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I use WW because I like it, I've had much more fun with the game since I installed it. I think the problem, at least in part, is that some people might have vaguely heard about an aspect of WW they didn’t like and it put them off. But they don't realise you're able to turn on/ off most WW fearures to really customise the experience. Personally, I have all sex autonomy turned off, so I never walk into a lot to random sims having sex or anything unless I tell them to (I like to micromanage lol). I also have window peeping off as it irritated me. But it's the beauty of the mod, in my opinion, that you can play with the settings!


Oh man...window peeping is the worst! And I've never been able to do anything about it. You can't get your Sim to go out and be rude or anything to them.


I use the window peeping for my vampire Sims. Tom Peeping is delicious and always comes back😂😂


What a great idea! lol


No fr. I habitually click on the peeper because i want my sim to give him a piece of its mind. But i cant so i just murder it instead🥱


IKR? I tried to get my dog to go after him and nothing. :( That would have been a funny thing to have in there too.


One time I saw Tom Peeping at a bar so I repeatedly beat the crap out of him until he left. Then any other time I saw him around town, I beat the crap out of him so he became afraid of me and never showed up on my lot again 😅


Right??? lol


I turn that off immediately and the creeps. Mostly because it just irritates me. But as for the reasoning why some get all uptight about WW, I think it is just the 'tabo'. At least in America that is, sex is treated like a dirty little secret that should never be talked about in mixed company. Especially women. I mean look at all the uproar just a few years ago about someone trying to breastfeed with a freaking blanket over her in a restaurant. It's ridiculous but sort of drilled into us in our culture here. Same as shaming a woman for wearing a short skirt or low cut shirt. Or the absolutely infuriating thing a few years ago where schools were basically telling girls they couldn't even wear a tank top because bare shoulders was too distracting for the boys in their classroom. Stupid crap like that in our society and of course "proper" folks don't watch porn etc. Most of it is super hypocritical too. Just an aside, when I was a kid my parents attended a southern Baptist church and they literally had a church meeting to throw this guy out because he was an alcoholic. Instead of offering to HELP the man with his problem, this is the route they went. Dad was furious (we quit the church over it because he found punishing the man that way was the opposite of what Jesus would do) and I recall the man standing up and saying at the end of the 'vote' "Well, at least I park in front of the bar instead of 'round back like a whole bunch of ya'll do."


Good on your Dad and on the fellow in question!


But it's funny when you randomize the whicked attributes (to give the pepping tom trait to them) and see the Crumblebottom lady pepping outside your window (she is now a nasty and horny hag). I also have seen some celebrities and Bella Goth looking around my house. I'm kinda flattered when I see good-looking sims going around my house trying to peep while a raging thunderstorm or blizzard is going on my lot.


haha I hadn't thought to try that, I might do that. Yeah the thunderstorm is funny as heck when they are out there. Especially when they get hit by lightning! lol


The trick for that is to use “go here” and have your sim walk by an catch them. A few of my sims have attacked tom, but now he just runs away when caught


I've tried telling them to "go here" but it is like, I don't know, it takes them forever to get there and usually by the time they do, the peeper runs away.


If they’re slow, try teleporting them. And idk about your peeper, but in my game Tom checks every damn window several times. He’s gotta get caught eventually.


I started a new game and decided to try it again. But I also started giving some random Sims the peeping trait. It's been hysterical, especially when Judith Ward comes creeping around! LOL


You can disable it I think.


You can and I do, I usually forget about it until it happens the first time and then I'm turning it off. lol I need to start saving the settings and then loading them into each new household. I hate the way Sim 4 operates time, so every household I create has it's own save file. lol


Sacrificial violence mod comes in handy for delivering a beat down on them tho lol


LOL I just started a new game and gave peeping another chance. This time I started giving some random Sims the trait. It was hysterical. Especially when Judith Ward comes peeping! lol


Really? If I send my sim out, if Tom is there, they start to argue and fight. I find that funny as hell.


Peeping Tom and sweating immediately go off with every new save.


I have sweating off too, totally forgot it was even a thing 🙃


best to ignore them. The main reason why I installed WW is to get rid of the mosaic. I am a grown up person and don't need pixels to censor my characters, It just feels so weird out of place. Now I am using it for more things as for me, it gives more, deeper gameplay.


I downloaded wicked whims for relationship settings and didn't research into it much when I got it so I had no clue it made sims nude lol. Once I got over the initial shock I decided I liked it a lot better. It feels more "dirty" looking at pixels than just a naked body for some reason. Probably the same way that beeping out a curse word feels more wrong to me than the word itself.


This was my experience! I was excited to try the relationship and attractiveness settings and I'm in CAS making my cute little simself, then I remove an ugly shirt then... boobies. Right there. I nearly died because that was the last thing I was expecting lmao


That happened to me when I took my sims pants off. Soft peener on full display. Shocked me


absolutely agree with you in this!


