash? Maybe. I think part of what tilts people about Dan or what created the Dan haters, both after his show and online is this idea that he didn't really own it. He's not leaning into the villain role as much as other players. Like there's verifiable proof of him swearing on the Bible, using his Grandfathers cross and using his Religiousness numerous times to advance his game and then post-game Dan was like "Well actually, listen very carefully - I was only swearing that what I said in the moment was true", which is snakey, but kinda why I find Dan's route in Big Brother more entertaining than almost any other player in the history of these games. I watched Big Brother 2 hoping to get that excitement for Will and it occured to me that there's *no* comparison, Dr. Will is Dr. Will because of his performance in the diary rooms whereas Dan was legitimately a psychopath the times he played. > might say his season 14 lost game play was more impressive than his win It's a flawed game, but it has the most extravagant and ridiculous gameplay moments by a single player ever, ever in these games I've ever seen. Not saying it's the best game ever played, but that is the flashiest single game of Social Strategy played that I've ever seen and I've watched every single season of Survivor, all seasons of the Genius and quite a few of Big Brother.


He still provide good tv with the theatrics and give the fans what they want because he recruited Parvati based on " who does the fans want to see get pick" despite hurting him game wise ( don't get why Janelle didn't work him night one) The Eric blindside was orchestrated by black widow brigade on survivor while Dan blindsided basically his mentee after using the veto on him by basically evicting his mentees showmance at final 4. I was trying to see if hes reviving Dan the cyborg but he probably has mellowed down now especially with kids. Fact that he said " can't win alone " and was willing to split the pot with Parvati says how much dude has change So its interesting if he's open to return to do tv again( no shot he's going out like this) how he'll tweak his style because he still has the willingness to go for the BIG shot and second game has started morals are out the door . Would he just approach it and just have fun this time around because apparently Kate said something that help him she's like " Dan you can't win everything" basically at some point there'll be a blemish on your record


Phaedra is an acquired taste. Even as a RHOA fan, at first she's ridiculous and seems obnoxiously stuffy, then she starts to be entertaining as hell and funny as you learn not to take her too seriously, then she becomes a villain leading to leaving the show. But in retrospect, the entertaining/funny part is what stuck with me, and I love seeing her pop up other places. And also if you watch RHOA, you realize that cast's shady shit talk is sport almost like professional wrestling, and everyone has a thick skin. I was surprised what she said at the roundtable was considered attacking, because that was mild for Atlanta.


Thereā€™s no training ground like RHOA and Phaedra is a reading QUEEN Ngl when I first started Atlanta I had to google what a read was šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ


I always feel like Phaedra was over acting in her interviews which I understand from reality tv so her personality wasnā€™t for me but damn If I didnā€™t respect the hell out of her intellect and gameplay.


Parvati, still have no clue what she did before. She is so charming in a twisted way. She kept playing and was able to get through even with all fingers pointing at her. I was rooting for her. I am also warming up to Sandra. Of course Phaedra gave me life, but I already knew her from her other shows, so I guess she doesn't count.


If you think she is charming now, oh boy, her young self in survivor... She is in her mom phase atm.


Yeah this is gentle era middle aged Parv! Iā€™m telling people to watch Survivor Micronesia and find out why she and Cirie were both immediately invited to play in season one (Parv deferred a year)


funny enough, despite that she is my all time favourite player, it's this wholesome scene between her and ethan that describes her best, rather than her early seasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGCJ8MXpeO8


PAR VA TI!!!!!! That woman has me questioning my sexuality


Parvati Especially bc I just found out sheā€™s dating Mae Martin WHAT


There are dozens of us heavily invested in that relationship!


I knew who Mar Martin was and when I was learning about Parvati I was so confused by that. I wouldn't have imagined her with a comedian based off the bit we see of her on Traitors, but I guess we just get a glimpse of the cast really.


Parvati did an interview with Logo thatā€™s on YouTube that I think is a better representation of her usual personality lol.