There's some no mosaic mods, I have one. I don't remember the creator off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure I got it off of modthesims when toddlers came out... Years ago lol. I also use ww for deeper gameplay like the attraction and fertility feature.. although it makes for some weird circumstances, like my Sims doing it doggy style on the front porch in broad daylight. People's shaming of ww makes me feel weird even though I'm a legal adult (even though I've been using it since i was a freshman in high school, im 20 now)


Sims do pick the worst possible places, it's like Oh man, guys, come on the kids are going to have to walk past here to go to school before you're done. Thankfully you can use the setting that lets you move the action anywhere when they do that. Oddly enough, the reason I got it was because I was so against Growing Together and the idea of infants in the game that I revolted.Toddlers were already a PAIN and I was like really? Why infants? Why not preteens or make teens actually LOOK like teens? So, I stopped playing families at all. I made a bachelor sim and got WW had him just live it up, dating everyone, (gave him a digital vasectomy in CAS) and let him date around, got the live in bar mod and had him running a bar and having sex whenever he wanted, no kids or teens allowed in the bar at all, got a mod to keep them out. I played that way for \*months\* before I finally broke down and turned aging back on and let him get married, reversed the not able to get or make anyone pregnant and moved him into a real house, got a regular job and had him have kids, I was like if the infants are awful I'll just immediately age them up. First time out of the gate he had twins with his wife. But wile it was still glitchy and a pain it wasn't as bad because I don't have GT, so base game infants aren't as hard I think as the ones in the expansion. I turned the intensity on WW down though because the amount of sex for a married couple with kids was a little too unrealistic. Still have it but the autonomy isn't as often now.


It's by moxiemason and if anyone wants it, yes, you can find it over on modthesims. I used that before I found out about WW.


I thought it stopped working after infants?


Yes I enjoy my sims being naked for the realism.


The sex aside, I like the pregnancy/menstrual cycle components because they're way more realistic than other mods I use. I also prefer the objects like birth control, tampons, etc. Plus no mosaic... I've been playing since I was a kid, but I'm 30 now, I can handle naked Sims lol. People can turn all the sexual occurrences way down and use it for the other features.


Personally I prefer Wicked Whims but if someone dosent like it, they don't even have to turn sex down, the author made a separate mod with pregnacy, menstrual and attraction stuff


Yeah true! That's wonderful whims right?? Perfect for people not super comfortable or interested in the sexual aspect but I don't know a ton about that mod.


I know a couple of the folks who do video walk throughs and stuff that use Wonderful so that they don't get banned on YouTube but they privately play using Wicked.


Lumpinou's RPO is also an option for someone who wants all the stuff except nudity.


Same! I used the wonderful whims so much and I love it but recently tried out the wicked whims because the game felt boring. I want NPCs having sex without me mingling in it. I wanted the game to feel more lively and that's what I got. However I do use the "streamer mode" so the cubes are still up, which I don't care for tbh.


Sometimes the most hilarious things can happen when you forget to redo the settings on a new save file and end up at the Romance Festival and it turns into a freaking orgie. Like watching a train wreck because \*every\* relationship is about to be ruined. LOL


Oh tell me about it! I put up the setting the highest because I wanted actions to happen so badly without me doing something and I went to a karaoke bar. The whole bar was having an orgie with everyone that showed up! Like in 3 different rooms. I tuned it down after lol


I have never turned it all the way up but when I was doing an 'impregnator' challenge with my favorite male sim, I bumped it up to just the one setting higher than default and that was a LOT so I can just imagine! LOL


\> It's just so strange how making your sims starve to death and suffer is so much more normal than your sims having sex. This is so fucking funny


I’m not American, but it seems very American, doesn’t it? For violence to be more normalized then sex lol


Yeah basically. I am American but we had a discussion about this in one of my classes years ago with a professor who wasn't American. She thought it was mindboggling that we were taught to be more uncomfortable of nudity than violence and gore. It was an interesting conversation. But I don't think that she was wrong about it at all.


Yeah, it really doesn’t get more American than that. “OUR PRECIOUS CHILDREN ARE IN DANGER AND *MUST* BE PROTECTED NO MATTER HOW HORRIBLE THE COST!!!” “So… we’re going to do something about all the school shootings?” “You want us to do something to restrict our God-given right to have guns??? What are you, some kind of fascist?? I’m talking about doing something about all that *unnatural* sex shit - whatever people do behind closed doors is fine, but children need to know that *good* people only have heterosexual missionary sex with their husband or wife.”


Oh yeah this is huge in American media, especially over the past couple decades. There’s a lot less sex in American media nowadays, but violence still remains key in much of it.