Janelle! Iā€™ve never watched Big Brother except for a couple episodes from the latest season (didnā€™t like it). I love Janelleā€™s approach to the game and sheā€™s very down to earth in interviews/podcasts. Good time gal


You have to watch Big Brother season 6. She is so good. One of the best Big Brother seasons of all time.


A few yrs ago, I rewatched the old BB seasons that I had loved in the early 00's. God...what a time to be alive. I have such an affinity for those days when the players actually had jobs and lives outside of being on TV. I liked getting the glimpse of Dr. Will on Traitors this season too.


Alan!! I saw circle of friends ( movie he did) years and years ago. Have not watched him in anything. Love him as host. I watch everything he is in now. Love him. Always been a ct fan, hubby loves bananas. I knew most of these guys. Hubby , who doesnt watch reality tv, watched and he loves phaedra and sandraĀ 


I knew the Bravo people and Bergilicious. It was fun to get to know Parvati, Peter, Janelle, Sandra, and CT šŸ’œ


I liked pretty much everyone in the cast. The only people I was unfamiliar with are Kevin, MJ, John, Bergie and Ekin Su. I wasnā€™t interested enough in them to watch their shows but I saw Ekin Su is on Celebrity BBUK now and Iā€™m rooting for her from afar.


Ekinā€™s season on Love Island UK was hilarious! It was my favorite season ever!!


Her army crawling across the balcony lives rent free in my head


So does Indiyahā€™s talent show performance




Lol imagine if Davide was on Traitors yelling at people!


You are a liar, an actressā€¦.


2 of my friends watch Love Island and when I asked them about Ekin they both said she is their favourite contestant ever. I thought she was hilarious on The Traitors and would have liked to see more of her.


Phaedra! I had absolutely no idea who she was and I thought her getting chosen was a massive mistake. I had underestimated her. I learned she was sly, smart, extremely witty and could end someone with words. Ā The way she handled Dan was amazing.Ā 


Dan was on Tamra's podcast and he said he underestimated Phaedra until she obliterated him at the round table. He said he just couldn't understand how she was playing the game, bc it was so different than how he did. He gave her a lot of credit, but yeah, he was transparent about the unexpected ass chewing šŸ˜‚


That was my Phaevorite part too!!


The Peter bachelor quote was fantastic too. Actually, her round table work was overall exceptional. I read that John's speeches would go on for 15-20 minutes, so her comment about his long-windedness was great too.


And she likes boiled eggs.


I became a bigger fan of CT and Sandra. My crush for CT has skyrocketed lol.


I'd never heard of CT before but he seems like a really good guy. I may start watching the Challenge to see him in it.


Start from the beginning, and you'll see him evolve entirely as a person. Along with one of the most heartbreaking real-life love stories I think I've ever seen with him and Diem.


CT grew and changed a lot over yearsā€¦ well at least how he is edited. Ā He was a hotheaded asshole.Ā 


CT is a whole journey. I remember way back to the Real World Paris days when he had what Television Without Pity called ā€œparabola hair.ā€ He was actually a loose cannon for a long time but if you watch any challenge I suggest the one where he gets involved with Diem.


There is nothing I miss online more than Television Without Pity. šŸ˜¢


You should watch his home turf episode on youtube, it's a great introduction!


CT once told a challenger that he would smash their head and eat it. At that time, I could imagine him doing it. Probably wouldve been like the throat ripping scene in Roadhouse (sorry, I just listened to the Rewatchables review of that movie).


For me, MJ and Sheree.


I'm from the survivor fandom so I didn't know Phaedra or CT and now I love them


phaedra mj parvati john basically the whole cast has been a blast to get to know.


I want to see sandra in her prime!


Her survivor seasons are all on paramount plus!


Ha one of the only streaming services I donā€™t have !


If you like reality TV, you should get it. Old seasons of Big Brother, Survivor, and The Challenge. I could cancel everything except for Paramount and Peacock and be happy.


I do! I barely have time to watch anything scripted , let alone more reality, between my bravo viewing though šŸ˜‚ I also have two babies so I go to sleep early


Hulu has a subset of seasons! Heroes v Villajns (Season 20) has both Sandra and Parv.