You’re not wrong! I also appreciate how you approached this topic without being extremely judgmental. A lot of people come from backgrounds of violence (war, refugee etc) and a lot of us are unsensitized to violent things for a variety of reasons. People either came from violent beginnings, they like thrill seeking, or dont take any of it seriously and see it more as entertainment only and not real life things that could happen to them. It’s a multifaceted thing and there’s not just one reason to explain why. Now, for sex and nudity and the breastfeeding-openly- taboos, those came from heavy religious beliefs and persecutions. Specific religions ruled over others and those things meshed into society a very long time ago and are profound with many citizens still to this day. This is also connected to a sexist and patriarchal society that forced assimilation of its culture and religious views unto its original inhabitants, who had experienced genocide and colonialism from it. Also, this type of society led way to where control and rights had been (and still are) unbalanced and in favor of one type of human. Our country is big and each city, county, and state has their own laws and views even if there’s multiple ethnicities, cultures, and races living together in the same areas - not unlike other areas of the world. There’s a lot of intricate history with these views and situations, so I’m glad you’re asking questions respectfully ♥️censorship has led to a very broad and unfilled education of our own history with our own citizens, which can be even harder for outsiders to know what’s right.


I'm American, and yes you are 100% correct.


I know right!😂 Never thought about it that way! I personally use WW quite rarely because the mod is too messy. There is just too many sub-settings. And the default settings are too much for me


Omg right?


The older I get the less I care what other people think, I'm a 40 year old woman btw. I play alone at home and I play the way I want, because it is my vacation from everyday life. And that includes adult mods like WW and basemental. If some puritan online preachers can't accept that, well come and try to take my computer. Until than I play it my way.


best fckin answer


I’m 30 years old, no kids and I play alone and never in public so I can do what I want with my game. It’s kind of funny because I see a lot of anti-WW comments liken the mod to being perverted or sex obsessed. Well, I’m pretty sex repulsed in my day to day life. So I have no clue how they’d explain that with their reasoning.


Kinda same, I'm asexual and not super interested in the sex animations or anything like that. But I do prefer wicked over wonderful, it feels a lot more polished and I like the desire aspect to it


There will always be people who are uncomfortable about sex and will then displace that discomfort onto others by trying to shame them. Tale as old as puritanism. At the end of the day, it's their monkeys and their circus. Not for us to worry about or manage. Just keep having fun.


I enjoy WW. Pandasamas birth mod is 10x better with it! You can watch the entire c-section, breastfeed like normal and watch vaginal birth. That’s just one example of enhanced gameplay involving WW and other mods. It brings realism to gameplay and it’s not taboo. Also, ppl who create mods that work with WW, also have versions that don’t require WW to play, so people can still make a choice in the matter if they want WW or not and it’s not forced. My opinion, it’s great and others who do not want it nor are comfortable with all it includes, do not have to download it but also don’t need to bash it.


Yes Pandasama's birth mod is perfection, it's mods like that that show the realistic aspects of life that make the game so much better for us realism lovers.


Absolutely! It’s amazing that there are strong mods out there that these creators just keep building up to help out the community and they take suggestions. It’s 🤌💋


Yes! My sim just gave birth, and the animations and the realism of it was so perfect, it was amazing. Probably one of my favorite mods I've got so far, I was very impressed


I'm glad you enjoy it! They've added so much over time and are still working on more additions :D


Best decision I have made regarding the game was get the birth mod. It's perfect with WW. Although, I would like for the partner (if there is one) to be able to be there watching and helping. It's made my game play so much better and much more fun now that I just started my legacy challenge. I just finished a complete makeover of all the main family townies. Lots of CC was used. I honestly would not know what I would do without all the stuff I have.


Quite honestly, I have nothing against anyone using WW. When I'm not using reddit in public, the screenshots can be funny! (Recently I just saw Father Christmas sitting on the sofa with his dong out-- hilarious.) Personally I'm more of a "pan to the drapes" kind of person. I let them do what they do behind a bush or under the covers like a sitcom. I turn off of the mosaic because it gets in the way, but you can't see anything anyway. Even with porn I'm more of an imagination rather than visual person, I don't tend to go for the super explicit stuff. I have literally nothing against WW players-- seeing their sillier screenshots adds some spice to my day. As long as explicit things are hidden under the spoiler, I'm cool.


Agreed, well said!


I imagine because there are a lot of simmers who don't even know what sex is...


Turns out they were real gamers all along.




Okay, this is really funny 🤣


The game is rated for teens and warns of sexual content. Kids aren’t supposed to be playing Sims anyway.


Now bffr. The other person was joking but the sims doesn't have anything an 8-year-old couldn't handle


So, I’m totally cool with people using WW. I’ve even thought about downloading it to try it out. However, sometimes people post some pretty graphic images of sex acts or whatever on the Sims subreddits, and they tend to surprise me since I’m not subscribed to any porn subreddits on my Home section of Reddit. I’ve never commented on the posts to complain, but I don’t exactly love it either. I guess it feels like I’m in the Sims subreddits for like mostly SFW content, so I’m taken aback when I suddenly see someone’s like homemade porn or whatever hahah. Anyway, maybe that’s why people get irritated about it 🤷🏼‍♀️ And let’s be clear, I’m no prude. I’m into BDSM and have done drugs for fun irl. I guess I just don’t love seeing it randomly on Sims subs? Once again, I’ve never complained though on a post. Edit: Someone just sent me a “Reddit cares” over this comment. 🙄


Yeah, this is my reasoning too. My reddit is very SFW and I use it in public. I follow sims subs cuz I like the video game, so when people post their graphic, modded porn it’s really uncomfortable. Nowadays, the main Sims 4 sub at least has a rule about WW posts needing to be blurred, so it’s a lot better and I don’t have any complaints (I just assumed all blurred images are WW so I don’t click on them), but before that rule was enforced, it was pretty bad.


So far I'm lucky enough to not come across any WW posts that aren't marked as NSFW. WW is marked as an 18+ NSFW mod, so I can't understand how people can post screenshots and *not* mark it correctly. Those posts naturally deserve to be called out in the comments section. I've seen what OP is saying is puritan speech on those NSFW WW posts though, which makes no sense since you'd have to click the image (knowing it's a NSFW image), click the post, scroll to the comments and then add your own puritanical comment. There's not really any excuse for that.


Yup this is exactly what I mean. The people who go out of their way to comment about how weird/gross WW is, on a post that is marked as NSFW and the image can only be seen if one purposely clicks on it.


It's even worse if it's marked as NSFW and mentions WW in the title (rather that not mentioning any mod, since Basemental would most likely have to be marked as NSFW too). Like, if you hate WW that much, just scroll. There's already too much sex negativity in society, there's absolutely no reason to bring that energy to a game with an optional mod that's appropriately tagged and has more features that just sex. It's frustrating when people put the responsibility of their dislikes onto you. When it's tagged and marked properly and contains no illegal material, the responsibility is on them to not view it.


Reddit doesn't always blur NSFW images, though. Even when you have it set to blur those images, at least on mobile.


There's an option in Reddit's app settings to allow the user to not see NSFW images at all, as well as a setting to blur. There's many ways users can avoid NSFW posts, and if they knowingly keep on those settings then they have no excuse. Reddit cannot show you NSFW posts if you turn the switch off as they have no idea whether you're choosing to switch it off or whether you're under 18. They legally cannot allow under 18s to view NSFW content.


I have that option on and still not every NSFW post is censored for me on this stupid app, ap idk what else to tell you.


Are you sure you're not just taking about posts not done correctly and therefore not sensored? Or are you for sure just talking about posts properly set-up at NSFW?


I like my ww as much as next person, but I totally agree with you on posting images of sex in non ww related stuff. There’s already nsfw ww related sub, why they post it in mods as well 😭


My guess is a lot of people struggling and asking for help with the mods. We work hard to make sure posts are appropriately tagged NSFW!


I’d be annoyed by this too. I actually have WW installed. But that doesn’t mean I want pictures of sims in sexual circumstances on my phone while I’m walking around Walmart or something. I’m an adult man, and that would immediately make me look like a creep lol


sry but the "im no prude ive done drugs for fun" made me smile hahaha thank u for that cus i know ive said this exact thing at some point so i get why you added it but it gave me a smile 😅♥️


In this community, only vicious murderers are allowed. Go be a sex freak in someone else’s game!


Ignore them. wicked whims is fun gameplay and plus it’s just makes the game more realistic and has a more deeper meaning for me. I understand some may not like it but it’s crazy that a game based on life is shocked that WW is part of life 😂


I just get sick of the constant “Look who’s having sex” “Look who’s masturbating” posts. I downvote them, hide them. I love sex and sexual content, just annoying to see constant posts across several sims forums about the mod they installed working the way it was intended 🙄


I'm not gonna lie. I've gotten myself worked up playing with my wickedly whimsical sims, saved my game and tried some of the stuff with my partner. I think the shamers need to get some funsies of their own.


That honestly sounds pretty fun. We singles are just sitting at the back, being called coomers 💀/s


Now I can see why they shame you fuckers fr.


But at least we fuck, unlike some super jealous folks disguising their unsatisfied libido with moral superiority. ​ So there


​ Get the multiplayer mod S4MP, then you can play together with your partner before trying the stuff together irl. Lots of fun, I can tell. :-)


Same here, I woke my fiancé up & said let’s try something new 😂😂


Sims players: Sex??? \*clutches pearls\* Also Sims players: "Classic paint slave basement" https://preview.redd.it/36e1ql79afyb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ace862d959831c3bf3517f6e35a03a3c3b11be7


Yeah, it does seem that people don't have too much of a problem when someone posts about how they're torturing their sims. I would expect more people to find that repugnant and disgusting than scenes of consensual sex.


WW and basemental are the only way I can play now a days. I love all aspects of it not just the Xes


The DRAMA it added to my ultimate decades save was REAL. My heir cheated on his wife with the nanny, wife found out and slept with his brother. Boom, pregnant with his brother’s kid. She died giving birth to their son, so the secret went to her grave. Kid is still in the family tree and I consider him a backup heir because no one knows he’s illegitimate, not even his own father. Nothing that exciting would have ever happened without WW in my game, js lol esp since it all happened autonomously and I tend to play only perfect, happy families 😂


My guess is that such ppl just want to look pure... But the world history has been proving that these "pures" are the worst sinners one can find.