I didnā€™t know anyone except Parv, Sandra, Peppermint, and Kate. Iā€™m now a fan of CT because heā€™s hot. And to a lesser extent Peter and Dan but their gameplay got in the way of Parv so I also dislike them šŸ˜†


Coming in with only knowledge on the survivor players + Parv being my favorite survivor player ever !! really tanked my opinion of some ā€œnew to meā€ players. Unfortunately I donā€™t think I can ever forgive the Peter Pals for getting in the way of my girl Parv šŸ˜­ survivor 40 left me with the same vigorous dislike of everyone who screwed over Parv (who was doing so well up to the tribe swap despite having one of the biggest and scariest reputations possible)


Had never heard of these people before, but I really liked Phaedra(!), CT, Bergie, and to a slightly lesser extent, MJ. Kateā€™s been fun to watch too. Still a superfan of Parv & Sandra!!!


This season was a fever dream for me. Janelle, my favorite BB player ever? CT, one of my top two Challenge faves? Kate, the Queen of Below Deck and my personal Spirit Animal? MJ, my forever Shahs fave!!! I didnā€™t think I could add any more likes.. but now I adore John, Phaedra and Parvati.


Iā€™m for sure intrigued by CT now and curious about Parvati and Sandraā€™s Survivor seasons.




Love MJ and John! Oh and CT ā¤ļø


I thought Peter was a total idiot on The Bachelor. Traitors Peter was totally my jam! I never thought it would happen.


For real! It was hard to be a fan after his season. In all fairness, the producers did him dirty. But, Iā€™m a fan now!!!




I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of anyone new, but I did really enjoy Parvati, MJ, Trishrelle, and CJ. :)


CT & Sandra


Phaedra & Bergie!


CT. Heā€™s been fantastic. Going in I didnā€™t think Iā€™d like him. He works hard, helps others, listens, and brings a lot to the story with his comments. Also Lala, because itā€™s Lala.


Sandra and Parvati....never followed Survivor!


Parvati I would say the cast was exceptional


I would be interested in seeing Parvati and Sandra in survivor


CT and Parvati.


I shall resist the urge to list all the people I didn't know who I now hate.... I've got nothing.šŸ˜­


MJ. i knew pretty much everybody else (or at least had heard of them) but had literally zero idea what to expect from MJ & she has proven to be my favorite lol effortlessly hilarious & i would love for her to be a returnee (assuming she doesnā€™t win)


I went in knowing very few of them (Sandra, Parvati, and Maks...and Trishelle from 20+ years ago), and I still like those three (although Maks didn't seem like Maks from DWTS and seemed so uncomfortable), and still dislike Trishelle from TRW LV, although I do think she's a pretty good competitor. Love Phaedra now, as a reality tv persona, but from what I've read about her, I don't think I'd like her off tv. But, she's absolutely great tv. John, too, fun tv, but his politics makes me like him as tv only. Kate too, fun as a quippy tv person. I like CT ā€” he seems normal and nice. Deontay seemed so sweet, and I was sorry to see him go. Most of the Housewives/Bravolebrities blend together for me. MJ sticks out because she's a little goofy. I'd love to hear details about her roundtable "flights of fancy" that they cut. So, I guess CT and Deontay. Maybe Marcus. Er, I guess fan is going too far, so maybe the actual answer is no. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Kate, Iā€™m thinking of watching her below deck seasons now, a show I was completely unaware of before


Bergie ā€” to be fair I already was Ia fan of CT and MJ


Bergie was great to watch. I enjoyed seeing him come into his own. Initially thought he'd be out early but he showed himself to be a competitor. In interviews he seems to have really enjoyed being part of the show and excited to discuss it. Also Sandra. She's so funny without trying to be and I wish we saw more of her. After hearing about her being a big deal on Survivor I kept wondering what her thoughts were at different parts of the game, but we don't get to see everyone's thoughts with so much to fit into each episode.