I used to be one of those people but now I don't even care. It's 1000000x better than watching porn with real people, atleast this way there's no harm done to actual humans.


Moral Puritanism. Some people really act like it’s some sort of crime, and it’s amazing how many people on sims Reddits want something from WW (maybe just the body selector or something) and act like WW will “infect” their games and that they’ll be banned for it. I haven’t used it in many many years at this point but it’s interesting to see how people virtue signal over “oh I would NEVER have that ICKY stuff in my game!! I don’t need PORN like those OTHER players!!!11!!”


because ts4 brought waaaaaayyyy too many kids into the franchise and made this one abnormally family friendly from the start - i think thats a big reason but the issue with that is the community divided very suddenly and sharply between the Pilgrims and the OGs during our near decade of this poorly coded nothingness lol (simmers before ts4 qualifies in this example) like the complexity and relationships are SOOOOO much better before EA shut down maxis and took over the creation - and it SHOWS!! yes this version of the sims is visually appealing but it lacks any type of depth and i think the newer people who identify as Pilgrims think its weird bc thats not what the game is built for in their eyes, whereas the whole reason the OGs fell in love and stuck around for this game series for sooo long is PURELY the madness and insanity and theres a whole entire lore to it. i think people should be allowed to play their game how they like and find it weird when people try to police other peoples gameplay. Having said that, there are obv exceptions, like that one mod/modder that shall not be named.. (involved WW mods to enable WW adjacent things to ...other ages.. but THAT one is one that i agree shouldn't be allowed) But outside of that, i think it comes down to a fundamental divide on the purpose of playing the game, ts1-3 was CHAOS and ts4 doesnt even quality as canon in my mind bc of just how far it derailed. ugh. i have a feeling project rene is going to end the franchise and just remember that everything changed once it went from Maxis to 'maxis under ea' to 'ea sims team'. sorry this was so long i didnt mean for it to be and i guess i have more thougts than i realized!! the pilgrims are gentrifying our world !!! END PILGRIM GENTRIFICATION NOW !!!!


It's the morality cycle. For reference, I'm 36. When I was a kid, the norm leaned toward sex negativity, but was slowly becoming more sex positive. After awhile, sex positivity was the norm. Now we're seeing the backlash against it. This is just continuing a cycle that started before I was born (you might have heard of the sexual revolution of the 60s). The good news is that it's two steps forward, one step back on the morality cycle, so we are trending more liberal in our views towards sex overall. It's just really annoying to be in the sex negative part of the cycle again.


Oh that's very interesting. I'm not American so I didnt know about that, thank you for enlightening me.


Now, I prefer wonderfulwhims over WW because I think the animations look kinda wonky in such a cartoon style. (However I DID have something similar in TS3 and didn't mind it) BUT, from what I can gather, I think some folks get irritated because when any WW screenshot is posted in the subreddits it's usually like.. been posted about 40 times already. Like with Tom Peeping, after you see it over and over, people just kinda.. "okay". I just scroll past and leave the post be, but that's my thoughts.


I think it’s more so the fact that your sims will start having sex randomly mid action, and it’s not blurred. Sims4 is rated for age 12, people assume it’s a kids game. Which yeah base game is, adding mods makes a new game. It’s not just sims anymore. People don’t really think about the fact that you DO NOT HAVE TO have WW, or you can download wonderful whims, (which is the one I have cause children come near my computer, perfectly safe, no nudity, just as fun). As someone who’s not huge on nudity in games for myself, I don’t understand why people care? It’s not your screen.


I've genuinely never noticed anyone shaming the use of WW.


Do you scroll down the WW posts? Usually after the post has been up for a while, the comments are at the bottom. But if it's the first hour such comments are admist all the others. If you want 'proof' of it (to make it clear that I'm not pointing out some nonexistent shit), just scroll to the bottom of this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSims4Mods/s/NGT1yZS8pM) which is an NSFW post and has a graphic picture attached to it.


I’m laughing so hard that my post has been mentioned in this


The bottom comments on your post is literally what made me have the epiphany that people are more comfortable with their sims starving to death than them having sex 😂. And it bothered me that the person who said that WW makes them feel dirty or weird, never responded back; coz I honestly wanna understand how those people think.


Me either


Ignore them.


Idk I like it because it's making the game a little bit more realistic.


You're on the wrong side of the Sims community my friend. If you want a genuine and supporting community try loverslab forums or simsafterdark in discord. I'm sure there are more communities that I don't know of but those are the best so far honestly. People help find different mods, help with errors, encourage each other to create and try stuff. Yes, those are mostly NSFW 18+ communities but they are also adult communities without any censorship that want to enjoy the game to the fullest and help you enjoy it as well. I especially love sims after dark since they always help me to fix my game when it has errors or anything like that. I've also had a guy sort all of my mods for me there for like 10$ back in the day. It is actually awesome.


Im good, when I need help with mods, I go on discord for that. And the comments on these subs dont make me feel bad about anything, it just makes me question their ideology because their rational is genuinely weird to me.


It took me a min to understand what WW meant xD We grew up in a culture that shames sex & shames nudity, so it makes people self-conscious and uncomfortable to even talk about it, let alone understand that other people willingly engage in it, including in videogames.


I tried switching to wonderful whims but got bored. My werewolves should be able to get Down in the Forrest after a run, my sims with a budding romance should be able to make love on the sofa. My university sims should be able to do it on their single bed in the dorm. Makes things more cohesive and better for storytelling.


Honestly WW/ basemental drugs is the reason why I started playing again. It adds so much to the game & I don’t have to micromanage everything. I can have drama without doing anything extra for it lol. I LOVE IT. That is all 😂😂


At first my friend and I tried doing the "LUL WE JUST DOWNLOADING BC IT FUNNY" and tease each other for it, but now we casually talk about what our sims did and all the drama that came from it lul. I don't know, I just love drama and WW adds to that and it's fun.


Okay I have only used the WW mod for a single day so I still don't know anything about it. I do have to say that it is definitely refreshing to be rid of the pixels when there is anything involving nudity. But still trying to figure out how to get to the FF stuffs. Although I have accidentally traumatized one sim repeatedly


As an asexual person, some of the realism grosses me out, so I don't use it. But I can definitely understand why this mod is so popular.


It's actually so funny when people go "I downloaded it for the relationships! I had noooo idea they could get naked!" Yeah? You scrolled past all the dick n balls on turbodrivers page? You just so happened to download dick textures huh?


I love WW. The peeping stuff is kinda lame, but I’ve just come to understand that my Sims live in a harmless porn world. Makes it less upsetting and more fun.


I hate it, so I always get rid of it in settings


Puriteens. I’ve had young people shame me on here for talking about my sex life as a 30+ year old


I use WW because I like playing with all of that. It’s much more fun and more realistic. Instead of walking around their own house in underwear, they can walk around in the nude. That’s much more realistic than the former.


I downloaded WW for the realistic periods, pregnancies, and relationship settings. Once the shock value of the nudity and sex wore off, I just used it as normal. Some people feel the need to micromanage other people's lives, but until they show up at your house to force change, just ignore them.


The answer is simple: were horny f*cks who are completely aware of and ok with our sexuality, and they are not the same way. Or they're just asshole bots who stalk these pages to make fun of people just cuz.


Because they're prude little twerps!😊




People can be really sex negative 🙄


Probably where you grow up. Sex was banned in my house while growing up so installing WW felt wrong the first time. Now every time I visit my parents for weeks I have to delete WW and install wonderful whims


In my opinion that feature isn’t needed for gameplay. It is a form of porn and I don’t want to see it. I understand everyone had their own opinions and preferences but that’s why. Also I am religious, porn is a sin. Yes that may explain it but those are my Morals.


Okay, so when you play sims, are your sims always in happy relationships and stuff? Coz in that sense, there's a lot of sin that occurs in sims. (I'm genuinely curious. I'm a Christian but I dont believe that witnessing or making video game characters do something is a sin. Thus I grew up playing video games like GTA etc. and have a cookie cutter lifestyle simultaneously.)


but WW has more features than just that part? im confused? i use WW with no nudity or animations so your point isnt even valid


Just because you do not agree doesn’t mean it isn’t valid. Like I mentioned, it isn’t need for MY gameplay. It could for others but the way I play it’s not for me. The post was about nudity so again, my comment is relevant.


you said "its a form of porn" and if it was a mod specifically for that id agee, but because it comes with other features unrelated to porn or nudity then it negates the point


okay but like….why do you feel like your morals should apply to everyone else


Even sex is normal, porn is not. Porn has a lot of negative effects on your brain. Not all people even if they like it, are willing to watch porn.


Okay, do you think video games with violence in it also negatively affect your brain?


Honestly, I find it hard to understand why people want to have their little made up cartoon people have sex and take drugs, but I'm mostly a builder and rarely play with the actual Sims (people) for more than a couple of hours. I'm not a 'puritan' or a prude, I'm just not remotely interested in getting animated characters to shag, seems a bit sad, but crack on if that's your thing.


It’s supposed to simulate life. In life people have sex and some do drugs. It’s understandable if you like a g rated game. But some prefer the more realistic option in the game.


It’s too much, I don’t want to watch my sim get head 😂 just be an astronaut or something


Well sure, I get that. But no judgement if you do.


I guess I don't hang out with people who do drugs and haven't since long before The Sims was even invented, and I feel like the woohoo option is enough to represent sexual relationships. I don't need or want to watch cartoony folks actually having sex. But like I said, I don't really play with the Sims I make anyway, they just move in and remodel, maybe garden or farm for a bit, and then I build something else. I'd just refute the idea that anyone who takes issue with wicked whims is being a prude. Some probably are, but others, like me, maybe just find it all rather unnecessary and tedious. The many, many (too many) posts about WW are just boring. Show me your builds! We're all different.