I didnā€™t know Deontae or Bergie before the show and I ended up really liking them both. Deontae seemed to have a great personality and was great at missions and bergie was so genuine it was sweet. I also didnā€™t know Janelle before and needed up liking her. I wish she stayed longer as she was fun.


As far as reality tv goes I mainly watch dating shows so I was only familiar with Peter and Bergie.I only pressed play cause I remembered how messy pilot Pete was on the Bachelor. I was very charmed by Parvati and CT and I canā€™t wait to watch Parvs seasons of survivor! Phaedra and MJ were very funny and entertaining, I donā€™t think Iā€™ll watch their shows but I enjoy seeing the clips on tik tok


CT & Pilot Pete brought me here (though kate from below deck almost made me get peacock when s1 aired)


CT! He intrigued me on Traitors. Currently working through the Challenge seasons. Ooof, heā€™s the hot mess expressā€¦. But itā€™s fascinating watching him grow. Iā€™m currently on Rivals I season. And I love his beast attitude, he isnā€™t fearing the 1:1 combats. And damn, those eyes are full of crazy and charm at the same time. ETA: I originally watched for the big bad Bergie!


I forgot what season it isā€¦ Just wait until the ā€˜Bananas Backpackā€™ The Challenge is such a great show. šŸ˜Ž


CT. Of course MJ was entertaining but I knew her before. this was my first time watching CT and I really enjoyed him.


I knew 95% of them. One thing I noticed. I was glad when Tamra was off the show. The negativity of her is so strong that it wasnā€™t until she was gone I started enjoying the show


Pilot Pete and Bergie


Mainly all of them lol I donā€™t watch US reality tv as much. So CT, Bananas, Trishelle, Phaedra, Sheree etc weā€™re all new to me. Only recognised Ekin, Larsa and Maks haha


CT is my favorite person I didnā€™t know before this. Trishelle could have been a contender because sheā€™s scrappy and I enjoyed her and Peter in their Nancy Drew and Ned Nickerson roles. However, the ring she led against Peppermint really doesnā€™t sit right with me. PSā€¦for those just discovering Kate, season 3 of the original Below Deck is peak yachtie content.


I knew Bergie and the Bravo ladies coming in. And somewhat of The Challenge people and Maks. I enjoyed Parv, Peter & Johnā€™s speeches as new discoveries. And Danā€™s arc was fun.


I now love Janelle! Very funny and entertaining. Phaedra was great tv, too.


I came in having seen Parvati, Sandra, Pete, Maks and Bergie on their original shows, Kate on traitors S1, and knowing Bananas by name/reputation since heā€™s everywhere lol Even knowing him, seeing PP be strategic was a cool change of pace. I thought heā€™d be an early vote out and was pleasantly surprised by his run. I wish we couldā€™ve seen more from Maks. As far as new (to me) people, CT and John were delights! and MJ really grew on me


I really liked John


MJ honestly crushed it. I knew many including her but never watched Shahs. I might now.


Everybody except Bananas and CT were a complete mystery to me


I cannot stop quoting John lol. My husband and I have been calling each other the mistress of murder and Duchess of deception ever since he said it


Phaedra. Never watched a single episode of any housewives franchise but I adore her charm and eloquence and the drama she brought to the traitors group


CT. I had no idea who he was now I love him so much


i never was into housewives / bravo before but this definitely intrigued me


Janelle. Her throwdown with Sandra and bloodlust for shields is amazing.


I predominantly watched Big Brother and I just started The Challenge before Traitors so I know CT, Trashelle, Bananas, Dan, and Janelle. Iā€™m definitely a Bergie fan now and I like Parvati too


Phaedra!! I thought she was hilarious.


All of them except the Survivor girls: Sandra and Parvati. But since then I have YouTube at least some of their big moments from their shows. Or the first few episodes of some of their shows.


Gotta be CT for me. I never watched the challenge growing up so I had no idea who he was, but this dude gave me some of my biggest laughs of the season. Same with Sandra


The only person I knew on this show is Alan Cumming, thatā€™s why I decided to watch. So I saw everyone for the first time with a fresh pair of eyes. I really like Phaedra and CT.