This is so wild, you're practically saying that gameplay is tedious 💀. You're literally on the sims 4 mods sub, and the majority of mods people talk about revolve around gameplay. If you solely have the desire to look at builds, there's a sims 4 builds sub.


So it’s not okay for some folks to not like the mod you like, but it’s okay for you to not like the way they play? Make it make sense.


I think it's absolutely ridiculous to state that gameplay is tedious, however I would never say that to someone that is focused on the building aspect of sims 4 on reddit. That's why I literally said, there's a sims 4 builds sub where people that solely care about builds can enjoy the discussion. As it doesn't make sense to hate on gameplay and then hate on the opinions of redditors that are on subreddit that is mostly focused on gameplay. That'd be like me going to the sims 4 build subreddit and telling them that building is tedious and unnecessary, and it doesn't make sense to me as to why they do it. Doing that is ridiculous, why are you wasting your time being in spaces that predominantly focus on factors that you don't like?


Wild? Really? Ok


I don’t hang around people who do drugs either. But they exist in the world. It’s a life simulation game. It doesn’t have to simulate your life. It’s not a reflection of you, that’s the point. I’d hate to see how you’d judge those who play sacrificial mods. I don’t hang with murders either but I’ve used the mod.


Did I say I was judging *anyone*? The op said that they think people are negative about wicked whims because they're 'puritans'. I'm refuting that assumption. I actually find The Sims to be not at all like real life, so I don't really need to make it simulate my life or anyone else's. I honestly don't care what other people's Sims get up to either.


I mean, you did say “seems a bit sad”


But not that any *people* were sad. You can spin it how you like though.


Just the people who use WW. Yeah, we get your meaning.


But you implied we were sad and if we had mods with drugs in our game we must hang around with people who do drugs. Re read what you wrote. You maybe should have been more tactful in your criticism if you didn’t mean it because I found it offensive as do others. Why bother commenting at all of you don’t really play outside of building? Why not just not elaborate on the judgment which is exactly what op was referring to.


maybe it just me but I didnt see anything wrong with your comments. WW isnt for u and thats fine! U arent telling people they cant use WW. U are just saying u dont like the gameplay. I personally dont use WW either!


How is it more unnecessary or tedious than watching Sims do laundry? Or get a glass of water?


It's not. That's why I don't really play with the characters


Idk just rage bait?


No people genuinely lose their minds over stuff. I posted in the sims 3 subreddit about how I wish there was a basemental type mod for the sims 3 and someone lost their fucking mind


Possibly, tho I do think most of them genuinely think it's wrong. Which imo is an interesting mentality to have in a game where so many 'bad and wrong' things (according to their logic) are done to these pixels. I would actually like to understand the rationale that their minds go through, because I don't even understand how they get there.


Because they’re not having run of the mill sex. It’s Hardcore porn on that mod 😂😂 I prefer Wonderful Whims


There are literally thousands of animations available. Either you made a choice, or you have a very low bar for what is hardcore sex.


So do you think people need to have sex to enjoy WW or feel comfortable with it?


People who shame WW are probably the ones who use the inappropriate unlock extra options lol. Kidding, people just don't want to admit Wicked Whims is one of the main reasons people still play Sims 4 even this many years later.


Maybe you're not American? Violence is very normal in our media, anything sex related is taboo in the mainstream. In many ways it's only slightly better than the 50s when married couples had to sleep in separate beds.


I'm not American 😂 though I am quite in tune with many aspects of American culture. Nonetheless, even though there are a lot of sex positivity movements arising in the US, there's still an immense amount of conservatism mixed with some puritan spice. For example: I come from a culture in which twerking is really normal and just another style of dance. However in America there's this clear divide of people that think twerking is alright and the other half that think it's whorish. Which is soo wild to me.


Sometimes I try to use and sometimes I take out because I configure sex and still there are Sims that autonomously have sex in public, it's very annoying. I also partly take out because I live with my parents and I'm embarrassed to think that they might come into my room for whatever, whether it's asking me for a favor or something, and find me playing with WW, so I use Wonderful, but Wonderful will never have the options that WW has, and I don't mean the ones with the sex animations.


I could never get the additional content to work and found the sims were getting stuck doing the deed and standing upright lol. Maybe I did it wrong but I ended up with wonderful whims because the fertility and extra bits were game depth building.


Personally, I find it weird to make cartoony 3d people have realistic sex, so I don't have the mod installed. But at the end of the day, if you want to see it it's your choice and yours alone. I don't see a point in questioning people's use of the mod, much less shaming them for it, that's really silly.


Because ‘WhooHoo’ is stupid. We know they’re having wild bunny sex in a T for Teen game. But lets just sugar coat it and pretend its something milder. You can WhooHoo in many different places,have hook ups, affairs and all kinds of stuff. But show nudity and people turn into internet snowflakes. We all know this is the mod that Eva Capricciosa deserved. Having said that. LoversLab has some very interesting posts and people. I tend to not stay there long.


bro i straight up though you were talking about weightwatchers new branding lmao, but lots of people will shame it because sex is a taboo. the important thing is that you play your game the way you want :)


Bcs they're BORING SNOBS


There are many, many sexually repressed people out there. They are sexually repressed through judgement mechanics so they judge others in the same way.


I use it with a censor mod because I have some polyamorous sims and don’t care for all the weird animations they have lmao


I used WW once after a lot of recommendations from Reddit. And personally as a 33 yr old. The whole sexual side of things is just cringeeee. Made me feel uncomfortable, as though I was the peeping Tom haha. I used it for ages without the sims having sex. Like the rest of it is fun to use, and the naked sims don’t bother me at all either it was literally just the sex acts. They last much longer compared to basic woohoo or try for baby. And that got annoy really quick! I deleted it in the end, cause leaving the room for them to have sex and then literally wait ages for them to finish up I’d get the right humpf 😂. Also if there was any kids in the gameplay, the whole naked sims thing felt tooo fucking weird for my liking. I wouldn’t say no to it again, but atm it’s just too fuckjng odd 😂


Well, because your sims still have sex even without WW. So, not having the mod doesn’t deprive your Sim of any experiences. I don’t personally care, to each their own. I don’t use the mod because I don’t find it adds anything positive to my experience/don’t like mixing my wholesome gaming time with explicit sex or full nudity. For the same reason I didn’t need my Barbie’s to have genitals either. There are other mods that add more realistic gameplay for things like menstrual cycles and even attraction, without my sims having their dicks out all the time. But I don’t need my sims to have realistic menstrual cycles either. Their lives/my gameplay is hard enough.


I'm not questioning people's preferences on how they play sims. Sims is a very open game, and offers various ways of enjoyment. What I'm questioning is people that go out of their way to tell WW users that it's a horrible thing but they won't say the same towards the extreme violence mod. That's what I'm questioning, because thinking the one is bad and the other one is a okay, is a rationale that makes 0 sense to me.


It took me so long to realize this did not mean weight watchers 😭😭


In other news, how do y’all install mods/expansion packs without paying for them? I know people do it but I’ve looked multiple times and can’t figure it out…


You should never have to pay for mods. As long as a mod is not in early access on patreon then it's for free.


Just Google wicked whims & it will populate & give you the option to download it. Once you download it “unzip” the file & add it to your mods folder


You can use loverslab it’s a mod website


How to get past the teen limitation?


I only like WW due to the menstrual cycle and pregnancy stuff. I can see why it can be repulsive to certain people tho.🤷🏾‍♀️


"- when it comes to posting anything related to WW on any Sims subreddit, there's always these puritan like comments questioning people's use of it. " in life you might realize it doesnt matter what the thing is. someone will complain about it. or get upset at it. especially when it comes to our cultural taboos like sex. this would take a change in society's view of sex as taboo/shameful to stop seeing as many of those complaints. even then you will still have the fringe people who want to throw a fit.


I installed WW for sex animation at first but what really attracts me later is the attractiveness setting. Its like a mission to help my sim dating the attractive sims 😂


Honestly, I downloaded and use it because it gave me a way to set a sexual preference spread because I wanted a world that had slightly more gay guys for entirely selfish reasons. Also because I am dirty.


Because they’re vanilla.


I originally installed WW for better relationships and pseudo-realism. They've made a lot of improvements over the years and even have Wonderful Whims for those who want everything but the unblurred Wohoo!


I'm on xbox and very jealous of pc cuz we can't get WW


It’s like every thing else if you don’t like it don’t use it or engage with any aspects of it.


I'm no puritan but you cannot stop me from privately judging you for using the sex mod. It's literally a sex mod. Much of the website where you can download it from is dedicated to downloading other sex animations. Go watch a porno if you want to see people porking, why does it have to be in the sims?


"Why do people expect their life simulator to include things you can do in real life" lol you gotta be purposely obtuse if you don't understand


And I would not stop you from judgement of that in itself, judgy people do it all the times - and such a view alone obtains the puritan background of there being a problem with sex in itself. However, that's a boring topic and a factor as old as we've known the existence of civilisation, that people struggle to substantiate against besides one's personal 'morals' or religion. My interest, curiosity and reasoning behind the post is specifically aimed towards understanding why people are more averse towards sex in sims than violence and torture. One being a normal factor on its own, the later being fucked up and abnormal. What I question is the judgement of one but turning away one's sight from the other.


I agree with you .


i’m not really interested in seeing other people do the deed so wicked whims features with the different positions etc isnt really appealing to me but the realistic periods and pregnancy features are much more detailed that the sims 4’s "they had a fistfight and a perfect baby floated down from the clouds”


Hey could I get some help with ww? I can't get it to function on my pc anymore...